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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 13, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 13, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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't LOOK N'FORAHOME Martha Cutkomp Martha Cutkomp, 9:3, died Friday, December 31, 2010 at her daughter's horae in Hovland, Minn. She was by her parents.) The resort offered cottages, camp- grounds and a boathouse for rentals, an oyster beach and swimming on Hood Canal. There was also a hotel, caf and a small general store there. a resident of Shelton since She attended Brinnon 1988 (23 years). Communi- She was born Jan. 26, 1917 to Harry Ed: ,n ty Church. Her hob- Jaques and Ethelyn (B me- bies in- dict) Jaques at Mt. Pl eas- c 1 u d e d ant, Iowa. painting, She graduated from Mt. r e a d i n g, [ening indoor Pleasant High School, Iowa gardening Longview, Darrell Morris trhough Woodlawn Funeral in 1934 and received a B.A. of indoor of Ferndale, Kevin Drake of Home in Lacey. in Applied Art at Iowa State Ann Louise and out- Spokane and Mark Drake Online "condolences may University in 1938. Morris door plantsof Lynnwood; sister Judy be sent to the family at She was and spend- Brewer of Chehalis; broth-www.woodlawnfb, com. a nation- ing time with family and ers Gary and Jay Morris of ally rec- grandchildren.Her family Shelton and Lennie Morris Lee Irvina o g n i z e d said she was a very social of Calif.; many grandchil- p o t t e r, person who always opened dren and great-grandchil-Walster pro ducing her door to friends and fam- dren. fur,Lctional ily. Her family shared she He was preceded in death Lee Irving Walster, 85, died January 8, 2011 at his and sculp- had an unbelievable memo- by his parents and wife Ja- home in Shelton. tural pot- ry for the events of her life net. Martha te:Ic¢ for and those of others. She had A service is will be held He was born November Cutkomp more than many fond memories of lifeat 2 p.m. on Jan. 29, 2010 at 1, 1925 to Edith and Charles 70 years, on the canal where she andthe Moose Lodge in Shelton. Lloyd Walster :in Maltby. She was known fc,r her ani-her husband lived nearly all He attendecl Snbhomish mal sculptures, especially their married life. Lee Arthur the owls she crea'Led. She is survived by her He was Her work is included in husband Raymond Morris Neate the many museums and collec- of Shelton; daughter Susan U n i t e d tions throughout America. Parrington (Tad) of Kings-"Lee Arthur Neate, 45, S t a t e s She worked moist of her life ton; son Steve Morris of died Monday, January 3, Navy on in the St. Paul,, Minnesota Shelton; brother Wallace 2011 in Rockport. He was a the U.S.S. area before moving to Shel- Smith (Leatha) of Pt. Had-resident of Rockport for six Noble his ton. lock, grandchildren Grahamyears, rank was An oral hist,ory of her life Parrington (Jana McKin- He was born October 3, Q u a r t e r- and a collection of her works ley) of Olympia and Sheela1965 to Mable and Russell Lee Irving master 3C. are at the lV/ innesota His- torical Societ:y. She was a member of the Eagles Christmas Tree Aerie 3862 ,'and the Shelton Senior Cent er. She enjoyed playing bridge, cribbage and Shadforth (Michael) of Pt. Angeles; great-grandchil- dren Tavia Parrington and Michael Lee Shadforth. She was preceded in death by her parents and Neate in Puyallup. He attended Shelton High School• He worked in security for the Little Creek Casino. He enjoyed fishing, hik- Walster He was awarded the following medals for his heroism: Asiatic Pacif- ic Area Campaign medal, American Area Campaign City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75 which includes vaccine, wormi- er, spay/neuter plus $10 for a city license. New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 360-427- 7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs available may be viewed at: on- line. The hours are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday; from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and Fri- day; and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. The shelter is closed Sunday and Monday. Current listings: Pit Bull Terrior mix, male, three years old. Labrador Retriever, female, two years old. Shepherd mix, male, two years old. Terrier mix, female, two years old. son, Raymond Lee Morris. ing, camping, chess, read-medal and the World War II ] pinochle act well as observ- Please call McComb Fu- ing, baking and traveling.Victory medal. Dasher is telling everyone that he is i ing nature and gardening, neral Home for service in-He is survived by his He married Dorothy ready for a Forever Home. He is looking : She is survived by her formation, son Jacob Russell Neate ofLange on June 29, 1963. fora special family that will share love, I daughters Kay Bahan Online condolences may I Rockport; They were married for near- and attention that this little boy 1 (Dave) of Mechanicville, be sent to the family at b r o t h e r s ly 48 years, needs. Dasher wants to share a lifetime N.Y., Lee Ross (Dan) of Hov- Rea Howry He retired after 30 years of Kitty Cuddling, Napping, Lap Warm- i land, Milm. and Terry Ost- of Ray- for the United States Gov- ing. Dasher will bring playful enjoyment, ovar(Esi)ofAsheville, S.C.; Jerry Lee mond and ernment working as a Re- son Kerlt Cutkomp (Deb) R u s s e 1 1 gional Property Administra- companionship and "Kitty Talk" to the of Minneapolis, Minn.; sis- Morris Sr. Howry of tar for the CSA. right Home. His brother Donner would ters Francesca Stoner of Rockport; He was a member of the like to come too. For information on ] Brunswick, Maine and Jean Jerry Lee Morris Sr., 74, sister Re- Fraternity order of the Ea- Dasher and other indoor only Kitties LeMievLx of Camino, Calif.;died December 29, 2010 in Lee Arthur nata Neate gles, the Moose lodge and call 360-584-0594 or leave a message at 1 four grandchildren and two Lacey. He was a resident of - Hext of the Veterans of Foreign 360-426-2455. great-$~andsons. Shelton for 11 years, l~eace ~ O 1 i v e rWars. She " was preceded in He was born December B.C. and s eral nieces and He enjoyed the northwest A Requesttocome together death by her brother Wil- 16, 1936 to Vernon and Dora nephews, outdoors. He was an avid liamG. Jaques; sister Mabel Morris in Naches. He was preceded in death camper, hunter and fisher- CELEBRATION OF UFE Cuth'bert and her parents• " He was A celebration of life will Army a by his parents, sister Tami man. He enjoyed bowling, Neate Gatewood and broth- golfing and scored a hole in Bill Kevzers be a.t 1 p.m. on Saturday, medic and .... Jan. 15, 2011 at the Eagles last served er Nathan Anderson. one on August 2, 1975. loving Father Grandfather Brother Son A memorial service will He is survived by his ' ' and wonderful Friend to a ..*~:?:. ~::~:~::::=~e~:::~:~:~:: ~ .~::~ located at 411 South First at Fort be held at 1 p.m. on Janu- spouse Dorothy; children i! .... ~ :~: :: ~ :~-: .~°~ ~ Str aet in Shelton. Lewis. ary 15 at the Sedro-Woolley Deborah, Lee Allen, Rox- .... He mar- Ccrmmunity Center located ane, Earl and Laura; nine Please jam us .... ,ii ~,, n n Lo u i se ~o~ ried Janet at 325 Metcalf Street. A re- grandchildren and 11 great-When: %~ Morris in Shelton in Harry and his wife Clarisse, 2:00-s:00 ,m ..... .......... .... "Nancy" ception will follow, grandchildren; siblings Januaryl5t",2OlO(Saturday) : Morris'" :" 199H9" e Terry L Pagel Mary Rupert, Ralph and his Location: • wife Fran, Raymond and his Ann Louise "Nancy" Mar- picked brush and mush- Terry L. Pagel, 58, died wife Pat, Stan and his wife ris, 74, died Monday, Janu- rooms and retired from Bell- January 6, 2011 at Provi-Phyllis. cry 3, 2011 at Providence ingham, dence St. Peters Hospital in He was preceded in death He was a member of 40 Olympia. He was a li[ long his parents, brother Ber- St. Peter Hospital in Olym- ET 8 in Shelton. resident of Jefferson Coun- nard Walster and his son pia. She was a resident ofHe enjoyed taking drives ty. Charles Lloyd Walster. Shelton for 62 years, on old roads, hunting for old He was born September A memorial Service will She was born March 15, bottles and relics. He en-14, 1952. 1936 to Harry and Ruth 'be held at 2 p.m. on Janu- joyed time spent with family He was a cook at numer- cry 16, 2010 at the Commu- (Cabeen) Smith in Spokane.and friends, ous Jefferson and Mason nity Center located at 4350 She graduated from Irene His family states he was County restaurant, . S. Reed High School in 1966. Grapeview Loop Rd., Grape- a wonderful husband, fa- No services will be held view, WA 98546 She married Raymond ther, brother, grandpa andper Mr. Pagel's request. Ar- Morris in 1952. The burial will be at Ta- She and her husband great-grandpa and will be rangements will be made homa National Cemetery. owned and operated Beacon deeply missed. He is survived by his Point Resort near Lilliwaup daughters Kim Morris and (a resort that had been pre- Tara Martinell of Shelton; viously owned and operatedsons Jerry Morris Jr. of Complete obituary information is not only an the:deceased but a part of . sto include their loved ........... ones intere tsii::: activities, as well Journa provides forms is happ :: p ormation on the lives of residents: and:f0 r residents free of charge. Funeral Alternatives offers a variety of simple, cost-effective options. Direct Cremation Send obituaryinformation to: Deadine is 2pm the tuesday before publication. Your Trust Corn ;)etitive Pricing • Pre-Arranged Planning ST Basic Cremation $777.00 Shelton - (360) 427-8044 The Pavilion at Sentry Park 190 W. Sentry Drive L1 Shelton WA 98584 Open mic testimonials prepared or spontaneous by anyone who wishes. For more information please contact: Wendy Lawson at Phone # (360) 481-9517 i!~i! Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan 13,2011 - Page B-5