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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1921 m l THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL III II I PAGE THR I , i; | '. ,'/? PERISCOPE AUTO WARNING SIGN A SUCCESS ] @ G "- .... by the Mont The I FROM MARION, OHIO, 1 , TOO Miss ' .lmme Masters. American contralto, Is from Presldenr Elect Harding's home town Marion. Ohio She has been tudvlng in Washington for some time. bu! ia soon to start on" an- )ther American tour DOING THEIR DUTY ,Scores of Shelton Readers are Learn- ing the Duty of the Kidneys To filter the blood is the kidneys' duty. When they fall to do this the kid- neys are weak. Backache and other kidney ills may follow. . .... b, Help the kidneys do their work. Use Dean's Kidney Pills--the test- ed kidney remedy. Ask your neighbor proof of their worth in the following: Mrs. E. H. Heckler, 321 E. Sixth St., Olymria, Wash., says: "I never hesitate to recommend Dean's Kidney Pills for I know from past exper- ience that there isn't anything better for kidney trouble. It hasn't been very recently that I have had occa- sion to take Dean's but I used to have backache occasionally. At such times Dean's Kidney Pills always gave quick relief." Place 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy--get Dean's kidney pills--the same that Mrs. Heckler had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y. CUTTING THIRD TEETH Aged Man Is Also Renewing HIs Youth. The adage that there is nothing new under the sun has been disproved by N. D. Starr of Memphis, who has cut a third set of teeth at the age of eighty-four, when usually the new molars, bicuspids, etc., that can be achieved are those purchased from a dentist. Mr. Starr, who is In the employ of the Memphis Artesian Water company, recently found himself in need of a set of tlese artificial substitutes for the teeth provided by nature. But when he visited the dentist the price was too high and he decided to go toothless. However, through one of the unaccountable happenings which sometimes upsets all rules, Starr dis- covered that he was cutting 12 new teeth. They are almost through now, although they are not very useful yet, owing to the fact that his gums are sore in a fashion familiar to all moth- era of teething infants, or to boys and girls whose second teeth are replacing their baby teeth, and even the older boys and girls who proudly announce: "I'm cutting a wisdom tooth." SLEEP WALKER BUMPS COP Strange Case of Somnambulism Re. • ported From "Boston Suburb. A trange case of somnambulism aroused the attention of the police of Malden,. Mass., when two policemen held up Mrs. E. H. Annis, 43 years old, of 98 Buffum street, a nurse engaged on a Medford case. Patrolman John Campbell of the Malden force saw the woman walking with eyes wide open and gazing straight ahead. He followed her and with Patrolman John Murphy placed himself In her path and she bumped into them. The woman screamed and seemed very frightened. Answering inquiries thewoman said she is a nurse and frequently suffers from somnambulism wizen her nerv- ous system is overwrought:while on trying nursing cases. She said she was absolutely asleep up to the time the officers stopped her. The officers took her to the station and after questioning her brought her back to the house where she is nurs- ing a very sick person. Painless Parker The Famous ,Dentist EOPLE living a hundred miles or more away come to my offices to have their teeth fixed up. I make it a rule that those from a distance shall be waited upon immediately and their work be completed first, so twenty-eight offices, and all my associ- ates in these offices have been taught how to practice painless dentistry as well as I can do it myself. We have fixed up the teeth of over a million people, and call our way of practicing they can go back home as ,"the E. B. Parker System." soon as possible. Years ago I discovered how to extract and fix teeth with- out hurting, and was so successful that people called me "Painless" Parker. My practice has grown until I now have If your teeth are bothering you, and you want them put tn good shape without hurt- ing and without pay- ing a fancy price, come to our nearest office, which you will find located at 13th St. and Pacific Ave., Tac'ma, Washington. .ttkt w PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Monday, January 10, 1921. Board of County Comnllssion(!rs met in regular session. Present .V. A. Hunil', ,Vnl. E. Daniels an: S V.'. llanton and cler;: of'tL'e b,,ard. Moved and carried that Win. E. Denials be appointed, chairman. Moved and carried that Tom Moran acL as road sui)ervisor for road district No. 2. Petition from Road District No. 7 asking that Nels Mlckelson be al)l)olnt- ed as patrolman for Navy Yard litgh- way No. 3. Moved and cm'rled that Nels Mickelson be appointed as patrol- man for Navy Yard Highway No. 3. Petition from Road District No, 7 asking that AI Ward be appointed pa- trolman for Navy Yard Highway. Pe- tition rejected. Petition from Road District No. 3 asking that Arthur E. Griggs he ap- pointed road supervisor for Road Dis- trict No. 3. Moved and carried that this petition be tabled. Letter received from State Highway Commissioner, in regard to condition of Federal Aid Project No. 58. Com- missioners advise that they are doing all work possible to keep this road olaen. Letter received from P. %V. Nance? I protesting against the appointment of F. Rendsland as road supervisor for Road District No. 7. Filed. lIoved and carried that W. A. Morri be appointed registration officer for Skokomish precinct. Moved and crried that the following patrolmen and road supervisors be appointed: Roy CarrSec. 1 and that part of Sac. 2 to John's Creek, Olympic High- way. Joc Vail--See. 3 and part of Sec. 2 from John's Creek to See. 3, Olympic Highway. John Hawk---See. 4. M. F. Plxley--Sec. 2, Navy Yard ]]iglraay. vVililam Deyette---Road Dist. No. I. F. Rendsland--Road Dist. No. 7. Ed. :Hiller--Road Dist. No. 0. David Ellison--Road Dist. No. 3. E, S. Duffy--Road Dist. No. 8. Asa Bateman--Road Dist, No. 4. Emil Anderson--Road Dist. No. 5. Order consenting to the establish- ment of grade crossing by the Goodro Logging Co. in NVI, of Sec. 21, Twp. 21, Range 2 W. %V. M. received and filed. Moved and carried that the auditor be authorized to call for bids for the improvement of Concord Beach road, to he opened February 7, 1921 at 10 a. m. Moved and carried t,, t'nanelal all be extended to the following named • persons: Mrs. J. McEwer, and Mrs. McLean. Moved and c.rried that all persons who are not Franted aid for the com- ing year be n,)tified tha it would be necessary to care for them at the Oounty Farm. i Contract entered into between County Commissioners and Library Associa- tion for two years at .$25.00 per month. Contracts with county. i Moved and carried that the following resolutions be adopted: BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /t,ruant to action ,i the B.oard of Count 7 c0mmlssl0ners, the ollbwing schedule of wages for labor on cx}unty 'roads .will be adopted, and the same !will take effect from February 1 1921: Truck foreman, per month ...... $150.00 County driver, per month ....... 115.00 Supervisors, per day ........... 4.50 Labor, per day ................ 4.00 Team, per day ................. 4.00 Patrolmen, per day ............ 4.50 Survey men, per day ........... 4.00 Truck drivers, per. day ......... 5.25 By order of the Board of County Commissioners this 10th day of Jan- uary, 1921. WM, E. DANIELS, Chairman. %V, A. HUNTER, S.. W. BLANTON. Ztesolutiou. Whereas, at the session of the Legis- lature of the State of Washington held in 1919 an act was passed and approv- ed authorizing the County Commie- sioners to transfer at the end of any fiscal year the amount to the :credit of the Domestic Animal Protection lVund that exceeds the sum of $200.00, to a Wild Animal Bounty Fund, to be used in the payment of bounties .on wild animals killed within the county in the manner provided by law; and . Whereas, at the end of the fiscal year 1920 there remains a cash bal- ance of $125.00 in excess of the Two Hundred Dollars to be retained in the Domestic Animal Protection Fund, Therefore, we do hereby authorize the County Treasurer to transfer $125,50 to a Wild Animal Bounty Fund. Done at Shelton, Washington, Janu- ary 10, 1921. , ,! WM. E. DANIELS, Chairman. W. A. HUNTER. S. W. BLANTON, Commissioners. At t os t: IONE W. DYLE, Clerk; It having been called to the rttnn- ,ion of this Board, that the office ell County Engineer of Mason County is}' vacant, and the Board having inquired] of the matter and it appearing to the I satisfaction of the Board that sMd ' offlce is vacant on January 10, 1921. it' is by this Board in regular session assembled, resolved I The the office of County Engineer of I fason County, "Washington, is, and the} same is hdreby declared to be, vacant  by reason of no candidate having been I elected to this office, ] Done in regular session this 10th I day of January, 1921. l WM. E. DANIELS, Chairman. W. A. HUNTER, S. W. BLANTON. County Commissioners of Mason County, %Va[nhington. The Board of County Commissioners of the County of M:ason, State of Washington, having by resolution here, tofore regularly made and entered of record, declared the oillc} of County Engineer of said county vacant, by raeson of no candidate having been 'elected to this olIlee, it is now after due conslderath)n, resolved and ordered That Earl F. Dickinson, of Shelton, Vashlngton, be, and he is hereby ap- pointed Special County Construction Engineer of iason County, Washing- ton, for the period of one year from datd. Done in regular session this 10th day of January, 1921. WM. E. lbANIELS, V. A. HUNTER. S, %%r. lqLANTON. Approved: CHAS. IL LEWIS, Prosecuting Attorney. It having been called to tile atten- tion of this :Board that the office of County Coroner of Mason County is vacant, it is by this Board in regular session assembled, resolved That the office of County Coroner of Mason County, Washington, is, and the same is hereby declared to be vacant I by reason of no candidate having been elected to this office. Done in regular session this 10th day of January, 1921, Vl. E. DANIELS, Chairman. W. A. HUNTER. S. W. BLANTON. The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Mason, State of Washington, having by resolution here- tofore regularly made and entered of record, declared the office of County Coroner of said county vacant, by rea- son of no candidate having been elected to this office, it is now after due con- sideration, resolved and ordered That A. N. Ward be, and he is hereby 'appointed County Coroner of Mason County, Washington. Done in regular session this 10th day of January, 1921. WM. E. DANIELS, W. A. HUNTER, S. W. BLANTON. County Commissioners of :Mason County, Washington. Bond of R. W. Potts, county sheriff, $5,000.00 approved January 4, 1921. Contract entered into between County Commissioners and Anne McMahon, county nurse, for the period of one year at $125,00 per month. Moved and carried that the bill of Shelton Lumber & Shingle, Co. in the amount of $24.53 be allowed. ,Ioved and carried that all other salaries of county employes be placed at the same rate as before. Bonds of A. N. VCard, Justice of the peace, $500.00; Cha. R. Lewis, prose- cuting attorney, $5,000; W. A. Tucker, game warden, $1,000. Approved Janu- ary 3, 1921. Board adjourned to meet :Monday, February 7th, 1921. %VM, E. DANIELS / Chairman, IONE W. DOYLE, Clerk. Wire and Vulcot Waste Baskets, Wire Letter Trays, Columbia Trans- fer Cases, Letter Files and Board Files. Also Card Index Boxes. Journal Stationery Shop. SWEET - HOME L ================================================= Have You Read These? They are the lateyt fiction, one publizhed in 1921 The Mysterious Rider--lane Grey. The Devil's Paw--Oppenheim. Heart of Unaga--Cullum. Thread of Flame--King. .... : North of the Law--White. The Matrix--Davis.  The Red Lady--Burt,  Sunny Ducrow--Cooper. " Hidden Creek--Burt. The Tempering--Buck. What's the World Coming To ?--Hughes. Mystery of the Silver Dagger--Parr{sh.--" Mrs. Marden--Hickens. The Slayer of Souls--Chambers. Johnny Nelson--Mulford. A Poor Wise Man--Rhinehart. The econd Latchkey--Williamson. ' Poor Man's Rock--Sinclair.  Whispers--Dodge. :!;: :j The Fortieth Door--Bradley. Blacksheep, Blacksheep--Nicholson. Priced $1.50 to $2.00 everywhere. We carry a good line of Popular Copyrights at to $2.50. We carry the largest stock of books in town. Journal Stationery Shop =================================================== Glycerine Mixture Prevents Appendicitis Simple glycerine, bu'ckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ks, removes all foul, accumulated poisonous mat- ter fzom BOTH upper and lower bowel and prevents appendicitis. Re- lieves ANY CASE gas on stomach or constitpation. The INSTANT pleas- ant action of Adler-i-ka surprises both doctors and patients. A business :man reports great benefit in a long standing case of indigestion and sour stomach. Fir Drug Store. LOGGED OFF LAND For sale in this County to Actual Settlers on easy terms. Price $5.00 per acre and up. Write for map giving all infoihation, Weyerhaemr Timber Co. Tacoma, Washington Every Ford Product a Helper 0W'S the time to buy that Ford Car or Ford Truck or Fordson Tractor. Never were higher quality materials woven into these great utilities; never have prices been more reasonable, nor that dependable and "After-Service" so complete. Machine work is always more precise" than hand work. The spedial tools and machines in our garage are the same as those being used and recommended because of their precision and time- saving qualities, by the Ford Motor Company. Our modern and up-to-the-minute equipment makes it possible for us to do any work on your car, truck or Fordson tractor from a minor ad- justment to a complete overhaul. The promptness with which we do the work is a by-product of these specially designed ma- chines; and we charge only the reasonable Ford prices for your work. If your Ford car isn't running at top-notch efficiency, bring it here to Ford headquarters--that's to us. One of our Ford mechanics will adjust or repair it for you with as little delay as. possible. Keep your car in good condition. It's the most eco- nomical way. . ........ * D "The House of Prompt Service WALLACE JOHNSON MOTOR COMPANY Shelton, Wash. i ! i