January 14, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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More Motorists
against John Hawk, Union,
year after his arrest by State; . f .tterm awa
Patrolman Cliff Aden and DeputyI 16 Vlcmry a ter ‘n g y
Sheriff Fred Hickson Saturday; ; . . . 1 knot the
night five miles north of Shelton; ton mmea bmmant y to
on the Olympic highway.
Hawk's trail when they found two '
cars in the ditch near the airport! Out Of the
which had been forced off the
ilton, Route 2, Sunday morning
in Shelton on a negligent driving
charge which will be heard this
and Hickson had arrested Wright!
Page Two
- Junior Hi Rally
Knots Count But
Chehalis Victor
Chehalis junior high almost lost
la game it had won from Shelton
ljunior high here Saturday after-
l noon, but pulled out with an 18 to
Arrested, Fined g
For Violations;
Drunken driving charges filed!
ulted in a $50 fine and suspen-
ion of his driving license for a
la 12 to 4 halftime lead as Shel-
icount at 15-all two minutes be-
fore the gun.
Had Jim Toby not been forced
battle on personal
‘fouls Shelton might have pulled’
Aden and Hickson were put on%
lout with the verdict, but Toby,
after scoring eight points during
Shelton’s big comeback, was chas-I
ed after the score hadbeen knot-g
ted and with him went Shelton's!
by Hawk‘s machine.
Aden arrested George W. Ham-
vening. spark,
Mel Wright of Shelton was sen-l coaCh Hugh Clark was well
weed to lib dry?» in jail by JUS"lpleased with the way his kids!
ice M. C, Zintlieo after Adenlfought back, although he didn’t
think they played as well as they
in Skokomish Valley Saturdardid at Aberdeen last Wednesday.
night and Charged hlm Wlth vag' l Aberdeen comes to Shelton this
“HWY- 2Wednesday for a return (contesti
plates were fined $5 apiece
Justice Zintheo yesterday after!
their arrests by Aden over the
Three more motorist! driving
heir cars without 1941 licensel
starting at two o'clock in Lincoln
The Chehalis second cam won a
23 to 2 verdict over the Shelton
.peewees in Saturday’s preliminary.
The lineups: l
Chehalis (18) Shelton (16M
Mrs, James Evans of Agate, is ROSbaCk ------ "F ------------ --
convalescing at Shelton hospital Taylor 4 -------- --F -------- --
Sears 4 Toby 8
after undergoing an operation per-
Rayton 6 ........
Fishback 2 .... Parsons 2
Subs: Chehalis—Owens, Benny,
gCallison, Chase, McMichaels. Shel-
iton—-Rector 2, Temple, Plemons.
ormed there last week. Savage 4
.Chehalis (23) Shelton (2) l
lGalusha 8 . Hopland;
THEATRE 'Paderick 4 . Smith-l
SHELTON. WASHINGTON Birtchet 8 ------ -»C-- Daniels!
. r Stringfellow 3 G.. Binnsl
_ Jaeger .............. ..G ............ .. McGuire‘
Two shows every mam Subs: Chehalis—— Fortune, Ros-
Startlng at 7:00 P.M. back, Brodwick,
Shelton#O’Neill, Crackola, Pinck-
ncy, Richardson 2, Robertson. '
iOwls Thrashed Badly
Bartly, Oban,
Matlnee 2:15 p.m. Saturday
and Sunday
Adm.. 10¢ and 25¢, plus tax
(State 2¢; Federal 3¢)
Last Time Tonight
Lioclips soundly thrashed Mary
Knight, 48 to 10, in 21 Tri-
Ccunty league basketball contest
“Down Argentine Way”
Don Amechee Betty Grable
at Maciips Friday night as R.
Berquist and Ferguson staged a
scoring spree between themselves.
The Owls were never in the
. game. The lineups:
\Vednesday Moclips (48) (10) Mary Knight
iNewlun 3 ...... ..F .......... .. Lonsberg
_ R. B' u‘ t 10 H 4
Renal Colman — Gmger‘ lFerg‘fisfn 10 _________ “112356”
R°gers Rickert 6 Beebower 3
l quist 4, Van Rooy 8, Koontz, Arm—
‘strong. Mary Knight, White, Roth-
rock, Price.
Fine Catch Sunday 0f
i Blackmouth, Cutthroat
1 Excellent fishing
,ported in the bay here with in-
ldi-cations that it will continue to
15¢ NITE
Friday Saturday
Allan Jones Nancy
One of the fine catches reported
llast weekend consisted of seven
blackmouth and cutthroat, with
the cutthroat being the largest,
made by Cecil Bingham and Del
W—b—o-MM ‘—_,—‘-—
Most of proceeds to be turned over to Mason County
“Fight Infantile Paralysis Fund.”
Mu“) M
’ Gloss. leofiERS , ARE.
Ioso,o§<‘>‘“s£i“1‘8§w N Amen" LAST .YE
2:30—Fast Preliminary
R.R.R.’s of Seattle vs. Shelton Town Team
3:30—GLOBE TROTTERS vs. Pantorium Pirates
General Admission 50c; Students 25¢
At Moclips, 48 to 10‘
is being re ii
limprove steadily for the next few,
world last March.
ing this fifth annual appearance
Tacoma, Jan. 13—(Speeial) —-
[Uncle Sam’s army of Federal in—
-Sleasman 1 ____ ..G .............. _. Corey 3leomc tax payers in this
Subs: Moclips—~Metcalf 6, Berg—‘
which dropped to a low of slight-
ly over 70,000 in 1934 but which
has been growing continuously
since, reached the impressive to-
tal of 155,000 during the calendar
year of 1940. This represented a«
gain of 25,000 over 1939 and set
the highest total ever established
in the Internal Revenue collec‘
tion district of Washington and
Alaska. Thor'W. Henricks‘en', Aet-
ling Collector, announced today
lthat income tax forms to report
incomes for 1940 are being mail-
ed to every taxpayer who filed a
return for the year 1939. The
annual filing date for returns is
March 15th.
The administration 0; the new
Revenue Act of 1940 embracing
the broad defense taxes and low—
er exemptions affecting incomes
earned during the year 1940, the
collector anticipates that more
than 50,000 new taxpayers will be
required to file returns before the
annual due date. Extensive prep—
arations are being made through,
the cooperation of employers tO'
make returns available for these1
added taxpayers.
The Revenue Act of 1940 haSI
many important changes with re-
spect to liability of individuals for,
ifiling income tax returns. The
baziu for determining liability is
the amount of gross income, not
net income, has been in effect
in recent revenue laws. Individ-
uals under the following circum-
stances, the collector stated, are
required to file returns coyoring
the calendar year 1940: (1) Sin».
gle individuals, or married indi-
viduals not living with husband
or wife, having a gross income of
$800 Or more: and (2) Married
iindividuals living together having
a combined gl‘ossiiicome of $2,-‘
000 or more.
Basedon the new provisions
every citizen or resident of the
United States, it was stated to-
day, will be required to file a re-
turn for the taxable year 1940 if
his gross income in 1940, regard-
less of the amount of his net in-
;come, comes within the amounts
specified for’h—is particular status.
A return must be filed even,
though by reason of allowable1
deductions from gross income and!
of allowable credits against netl
lincome it develops that no tax is‘
l due.
Form 1040!; should be used for
gross income of not more than
$5,000 derived from salaries, we.-
ges, interest, dividends and an-
nuities. Form 1040 should be
used for gross income from sal-l
aries, wages, interest, dividends
and annuities of. more than $5,-
000; or if any part of the incomcl
lis , derived from sources other
lthan salaries, wages, interest, di—
vidends or annuities. Form 1040
should be used regardless of the
amount of income. While returns
must be filed on or before March
15, 1941, with the Collector of
Internal Revenue at Tacoma,
Washington, it is urged that they
be filed as soon as possible.
Above is a composite group picture of the individual members of the famous
original Harlem l
Globe Trotters, Negro basketball wizards who won the professional
basketball championship of the
The Globe Trotters play in Shzlton January 19 with proceedls of their
going to the President's'sirthday Infantile
donating part of their share of the gate receipts while the city basketball
league, which is sponsor-
to the “fight infantile paralysis” campaign.
l affects SUV-tax net incomes between .
= vious year.
.February 15, 1941.
The collector stated that if
there is any doubt as to the tax-
payer's liability for filing a re-
turn, and if no blank is available
lfron'i an employer, request can
lbe made of the Collector of In-
ternal Revenue whose office is
located in Tacoma, Washington,
orlflfrom One of the «branch offices
cities: Seattle, Spokane, Yakima,
lWenatche‘e, Walla Walla, Aber-
deen. Bellingham, Everett and for
the“’I‘,erritory of Alaska in the of-
fices at‘Juneau, Anchorage a n d
Fairbanks: Forms have also been
made available with the principal He: "‘Giddap."
w lch are located in the following]
“NR _. . _.
PaRaIYSis Fund in Mason County. The Globe Trotters are
of the Globe Trotters here, is turning over half of the net proceeds l
,Journal Represented 1
At W.N.P.A. Institute!
Editor Grant C. Angle, Adveru
,, .,,_.§ tising Manager Dick Watson and‘
PPStHiaNLersimid Federal comm)" News Editor Bill Dickie repre—.
sioners located throughout the, d . 1 w .
Territory of Alaska. The collect- same. the Jouma at the 9.:h a”
or cautioned that individuals who'lllual mStltUte 0f. the
lNewspaper Publishers Aesomation
fail to file returns under the Cir-‘ . , . ,
cumstances outlined will be sub- l held 1“ Seattle laSt rhurSday’
day and Saturday.
ject to the imposition of penal-l ' _
An interesting and instructive‘
ties as prescribed by law. i d b th 1
Fiduciary and partnership re- prog’am was emde y 9 mm“
. . . , r , newspapermen With talks by Gov,‘,
turns, Forms 1041 and 1060 re lArthur B. Langlie’ Palmer Hoyt’l
spectivcly, have been mailed to . ,
. c 3 publisher of the Portland Oregon-
all taxpayers in those classics who l mu, Herb Grey, advertising man_
have reviousl filed re arts with
the 'lpacmna gffice; CIdrporationlaggr' 0f. the Mildford (enigma):
Forms 1120 and the supplemental Mail Tribune, ant. other outstand-l
Form 1121, which will permit the mg men- l
computation of excess-profits tax- 1 5
es under the Second Revenue Act:
of 1940, have not as yet been rc-l
ceived and cannot be distributed
until a later date.
The forms that have been dis-i
tributed to individual taxpayersl
are similar to those used in pre-l
vious years with the exeep’tion,
that pl'UVlSlOl'l is made for thei
computation and addition of a ten
percent defense tax which the,
law provides must be added to all;
taxes .computed to be due. The.
surtax rates have been adjusted
upward for taxpayers subject to
such surtaxes. ‘The first increase
$6,000 and $8,000. The surtax'
rate for this bracket in 1939 was
five percent and netted $180. The
same taxpayer on the same ill-l
come for 1940 will pay a rate of;
six percent. or $200. A gradual?
upward adjustment of surtaxesi
will require the additional pay-
ment of larger taxes generally.
No change in the normal rate of
four percent has been made under
the present law.
Income tax returns for 1940
are the first return:- on which
a taxpayer may claim a credit
for business net losses a pre-
Crcdit for these loss—
e: are 'subjcct to certain limita-l
tlons which are explained on in-
struction sheets attached to the
return. Further information may
be obtained upon request to the
office of the collector. -
The new and important provis-
ions of the Revenue Act of 1940
further seek the cooperation of
employers to. determine the lia-
bility of taxpayers generally. Ef-
fective for the taxable year ended
after December 31, 1939, everv
employer is required to file an
information return, Form 1099, ONLY $2.5. MORE FOR AN
and report all payments of $800:
or more paid to unmarried per-J
sons and $2,000 or more paid to.
married persons. In all cases
where the marital status of an
employee is unknown, he or Shel
must be reported as; single In-‘
formation returns must be pre-
pared and forwarded to the Com-
missioner of Internal Revenue,
Washington, D. C. on or before!
The previous’
law required‘similar reports but
the new law’ has increased the,
number of information returns-l
necessary from $1,000 to $800 for"
single persons and from $2,500I
to $2,000 for married persons. 1m}
formation returns are being mail-l
ed to all employers throughoutl
the district and additional forms!
are available at Tacoma or any}
branch office of the collector.
Drummer In Da Ruff
In the days when a horse was
a Chapemney the hatpin W35 3' adds definitely to that impression.
weapon, and telephone booths . . . , . . .
were m the backyard In reality, however, Pontiac prices are within
Time_,9:3o p. x reach of any new car buyer. They begin at
place—01d ox Road $828 and progress upward in very
Characters-vFarmer‘s daughter,l
the hired man, and old dobbin. I
He: “Whoa.” 1'
She: “No.” 3
Phone 188
iris. Seals May
‘to swell the total sales, Mrs. Eu-
‘gene Browning, treasurer of the!
' the
. ‘arol
v from
'petition they will
lat the Pan-Pacific Auditorium. .l
Take fiomflwk
believe that a new Pontiac
“Torpedo” costs as little as it
does. That is easy to under-
stand. Pontiac looks like 2 lot
of money. And the luxury 'of its Fisher body
Strictly Fresh
Be Deducted From ,
1940 Income Tax"
LL street cars in Melbourne,
Australia, are equipped with
l loudspeakers so passengers can l
While the ChriStmaS 5931 Cam“ hear the conductor call out the
paign formally closed on Christ- Stops NOW if they only had
mas Day, late returns are expected so'me' way tn make what he says
i? 1‘ t ‘
Mason County Tuberculosis As-l ’
sociation, announced today.
Returns so far have fallen short
of the amount needed to carry onl , , y
the necessary work in 1940 ac-l dejrStWId, ‘t‘th‘ngs 5m] are!”
cording to Mrs. Browning, but shel Cllemg In Europe-
expressed confidence that the post—l " ‘1 ' _ ;'
holiday totals would materially in-l In Pennsylvania an army an" ‘
crease the final figure. corps lieutenant’s bride wore a
Income tax payers were remind- 30W“ made'lrom , a ParaChuFOy i
ed today by Thor W. Henricksen,I And he thought It was a me
deputy collector of internal rev-1 53V”!
enue, that money paid for Christ—
mas Seals and Health Bonds may;
be deducted next spring from in-l
come tax returns.
Mrs. Browning, in a statement
issued through the Christmas- Seal
Sale Committee, said: 1
“Christmas Seal purchasers mayi
deduct the amounts they contribw
ute on their income tax blanks
under the heading, ‘Contributions
to religious, educational and chari~l
table institutions.’ It is import-i Mrs. Ida Kirkland and Mrs
ant to SPECifyv in making SUCh de'l Frank Harrier returned to theiri
more than 2,000,000 artificial ,
teeth during 1940. We can’t un- l
t O 1
In Texas archaeologists have
found the neck of a dinosaur
; measuring three feet across.
There is no evidence that there
I was any meal on it, however.
San Pedro Trip Made
In 3 Days Each Wayf
guctions' the {lame of the Organ“; Shelton homes last week
{Zatlonf-j to thh the Erlfmey went ‘ a hurried motor trip to San
‘md £01 What purpose“: ‘Calif., with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Browning added that thef
league wishes strongly that alll
returns be sent in by Friday, when
association will hold its an-
nual luncheon meeting at 12:15 in!
Masonic Temple for election of'
new officers and to hear the an—v
nual report.
Kennedy Pair To
Skate In Coast
Ice Competition
Opening a trip which they hope
will lead straight to a Holiywoodl
motion picture contract, Peter and
Kennedy, children of Dr.,
and Mrs. M, E. Kennedy of Olym-
pia, former Shelton residents,s
left Olympia today for Colorado;
Springs where they are entered?
in the Pacific Coast skating com—,
petition in the junior pair divinel
They are the only junior pair;
the entire Pacific Ncrtli—,
west, and vill be competing withl
young skaters from all over the
West. They will represent thcl
Olympia Figure Skating Club ill!
the coast competition, which they;
are entering after only nine monw’
the instruction. However, their
instructor, Sparky Bourque‘ is
confident they have the ability to,
win the title in their division. l
After the Colorado Springs c;i‘.i.‘
continue on;
through New Mexico, Arizona and‘
California to Hollywood to skate‘
Harrier, who will make their heme
can get for your money.
Peter and Carol come by their!
skating ability naturally for their!
grandfather, Mike Kennedy, Ma—.
son County jailer, was an ace on
the steel blades as a youth,
Mr. Bourque and Dr. and Mrs.‘
Kennedy are accompanying the
youngsters on the trip, which willl
last about two weeks. l
at that price!
What’s more, owners say that their Pontiacs are
very economical to operate. If you’re planning
to buy a new. car soon, be sure to consider a
Pontiac “Torpedo.” It’s built right and priced
right to give you more for your mODey.
*Delinered a! Pauline. State tax,_ optional equit-
’ ment, accexsories—exlra. Prices subject to change
‘ without notice. '
R. B. Dickey
easy stages.
llcr‘oert F
sou Logging company "‘
Misc “Betty Johnson.
bill's. Kirkland and Mr
report no excitement on '
The United States exported lWth“ W35 a-Ccompflmed-i
Associated Automatic Burner Oil is distilled—amber in col.
clean burning, 100% heat energy. Phone us for speedy delive
J‘ttilt :il')’ l
(lily, Jallu
l'li,C of E] "
Chapter (1
Bll‘thday in
Camp 5. was admitted 120' member l
hospital lvlorlday ini- tr No. 40, Q.
A. A .. e» 013 Saturda.
there while Mr; H. .“TIQ 35 igfinigte
Navy ship is stationed bring a“ 5)
port. Mrs. H rricx lil .ay part; t?
1"" meeting
Waldrip, the
Clau l ,
:weather most of the 3.. Witcyiftfealf
which took three days ea 2, table
r‘ nth. are m;
.s for the o,
lure of th
11 G tion honorin
iVJhO has be
L A by Grand
‘ 'Sch. The v
'f Washing
filer of Yal
in rler's bl‘Otht
Convenient ’
= rnation Clt
Honor will
NO DELAY gm”- Li“.
, anual‘y
Mason County 83 Say 1‘
8; Loan AssociaTH FLO
Title Insurance '3' g
Phone 0.196“,
m sparkle
°li€king ri
_. m £01.: on mm me my '; ZM
317 St. "