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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 13, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 13, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PUD commission spars over p idency By NATALIE JOHNSON The project may be under way, but the controversial Johns Prai- rie Operations Center is still caus- ing obvious friction among Mason County PUD 3 commissioners. As most commissions do dur- ing their first meetings of the New Year, PUD 3 commission selected their commission officers for 2011 during their meeting on Tuesday. While the selection of officers, including president, vice-president and secretary positions usually goes smoothly, the subject brought tensions between the three com- missioners screaming back to the surface on Tuesday. Current commission president Linda Gott said that she wanted to continue her presidency until the Johns Prairie project was com- pleted. "I would like to go on record as saying I would like to go one more year because I have been very in- volved in the Johns Prairie Opera- tions Center from the beginning," she said. "Because I've been a positive supporter of the project, I think that would deserve some consideration." During last year's general elec- tion, Gott won her bid for reelec- tion against Theresa Jacobsen, who campaigned primarily on an anti-John's Prairie Operations platform. Commissioner Tom Farmer supported Gott, saying that he be- lieved voters also supported her efforts to develop the operations center. "Considering your victory in Journal file photo PUD 3 commissioners Bruce Jorgenson, left, Linda Gott and Tom Farmer clashed over the president position on Tuesday. that election, I would be in favor of having you continue on to be the president of the board," Farmer said. "I think this is a mandate of the people that the election proved that it would be beneficial to see this project through." However, commissioner Bruce Jorgenson, the current commis- sioner vice-president, did not sup- port Gott, and submitted his own name for the presidency. Gott and Jorgenson frequently clashed over opinions on the op- erations center. Jorgenson consis- tently votes against any resolu- tion or action item related to the construction and funding of the project, while Gott is one of its staunchest supporters. "I don't see how you being the board chair has anything to do with you continuing to be sup- portive and be the commissioner involved with the project," Jorgen- son said. "I disagree with that as a reason." The commission voted 2-1 to re- elect Gott to commission president for 2011. Jorgenson was reelected as vice-president, and Farmer was reelected as commission secretary. "I feel this is some type of a put- down on myself," Jorgenson said. Farmer responded to Jorgenson before the commissioners voted. "This is not a put-down for you, it is an affirmation for Linda. That's my observation," he said. Gott also gave a lengthy re- sponse, condemning Jorgenson for his attitude. Gott shared an observation from former PUD 3 commissioner Harvey Warnaca. "He said Tou'll .have issues where you won't have a unani- mous decision,'" she said. "If you don't agree ... you put it behind you and you move on. You don't air your dirty linen in public." BOOK STORE EN DIAMOND RESOURCE COMPANY rt {} Q Vote YES on the Shelton School District REPLACEMENT Le ! On or about January 21,2011, ballots will be mailed to voters for the February 8th election for the purpose of REPLACING the current Shelton School District maintenance and operations levy, which expires December 31, 2011. If passed, this levy will not impose a new tax in addition to what is currently in place, but will replace (at a lower rate) the expired tax. Replacement Levy facts: The levy rates for 2012-2014 are projected to be less than the current levy rates. • The new levy would not impose a new tax in addition to what is currently in place, but will replace the expired tax. Shelton School District will receive matching money (approximately $7,000,000 over three-year period) f om the state and non-high districts, but only if the levy passes. The Replacement Levy provides about 14% of the district's budget. These dollars support all or a part of many educational programs and services in addition to the maintenance of facilities. The levy .amount to be collected is as follows: 2012 - $6,570,000 ($3.15 per $1,000 assessed valuation) 2013 - $6,786,000 ($3.20 per $1,000 assessed valuation) 2014 - $7,030,000 ($3.27 per $1,000 assessed valuation) February 8, 2011 Official ballots will be mailed to voters on, or about, January 21st. D e NTA L CE N TE R Paid for by Citizens for Shelton Schools RO. Box 1577 Shelton, WA 98584 Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan 13, 2011 By KEVAN MOORE The results are in from the recent Drive Ham- mered, Get Nailed enforce- ment campaign conducted from Nov. 25, 2010 through Jan. 2, 2011. In Mason County, 27 mo- torists were stopped and ar- rested for driving under the influence (DUI), and state- wide, law enforcement offi- cers arrested 3,577 drivers for DUI. In Mason County, the Shelton Police Department, the Mason County Sheriffs Office and the Washington State Patrol participated in the extra emphasis patrols, with the support of the Ma- son County DUI/Traffic Safety Task Force. The ex- tra patrols were funded by a grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. During 2009, impaired drivers killed more than half of the 491 people who died on Washington's road- ways. The 264 impaired driver-involved deaths last year represent a decrease of nine fatalities compared to the previous five-year aver- age. 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