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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 13, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 13, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Im By NATALIE JOHNSON Story time, according to the Shel- ton Timberland Library, is more than just fun and games. Starting last Tuesday, the Shel- ton library has kicked off their win- ter series of family story times for children age six and younger. This particular series began on Tuesday, Jan. 11, and will contin- ue every Tuesday at 11 a.m. until May 17, with a break from April 5 through the April 12. Kristi Selby, senior youth servic- es librarian for the Shelton branch of the Timberland Library, said that regular story times for small children have become a tradition at public libraries, and that the Shel- ton library wants to keep However story time is about more than entertainment, she said. "It's a great introduction to the library," Selby said. "Also we inten- tionally design story times so they promote literacy." Each story time focuses on "pre- reading skills," she said, including listening, story comprehension, vo- cabulary and narrative skills. These skills, Selby explained, get pre- school aged kids ready for kinder- garten and eventually, first grade. "The research shows that when the pre-reading skills are estab- lished kids tend to do better in school." Along with listening to stories from books, storytellers Selby and AmeriCorps volunteer Megann Schmitt also engage kids with in- teractive games, rhymes and even impromptu dance sessions to work out extra energy. They often have craft time, and suggested books for families to read at home too. The library also offers bilingual story times on January 29, Febru- ary 26 and March 26 at 11 a.m, ,They're geared towards children who know Spanish is their first lan- guage, but stories are in both lan- gnages," Selby said. Also, the library works to accom- Journal photos by Natalie Johnson Preschool kids listen to story- teller Megann Schmitt during the Shelton Timberland Library's family story time. modate the schedules of local day- care facilities. "We know that sometimes it's tricky for daycares to get here," Sel- by said. "I encourage day care pro- viders to call us if they're interested in setting up a special story time." While the family story time ca- ters to children under 6 years old, the library also offers programs for older kids, including "Reading Ex- plorers" for children in fourth to sixth grade. This class takes place Thursday, Feb. 3, then the last Thursdays in February, March and April from 4 p.m. to 5p.m. Pre-registration is re- quired for this program. No registration is required for the family story time. December 2010 David Brissette, 21, of the Shelton CHOICE High School was selected as Student for the month for December 2010. He was recognized for the accom- plishments in his school and was honored by the Shelton Li- ons Club at their regular meet- ing on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010. He is the son of David and Judy Brissette. David's father is re- tired and his mother is a domes- tic homemaker. One of John's major scho- lastic accomplishments was re- ceiving Academic Achievement awards. He has been a repre- hensive on the student advisory board and loves to play hock- ey. He has also received many NJROTC awards and sent on many trips to military bases; e.g., Bangor Submarine Naval Base, Pendleton Marine Base, Ore., Sandpoint Naval Base and Ft. Lewis Army Base. One of his many community service accomplishments was spending many hours working with various people of the Shel- ton community. After graduating from The CHOICE High School, David has decided not to seek a college education at this time but has set his sights on joining the U.S. Army. He has not yet decided on his vocation in the service. The collective efforts of the staff and faculty of the Shel- ton CHOICE High School chose David for his community dedi- cation and exceptionally high David Brissette achievements wit:hin the high school. The "student of the month" is a program sponsored by the Shelton Lions Club designed to recognize students that pos- sess qualities of outstanding community involven ent and/or academic achievements while attending the Shelto,:u CHOICE High School. Stop. Oo pmmzoi 2911 Brockdale Road Truck Located on Hwy. 101 between Shelton & Olympia 3 0o426.47,: ,3 Call For Details and Pricing to Other Areas $46.90--.. $17.29 D~e ~ ~ ~m-Thtx 7arn - LooM~ et the I~ of Highway t0! & 105, n~xt m the Li~le Creek Ca#tno Reeort SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury. Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan 13, 2011 Printed in Shelton, WA, USA using US-made ink and US-made newsprint with the highest percentage of recycled content in the industry. Thank you for recycling. Printed With SOY INK !