January 14, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 14, 1921 |
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• ,, i u l i ,, ,
..... / W NT¥.¥EARS-A0000
(From Jouial of January 4, 1901)
James Campbell came in from Port
(;amble Wednesday. He reports bus-
iness as lively at the mill with plenty
of orders ahead.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bannse of Bu-
coda spent New Years in town.
Miss Clara Ansorge returned last
night from an extended visit in the
Miss Ely Miles, Miss Rilla Bruce
and Mrs. H. Gamble of Tacoma and
Miss Mabel Browner of Olympiaweze
guests of Mrs. W. H. Kneeland this
A. W. Callow was ifi town Satur-
day, being home for the holidays
from camp near Aberdeen. ,A family
reunion was held at the Callow home-
stead during Christmas week.
Aaron Kirkland has leased his farm
in the upper Skokomish to W. C.
The loggers have been straggling
back to town, but work will not be-
gin before Monday.
Chas. Bloomfield and Miss Myrtle
Gingrich were married at the home
of D. M. Duckworth at Kamilche on
January 8th.
A. P. Peterson entertained the In-
dians of the Resmwation at a feast
on Christmas day with a Christmas
tree at the church in the evening.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Will
McDonald gave them a warm recep-
tion at the Kamilche hall last Friday.
(From Journal of JanumT 11, 1901)
Ole Hansen is building an addition
to his home on Grove street.
Thos. Lumsden has been quite sick
during the past Week.
Miss Iva Crouch returned home
from downs Sound last Saturday, ac-
companied by her friend, Miss Fqora
Griffin of Tacoma, who will spend
several weeks in 'town.
Misses Tressa Huntley and Grace
Currie left this week for Olympia
to attend the Sister's Academy; Miss
Adla Taylor of Kamilche to attend
the Olympia high school. Misses Ada
and Eva Myers and Carrie Robinson
also left last week for Whatcom
Normal School.
B. S. Barger has purchased the
lots and dwelling on Fifth and
Franklin streets of G. B. Gunderson.
Miss Bertha Latham was home
from school at Tacoma to spend the
W:vman-Brttol Comoany. 1107 Broadway. Ncw..York City ,.,
i Co ty Co de '
un rrespon ace
and new year in. Those present Were
I t jMrs. Slingsby, Mr. and Mrs. Kertz,
VICTOR tMr. Vaughu, Jack Henderson and
I Willie Be, nston. A very pleasant
Ct evening was spent.
(Too late for last week)
Miss Enuna Larsen was up from
Detroit last week to attend the Hen-
derson (lance.
Mrs. F. M. Sisson and daughters
gave a ball on Wednesday evening of
this week at the Victor school house.
A large crowd from Allyn was pres-
Several from this side attended tl(
leap year dance at All yn on New
Year's eve.
The Misses Woodbury and Nuby
returned Saturday to resume school
work in their disticts.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Dahl took dinner
at the Skene's on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and her
sister and children were dinner guests
at Ke'Ytz's on Sunday.
Mrs. Christian Smith had her cou-
sin and family of Seattle visiting at
their, home here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and
Mr.. A. J. Shngsby and son Ken- charming daughters dehght:fully en-
of Mrs. Henderson. Sisson and daughter Helen and Mr.
Miss Iva Nelson is still quite ill.
She had as callers on Wednesday
Mrs. K. Dah]. on Friday Mesdames
H. Dahl, W. Henderson and A. Slings-
by and on Saturday Mrs. Kertz. Her
many friends are hoping for her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Ms. Henderson invited in
a few friends to see the old year out
and Mrs. Kertz and Clayton Vaughn.
Mrs. Carl Smith callect at the Nel-
son home on Monday.
Andrew Nelson took his sisters,
Miss Nuby and Miss Peterson, for an
auto ride Sunday.
Desk Memorandum Calendars 25c,
65c, 85c and $1.25. Journal Station-
el.w Shop.
t 'm
Follow This Way of
Brunswick Owners
Before you buy a phonograph, we suggest
hearing several. It will be to your advantage
to make tone tests for yourself.
- Please do no think that this is difficult or
that it takes a musically trained ear.
In over .300,000 homes music lovers enjoy
Te Brunswmk because they have followed the
aSove advice. Critical people have chosen
Brunswicks because they have come to appre-
ciate the betterments afforded by the Bruns-
wick Method of Reproduction.
You need only hear The Brunswick play
several selections--you need only compare it
w!th one or two other phonographs and you
will appreciate the tone qualities brought about
by the Brurswick Method of Reproduction.
Come in and find out for yourself. You can-
= not afford to make a mistake and it costs you
m nothing to be sure.
_= Models$115to $260 in stock.
..:g:iii!'"" .....
(Too late for last week) fi:::i ......
The play at Agate hall January
the first was a great success, and
there was a full house. Only four
girls and four boys were in the play
which lasted two hours. All the
actors performed well.
Those taking part in the play were
Misses Beulah Whaley, Clarica Wood-
all, Mable Schuntacher, Grace La-
Eocque; Will Matthes, Bud Daniels,
Young Bates, Bobby Meacham, and
all were stars.
There is all kinds of weather down
this way this week, even California
and Alaska weather.
Mrs. Fannie Johnson and daughter
Jenivee took dinner with her mother
Mrs. Diggs Wednesday evening.
John Mitchell and Mmin Johnson
made a business trip to Shelton Wed- X..T.
John Mitchell was in Tacoma last
week., He went by boat but came
back by auto, and says the roads are The secretary of agriculture in
something awful, the Harding administration may
Chas. Edgerton went back to camp eme out of the south, ae*ording
Sunday. . to report, from high Republican
School opened again 'Monday, after sources. The man is A. T Herr
having ten days vacation, with a of Rntneky. one of the most sue-
decrease 'in attendance, eessful "dirt" farmers of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Libby were Shel- south who owns and operates a
ton callers on Monday, regardless of big farm and plantation near
the weather. Louisville. Mr. Hert was a mem-
Mrs. Kinnie is staying with Mzs. ber of the 'Republican National
Diggs for a while. Committee and was very actlve.m
Mrs. Harrier visited Mrs. StotsbetT the recent campaign.
Tuesday of this week.
CharMs Edgerton and Mrs. Diggs
and Jenivee Johnson visited at the WAR ON MOLES NETS
Mclntosh's home one evening last
week. Mrs. ]Iclntosh sorved a nice PROFIT FOR FARMER
Th Grange Aid will hold their ........
regular meeting at the Grange hall Fur of Animal Found to Be of
I January the 13th and elect new
Omers. Considerable Value.
Tlm (]range will hold their regular ,. .... ,r... -. .
meeting Saturday night, January 8th i ...... ':" ....
and install their new officers.
Mrs. Chas. Wiss is some lonesome Annual Damage by Rodents to Crops
since the girls went back to town to and Grain in the United States Jl
school. Roughly Estimated to Amount
.... to $300,000,000.
"t:' 'i' ..... .... 'i:: .... ..-7---
Molesldns ohtaliid from animals
] t killed In tile crass(l( f;miered hy tile
,:. ,:, biological survey, United Slates De-
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Henderson and partnlent of Ari(!ulttlre, ttgallst crol)-
son Jack were guests of Mr. and deslroying IlllIlllllls ]lllve lietted $50,-
Mrs. Nelson Friday evening. 000 to $(;0,o0(i a yKtlr to flu'lners of
Mr. and Mrs. l;'rcd Sisson ,lr. went
to Bremerton Wednesday and to Ta- Oregon and Washington. Moles and
coma Saturday for medical aid for the in|lny kinds of rodents do serious
Mrs. Sisson. damage to grass and grain, llll(] a canl-
On F'i(av evening Mr. Larsen I)aign of extermhmtlon was started
took some of the Victorites to the against tlmm through co-ol)eration of
dance, at Detroit, but owing to the tile biological surw,y and the states
lack of nmsic they retraced early, relations service. As a by-product of
It proved a very unprofitable trip as extermination tim fur of the mole was
Mr. Larsen lost his rowboat on the found to be of value. The pelt of
way. We wish both Detroit and Mr.
Larsen better success next time. the northwestern re(de is superior to
Saturday afternoon Misses Mary that of tim Keotcb mole, which Is gen-
Smith and Ruth Woodbury called on
Miss Iva Nelson who is still ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson were .,,qa..
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sisson
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Kertz spent Satur- , .......... .
! .
Mrs.(lay eveningKnute Dahl.at the home of Mr. and : z:.ii
Mrs. J. W. Henderson entertained :. /.:!!#iiiii!i
Mr. and Mrs. Kertz Mr. Vaughn and
Mr. and Mrs. Knute Dahl at dinner
Mrs. Skene had as aftelmoon call-
ers Friday, Mrs. Knute Dahl, Miss
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I Mary Smith and Miss Ruth Wood-
-- bury.
1 , I €
"Try It Out Yourself
sa the Good Judge
And you will find.how i
,. much more satisfactmn i
little of this Real Tobacco I
gives you than you ever 1
, got from a big chew of the
ordinary kind.
The good, rich, real to-
bacco taste lasts so long
you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often. So 1
it costs you less. !
,,,- .,(_. Any man who uses the i ;
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in two styles
W-B CUT iff a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tubacco
than Pills
V0U NEVER wish take another dose of
J pills after having once used Chamberlain's Tab-
lets. They are easier and more pleasant to take,
more gentle and mild in their action and more reli-
able. They leave the bowels in a natural condition,
while, the use of pills is often followed by severe
constipation, requiring a constant increase in the
dose. Ery bottle guaranteed by your druggist.
• "ne tofitl tmhual damage by rodents
to crops and gralns in tile United
States Is estimated roughly at $300,
000,000. This Is being cut down hy
systemalie poisoning campaigns in
various sections. The terrltbry cov-
ered in tllese campaigns in the last
year [mounted to about 34,000,(D0
acres. The saving to crops in the
destmction of moles and of such ro-
dents as prairie dogs. gq-ound squirrels,
pocket gophers, and Jack rabbits is
estimated to be $10.000,000 a year.
Logged-off land for sale to actual
scg'ers. Price $3.00 per acre and up
scc(, 'ding to location, topography and
char;,cter of soil. Liberal terms of
l,:,ymmt and interest on deferred
¢,vyn, nts at'the rate of. six percent
vcr annum. Liberty bonds taken in
payment at par.
ijI iiii IIIiiiiiiiiiiii!11 i iiiIii 111111111111111111111111 II iiiiiiiiiii i iIiiiiiii 11111111111111111 iiiiiii i i i11
ffi =
Some American Moles Are Larger and
Have Finer Pelt Than the Europea
Animal= Which Now Furnish the
A dance was given Saturday eve- Bulk oq the Worr#e Supply of Mole-
ning in the Victor school by Mr. and skln BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT '
Mrs. Skene. About thirty-five were j Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks !
present and a very enjoyable eve- erally used' for fur garmert. Tle --
stovening WaswhichSpenthasbYbeenall. unfortunatelyThe new oil nortllwestern moleskins have recently ------ --E
'delayed so lon, arrived just in time sold at from 50 to 60 cents apl,ee ad EDWARD H. FAUBET, Mgr. _-
to be initiated that eening and it a.ve been great demand. _-- . ___
surely turned out some good coffee =- = " ' '
with the assistance of Mrs. Halve( PROFESSIONAL CARDS ---- --
Dahl. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111I1"1
I Maxwell Maternity •
" 711 West Fourtl St. J E CONNOLLY
Mrs. Frank Helin andson Herbert Phone 981 ! ',= •
motored to Montesano I;riday. OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON
Mrs. A. J. Beck and Dora and Isa-
bella Rediska spent Sunday with Mr. Sh it d
and Mrs. L. E. Anderson. 0ce Phone 441. Res. Phone e on et an
' "
list the past week. PkrlIon "
Eldridge Evers of Montesano spent j --==.xo=a=za= ce ant
the past week visiting relatives and JSt*eceeding and located in the
friends in this vicinity. [of the late Dr. Wells.
Ass Bateman called on Win. Re, J
diska Thursday evening .....
About four inches of snow fell in r J.T. SHIMEK - '
this vicinity last week and there is
still a couple of inches left.
Mrs. A. S. King and son Victor
and Eldridge Evers were callers in
Shelton Friday.
Ahur Galyon and Katn of Mon-
tesano c'alled on Rediska's and Gill's
last Friday.
Win. Rediska slent Friday after:
noon with N. C. Nelson.
Clmrles Stoticum, cousin of Chief
Seattle and grandson of Chief Kitsap
of the Puyallup tribe of Indians, is
dead at 110 years of age at his home
on the Puyallup reservation.. The
aged Indian died JanuaL 6 and will
be buried at high noon Sunday at the
Puyallup reservation cemetery. This
[ndian "City of the Dead" is the only
common property remaining among
the Puyallup tribe of Indians, it is
said. Stoticum is survived lv .his
wife and many relatives in various
torts of western Washington;
Mathematical Educator helps: your
',hild learn the multiplication table.
Something new. 75c. Journal Sta-
tioneT Shop.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
Poatofflce Building, Shelton,
Open 9 to 12--1 to 5
Evening by appointments.
Abstracts and Surveying
Draughting, Real Estate, Loans
and Insurance.
Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash
Phone 463. SHELTON, WASH.
(Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.)
Mason County Abstract & Title Co.
Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelto,
PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash.
Passengers, Baggage
and Freight
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influ-
enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S
CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh.
It is taken internally and acts through
the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the
• . -... _ Is composed of some of the best tonics
1" ' • • ' t"t-- . lknown, combined with some of the best
II ,., = ,,.Q . I 4- 4-I I. ,'T- h I"t ] I blood uurifler& The perfect combination
OU UlIII .TLettXUXaty ..xxup =_ of the'Ingredients in HALL'S CATARRH
, ---- MEDICINE is what produces such won-
.... , , ' [ _Jderful results in catarrhal conditions.
...... --- [ Druggists 76e. Testimonials fre.
i|||||i|il|[|||ll|'il'|ll|llllIllilllll[lllllllmlz`t '"" F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, (k
Notary Public
Real Estate, [nsurance and
Fire, Life, Health and Accident
and B0nd Insurance.
by letting us repair them at the proper time. It
means a great saving at the present price of shoes.
You can rely on our work absolutely. We handle a
line of the best loggers boots and heavy and light
work shoes at prices that are lower. ,
i ii i
i I i
Single Fare $1.51. Round Trip $2.72
(Daily excels(Sunda)
Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma 8 p. m.
The morning trip. Connects with the l:o'clock Tacoma to Seattle
boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Shelton
should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'cloc p. m.
Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 3.