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By EMILY HANSON Highclimbers defeated South Kitsap homa on Tuesday, Jan. 10, were not
on the road 4-3. yet available.
The Shelton bowling team came "The team didn't bowl very wellThe team is set to bowl next against
back from winter break on a strong at all against South Kitsap," Snyder Bellarmine at 3 p.m. on Thursday,
note last week. said. "They lost the first game so I Jan. 12, at West Side Lanes. The
On Tuesday, Jan. 3, the Lady was concerned and then they bowled Lady Highclimbers' final regular sea-
Highclimbers defeated Stadium 6-1 like I'm used to and won the second son match is set for 3 p.m on Tues-
on the road. game. Then the girls lost the first day, Jan. 17, against Central Kitsap
"That was an exciting match be-baker game and it all came down to at West Side Lanes.
cause my top two bowlers were not the second baker game." "All three of our final matches are
with me so I had to use two junior Borys led the team with scores of going to give us all we want to finish
varsity bowlers to fill in." Curt Shy- 146 and 199 while Cox scored 147 and out the season." Snyder said.
der. head coach, said. "Caitlyn Borys 136. Smith and Mishawn Ewart both He explained that if the Lady High-
bowled a 329 series and Lindsey Cox scored 134 in game one but Ewart climbers finish the season ranked first
bowled a 328 series." scored 182 in game two while Smith or second in the Narrows League, they
Borys bowled with scores of 167scored 125. Finally, Danielle Ewart automatically receive a berth into the
and 162 while Cox scored 143 and scored 130 and 159. district playoffs. However. if they are
185. Junior varsity bowler Holly Hay- "Borys did outstanding in both ranked third or lower in the Narrows
man scored 172 and 137 while Brit- matches. She held the team up," Sny- League. the Lady Highclimbers must
tany Smith scored 127 and 135 and der said. "Cox has done well the last perform welt at the league tourna-
junior varsity bowler Jessica Rowlett two matches, also." ment on Friday, Jan. 20, at All Star
scored 91 and 148. As of press time, the results of the Lanes in Silverdale to earn a spot at
On Thursday, Jan. 5, the Lady team's match at home against Mt. Ta- districts.
Shelton: at St di
Tuesdayi Ja~:3
Varsity-:Shetto~6i Stadf~l
Tot~li ~:= fatli~ ;Shel~n~ ~ ;7¢i0~ israel: ~5:72
Shelton tt6
"Three road trips, I thought
we'd be tired but we
The Mary M. Knight boys' basketball team was on the
road all last week, picking up victories in three different
On Wednesday, Jan. 4, the Knight Owls defeated Ocos- weren'to The guys stii[ had
~ta 48-43 on the road.
"I think l saw the best team play so a [or of energyo"
far this season~'~ Tim Diggle, head .coach,
said. "They worked together, talked a lot Junior Nick IJierkop led the Knight Owls in this out-
on defense and helped each other out. It ing with 17 points while Johnson scored 12, junior Cory
was a go6d game." O'Neil put up 11 and Willey added 10.
Senior Eric Johnson led the Knight Sexton led in rebounds with 14 while Johnson grabbed
FRIDAY: Owls with 14 points while junior Kyle upll. Willey again led in steals and assists with four each.
MaryiV[~.,54 Willey put up 11 points. Willey also led Finally, on Saturday, Jan. 7, the Knight Owls defeated
Quinault ..... 46 in steals with five and passed out five as- Quinault 54-46.
sists while senior Sean Sexton snatched "They played still with lots of energy," Diggle said.
TOMORROW: up 18 rebounds. Diggle said the team "Overall, we played well. We went against a 1-2-1-1 press
Mary M. Knight kept turnovers under 25, which he and that was the first time we'd seen that. We adjusted to
vs. Oakville, thought was impressive, it and had to break the press a little different than we're
7:30 p.m. "Just about everybody scored," Diggle used to. They finally pulled it because we continued to
said. "Six of the seven regulars scored, break it."
We had a couple out with injuries so we He added that team turnovers were down at 23.
only had seven boys at the game." O'Neil led the Knight Owls with 17 points while Sexton
Diggle said the Knight Owls being undermanned made and Johnson both scored 11.
the victory even more impressxve, since Ocosta had a full Johnson led in rebounds with 15 while O'Neil led in
lineup of 12 players, steals with eight and Willey handed out four assists.
"The team kept momentum up," Diggle said. "I wanted "Three roadtrips, l thought we'd be tired but we
to slow it down to conserve energy but the team wanted to weren't," Diggle said. "The guys still had a lot of energy."
stay with our game plan which is to play with a fast pace The Knight Owls are set to play next at 7:30 p.m. on
up and down the court. They must be in shape because Friday, Jan. 13 at home against Oakville. The team is also
they held on." set to play at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14 at home against
On Friday, Jan. 6, the Knight Owls took on Taholah, North River.
defeating them 59-39. The Knight Owls lost in overtime 56-50 to Oakville in
"We played well. very well," Diggle said. "We broke their last matchup but Diggle said the team can "most
their press and kept our heads where they belonged." definitely" come back for a win against the Acorns this
The Knight Owls made 62 percent of their free throws time around.
and kept turnovers down to 17. "North River is down, so we should do fine," Diggle
"That's a big plus," Diggle said. "We also out-rebounded added.
them 59-32."
of the Great
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nings toward the end of break, a time of being part of a so they could go down to Saint's Pan-
try to deliver the food.
That's dedication that is hard to
come by.
Though the stands at the Lady
Highclimbers' home game on Wednes-
day, Jan. 4, were still not as full as
they could be, I hope the team's effort
to give back will pay off with the com-
munity coming out in stronger num-
bers to support them.
I also hope other teams - not just
at Shelton High but also at North
Mason and Mary M. Knight - follow
the commendable example the Lady
Highclimbers have set thus far.
$ $
to give back to its community. By EMILY community and not
At the end of December, the varsi- HANSON enough people do
ty Lady Highclimbers went to St. Da- so. People take it for
vid of Wales Episcopal Cold Weather granted that they
Shelter to serve food from 4 to 7 p.m. have a roof over their heads, food
I think this is an example worth on their plates and a warm place to
following for other teams, sleep. But by going to a place such
When head coach Aaron Leth as St. David's for just one evening,
started this season, he said he wanted people can help those less fortunate
his team to support the community than they are.
that supports them, thus creating a Serving food was not the only way
symbiotic relationship between the the Lady Highclimbers have given
athletes and their fans. back. Earlier in the month, the team
While serving food, senior Kelsey collected food at two home games, of-
Holloway said she felt the experi- fering raffle tickets for prizes to com-
Shelton-Mason County Journ 31 -Thursday, January 12, 2012 - Page C-3