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cout looks to explore
By DEAN SIEMON his major between the medi-
cal field and veterinary sci-
Shelton High School se-
nior, Kyrk Taylor, has admit- ence.
"Because I'm interested in
ted to changing his mind on
his career choice after gradu- science and I really want to
ation, help people," Taylor said.
The Shelton senior said he
"The future is open," Tay- has interest in pursuing mu-
lor said. "I want to keep ex- sic as a minor study.
ploring." Taylor plays the trumpet
Taylor has been accepted
to attend Brigham Young and piano but also sings in
University, located in Rex- choirs. He has been selected
burg, Idaho. to an all-state choir during
Taylor said he has nar- his sophomore year, as well
rowed down his choices for as an all-Northwest choir in
the seventhandeighthgrade, see himself in the bigger with the boy scouts "my
"I've come to a decision BYU campus in Prove, Utah. whole life" and in the Eagle
that music is entertaining "I like the smaller cam- Scouts since the age of 16.
but so many people want to pus," Taylor said. "It's a little Taylor used his senior
do it," Taylor said. more simmered down." project to work with the Ea-
In addition, Taylor said His preference for a small gle Scouts on placing new
the traveling lifestyle of a town atmosphere was de- guide posts and maps along
musician is not appealing to veloped not only in his high the Huff n' Puff walking/jog-
him. school years in Shelton, but ging trail in Shelton, across
"I want to support the fam- growing up in Wyoming from the street from the high
ily and not move from place third to eighth grades, school.
to place," he said. Outside of SHS, Taylor "It has helped me be a
But Taylor said he has said he is involved with his leader," Taylor said.
enjoyed using his talents religion, a member of the While he is excited to go
on stage and is comfortable Church of Jesus Christ for out and explore the world
performing in front of large Latter Day Saints. outside of Mason County,
crowds. "I attend church seminary, Taylor said he will miss the
"Stage fright, everyone getting up at 5 a.m., then I social aspect of life in Shel-
has it, but I'm sort of used to go to church on Sunday and ton.
it," Taylor said. then I have an activity on "I'll miss my friendships,"
Taylor said he chose BYU- Wednesday," Taylor said. Taylor said. "I'll miss some of
Idaho because he could not Taylor has been involved the teachers on campus."
Kyrk Taylor
Olympic College Shelton
to host financial aid seminar
Olympic College Shelton is hosting a Fi-
nancial Aid Seminar for those who are tl;dnk-
ing about going to college but wondering how
to pay for it. Prospective college students, in-
cluding high school juniors, seniors, and their
parents or guardians, are invited to attend a
Financial Aid Seminar at Olympic College
Shelton, Tuesday Jan. 25 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Gateway Christian Fellowship
plans parenting series
Gateway Christian Church's Young
Adult's Ministry is going to be hosting a
valuable series of parenting classes based on
the book, '%'alue-Packed Parenting: Raising
Rock-Solid Children in a Pleasure-Driven
World" by Dr. Kevin Leman.
It is beneficial to all parents of kids
from birth to eighteen. Foster Parents and
S.T.A.R.S. (State Training and Registry Sys-
tem) can get 10 and a half hours to count to-
wards their continuing education.
Over the course of the seven-part, seven-
week video series there are entertaining and
inspiring lessons to encourage parents.
The .classes will be held on Fridays, run-
ning from January 28 to March 11, from 7 to
8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at the Gate-
way Christian Fellowship, located at 405
South Seventh Street in Shelton.
It is open to parents with kids from birth
to eighteen. The cost is $15 per person or $25
for a couple, one workbook per person is in-
cluded in this price. S.T.A.R.S. participants
will need to pay $5 per class for their hours
certification certificate.
For more information about the classes
or to register call the church office at 426-
2758 or send an email to Generation@Gate-
Budget cuts hurt dental clinic
The Mason Community Dental Clinic
completed its second full year of services in
2010. The Clinic serves Mason County's low-
income uninsured and underserved popula-
The recent state budget cuts have had
a significant impact on the Dental Clinic's
operations. As part of the cuts to the state
Community Health Clinics, the state cut a
$40,000 per year contract which subsidized
the 'Tooth-ache Clinic' program. The Dental
Coalition Board is actively pursuing other
funding opportunities.
For 2011, the Community Dental Clinic
received a $2,500 grant from the Commu-
nity Foundation of South Puget Sound to
help support the program. Until new fund-
ing streams are secured, the Clinic is forced
to increase their fee schedule for the Tooth-
ache Clinic.'
At the end of 2010, the state Medicaid
program also cut its dental services to Med-
icaid-eligible adults, except for those in de-
velopmental disabilities program. In 2010,
the Community Dental Clinic served 393
Medicaid-eligible adults. The state Medicaid
program will still continue to support emer-
gency dental services for this population. As
of January 2011, Medicaid-eligible adults ex-
periencing dental emergencies will be seen
through the 'Tooth-ache Clinic.'
In addition, in 2010 the Clinic served 315
Medicaid-eligible children. Since Medicaid is
a federally funded program, dental services
for Medicaid-eligible children have been
unaffected by state budget challenges. The
Clinic continues to accept new Medicaid chil-
dren, and is now participating in the ABCD
program, a program that targets oral health
for children one to five years.
Mason Conservation District
plans election
The Mason Conservation District will be
conducting an election for one Board position
on February 26, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
at the district office for the position currently
held by incumbent Adam James.
In addition, interested parties can submit
an application for one board position appoint-
ed by the Washington State Conservation
The Mason Conservation District is gov-
erned by a volunteer Board. Three of these
board members are elected in a public elec-
tion held in conjunction with our annual na-
tive plant sale. Two members are appointed
by the Washington State Conservation Com-
Additional information can be obtained
by contacting John Bolender by phone
at (360) 427-9436, extension 21 or email at
Mason County
to have special election
The February 8, 2011 Special Election in-
cludes the following districts: Fire Protection
District No. 3, Fire Protection District No.
9, Southside School District No. 42, Shelton
School District No. 309, and Pioneer School
District No. 402.
All voter registration applications, trans-
fers from another county, and changes of ad-
dress within Mason County, submitted by
mail or online, must be postmarked by Mon-
day, Jan. 10, 2011 or may be delivered to the
Mason County Auditor's Office no later than
4:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 10, to be eligible for
the February 8 Special Election.
Persons not already registered in Wash-
ington State may register in-person no later
than Monday, Jan. 31 at the Mason County
Auditor's Office, 411 N Fifth Street, Shelton,
Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Auditor's Office is closed from 12:30 p.m.
to 1:30 p.m. daily.
If you have any questions, or would like
any assistance to register to vote, you may
contact the elections department at 360-427-
9670 ext. 470.
Sportsman's Association
offers training '
The Mason County Sportsman's Associa-
tion (MCSA) is pleased to offer two highly an-
ticipated training opportunities to its mem-
bers and to the general public.
The first course is a NRA approved First
Steps Pistol Course, which will be on Febru-
ary 5, at 10 a.m. at the MCSA Indoor Range
located in the Shelton Airport Industrial
In this 4-hour course participants will
learn the basics of firearm handling and
shooting safety.
The second course is a NRA approved
Home Firearm Safety class. This class will
be presented on Sunday, March 20th at 10
a.m. The location is the indoor range address
listed above. In this four-hour non-shooting
course you will learn the basic knowledge,
skills and attitude necessary for the safe han-
dling and storage of firearms and ammuni-
tion in the home.
If you would like more information about
this topic, contact Jim Baird at 360-877-9308
or captj amesbaird@hcc.net.
International Girl Youth
Development Systems
come to Shelton
The International Girl Mason County
Pageant will take place at The Little Creek
Casino on Saturday, Feb. 26, with check-in
beginning at 9 a.m. Audience entry is $5 at
the door for ages five and up or bring five
items to be donated to Saints Pantry and Kit-
ten Rescue.
For more information you can visit the
national website: www.internationalgirlpag-
eant.com or email mcpageant@aol.com.o
There will also be an informational session
and pre-registration at the Shelton Timber-
land Regional Library on January 20 from 4
to 7 p.m. and on February 7 from 4 to 7 p.m.
:.,-," . ~ -_ .' ..
Camp 5 was located east of Schaefer Creek just a few miles
Grisdale. It operated from Ipoo until the 192o's.
Photo courtesy of the Mason County Historical Society
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan 13, 2011 - Page B-3 4