January 14, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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ts fiat l
g .. a! “'m‘mmoomfiliqfledwm l
“2‘ Weddvaifmdocsiilmpu j
“‘f‘llm‘ri10ilz-I:l.,sliia s-In‘lnimci‘i i
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Il‘l‘l‘ili )l-NL‘JIKMMLW g “mm”; “h
‘ ew Chamber Heads In
6017 S. E. 86TH
Oilice; Yantis Points
.rt’s ’I‘crm Ab; President Off
0 Fine Start ‘With Inter-
csting Program Anti
Large Crowd
l. w
king his—debut as the 1941}
"lent of the Shelton Chamberi
0mmcrce,—Ed Faubert prom-.
) title ClVlC body Thursday eve-I
E ‘ “1‘: would attempt to contin-E
hh Same type of meetingsI
.iClos it‘d Imade retiring President!
(45’s year at the helm onel
zgtmqst successful in the cr-
"0ns history.
Resource Board Plans
Hog Fuel Lost
As Leaky Barge
Two hundred units of hog fuel
worth in excess of $300 were
spilled onto the surface of Ham-
mersley lnlet early Sunday
morning when a scow being
towed by the Olympia Towing
Upsets On Bay 1.
SHELTON, WASHINGTON,Tuesday, January 14, 1941.
ii CAREERS llll
Only 4.8 ,‘0 Of Total Dwelling Units-
Iiore Listed As Vacant; Fig-
ures For County Color-
ed By Summer Homes
Further information gathered
iby 1940 federal census takers, re-
leased yesterday by Director Wil—
liam Lane Austin from Washing-
,ton, D. (2., reveals figures on the
number of dwelling units in Shel-
lton and Masnn County,
' The figures indicate rather
I clearly the housing shortage whichI
TONIGHTW »S. W. conference
prep basketball, 7 p‘. m., Lin-
coln gym, Shelton vs. Montesa-
no, first and second team games.
W'EDNESDAYe-J u n i o r h i g li
school basketball, p, m., Lin—
coln gym, Shelton vs. Aberdeen.
two games.
W’EDNESDAY—vActive club din-
,ner meeting, 6:30 p. m., She!-
ton Hotel.
THURSDAY»City council meet-
ing", 8 p. m., city hall.
THURSDAY “Commercial league
bowling, p. m., bowling alleys. I
’I‘HURSDAYH7City league bas- '
ketball, 9:30 p. m., Lincoln gym,
two games.
THURSDAY-“Boy Scout Board
of Review, 7:30 p. m., McCleary
Timber offices.
THURSDAY»--—Meeting of all Ma<
son County Boy Scout leaders,
6:30 dinner, 7:30 business ses-
sion, Shelton Hotel.
THURSDAYe—J 0 int installation
of Rainbow and DeMolay of—
ficers, 8 p. m., Masonic Temple.
'Sllllll BETTER
Stamp Sales, Money Orders Far
Ahead Of 1929 In 1940;
International Orders
If stamp sale and money order
Ivolumes are any indication of
business conditions, then Shelton
was far better off in a fiscal sense
in 1940 than it was in 1929.
Comparisons of the volumes of
stamp sales and money order re-
ceipts at the Shelton postoffice
during December and the final
Twice a Week
John Musgrave
Killed In Camp
Three Accident
John Musgrave, 34, faller for
the Simpson Logging company,
was killed this afternoon in a
woods accident at Camp 3. No
details of the tragedy were
available as The Journal went to
press this afternoon.
The death is the first fatality
of 1941 in Mason County and
the first in Simpson Logging
company operations for many
months. The company went
through 1940 without a fatal
Musgrave is survived by his
wife, Ruth, a son, John, 4, and
a daughter, Ruth Anne, 2, and
his parents, all living on Potlatch
CHAlillllAN 0F
Il‘cl'ri-i Seated Yesterday; “lard
Etc-appointed Engineer; Smart,
O‘Dcll Returned As Road
Appointments concerned the ma.-
jor attention of the Mason County
board of commissioners yesterday
{as it inaugurated a new biennium
[with one change in personnel..
} Fred Ferris, Jr. of Skokomish
.Valley was officially seated as
' commissioner representing t h e
;second road district while Vincent
‘ ’ ' ~ ! ‘ - - ' 1 I ~‘ his second term
A ursda is .__.; ._ , Company tug ‘Nemah' capsized Vnewcomers 100kmg
for places to lquarter in those'tWO years were' Route_ The famuy
[was m Sko- IE. Paul began . .J .
"5. 01 m g .. ‘- 0? The cargo W35 b°lmd . "0""
'past several years. Only nine va. I" T . . . . _. H. . IShelton
pos mas er, s , Musgrave had lived in this 'll’llyillili ’i . .,
“r. I .. . .
E . ker ofy p a atm‘ney' fmmcri Olympia for the Rayonier plant’s
Icant houses were found inside the world war vewran succum )8 0 l T“0
,Dnve,” ,Hmt’ owe” me I year just concluded was far bet- state for 14
years and had work. , Ferns succeeds Edwm .J. A‘hcrn,
J . . the House of Pc we.‘ I . . . I Heart Attack At Home l (Jose Calls
As Half Dozen I 29 h. 1 1,, .eneran . , , ,Dcmo,_r.., h“ qkokommh Valley
PS .tives of the tvaqzlmgmn‘fié” ; powerhouse here when the sea-
Icity limits, although 53 others Thursday I Wrecks Occur Iterdthan 19 IkW
in busiy' ed for the Simpson Logglng nei A}, ‘p1.e§e,;‘t‘members
ure, and at we 7, 51 000k in the bOttom 01‘ the 500W were listed under
another head-I user as a pea ex -, company off and on for several g r. _.
. .
Feta / "3 i- ‘-o A I v “ ‘ ,e (z. .r k v’ DOO-
Cook 11}: Federalpltcsoul‘cegmglgi} Pecame [0°59 al‘d water leak.“
{mg as nemg .101 sale or ‘fOl lent, 1 E I . neéirconditgzlril:é were
$203918l years. He was born January 7, h"‘"d '1 0 11 CVISC
m ‘
0am. gave the 11mm ,... .,l l". When the WW h't PM “P” l4‘8
Percent Of the total PdmbCTf-‘f: Funeral serv1ces were heidl Adolph
Frank, 30, Route 2 log—I dmp , D i l 1907, at Caney, Kansas. F. Ct
“.01 I mum of the new
. gum {or the cha‘mgén; 03]“; tides off Skookum Paint the
‘idwellilig units In the City. which from Witsiers chapel Monday.
Withlger. suffered a dislocated collaffihflaég 329119229 hduglngr
$182103: H— bm,1.f{-V(a)ulfi{r:4 éicmon of Robert
' ' ‘ Ooster n~ ‘ 'I water shifted and caused the Iwasl set
at 1,204. 'burial in Mountain View cemetery bone Saturday when his car
svkid- l f‘m "' a (.33 -I l .c” ’ ... .
-all picture lgptwrpgfggzfimfalnl barge to capsize, according to I 5552
Vacant In County lm Tacoma, for James Myron! (led on the icy surface of the
. mg _quarter, while monrtlzy horderlANNUAL
government is attempt; 026‘, the report of the tug’s crew. Mason
County, as a whole, beau, Springer, 50' veteran of the 1ast, Bayshore
mad and overturned, lreceipt: wered$7,%5§2.3982 1g gag! ' ,
(I‘ljgirmléll‘ fm; the msvuin'g t“;n
Ve through the dire t,g 15 Due to the recent strikes ,ever, shows a
different plcturdiWorld War and watchman at thel He was. taken to Shelton
hos. Decem,er an $ , . g q éfipcwdina Ahr‘m
.‘ of the planning boarfixgga‘ I which have closed most of the ifor
out of 4,666 units listed 552 Reed shingle mm, who died sud-l pital for
treatment. His car dam-I111 the last quarter: , N F E Wighhiléigner”
1:011:15. 'then an-
cmepuonduv Interestinu at} Northwest’s sawmills, a short— {are listed
as vacant, and another denly of a heart attack at his age was listed at
$332 in his rc-| A tabular picture.\I ES 1 ,mfinch w-a oi-ntmnnt M
I ard Functions Ex 'laliférl 3 age °f h°9 “‘5' “35
bee" “used I498 are f0" sale 0* f0“ rentv thlsl home in
Walker Park addition last port to the sheriff’s office. i V STAMP s: i .
4 T) F9} Mario; cm?“ I“ grid “hymn .m
etmam body of thePrpea; r, l and the loss of the 200 units {being 10.7
percent of the total mursday night. ‘ Dr-anerS-Allan39110f01ym'
DDCC‘ :3
"32'2‘53'21‘SUNDAY the
Sktilf‘hhdfi‘lrllv’llléx" area of the
. c .VI 0 . I f . .c A . . . . : 0C1: _____ L 5,) ‘U ( VA,
» W‘tl‘ *° .. . J- 0- .... ..
, cc ‘ and dunes of the RCJ use fuel oi or as or Ime uh- l , y ‘,
tor, read the last rites at eleven: ielr car over urne a i 1 a 4th um
$911978 __ 0n the anomtment of a mad
-. s Plannin B W . . til the hog fuel schedule is .cluding Shelton) oi the
4,606 total‘! dclock esterday. Pan bearerS‘Buch Street Sunday
after-noon abl . Quar. H . r, .. 4 i , f YOI ! v _l ‘ ‘ >
- t h g Gard. vlthh he i A 9 . a . . . 4th er 29 0840,66vMo-st mportdynt
Session 0 ar {oicnlrm m tht. Lelmli .irca.
ills powers dependent “WWi brought baCk to normal, F. R. lllmts “£161
‘t're “bleglzlislmocm‘lp‘ledl were Harry AShfield' Lee
Husmn‘. ter COllldlling leth alga. Ellrliven byl Increiii $3,279 12i T0
SCmItS' Other Notes ' (‘Drr‘mlSSiOilC‘r Paul at the same
e Soundliec». ., ,. 2 Pearson. Rayonier office mana- l Jy a popu a mu 0 I
gwmg Earl Mal ass, Victor Johnson, Mrs, a e 0e, ., i 3 car... .3:
............. I . I . - I v if i . .v i _ . .f
I eaélflu its abilit; '3: lg‘ersg‘aadje': 96“, stated this
morning. ’13“ aVCFage Oflappl'g’mrgfitety Gene Margin and
George Wiss. were badly damaged, according toi MONEY
ORDIEErEbz‘?OIRcl:EISI)It 0" Scout A! IO“s
1 l 0w, ‘ . I —-————-—-r—————- persons to cam uni
.w 1 e in e -I i b M Lin the reports, I , _‘ v V a,“
‘ t the 120.0? to ‘10 something, lton 1,137 units of the 1,204 rota“
Mr' SPrmger wals 3n y I Archie Marquart of Bcumghpm‘ l DOC. ‘40
............ "3338 27,065.38 L15,th as the most lmpnrmmi the
f‘_"“' fusing}
. board was so Outlmed byl I {were jigted rls occupied by a.
nopu—lvglsconsm‘ 1.111189 elvzaSMone logging truck Operator guffel-ed
i Dec. ’2. .1894 19,714.79lmeetlflg 0f the year l0 llS mflm-i Acting as
a. unit, the board re—
his wmk nation bf 9&07 ,. v2”. ID the 12 chil ren o e a ar)’; .
. . ‘ H Increase ______ "1444 7,251.59 bershlp, the annual planning
con-I appointed Arthur Ward as coun.
. as . o. I Sam an ‘1 age and J. en loneers of head and chest injuries
last Thuls— ’ , , (M . | . n , . ( I . _
, $0351: Yam“: , . 30f appmmmately three persons to! Gyil'ays
Iiai‘igi‘mfnd Mgson conn. Clay afternoon when his: truck. col—.2311
’33 girifigeBzg tggogm;fitio {ymlnn'loltnléeiShaec-
L to ‘hisenc‘ouraging Sign of to'! I 0 ieac Slimmer Homes
ities' He woum have been 50 yearsl léc'k‘d Wltdl afcghglggrdted
thy hSlliylE increase ~....::::3279 $ 8,324.82 Cheha-lis neXt Sunday
afternoon ton branch of the Seattle—First
Dec 1 mmd ‘3 the "hunger Ofl ' . . ‘ lold this January 27.
dymon 0 n on. e e ,MOVEY ORDInRg (international) at 1:30 o‘clock.
I’Natimial bank was designated as
act‘; eh to. know the truth and} I ‘d.T?19nE:g-”
tppduembgrsgzuo‘glcgffl Survivors include his wife, Ly-
gfil'l’txuyn Road “Vle I’lmlles t from: I DOCL I40 _ _ A L 7 $
10938 New council officers for 1941 the. official depository for county
" Publ‘ ehfnd public problems.”i we l '3” O” A“ ,0
‘ ldla, Grace, two sons, Robert and e 011' a'qum . a? 5,01)?“
,Dec' '29 24 228,52 will be elected and the year's pro—l
funds, and a. notice was received
. l(3-1".'ilndedness he sa'd 'nl ‘bc accounted fo‘
gene“my by U“? Jack two sisters Mrs. Harry Suddenly to avmd hitting d
car " u 19 gram planned by council leaders 'fmm the state
treasurer that
mg rapidly - ’ 'l.‘ 1‘I {presence of a large number OI-H‘ '
d M dgwhich had stopped in front of him Decrease ------ -» 17 s 1 ' l
f ' ‘. , I; f -
' 09. and ‘t m the Umtedl '- lsummer homes especially along‘
urst 0f Shelton’ an 145' Te Ito avoid hittin edeqtrignq on the 4th
Quar. ’40 14 226.37 Every 303’ SCOUt leader 0 every Mason County.‘
share 0 Decem
{ ested i1 is becoming dceplyl Ex-Shcriff Exonerateil Of Itcspon-l Hood
Canal “Hrl‘wqr‘nerclc Inlpt lGetchell of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, mad nd M
rgugrtyé thick Struck l 4th Q1“. .29 49 841.78 denomination or rank is
urged ber gas tax apportionments is
es n the wise use of rc-l sibility In One, Both Driv- i ‘,‘ “ y four
brothers. Robert of Shelton. 'a a q ' ‘ ! Decrease .. 35 s 615.41
to attend by Council Executlve' $8.688.
Pm I N “5 Blamed 2"“ anghglttlgisspogfithtsgiftsva ca nt William
°f Tacoma" Charles 0f Riiénofigfn mafgmtiiefmig Site. The
decreése'in the internation- Alla“ Adams- I At noon retiring
Orig 'th allow“ Defense ' ihouses is ‘co‘iisidc’r'lbl
under the A Spokane’ and Frank' Whose pres-l Dania es to thge truck
were ' ill money order trade. of Course, A banquet at 7:30 in the
eve.{ Ahem was the guest of honor at
) board 1° Interesting things} Former Sheriff Gerald
Byrnrylno,.,',‘.m;l for th’é Skim/y,” a whole ’ent whereabouts
are unknown to t 20%"b tn St. at W,” a0 is, easily explained by the
war con- ning will close the conference ' a luncheon at the Shelton
yin . domg at present is was exonerated completely of any’ “ ' the
family. an uncle and aunt Mr. $. ’ u 0 9‘ lm‘ 0. ‘," ma
Id‘t- .. in Fun) 0 and the Orient program. Scout leaders from Ma- which
was attended by the new
.1 tllgc gle'tbes't "193115 0f get-lTCSPOHSlbility for the
fatal traffic $12132”)??? Géicgfizcen%h:ggigig'and Mrs. William
Austin of Shel-[2f ethc Raymond machmcs dam' lo; emf,“ {Ema son
County planning to attendl board of commissioners, Auditor
f.’ f the ‘31 ed States into and accident in which Harry Young‘I b
‘ p ' ‘1- t_ ton, and a. large number of cous- 'g 1S. - c, may
make reservationsflirectly.’ Harry Dflyott“ Wh“ Sits, :35 Clerk
1e plesent emergency With and Veils Christiansen both of‘ur an vacancy-
percentage is Is ins nieces and ne hews (Cars driven by Mr" Don North
with Adams at his office in Olvm-l of the board and cx—offlcm mem-
'- alight 3&9! Sadifdocation oflllnion. met their-deaths last.
monthlws at While. it??? {gm ‘ "Ll‘me'm'B-Mml‘“
"’n-MS' 20‘s‘b781t0n' and Harry Wu"'l R'd
‘ R n pia'orm‘ilbugh Dr, Eugene Bro’wn-i hm." Road Engmeer ?
Art Ward,
’5' isséaid.‘ Th 'm‘a‘ life. Mr.l on the Olympic HighWaY
fiV01 :figmhgisl 1&15Lelnczilorjhtze‘d mg: .hs’d
Cérztpc‘IlteW't cosmdgd at Fl-rStl l ing or Walter Spinharney
here in, and {our members of the county
d, are . ‘3 Chbngesi, he con. miles north of Shelton by. a cor—l y .
‘p , . A k ‘3”? 0 a. S. rec S “'1 ay evcnmgl ' Shelton.
'welfarc administration, Miss Cora
I but igomg to be Congider Ioner’s 'ur verdict rendered Sat-lOf
2'500 pOpulation or over m the S S Withmlt mJury to‘any occuPanm“
iBarbcr supervlflor MAJ. Mary
akin 'J‘ ither “5% than the radical: urday J y tenure State w‘th
vaga‘nCY per-l P bl. H l A Damage was npt hsmd‘ . o BOARD OF REVIEW
lMCBt‘ldl‘, Mrs. Elindi' Nelson, Mrs.
-,- Us e'left or rltrht h: , _ centagep below Shelton s, the best'
11 e p S Harvey L. Biehl, 35, dairy trucki k t n gCHEDULED THURSDAY II 1,
w; ..
ld pr 0 otcilgpeheve' a would regional? SEEDfJe'gCI‘EiLnghhegl
tl’rlut(<:)k tgg‘of these being Enumclaw with an . driver, reported
he had to chase; . a l g i Boy scoum of Shplton and MW: Jim 1. ..
in ' I . : - . . l - ,
:1, r01 Yantls :;i(ildoa of the boa’rdlgboth were proceeding toward 0.8
percent figure. Strangely,. E. R. Levagood, LlllanLup, before, son County
troops seeking addhlllNTEmeT RATE LowERED 0N
Grand Coulee shows the highest
the latter stopped after their cars; New schedules affecting actiVi-
percent of vacancy at 14%, in-
was , . - . O, .r i , .
to have lti HOOd canal in the evenlnov Chnd' collided near Three Lakes
on the ‘ ties of the Mt. Lincoln Ridge Rim"
est lIlli‘ces and adapt! tiansen dying in the car an d
tional advancements will appearICOUN'I‘Y, SCHOOL WARRANTS
before a board of review to bel Interest rates on county and
salgd, 1hoisvsleiiight primary l
' , navi ’
gation, fish, etflrf‘tmn‘i
f which of t
state‘ \have precedence
’Vasliin ‘on
aho“ shall havgt . Ore
elvxng into '
ources Planni
0? patted
. appear}: work in im
, any tonce. “Shelton, morei
I, , of," Em of_Its size that ll
. em use c said, “is ,making‘
ages to_ of its natural
looks improgelthe communi-
“neg , 1i oko are doin
.4_l of {)0b of developing a. littlg
.. . rge eauty, and I most str
. mes you and .all other com-l
104 a 0 keep improving youri
Shelton on the
"a-hce as a m I
S_ c atter of self I
ittsas well as the commercial“|
l o _
.s;a.sf>ction Representation
he attains also touched briefly
as H W legislature, of which
lent (NSC-speaker during the
don.ts"ssion of. 1933. I
in think we who profess:
it daemocracy realize how]
ePends on the represent- |
9 :just average’ fellowl
g el‘mng bodies. The leg-l
. aentauolfld be made up ofl
. shomd Ves from all walks of"
ween represent a. completel
id. ,9“ of the population,"
tion h man of no particularl
q]y.intut who is wholly and
uch erested in public good
latUremOr'e valuable in the
., iant han a well educated,
" 3-11 with a single pur-
such a program will"
a .
mvemg grace of democracy,
makernted. is the ability of‘
3 to see the other‘s side
aubert postponed his;
0f committee ap-I
lug 0th until the February
Presid er than to name First
Of the em- Frank Lynn chair-
. finance committee and:
°_ President Roy Mc-l
rman of attendance
committee. I
00, one of the cham-
31 aims of 1941 would
f3: state fish hatch-.
. as, . Mason County
‘ of first instigated a num—
ago. Allie Robinson,
an resort ro rietor,
9mmlttee. p p
$33011 drafted bv th e
e?“ and winery op-I
cm 0011th requesting
t Arthur Langlie to
to. the liquor control
“"11 Promote home
a'dopted unanimous—
amber as its first
5 erflora
.. int "11%
Ph ucts hi)
s g thea:
., ac
r bred sillsAL PATIENT
ltted f 118on of Potlatch was
ten °r_medica
hogpltm Frildgfatment at
. y
i the
:9?“ the coun-lYoung succumbing several days
~1Ver. for in-llater to injuries received in the
wreck. Byrne was not injured.
At the same time, the six-man
and : jury found that the deaths of Mr.
hese l and Mrs. Alfred E. Hart of Agate
e the day, I combined negligence of Mr. Hart
3 digest'and Wesley Marquart, driver of
Hg board, the logging truck which crashed
day following the
Byrne wreck were due to
linto the Hart car at the Deer
proving; Creek intersection of the Shelton-
highway with
the Agate road.
The jury was called by Pros—
ad-vecutor Frank Houston, who also
serves as county coroner, and was
composed of Ralph Pigg, Grisdale
Crosby, Frank Willard, Oscar Mell, .
ong"Mau‘tin Smith and Gordon Hen—
A baby boy
was born today to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moultrop of
Route 1, Shelton, at Shelton hos-
dicating the peak of that mush-
room town's population probably
has been passed and the decline
‘ Mrs.fiaiogan
Dies At Hospital
I been announced yet, pending word
from a sister in Canada, for Mrs.
Elva Logan, 57. who died at Shel-
ton hospital January 10 after an
illness of several weeks. She had
been a hospital patient for nearly
‘a month. .
Surviving are her husband, M.
W. Logan, former Mason County
'pi‘osecutor; a sister, Mrs. A. A. Mi-
lkota, of Port Hammond, B. 0.;
land a nephew, Theodore Weston,
:of Nisqually Falls, Wash.
labout 25 yearsflShe was born at
Angeles on December 25,
Here’s First—Timeu-Thir
d Coming Up
The two men with hands upraised, pictured above in March, 1933.
will repeat this scene for the third time when Chief Justice Charles
Evans Hughes administers the
oath of office to President Franklin
D. Roosevelt at the nation’s capitol on Jan. 20. Bottom strip shows
Roosevelt as he looked when inaugurated for his first and second
terms and as he looks today.
No funeral arrangements have
Mrs. Logan had lived here for
After operating for several
months quietly and without bene-
fit of publicity, the needy school
children’s shoe fun now
necessary to ask public contribu-
tions again, reports County School
Supt. J. E. Martin, who handled
the fund last year and so far this
Due to the flu epidemic, vaca-
gtion and Christmas, the demand
Ifor shoes has grown considerably
in the past two weeks, Supt. Mar-
tin said today, hence the necessity
for public contributions. Contribu-
tions have been coming in without
the asking up to this point, he
said, but the fund is now some-
what in the red with the demand
growing, so public aid is sought.
Contributions may be sent to
Supt. Martin directly. The fund is
being handled on the same basis
,as it was last year, when over 300
I pairs of shoes were purchased with
lover $600 donated.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Vaughn
of Route became parents today
of a baby son born at Shelton hos~
When the Harlem Globetrotters,
world's champions, come here to
put on a basketball exhibition for
[the sake of the “fight infantile
lparalysis” fund next Sunday, the
[large crowd expected will see the
cleverest quintet in the history of
the cage sport.
ment, he has only to check with
someone who has seen the dusky
wizards play at any time during
the past thirteen years and be
At that, the Globetrotters'
“sleight-of-hand” tricks have to
be seen to be believed. These ira
repressible Trotters spin the ball
on their finger tips, roll it down
ltheir legs. pass it between the
llegs of their bewildered oppon—
lents and perform other similar
lstunts while the game is in pro-
gress. An unsuspecting foe is
ilikely to find himself with the
ball suddenly stuck between him
llegs, or even perched on top of
.bis head, while the crowd is roar-
ing its delight at the antics,
Victim Laughs, Too
However, thorough sportsmen
ithat they are, the Globetrotters
never deliberately attempt to make
the-opposition look silly or fool—
ish. These little tricks that add
zest to a. game are done in such
a. subtle fashion that even the
player victim gets a kick out of
the proceedings.
Two tricks in particular are
favorites of the fans. One is
when the Trotters line up in foot-
ball formation and go through a
finds it .
If any one doubts that state—1
lOlympic Highway. Biehl
flicted on the Levagood machine,
according to Biehl's report.
road Saturday without injury re—
the Davis car and $15 to the
,Smith machine, their reports said.
Annual Red Cross
. Election Monday
All persons who took out mem-
berships in the Mason County Red
Cross chapter in the recently com-
pleted roll call are eligible to vote‘
in the annual election meeting
which will be held next Monday
quet room.
A noihost dinner at 6:30 will
open the annual session, Chairman
Oscar Mell said today, with the
business meeting starting at 7:30.
In addition to the election of new
officers, the chapter’s annual re-
lport of activities will be given.
gridiron maneuver; the other,
when they have the ball in their
possession near the basket they
are defending (and with a com-
lfortable lead), a player lays the
,ball down on the floor and goes
linto a huddle with his own team-
mates some yards away.
to what is going on, and, when a
player finally walks over and
usually with a sheepish grin on
his face. Sometimes, too, when
the Trotters are well out in front,
they’ll join in and help the other
team make a basket or two.
Attractive Preliminary
The preliminary game to the
Globetrotters exhibition looms as
quite an attraction in itself and
should serve to get the crowd in
the right mood for the main at-
traction. The R.R.R_ (pronounc-
Ifar is unbeaten in the Seattle
commercial league, meets the
Pantorium Pirates in the cur-
tain raiser.
The R.R.R. team is composed
ers in
Lewie Burnett,
prep athlete.
playing a game in Olympia Sat-
urday night, then will drop over
to Shelton for the Sunday con-
test, picking up Ned Snelgrove,
teacher at Bordeaux grade school
here, to help out.
The preliminary starts at 2:30,
the Globetrotter exhibition
Seattle, one of whom
former Shelton.
listed I ners, local outdoor
damage at $50 to his truck, but were announced today by President
practically no damage was in- Bob Bampton as the aftermath of
cars Operated by Delbert Dam-“Li . Hereafter club meetings will be
22, Camp 5, and George B. Smith, held
Shelton, collided on the Camp 5-
sulting, but with $60 damages to!
evening in the Shelton Hotel ban-'
the opposition is too befuddled as‘
takes an unmolested gift shot, it’s.
ed three R's) quintet, which so'
of a group of grade school teach-i
The teachers ar el
sports club,
ltlic club’s meeting last Thursday
on alternate Wednesday
nights instead of Thursdays. this
change being due to-another switch
in club activities which changes
the hours of the weekly club ice
skating parties in the Olympia ice
{arena to 8 to 11 o'clock each
lThursday. Formerly the parties
were held from ten to midnight, so
the new schedule gives the skaters
an extra hour on the ice and a two-
liour earlier starting time. with the
added possibility that instruction
[may be available during the final
{hour of the new schedule, Bamp-
iton said today.
I At the club’s meeting last
,Thursday, Al Koch acted as in-
lstructor for skiing lessons and
Iwent through the Otto Lange, or
IArlberg, technique as well as pos-
“sible on the flat surface of the
,courtroom floor. His class found
ithe demonstration excellent and
lhopes to have him return again
éfor more instruction of a. similiar
‘ nature.
Also, an emblem was'presented
to the club, with action on its pos-
lsible adoption by the club to be
taken up at the next meeting on
January 22.
‘ This Wednesday evening Mr1
land Mrs. Roy Poacher will reprei
isent the Mt. Lincoln Ridge Run-
lners at the meeting of the S. W.
held this Thursday evening at
the McCleary Timber offices at
7:30 o'clock under the direction
of Chairman Frank Heuston.
Under the direction of Allan
Adams, Tumwater Council chief
executive, and Dr. Eugene Brown-
ing, Tumwater Council commis-
sioner from Mason County,
course in the elements of Boy
Scout Leadership will commence
January 30 at 7:30 o‘clock in the
Scout Building here.
Six classes will be held in the
course at times to be set at the
first meeting. No advance reg-
istration is necessary. All Scout
leaders in this area are urged to
Scouts on Troop 12 who have.
first class ranking and are 15
years or ever have formed an
Explorer Patrol under the leader-
ship of George Snyder, Scoutmas-
ter Walter Spinharney reports.
The activities of the Explorer
Patrol consist of hiking, earning
merit badges more advanced than
the usual list of merit badges, and
planning and conducting troop
A party of 23 Boy Scouts was
formed at the Olympia ice arena.
Saturday morning as Troop 25
a .
school'district warrants» in Ma-
son County was reduced yester-
day from 4‘37, to 3% effective
January 10. in an action announc-
led by Auditor Harry Deyette.
: The action was taken in view
lot the current low money market.
N. Y. A. Project
Starts Thursday
a On Reservation
Under the supervision of Char-
les Reed'of Shelton, some 25 boys
will begin work under an N. Y. A.
project on the Skokomish Reserva-
tion school grounds this Thursday
I morning, reporting at nine o'clock.
The project, which will last for
several months, is aimed at im-
proving the grounds surrounding
,the new Lower Skokomish school
Lto bring them up to the beauty
lstandards of the new school struc-
1 ture.
I General improvements to the
lschool grounds and athletic field.
lrcconstruction of the old school
gbuilding into a community hallby
Iputting in a new floor, adding a
‘- liitchen, painting and shingllng, are
{part of the work to be done, al—
;ong with fencing in the grounds
land building a new woodshed and
l storeroom.
‘; Fiancing of the project will be
scarricd jointly by the Lower Sko-
Ikomish school district. the N. Y.
IWashington Ski League in Cheha- Scouts bECame gue§ts 0f TrOODEA., the
Taholah Indian Agency.
115. with which the local club has 12 Scouts at a skating party.
recently affiliated. The Ridge Run-
ners hope to participate in some
future controlled skiing races the
league plans to schedule.
Approximately 15 members of
the Ridge Runners enjoyed the
Walter Spinharney, Troop 12
scoutmaster, supervised the group
scouteas MEETING
District Chairman Deane Brodie
past weekend skiing at Mt. Rain- has called a. meeting of all Mason
ier and reported finding excellent;
‘ skiing conditions.
3 Group sewing on the Red Cross
‘war relief sewing project will be
handled on the following schedule
this week and next. Mrs. Herberti
Wednesday-~~J3aptist Women.
Friday—Royal Neighbors.
chairman, announced to-
Rain bow Mothers.
Thursday—Eastern Star.
lcanal by Mr. and Mrs. Guy
‘= Allison of Madrona Lodge to Carl
‘and Edward Schafer of Montesa-
no was completed last Saturday,
I, according to an announcement by
l Mr. Allison.
l na Lodge property,
Tuesday—Methodist Women and I
Wednesldawaagles Auxiliary, l
County Scout leaders for this
Thursday evening in the Shelton
Hotel with a 6:30 dinner being op-
tional followed by the .business
session at 7:30
Several important topics are to
be discussed, including that of a
proposed new Sea Scout ship and
a proposed new Boy Scout troop
at Matlock. ' ’
Chairman Brodie said today, too,
that the 1940 Scout fund drive had
been cleaned up in the past few
days through the efforts of Scout-
er Jim Amunds.
The first instruction class will
start at 7:30 next Monday night
in the Lincoln building. At least
, gone
through the instruction school be-
The Allisons retain the Madro- fore a. boy becomes eligible to join
. the cub Pack.
one parent must have
Final plans for commencing the
parents three-class school of in—
struction, a necessary adjunct to
{the organization of a Cub Pack.
Sale of the old Yachthaven re- next Monday night were laid last
sort property near Union on Hood night at a meeting of parents in
H, Lincoln school.
land the State department of Edu-
I cation.
Red Cross First
I Aid Course Due
l Mason County Red Cross Chap-
ltcr’s 1941 first aid program gets
under way January 24 at 7:30
p, m., at the superior court room,
Myron Luncl, First Aid Chairman,
announced today.
A standard first aid course will
be offered, with any person above
the age of seventeen eligible to
The class will be instructed by
Robert “Bob” Bampton. who com-
pleted the lay instructor’s course
last March and qualified as all
American Red Cross First Aid in-
structor at that time.
A charge of 60 cents will be
made to cover the cost of the
textbook. No charge will be
made to those persons enrolling
in the class already possessing a
Nights of instruction will be
determined by a vote of the class
John Hovi of Shelton was ad-
mitted to Shelton hospital Mon-
day for medical care,