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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT i THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, i92i' / .6' WASH GOODS " Dress Ginghams, reduced to per yard ...... 23c Apron Ginghams, reduced to per yard ...... 19c 26-inch Percale, light and dark ............ 20c 36-inch White Outing, per yard ............ 30c 36-inch White Daisy Cloth, per yard ....... 35c 27-inch White Daisy Cloth, per yard., i .... 30c 27-inch Outing, white and colors ................. 23c 32-inch Devonshire Cloth ....................... 45c Plisse Crepe  ................................. 40c 36-inch Satee .45c Odd pieces Lawns, Galateas, etc ................. 15c WOOL DRESS GOODS wool " " 48'Ch all wool 54:inch all wool 42-inch all wool 56-inch all wool Silvertone Coatings, reg. $6.00, sale $4.50 56.inch all wool Velour Coatings, reg. $6.00, sale .... $4.50 56-inch all wool Novelty Suitings, reg. $7.50, sale...$6.50 56-inch all wool Novelty Coatings, reg. $4 to $5, Sale $3.25 56,inch all wool Plaid Skirtings, reg. $8.50, sale ..... $7.00 56-inCh allwool, Plaid Serge, reg. $5.50, sale ........ $4.50 56-inch all wool Navy Serge, reg. $6.50, sale .......... $5.50 Navy Serge, reg. $6.00, sale ....... $4J5 Navy Empress Cloth, reg. $6, sale., $5()'0 Navy Storm Serge, reg. $4.00, sale.. $2.00 Serge, reg. ,$4.00, sale .............. $3.00 MEN'S WORK CLOTHING $12.50 Work Shoes ............ $ 9.35 YARNS Fleischer's Gennantown Zephyr, 1 oz. skeins, each ................... 19c Fleischer's Knitting, all colors, 2 ounce balls, each .................... 5,0c ENTIRE STOCK OF BLANKETS AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS $16.50 Calked Loggers ......... 12.50 $8.50 Work Shoes .... ........ 6.25 Heavy Work Shirts ........... 1.50 Grey Wool Shirts ............. 3.00 Bib Overalls .................. 2.25 Waist Overalls ................ 2.00 Water Repellant Pants ........ 4.50 Water Repellant Pants, single... 3.75 BOYS" BLUE DENIM OVERALLS Lot No.'l--:-Boys' Bib Overalls, ages 6 to 16 year, per pair ............ 98c Lot NO. 2--BoY, S' Hi Back Bib Overalls extra heavy/pair' pair ........ $1.50 BOYS' SUITS ONE.HALF PRICE This lot of Boys Suits consists of Navy Blue Serge, Brown Serge and Grey mixed goods. These suits are well- made throughout, regular prices are $12.50, $13.50, $16.50 and $20.00. Sale prices are $6.25, $6.75, $8.25 and $10.00 /e LADIES' HOSIERY T will save yoll real money to purchase ar- ticles you are in need of now. These are excep- tional bargains and we have many articles that are not mentioned. Fine Lisle Hose, Black and cord, reg. 85c...65c Out Size black rib top, reg. 75c, sale ........ 65c Out Size, black, white foot, reg. 75c, sale...65c Brown Heather Wool Hose, reg $2.25, sale $1.50 Green Heather Wool Hose, reg. $2.25, sale $1.50 Green, blue and brown Heather fey wo01 Hose, regular $8.25, sale ................. $2.50 Fibre Silk Hose, white black and brown, reg. $1.00 and $1.25, sale .................. 75c One lot Ladies White Hose, extra special . .25c CHILDREN'S HOSE Lot No. 1--All sizes, fine Lisle Tan Hose, pr 19c Lot No. 2--All sizes, rifle Mercerized Black Hose, pet' pair ....................... 28c Lot No. 3--All sizes, heavy black Hose, pr..23c LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladies medium weight Cotton Union Suits, ankle length, no sleeve, re. price $2.25 and $2.50, sale $1.50 and $1.75. Ladies' white heavy Cotton Union Suits, reg. price $3.00 and $3.25, sale price ......... $2.25 and $2.50 Lot No. 1--Ladies' h e a v y Cotton Union Suitsl sale price ...... $1.50 Lot No. 2--Ladies' Sleevelegs Vests, good quality, values to 65c each, sale price .......... : ........ 29c LADIES' SHOE SPECIAL No.1748.--Ladies' black fine quality kid, lace shoe with military heel and new toe; a very neat and stylish shoe. Regular price is $11.00, sale price ....................... $8.00 i CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES The school year is only half completed, and here is a chafice for you to save on the chil- dren's wearing apparel. Lot No. 1--Consisting of Children's Ging- ham Dresses, ages 3 to 12 years, regular price $1.35 and $1.19, special .............. 55c Lot No. 2---C0ntisting of Children's Ging- ham Dresses, age 4;o 14 years, values to $2.50, special ............ : .................... $1.25 Lot No. 3--Consisting of Children's Ging- ham Dresses, ages 2 to 14 years, values to $3.50, reduced to ...... : ...................... $2.00 Childrens blue & brown Denim Play Suits $1.50 Children's black sateen Bloomers, reg. $1.25, and $1.35, sale price ...................... 65c CHILDREN'S- UNDERWEAR Lot No. 1--Consisting of grey part wool, vests, pants and drawers, per garment ...................... 35c Lot No. 2--Consisting of white and grey cotton, fleece lined, vests and pants, per garment ........ ,...25c SWEATERS ONE-HALF PRICE This includes all Sweaters in stock-- Ladies,' Men's and Children's. Among the lot are some very pretty ladies' Tuxedo styles and Slip-ons; also Men's Heather Vests. This is all good clean stock. $20.00 Sweaters ....... $10.00 $15.00 Sweaters ....... 7.50 $12.50 Sweaters ....... 6.25 $10.00 Sweaters ....... 5.00 $8.00 Sweaters ........ 4.00 You should not miss this opportunity. i FANCY DISHES ONE-THIRD OFF We have quite a number of sets and single pieces left from the Christmas season which we are sacrificing. \\; THOMAS O'NEILL