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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.f RiDAY, jANUARY 14, 1921 THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL iti|||||||li||i||iilii||ii||i|i|[i|ti|i|iij|iiili|||i|||i|||i|i|]l||in|||||i|j|||||||ii||i|i||ii||||i|||g AZLY COUNTY SETTLE  HABSTZNE .v " " --I DIES AT HOQUIAM HOSPITA T- Miss Edna and Master Archie.Kn- -- w • • I ; • ' ] James G. l(ennedv, said to be the dred were passengers on th' Soya f"J.t[ll trTl l"eTSOraL -[first white child born in Olympia, Monday morning en route to Ta- m ............ ------[and one of the earliest settlers in coma where they are attending ---- --' Mason County, died at the hospital school. =  in Hoquiam last week after a year's Mrs. A. O. McCay was One of the llii|llllliililliiliillilll|lll illness. The funeral was hehl in Arrow's Tuesday wayfarers to the [rs. A. Fo]'dyce *,*,'as an Olympia vts-/ ()wing lo htek of space some very Olympia Monday and a number of Captail City where she visited rela- ttor on Saturday. [good eorr,.sl,ondence is crowded out the ohler county, residents attended, tiVeScoughs,and Oldcolds,aequaintanceS.sore eyes and sore Mrs. Earl Johnson of Ceutralia spent this" w*,ek, but will appear next week. Deceased is sulwived by his son, Frank, of Tacoma, and three daugh- throats are the order of the day. the week-end in town. After several cold and frosty days ters, Miss Harriett Kennedy, Mrs. E. Anderson is just getting over an Miss Fac Backer was shopping in I rain has driven away tle pi'ospect Clare Wait antt Mrs. Verna Richards attack of near flu and Lee Carlson Olympia on Wednesday. I Of snow for this time. of H0quiam. He was 66 years of is suffering from the same affliction. I'. O. Swanson of New Kamilche was J.H. Deer was a visitor to Ta- age and his wife died at Hoquiam Gus Carlson was a Friday bus|- in town Thursday" on business. I coma over Sunday taking in the ex- two years ago. hess visitor to Olympia. Mrs. B. Donaldson and son Barney eitement of the big Shrine gathering. Jim Kennedy was the son of Flank- Martine Goetsch is as busy as the lin Kennedy, the first probate judge proverbial bee these clays "Besides Jr. are visiting in Tacoma this week. In s ite of the recent rains the of the county, and a prominent set- a.l:tending school he is keeping p s. A. Watson of Pelf air was in town Skokomish river and other streams tler Of fifty or more years ago. The immediate neighborhood Monday attending the commissioners over the county have not yet run old Kennedy homestead is now cov- with wood. Martin is chauffeur o: meeting, over their banks, ered by the farm of David Ell|son, double back action drag saw so he Mrm T. %V. McDonald and Mrs. O.D. The fact that pussy willows and and the Jim Kennedy farm is that is keeping a lap ahead of his work. :Durand of New Kamilche were in town now owned by wm. McDonal d, both John Lorenzen of Skookum err|v- other early shrubs are growing new ed on the island last week and is the Thursday. buds indicates that the @inter so in the Kamilche valley, guest of relatives here. - Joe Getty has •been. visiting his far has been very mild. . Jack Barnes has bought a launch mother; Mrs. Kate Getty here for the Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Whittaker are LEGISLATURE OPENS; " .and will do a little marine engineer- OFFICERS INSTALLED past three weeks, the proud parents of twins, a boy int¢ occasionally from now on. Mrs. M. E. Reed and son Will and a girl, born at the Shelton Gen- Jundius Johnson, Jim Edbert and have gone to Los Angeles for a era| HospiNM on Monday. 'The Seventeenth• state legislature Fred svedline took in the dance at .... P " convened at Olympia Monday and ,Detroit, 'going over in Jim's launch, short stay to aid the latter's health. Petty thieves entered Joe Deer's perfected its organization without the "U and I." - Sophus Jacobsen, the Matlock mer- oyster house near the city dock on delay. Howard D. Taylor was elect .ld Wilson "with the assistance' of 1 chant, was an early visitor Monday Monday night and made off with a ed president of the senate and E. H. his broth0r John is rapidly clearing l morning, and found it frosty sledding dozen large electric light globes. Guie speaker of the house, both from htS. ranch of slumps logs; cte. Mr. WilsOn's grape and poultry ranch iv by auto. The steamer Emrose, built here by King County and without oppos_itiom .ened of the most productive on the The "edit0r left 'yesterday for Scattle Kim Munson and sold some years ago Governor Hart and the state otncers island. to attend the Washington State News- is now making three .trips weekly, were officially inaugurated" on Wed- havcMrS'botbHanSbeenBerges°n"under and|he SOnw(.ather,,Will paper Institute, being held this week between Tacoma and Nol%h Bay nesday, and the gOVelIOI"S message for the past week; Mrs. l]ergesou from at the University. points, advocating a number of needed re- a severe attack of rheumatism Rod C. A. Christopher of Seattle was The few copies of Iason County f6rn'ts and economies was submitted WillseverefrOmcx)ld. thc prevailing malady---a a town visitor Monday, making the cook Books which were Jus! discovered tO the legislature. That body gives "Mrs. (3uo Carlson recetved a letter promise of sixty days of real effort this week from Miss }tilma Johnson trip by way of Belfair to look after wcnt like "hot (.ekes." From all evl- Lo produce the much needed legisla- in which she stated that her mother is slowly r(,euperallng from the recent his interests there, dance the old edition e'ould be revised Lion. operation which she underwent, but The Pomona Grange will hold a and republished with a profit, lhat she wtll not be able to come home meeting on Ttlesday, January 18th County Commissioner Daniels was TREMPER LOSES CALVES for some time. Jacob Vtngcrt, who has been sneh for the election and installation of in Seattle last week attending a con- FROM POISON PARSNIP a faithful worker on the road leading officers. M. F. Knight, secretary, ferencc of Western Washington road ' to the ferry landing "hopes [o corn- Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Nelson were enthusiasts, to agree upon a plan of Theodore Tremper of Arcadia re- andPleteallthetheW°rkotherttffSroadWeek'menMr'descwveVlngertan over from Union early Monday morn- mlprovement to be submitted to the ports the loss of three head of valu- unlimited amou0t of credit for push- ing and report rather rough travel- legislature, able young stock and the sickness of ins tle work forward as rapidly as it ing for their Ford over the iey roads, several other animals in his herd, due WaSuofavorablePUShed. weather.C°nsidering the prevailing Dr. J. Richter was called to Se- FUNERAL OF TOM MURPHY to wild parsnip poisoning. When the •August Wtngert and brother IIenry animals gave signs of illness Mr. who w,,nt to California early in the stile last week by the sudden death HELD HERE LAST SUNDAY Tremper secured Veterinary Barnes winter returned to Harstine to remain for good. They both say California is of his aged father, a resident of that from Olympia, who gave the verdict wonderful, but nothing to be compared city. Mr. Richter Sr. spent the hell- The funeral of Thomas Murphy of parsnip poisoning and a search to Harstine. days at the Richter home at Enati, was held from the Catholic church was made for the source of the The young folks are Iflannlng a bas- ket social nnd dance /'or the 29th. and was in his usual health after re- here at 10 o'clock on Wednesday, trouble. It was found in the parsnips lvQrybody crpe and buy a basket .with turniag to his home. Januar 12th. A large number of i-ing in a'small marshy plotwhich a beautiful girl (some married) and a Thomas Bordeaux and son Ray old friends of the deceased were 4twl-ot been drMned. The" tops are bounitfUlgets basketSUppereven inif halt' islIigleStmarried.bidder present to pay their last respects, not dangerous, but in feeding m soft were visitors in Shelton this week, Two daughters, Misses Edna and groun(the animals pull up roots with Quite a number of Daytonites were Called to attend the annual meetings Jessie Murphy, arrived the evening the tops and it is the eating of in town Sttrday. Among.thont were of the several corporations in which before from Washington, D. C. Mr. parsnip roots which causes poisoning lCay and" Lawi'ence Bailey. Jack /i, nd they are still interested here. Mr..nd.:Mrs. Edgar Bordeaux all ram- at certain seasons of the year. Joe 1Aegel. Fritz Buechel. Miss Gull|- Bordeaux thought Shelton, aud>pa 'ily of Olympia drove over to attend [ver. Miss Heffman( Juanita Hlekson ticularly the State Bank of'Shelton, the funeral. The body. was laid a and Mr. Lutber. rest in the Catholic eemeteT,,, r had made an excellent showing for   -,swoox vAZ, v.-Y the past year. ,f;/  ,  , , , , , ,:. CARD OF THANKS . .I , r.//L'I, Gllbel"t' aft,d, dfighter ' Chas:' McReavy was a business vis- RECTOR-HEPNER "":':" :'I I1¢tl €,/'rturnd to Seattle .unoay We wish to thank oua;m friend, itor fl'om Hoquiam Saturday and .... report that he will shortly open a Robert Roy azid Mi Ett [tr:h,n itoi vtsltMr, ann' rs.°l: severalw.'aaYs;:a.t',A. Hnter,lhe for.::t.heir yn'ipathy ,dTY tielpfules, new" mercantile business in that city, May Hepner were quiet maiied  Al¢ Irt T:istlOlJ and ,Oliver 1Hs:iop o d]ng Our recent bi:iiIFeent an( believg there is a:good field, for the home'of the b4de's parents savn de who Wer,,vlstti "a the a\\;::Jt"bautifulL-fl(W. .rs BY.h,: I farm; have fturnod :home. M¢, rh.S ,ti'ph and' dattgtiigT...i . the business :,.planned. :/E. F. ,Mc- Wedtesday, January' 12th, the erviee dSia.ttt B-131M,15:P Is now visiting rv.lttives Reavy who resin'neff his position a.', being '],en' by£:B.' Aditiso i'elf; ........... ' d street commissioner last week, ex2 Only the::.' a';W,/'lres  nd:Mrs. ,red;t.i; ::l','.Aara BAPTIST CHURCH I IS 'D/r..otltY,-'Hbll and ltbY,ffld7 ent, incl*tid,]ro k,d::)rii,: '  II] t.'YIee,'n RdF;vOf l'othttch We, pects: :to join his son and assist in Johnson, g]:alr_eis, Ms: Alita, a'ty .at the herod" b?L Mr. aod Mrs) Sunday School at 10 a. m. the bu.hiness. Karns, mo¢I'Cr ' of the,groom;'.M r filAncoln Sundeb.(': Morning service at 11 a; m. -- Skoltmish, Grange Installed the new Young People's service at 6:30 p.m. A marriage license was issued to Annette Karns and Miss,'-Helen olttcer,g last Saturday night. Warren Evening service at 7:30 p. m. W. 2 Johnson of Lakeview and IAncoln ts now master. Under his Cooper. Janice.Durkee of Seattle by Auditor leadership renewed activity is prom- Prayer Meeting on Thursday night ' Ised for the ensuing year. tt r/:30. Doyle on the 8th, and Justice John- After enjoying the wedding break- fast the happy young couple departed son p.fformed the ceremony as his Mr. and Mrs. Barrett and daughter ,on the stage to spend a week .of Jerlce pax:e .returned fro.m a. vilt ,1| Special music by the hoir at both last ofiial act. The_ nafles were hoeyrnoopiig " t]ae  ii:es, ,Bot sl.iysi.: . ? : ' .... , i :  ,, ;,, ill6 mO'n;ing,h;nd eveniffi service, strangers here', a)ad,'rought :wo ar,popu.lar yoimg IPtihldn pdople ,A-large flumbbr of IntePe/fed'be6f/le Dr. Berry's evangehstc team wll] .... met at the school house Monday :ve- begin revival services in ,the,- church nesses:'With them. with many friends in their circle t9 nig to hoar Mr.  Brew's report: .on wish' them all, the joy of' life. ,  .: b'erP ,:dllture , for the valley. Modh  0n>,Tuesda)"night, January "25th. onl;ttuslasm °was m anffesked, and an-: Ever¢'body cordially invited to at- Mrsi Cole Leisure (silent severe days last week on a visit to Rel:sil other meeting will be held this month, terld these services. - where she was joined by her brothe LADIES AID SOCIAL At this meeting an expert from ,Puy,I ' Addition Sei astor, August, and they made last Thursda: lap will address the i'arm0y$.' ,.. * .  , " Mxs. ,rarren Lincoln has rettfl'ned especially pleasant for their mother The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. 'rom Seattle where she atlcnded the Mrs. Reisenweber, on the occasion of Church will give a social at the me.etlng of the Wastflngton Jersey eat ......... her 85th anniversary. Mrs. Re|sen- home of Mrs. Fred Tegtmeyer Wed-,c(,lntle Clui)aSherd. rcpresentatlveluctdentally shef°rwasthe hon-Lln" LYRIC weber decided last fall to take up nesday evening, January 19th. Re- ()red with tle vice, presidency of the her residence at the Veteran's Home, freshments, a silver offering and a oranization. being the widow of an old soldier good time. Both young and old are .,.r ,,o,,o,, .¢co00 THEATRE and entitled to its privileges, cordially invited, panled Rev. Thomas on his preaching : , rl.l) Sunday, and spoke on the Ar- menian situation, and the urgent need II HERRON'LIBBY WOODMEN OF THE WORLD r help. Anyone in the valley wish- Show starts at 8 p. m. sharp. to aid in this cause may leave ontrlbutions with 1Miss Emily Legs. Miss:Henrietta Lloyd Libby, young- ENJOY ANNUAL BANQUET ins Tbe Home Fconomles Club met with Saturday, January 15th  est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Libby, and V. E. Herren of Aberdeen Cedar Camp No. 180, Woodmen of :Mrs.A slldeArthUrin EellSpurdylaStcanyonThUrsdaY.on Sunday William Foxpresents were quietly married at the First the World, and one of the oldest ben- deflected the trafllc down the Webb SHIRLEY MASON Presbyterian Church in Seattle on eficiary orders in Shelton, held its hill road. In New reb, r's day. The Libbys were installation meeting on Tuesday eve- " MERELY MARY ANN for many years residents down the ningand after the ceremony repaired g°T uTx I-Aso cv.oss to Paine's Restaurant for the ban- MUTT AND JEFF COMEDY bay, and left many friends here when quet, which has becone an annual forUndermigratorya new watei'fowlsrUling the openclosesSeaSOasat. Sunday, they removed to their new home at January 16th Se(iro-!Woolley, all of whom will x- institution for local Wdodmen. Chas. urday, January the 15th and not on tend 'heir eongratulations to the Paine, who is continued as consul beileved.SnndaY theGameI6th aSwardenmany hunterSTuckerhaVere. Metro Picture Corporation commander, took special pains to cteved notice to this effec't this week. presents young:eople. ' give the Neighbors good servi'ce, and "LOVE DELInqUENT LEGION MEMBERS the supper was ,.appreciated by all EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS HONORAND OBEY" who att6nded. , : -- " ........ Fred' The WoOdmen lodge has a member- " With an All Star Cast ,ne s;OilOWmg memoers o me • Notice is hereby given that eighth ................ shp of about 75, most of whom have And CHRISTIE COMEDY wtvelt gos American ,egmn are, ........ . ., glade examinations will be held on • , . • nelo memoersnlp :|or more nan notified that their dues. expired on[ ........ Thursday and Friday, January 20 .................. wenw years, ano as me oraer has Wednesday, January 19 ovemBer 11, liszt|, ann mat it- ney .... . . reserve th and 21, 1921, beginning at 9 a. m; are no rod" up by January 20th the accumuiateah a Jarge , ey each day, at the school house in e left Samuel Goldwyn presents  --'P ...... r "-em t WILL ROGERS feel thqy ave the safest lodge pro- of the following places: All'n, ros writ ae 'corn ellen o (t op n • - .... .... ..e =, _, , thetectmn t s posmble to gve. A.L. Hoodsport, Deckerville, Cloquallum, In as aelnquen. me amoun oz , I u  .. ,,€ +he ,,a] Oam, dues for the year is $3, and checks, I ..................... and at the Lincoln school building in ALMOST A HUSBAND money orde or 'cash should be sent Shelton. FORD EDUCATIONAL in to the finance officer at once, SHERWOOD-PETERSON Program of Examination WEEKLY A. H. Allen, J. Graham Binns, Thursday forenoon--Grammar and Robert A. Binns, Jack Cole Jr., Chas. spelling. Thursday, January 20 Colvin, J. M. Crisp, Nord W. Davis, Two well known residents of the Thursday afternoon--His|or Samuel Goldwyn presents gkokomish Reservation were married civics, manual training, PAULINE FREDERICK George Edler, George Foss, Frank[ Getty, Paul F. Hughey, Vane Hunter, ! b, Ray. W. H. Thomas at the Meth- science, agriculture. In her great play Ambrose Johnson, R. I. Kneeland, : odist pars6nage Tuesday when Kim- Friday forenoon--Aritbm" and "MADAME X" C. R. Lewis, R. W. Lincoln, Harold l ball Sherwood and Mrs. Nancy Peter- reading. Munson, W. A. McPhelan, Ralph R. son were united in otChodox form, Friday afternoon--Physiology and A FOX NEWS REEL Myers, G. E. Hoesli, R. C. Hoesli, after securing the necesary license geography.  .... J. G. Rucker, Chas. Styaer, W. S. from the auditor's office. The ex- General questions may be answered Valley, G. Van Wierengen, H. Mervyn perience not being new to either of at any time. "Wivell, Henry Worthen, Thos. Wor- the contracting parties there was no MARY M. KNIGHT, then. further ceremony as they left for County Superintengtent of Schools E. H. Faubert, Finance Officer. the Sherwood home at Eneti. 1-7-14-2t -- " BEN AHERICA N LEGION DANCE Modern. Custom Tador Earlwln Hall Shelton You may now have your suits made to your measure right here in my shop. ' Given by Fred B. Wivell Post of Mason County ofI Detmeram carryingwoolens.a fulland Unein. Paramount Novelty Orchestra of OlyraPla° vitetheseYOUgoodstO and look I invite your patronage. First Big Affair clothe New Year Tickets $1,.50 couple, including Tax Select cloth and have your suit fitted to your taste. My years of tailoring experience DA:NCEWITI:[TItEBOYS Saturday, Jan: 22 I place at your ,erviee.workmen Bldg. SHELTON, WASHINGTON PAGE FIV I When You Need This a.k for it as .......... NYAL PINE SYRUP --and ask promptly; for the way o • cough is oftan insidiously dangerous. Tha time to stop a cough is when it is getting ..,,r',l/.. started; each day's delay is increasingly serious. ,00tYAL COMPOUND MENTHOLAT£D  PINE SYRUP C'por,d t4mt, I PINESYRUP Im EucyII S aa is a se;,mtific combi. nation of well.known expectorsnt and heal. ing ingredients which are of recognizod value in many forms 'o'f respiratory €0ngeab fion and irritation. • IO • Twe' |i-es - lo Nyal Calendars now being distributed at this store FIR DRUG STORE HOME COOKING QUALITY AND SERVICE THE BEST PLACE TO EAT IS AT Paine's Restauran t SHORT ORDERS ICE CREAM QUICK SERVICE AND LUNCHES Your Opportunity We are offering Registered 'Jersey Cows and Heifers, fresh or soon to freshen, at prices you can afford to pay. WARREN LINCOLN Skokomis h Val!ey Potlatch, Wash. LEGION MEMBERS ATTENTION • All Americali r Legion' memhe',are notified ,tie ,tle present at the Earlin h[ on Thursday evening, January 2ih. to assist with the decorating of((he hall for the big Legion dan'ce oiiSaturdab January' 22nd, ..Be there without fail. Earl Di¢ns0n, Com- e, de,,. " ' ' ..... .'" , ?i YEOMEN DANCE Jalmary 15th at Agate hall. ,Stenger Ochestra of Olympia. Tickets ' for dance $1.5(}, 'pius war ta,' Chicken supper extra. Big time promised. 1-14-2t ' r , Dressmaklng .- ..... Mrs.hick and Mrs. Heck- nkan ,trre prepared- to do ittll  kinds of dressmakingi plain and fancy gowns, At • :' ';: SHICK'S t /'MILLINERY On Our -. Bar!ain iTables • You will00find:ve00 many exceptional . values, in all liaeSgood OfnumbersDry Goods... . Tnere are m La&es' Muslin" Underwear, Corset Covers, i Skirts, Combinations, Etc. Lace and embroidery trimmed. All sizes. Children's Knit Underwear in win- ter and .summer weights. Marly with waists attached. Children's- A. F C. Gingham Dresses, ali new styles, $1.50 to $2. A few La&es' Gingham" Dresses at $3.50. " , And ever so many other things too numerous to mentmn, but of equally good values. ' McDOnald & Co.