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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;PAGE FOUR " THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL WASHINGTON JERSEY At/.., SAL00--Two co,00er ,ors and "--=:'-= ...... -:--=-------:--=- .... ==== ......... ' ...................... = =- ................. ,Ttn  ........... £L1LL.L,£m lIilJL _ILU [ large barn and garage at 9tl and [ GRANT C. ANGLE & SON. Publishers LLU5 [0l /. ,, [ Ra!lroad Sts. Enquire at Shelton PICT'U[ FRAM00(I ' ........... " LOSi--Between Matlock and Cu,l BaKery. . 1-21-3t .W(ember of Washington State Press and Washington Newspaper Assoclation MRS WARREN I INCOLN RE "R" t man's camu on January 9th ' '-]/ ! __ • -  I - . ,. . ,o0x,,y-, F mn ................. :----.--------  RESE.NTS LINCOLN HFII1) } tn'e and run wth chain boot on ] OR SALE--Ten-acre tract on Mat-  m©u  ona-mass matter at the postomce at Shelton Washington   tire Reward Chas 5 aso lOCK rosa near HiCKSOn'S fair soil • ' OI  .... i n, Shcl- . , • . Published every Friday morning. JLRSE]S 1 ton. 1-14-1t I level land, neighbors, $100. This 1'/@:, : 1  Oubscrition- Domestic: $2 per year. Foreign, $2.50 in advance  [[ office. !!-,.2.: : , (u papers (llsconUnuea one nonth after delinquency) On January 5th in Seattle th o 1 ILOST )'u" f ',1,- .... o€. ..... [ .................................... i Wals!lington Je, sey Cattle Club,wluch I school house and She%n Bakery [FOR ,S.AI,E--Supenor range; good ' ,-,'2 )' .'J/g x |{ UNEMPLOYMENT t,,, veen (mlTnant since tne death of] last week. Finder please return tel con,men; price $35. Phone 193, i!)ii(/ .\\; [i ....... enm;or lroy, is Iormer secretary, I Mrs. Berenice Potts. 1-14-28-3t [ Shelton, o1" inquire at this office. : i.: ...... . £/;::):? It will be recalled that two w.r, na .+ +h +m + ]w ornjz?.lby el(! lmmbe]:s and [[  iiX  ..... . ............. ___ - --: -.- =---y .  ....  ........ liie.j;,,,(tlnocu{ate(l wJm n.ew ]WANTED--Bids for clearing 20acres [CUT FLOWERS and wreaths for .... ::,,. .... r cuuury wa tanner anxious aoou now me returning the-:" 2"': ...... ,-Keep pace wtn] in Agate district Phone or write] Iunerals; bulbs, trees and shrubs l: : g ea increase oI oersey ousiness [ A Matthes R 2 Shelf  o o+ o all kinds, can be had of soldiers were to be cared for and returned to useful in the state  • " ,. : on. ,-,-[  a • , - Mrs. i.=!:,/ [: " f The pul ose of the I ' " ! smer unson, nelton. Rush or- avenues of employment and the various legislatures in- _ . "P . . cub is to pro-/ROOMS TO RENT--Au,ly to Tom/ ders receive prompt attention. .c!udlng that of Washmgton passed several laws wiich °he/'ieY anmter;Se?2;l tr:ff°I:d / R:tadsSle::: door to Peerls[4.Mlr-1 ')fi:" i i was ex ected would aid returned service men and re state. The first function of [ " " " "]I i ! •  P . .  __ _ P "|the newly or,anized I,., ...-n . .... - [ ,f, ,- /tl , . 00,oe wor0000or e00er00ooo00 00owever. 00eturnin00 =n.00oo00erato w" = o, l l . . ;. ," o - other ie .... ;:e leadfly assimilated rote trade:and industry at the [tartnpSa?no:sJersey field man ! A;p]yat?ba:g:nce" F. conldlto Ii.,. T .... T__ p a ng goes wages, aria many of these schemes were/ E. L. Brewer of Satson the for-[FOR SALE M '  a"V IVW iear A LARG] ASSORTMENT OF | " " " .... • mer resident of the organization, -- ilk cows, some coming TO SELECT FROM. [ neverputmtoactlvepractme. N owthecountrymreally/predP. The following officers were ] fresh soon. Price $60 to $75.1 UPTO DATE MOULDING | facing a condition of unemployment during the readjust-!elected: President, Cyrus Gates, ] tat2Ubtoffi(Upper Skokomish) I The dawn of the New Year is now ment period, and the need for some ,substantial relief S°ut.hwBlingLhan]nVi)etlPcrsident, [ .. p ce. 1-14-28-3t [with us. Business of all kinds will The ! :fr • , " , cn; see- " ' . .... om the state or natron is called for. ]retary-treasurer, C. A. Phipps, Span-/LOOSE HAY for sale at Shelton soon be readjusted to meet settled Hackman Poto Shop t It will be necessary to issue bonds of the state to I[w y: The board of directors con-[ .G.C. Angle. " Iconditions, so let's push forward op: cover the bonus uavments about to be made t, ,,, Iao ue ) L:Bwe, T.., .... /timistiCally into 1921, forgetting the  ,,,,, ;+ ,',,, ^ ...n ., ...... -'__ -_ _  ,. '."' [C. Sears, Winlock: )'A"(.-',; o" ,--overooard z.rom Arcadia float/past and confident of the future. . • ,,,,i ,,-, - ,-,- e weu o revive me plan oI DUllGlnff/-uim. C  -mA. b22;.:==-": .J.; ?-fee emyy ana wo :tmi union oil state roads under the -n n-, -,- *^* .... ,_,._ .O]rezi e .{+ .......... volant; . W. rans. mder notify Ahur An- .. _ .._ . ...... , _ ow ,*,) laaax, t.AtbUllbUly blitZ/  ' % .... . . aerson. Reward for return 1 21 By uniting in our efforts we can Carlyon biI1, which would have started at onc an ex sh ery Jeey.oreeder in the state . • - make this a banner year for the • . e " d get behind ths organization FOR SAL ' ros erit of tenslve pavmg plan based on future automobile revenues, /and help put the Jersey cow at the ), .... ----Horse, =,,/' ,.'. 00,=on 0ou=00 W., SHELTON was defeated by voters at the last election, but it ms- be i?- it will be a direct benefit to [So r  arver._o}" cow pony. [you neip;, • . o .. • . , . , d =very owner oI pure ored .Irearo . •  , Will raae lOl" possm,e Ior :ne legislature now in session to devise som and of grade Jel'seys )as well ..... z- S;OCK cattle. Also for sale Jersey WhiM, ¢M ............ LA U N D R Y __ _ __:.__ __ _ ., , . ._ _  " - • Oral. ooct service animal of the ........... vuce luring ±uz Vm, o #m!ganeaa w]n ne paving program, though in  E DOartrdl:amily. Cheap• Write for we are going to have some interest- a more llmle(l way ana under some ,other plan p . . . Chas. Wivell, Shelton. ing thing. to tell you. Now equipped with power ms- One yearling heifer, mostly white It is the province of government to take care of the with red spots on body and around :yes, crop off left ear; came to my people in emergency and extend the right kind of aid to ,lace in October. Owner may ha4e hde them over the rough periods, When individual capital ,ame, by proving property and pay- " - Ing charges Charles Wiveli h is weak or shy of "great undertakings. The state has| ,ostoffice. " i Sse °n much work to do, out of the sphere of local effort, such I as highway building, arid and swamp land, or ven log-!FOR SALE--Young Berkshire pigs, ged land development, and it could readil undertake one' goo. stock; ready for delivery after Y January 7. Jay Needham. 1-15-3t or more of these means offered to provide extensive em- -- ployment.. -- It is hardly likely, however, that ttny great sum need be involved in this line of effort: ori he part of the state, because merely the effect of having such to fall back would stimulate all Other. state, industry and presto! everything is moving along nicely and, there is no un- employment. ......... Do you notice the way the local merchants are run- ing amuck in their lines of goods. Better investigate the half-prices our advertisers are offering just now to "start things." ,The New Year starts off hopefully, and the big new deal in administrations is mot itoo far' 6ff to start some- thing in anticipati0n/ ..... .< - IBy :the way, What happened to mde-track the Chem- ical :,fire apparatus ,the :city dads were talking about last summer? DZNA'¢ ''Ulg"':l'lg. ' ....... Five Hundred Dollars conditioned for S/AN ODI"ANC] IEI AIING £'" i "' the faithful performance of his duties TOWN lCEilS OF T'I-IE "l)W/ ` over. tO the .proper omcers au moneys OF] SHE£'I"ON AMI'NL)ING E" which may ,coine Into his hands be ]|! 'rm 2 o;, OlDi.C NUi, !.°"'i' ho Town' of Sheitoe, 7, } ENTITLIIJ ."AN ORDiNANJxie*:sall'alSo appolht steh other dep- I}LATiNG TO Tltli' DUTIES AND iuty marshals as tle conditions may re- Ct)ML"IeNSATION O[ TOWN OFlOl- quire. Said deputy marsl, als shall re- CERS )I,' Till,' TOWN ely SltEL ]eelve such coml)ensation for their, ser- N,NNJ25'i:'EALING OItDNAN- [eirClnS the 'town Council shall de- " • ' D NO. 30," AND liE- S '" • PEALING SECTION .1.. Oh' OltDl- [, ..ctio V" . Tls; ordln0.nce,.shall, be. NACI NUMIIi,;R 85 IdNTiT1 ED'#L " .uJ orce and er!ect from and after DAOINNI,IIN'NNDINN Olttil:':lunIlagedt;nnJdnPUblle'i°lng"21 regular • !]  * '" ' TO THE , DI(I'JIES AND COMPENSA'r.ION OleL.,l,sed J a.n!lary 11, 1921., regular "1"1-11'I TOWN OFI?ICIItS AND', Ilg- I°u. c* mee[ag,;i . i PNLING ORDINANCES NO -.25 | 'pproved Janlary 11, 1921. .A, NI.,} .NO. 30." " j -i/ '(SEA :": 1• C. MATHEWSON Ss Z  o Couaal of m*]Attes: F/)W. "rEGT,EYm CleMrk ayOr" 0W @ ]I9 ..... | Published January 14, 1921. i-'i'4-It '..§IION I, That lcctloii" 1 of:!0ii.l - ........  I;" ",; LITIRtIO Nmber 85, entltlcd "An Ordl-[ . , .'. .... :" - ancc amending ordinance lumbr d0, [  ....... >: ! :-:'.' -'  i ;;' _.., being an ordlha'¢0 telating to!the d1l-] l '>.. . .... ' . ties and compensation , 0f .l'own. Offi- | | i )-...t,, ' l 1" and re paling ordinanCes N0.."] / I  ' ..O.t)llxl ' z and N, O( be attd tile same hereby/l .... ' ' | are rOpealea.. . /@ , , . Section II, That Section 3,| . ....... . , ,..., . T lance Number 79. entitled "An "f2'[. rs, '. wart is spenalng a xew naace rely:tin K to the datles and corer ]1,$ t tle home of her daughter, pensatiQn el Town Officers of tle TOWn /''e Ball of aberdeen 0f Shslton, 'and repealing ortnan& / .,. ' - :*.2 , ".-. 2o. 25 and No. 30," bs and the  ame [,.lr,,(l ,.s. uy weayer spent hereby.are amended to road a follows,  ]Sutday at the-,Waldbergerome. Section IL He shall ecelvs as corn-| Mr. and Mrs.',Young spent Wed- pensatlon for his servides as marshal |leslt, at. Wn /n¢l' the sam Of One, Hundred Dollare / l:o "" ............... .. {$100..00) per month; payable monthly, ] y arr ,was re-appoineo perma- i@ lsald monthly salary shall be nent highway overseer. p,a p" warrants t 9n th9 war Quite a number from this vicinity tr llt, , , . "_ .. ,. , , ...... ...... .-:. attended 'the jneral of Mr. Ken-  hfil| eze foi  th8 tle ana ned,, in Ol,,tnuia o-day cnsttt of the Town of SheIton the sm -%v. =.  v , • of One Dollar for each arrest made for Miss Ruth Greenwood is spendint violatioti Of an" of tie Twn ordl* the week in 01vm, nantes: H Mmll alo rec'eive in addl- The "o " ;: _.'.'r . , , and en scn el G]SrlCl; lla puzcnasea tioh tO the above', for the ds b - elit of the Town of Shelton, such fees a neW stove which adds greatly to or serving any proess and perform the comfort of ea , ' - t cher and pupils lng any other duty as n officer of the these cold day, police court, as are pi'ovided by law for constables for performing similar Mrs reenvood and daughter Mil- servlcse before Justices of the Courts• ,i]rd pent Tuesday afternoon with ] Mrs. Twentyier. ] Little Norms Adams, who has been Ion the sick list, is Improving. Roy Carr was a business caller in [ helton Tuesday. All said fees to be paid into the cur rent expenff fund of th0 Town  of Slzelton, I-Ie shall have general super- vision, Over the water system, and shall examine the water system, pipes .rd resorvolre and report their condi- tion at every regular meeting of the Council. He shall make all taps and lay all branches from the line to the curb, put in boxes over the stop and waste cocks, and cover a|l branci lines tn the streets, lie shall receive and report to the Town Clerk all applica- tions for water, He shall be the cus- todian of the tools, material and per- sonal property belonging to the water department, an account of which Ie shall keep in the proper book, and re- port the same to the council on re- quest. I-Ie shall examine from tie to time, the streets, alleys and horoughfares of the Town of Shelton, all the side- walks and grounds belonging to the Town, all wharves, culverts, sewsrs, drains and crossings, and exercise gen- eral care over the same, and report to the council at each regular meeting thereof the condition of the same. When any of the said etreets, alleys, sidewalks, bridges, culverts, sewers or crodng shall, in the Judgment of the said Marshal, need immediate repair- lugs, in order to protect the interests of the Town, he shall make such re- pairs forthwith and report the same to the council at the first meeting thereafter. Section IV. The mayor With the consent of the council shall appoint, a chief deputy marshal, who shall serve under the direction of the marshal. Each deputy shall execute a bond to the Town of Shelton in the sum of 1-28-3t H. SAUER PRACTICAL PAPER H/kNGER AND DECORATOR Phone 71F6. P. O. Box 465 Shelton, Wash. 4-22 Mason County Abstract & Title Company (Under State Supervision) Shelton, Wash. chinery for first class work• FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRAL HOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. We find after taking stock we have a number :of some old stock, which we are closing out at our00windows and bargain counter. This week we are offering the following: broken lines and a big reduction. Watch Girls' Gingham Dresses Girls' Dresses made of the finest qual- ity gingham, in sizes from 4 to 14 years. Regular prices $2.75 and $3.00, now--- $1.75 Children's Percale Rompers Children's every day Percale Rompers in three colors. Regular price $1.25 and $1.50, now 75c .. - .... ;'... -' Children's Fancy Rompers Children's Fancy Rompers, made of. . the finest gingham, m assorted' colors. Sizes from 2 to 6 years. Regular price $2.25, now $1,.50 ,  ........ ;"-, ,, Men's Dress Shirts Men's Dress Shirts of assorted styles and colors, in sizes 14, 141, 16½, 17 and 17. Regular price $2.50 and $3.00, now $1.00 Lumbermen's Hercantile €ompany "The House of Service and Quality" SHELTON, WASHINGTON iii,