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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1941
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l'\' 1/! . ——' .. (1513’, January 141, 194 nos? (ll~ I Milly “' Chaliter l Birthday Party ‘, iittcd to member of w or l for tr NO- 40. “filllmligl . Old Saturday night. Jail—. 3; any late, that is the .penmes) each one is . armg as an offering at. y Party to be. held after (ill. ylar meetin ‘ ind Lil's mple. g at the Ma- ent on ipanied; the t l. days ca . l Waldrip, the Worthy Ma- l . lson, Wor—l awith their committees." nth all“: Chairman for: ; f(Tale making elabor—l i tur’ the occasion. All»! F 0 0f the evening is. non honoring Mrs. Clara: vwho has been appointcdl 5 epresentativc to lower by. 113’ Grand Matron, M. Sch: The Worthy Grand} f Washington is John“ 91,19? Cf Yakima, who is; '19!"S brother. l Clui) bk: Meeting jrnation Club of the Dc—. Honor will meet at the [JLA‘Y V MIE. Lilwrio B. Hill January 16 !or a 1:30 Uncheon. .M___ _ l lly 83 Say It. l ssocia TH FLOWERS ey Bring Comfort I and Happiness ,g‘érL DESIGNS AND r AL BCUQUETS Ed anywhere, anytime is Floral Shep t0" Hardware Bldg. 270-VV anoe Bl value ‘ lit) or H ' f )r your Vama‘ge to rugs, fun“. d clothes etc em ,1 _ . ., . cued lrner Oil '000 last year _ .e most y “1 destroy passesslom val“ . . or iron ' Year. Eran $01~ BERLOUIZE your y elive “1'88, etc, now before . :dddmaged. Our servicO by I ten year guar- tbout it now. V " Cmth Steam ry & Dry Cleaners SMARl lS‘lHEY [00K “'95 you exclusive he Pr e u made to 0rd 032" Si": 12-20. Colors: . cast, Green, Navy. 1. ., SHELTQNiM/‘SON CQUNT‘ZJQURNAL Page: Three Sheltonites Attend Bishop-Sjoblom VVc-dding One of the outstanding wedvl dings of the season to be held inl Aberdeen was that last Saturdayl l l What, No Spinach? l l ‘N 0 Foreign War’ Plea Wins Support Robert ll MARR AGE llCENSES l Johnson. ‘37, a lid Hazel lwliich was held : Hoodsport. ; given. ! held l . . . . . ‘Will also be awarded during the . l presses to wear from January *hrWQh M“ i . nts, smart and in perfect taste on softly colored grounds, evening of Miss Barbara Bishop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kcating Bishop, to Karl Sjobloni of Sail Diego, son of Mr_ and Mrs. Oscar A. Sjoblom of Hoquiam, at St. Andrews Episcopal church. A reception was held at the Morck Hotel fol— lowing the wedding. The Bishops are well known heTc having made their summer home for many ycarél past on Hood Can- al. Among Sheltonites and Canal residents to attend the wedding and reception were Gene Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Miller. Bud Daviscourt, Fred Short, Miss: Clara Eastwood and Miss Eloise Flagg. Card Party Is Scheduled For Saturday The Hoodsport Townsend Club :will give a card party on Satur- d'dy Evening, January 18, at 8 p. m.. at the school club room at ' Bridge, pinochle and bingo will be played and prizes The public is cordially in— vited to attend. St. Edward’s Church To Hold Curd Party A public card party will be in the Social Room of the .St. Edward’s Catholic church on Thursday evening, January 16, be- ginning at 8 o’clock. Contract bridge, pinochle, and 500 will be in play during the evening, with a prize for the winner in each group. A valuable; door prize evening. lLOs Angelou Visitor liReturns Home Friday Mrs. Mac Lusk returned here' Friday evening from a three weeks trip to California which ltook her to the borne of her sis- lter and family, Mrs. James L_ lHill at Los Angeles, for the Christmas holidays and to Santa Barbara and San Francisco. She reported the weather as not so igood with no sunshine. l er. And Mrs. H. Skelsey Return From California .sey returned Friday night from la three week trip to Long Beach, lCalifornia, where they spent the lholidziys with their son, Ted and lhis family. Ed Elliott also called [while they were there. They re- lported the Rose Festival at Pasa- dena, as one of the big events of their trip. Entertains . Bridge Club I Mrs. Charles Hurst entertained at her home Thursday afternoon for the regular meeting of her bridge club. There Were two tables of cards in play with hon— llett and Mrs. Fred Hickson who lalso won the galloping goose. A {delicious dessert luncheon lserved during the afternoon. lsmlum Visitors Mrs Clara Huntley and daugh— l Entel‘mms Bridge Club “rash” l Thunsduy Evening ltt-r Malgaret of Sultan, arrived here Sunday night to spend a month or so at the home of Mrs. Esther Roles. a. ""4 v3 ‘4' lectured in “\ADEMUlSELLE Mollinson's prints in t er for Ann Sutton only. The rayon crepe dresses 5 ar . P H‘ under your wmter coat now, and are perfect to go / °l k' . i c mg “gilt through spring. $ A Complete collection around 6 . Style 390. Size: 10-20. Colors: Toast, Blue, Green, Rose, Nnvv. Mr. and Mrs. Horace W. Skel-l ors being won by Mrs. Bill Nob-l wa 52103- l l l l i l l l l PHONE 100 I l 'Gll‘l- Scout Coulich l {Has Busy Session 5 Girl Scout Council Aiilurantli Installation To Be Held Wednesday , One of the most colorful events] met at the} 50f the year will be the annuallhome of Mrs. A, E. Hillier Mon-, {installation and crowning ccrc-lday 'ufternOOn for the first meet-E lmonles of Laurel Court No. 26,iing of the new year. Order of the Amaranth, which will The date of February be held on Wednesday eveninglbeen definitely decided upon for; January 15, at 8 o‘clock p_ m., at, the Book Review postponed dur-g the Masonic Temple and whichling the “flu” epidemic. and Willi elS open to the public. lbe given in the courtroom at two! 5 The installation will be prc-ip. m., with Mrs. Madge Garlandl ceded by the Unct'owning ceremon- reviewing “Land Without Laugh—l ies, uncrowning the retiring Roy—l ter,” and accompanying herrcltl 13.1 Matron, Mrs Vera Duffigl(l,{Oli the guitar for presentation] lThose taking part in the uncrown- ’ Of Russian songs. Tickets pie-1 ling are as follows-z Ethel Sloy, viousiy sold for this review be. 14th has lUncrowning Matron; Jeanne Zin~lf0re the postponement will be} ltheo, Crown Bearer; Ella McCu]-i honored—and, additional tickets, ;locl:-, Standard Bearer; Ida Lough.l are now available from any Girl} jnan, Flag" Bearer; 1940 olflcCis,SCOUt‘O{' CounCll member. I, lLLEJ Flower Girls; Rosemary l{id-‘ Additional plant: for the “Lit-i lwell, Soloist. ltlc House” being reconditioned l The installing of officers will,wcre discussed, and Mrs. Allan“ {be ill charge 01' Harry Call-3w Oflcliairman of the committee. re-l Elma, who is Grand Royal Matron. : port/9d COUSidOY‘Iible progress on lAssieting him will be Ethel Stcy, this project. , lGl-and Secretary; Minnie Logan,; APPOllltmeflt Of a nominatmgl lGl-and Prelate; Neil Zintheo, committee for officers of the. lGrand Musician; Ella Rossnizlli or . Council for the coming year waei lScuttlc, Marshal; Harry Miolman anmlunced 31' follows: Mrs. Ed-l iof Seattle, Aid; and Vera Dul- ward J. Faubert. Mrs. Vernoni :fleld, Mistress of Ceremonies. Davidson and Mrs. Neil Zintheo.l| l Officers to be installed duringl Next month. February, being" {the evening am the following; 1.1., 2 International Relations Month in, lKirkland, Royal Matron; Ernest] Girl SCOUt CiI'CICS tentative PlansI ,‘Crane, Royal Patron; Mao Lusk,lWere laid for activities including; iAssociate Matron; Ernest Dahl-ltllC Shelton “OOPS lMac Mcivlzlnn. legal. both of Shela ton. at Shelton, Jal‘uaiw 11, Leo Hansen. 28. and Grace DE- .ano, 18. both of Yakima, at Slick ton, January 11. l .__—.—ew_—.~.._._--_.——~ M- -_ ' l' planner THEATRE Shelton, Wash. Wed, Jan. 15 WWI? W‘ Thurs, Jauary 16 15¢ Night TWO FEATURES Glorifying the American vegetable, these pretty princesses Will prove there’s glamor in the garden when they become royal repre- sentatives of the crops at Imperial Valley’s Winter Vegetable Mardi Gras in El Centro, Calif. All contestants for queen of the winter garden crop festival, they are Paddee Fleming (Princess Lettuce), Helen Beronio (Princess Tomato), Phyllis Purdy (Princess Pea), Verne Marshall, chairman of the. i i No Foreign War Committee, : =~ reads some of the thousands of “TEXAS TERRORS” Friday-Saturday l l l ; rren, Associate Patron; Olliel - .- . . .~ . '2 l g Eleveland, Secretary; Martha Jab: mem PJT. A_ 5 Betty Duer (Plincess Onion) and Elaine Plemons (Princess Cannot). I Eégfiggfiiégcigfie 21:35:13; I January 1748 iObS' Treasurer; Ethel Flat‘ncr’l nil‘al‘iti“? Thufr’grllayl; 1 P T A h VOW—WW 7"“ Wild.“ k ‘ N—w“ _“ l bryoadcagt request for the i L Two Features lConducti-css; Winifred Tozier, AS-' 1 OIYIJGK‘S 0 0 11100 n w- . .. w , l “ .;._ e WWW-131 Cogvilustreff: Mutngm Wt“; gist1101;};3‘?§:'S§grfcsgeWillow}l{,ANAL WOMAN S CLUB HOLDS l‘ mgfeojmmyg: gggglgfjggi l “QUEEN OF THE YUKON" nan, ars a in .0 3:13 ; J are'a Io . . . he oi , ‘ JEugen-zen, Marshal in ’tlie \Ve;g[;lfu1' a regular meeting. The pro-1 ers of a telegram the committee ‘leLODY AND MOONLIGHT Ella McCulloch, Standard Bearer; gram for the afternoon will be 1 sent to PreSident Roosevelt. lMargaret Ferwerda, Prelate; Mani given by members of the two ‘ lgaret Anderson, Historian; Vera: fourth grade rooms With the! By Jessie M. Anderson ,estiug story from a recent maga” r lDuffield, Trustee, 3 years; Runwi teachel‘s,‘ Miss Marks and MISS. ‘ Hoodsport' Jan. 9. The club zine of a woman Stylist of mewsi lClune' Trusme’ 2.3mm“ Ethel‘Armelel" 1n,chm‘ge‘ Home Seglwomen of Hood Canal resumed clothes for the leading Clothiers. Stoyl Tl'Uthi Annle Antler-8‘0“. '10!“ the tea W1“ be the “mm 1710‘ session Thursday with fears of of the nation, a Mis.:l\1]ldred Wall: I lFaith; Viola Kimbcl, Wisdom; Ly-E thcr of the two fifth grades with ldi'tt TOWBY‘S. Charity; Mat: Win-l M119 ROY AShley and MI‘S- MEI'Ylomens pointing to a bright new Miss E10136 1:13,ng was lhpl ,iccki, Musician; Helen FOl‘ilcSt, Pigg in charge. ‘year. With the sun shilling ovcr— speaker of the afternoon with al lwarder; Bernhard Winiecki, Sen- _ '———-‘ head, the smell of spring in the paper on “women of the Bible”, N gtlnel. ' SUFPY‘ISe Party air, the odor of freshly-done floors and received quite an ovation‘i { Followmg the installation the Honors Birthday [in the bright club mom, and a from the club for her excellent; lnewly installed Royal Matron will! be crowned. Taking part in this Lloyd Hackett on Friday evening ceremony will be Hermina Jochim-' ll group of friends gathered at hel‘l l sen of Puyallup, Crowning Ma-, home for a surprise birthday party tron; Ida Loughnan, Honoer Mar—j and handkerchief shower. A very. lshal; Jeanne Zinthco, Marshal in enjoyable evening was spent visit-l lthe East; Clare Engelsen, Mar— ing, and delicious refreshments: lshal in the West; Ella McCulloch, l were served. Those gathering for lSt‘andard Bearer; Fete Jochims-en the evening were Mrs. Lowell lof Puyallup, Sword Bearer; Mari—'Powers, Mrs. Glen Robinson, Mrs.I lvellc Taylor of Olympia, Crown Irving Gillum, Mrs. Harold Chase, lBearer; Neil Zintheo. MUSiClanlers. A1 Goodwin, the hostesses lAssociate Matrons of 1940 Mrs. Leonard Buck and Mrs. John‘ Hagg‘strom and the guest of hon- or, Mrs. Hackett. l Flower Girls and the Patrons and lAssociale Patrons as Guards". A buffet luncheon will be served' - lin the dining room to members organization Meeting l and guests following the ceremon— Held Monday Evening Many out-of-town guests are: A meeting was held on Monday lQXPeCte‘fl to be pl'ei‘ent ‘45 We“ as evening at the W. R. Collier homel E10031 fl'lends- :for the purpose of organizing a! ' llocal unit in the National Service lLeaguc Motor Corp. The purpose of this organizao on is to train women for any lemergency that may arise in theirl icommunity, state or government.' . . _ Army closed formation drill and lors being Won by Mrs; Glen! -, - , ., . . lChase. Delicious l'efi'eslimcntsllflmt. ald lalle requnefl m this? were served during the cvcning.l,.eague' wne sugh O'her comjses ‘aS motor mechanics, map reading, The next mectinor wil‘ b- h .‘ . . Thursday. Januaic‘y 23‘ act fliglgmund aViauon’ Short wave radio" home of Mrs. Sherman Soule on!gas mask drm' target pracuce' . . . . ' l. . . Cedar street and Will be a potluck and'Othte}: msnd‘uqtmn. Wm be gl‘.’ = lunch served at noon. on .is e Olganization grows in: number. ' Agata PrT. A. , Another meeting will be heldi To Meet Friday lnext Monday evening to acquaintl The Agate P.-T. A will hold the womel‘ 0? Shelton With “16' it's regular meeting Friday, Jan- purpose 0t this program- The,timel uary 1'? at 1 o'clock at the Agate and place (if the meet-mg W1" bet schoolhouse. Important business announced m .Thumdayys paper matters will be discussed. The and all women interested are urg- general public is cordially invite-(lled to attend' to attend. * l Mrs. James Roush entertainedlti lThursday evening at her home for {her bridge club. There were two itables of cards in play with lion- Skokomlsh Valley W.C.T.U. To Hold Meeting . Lake Isabella Club The next regular meeting of the. Holds Meeting l . Mrs. I_{elen Keyzers was hOSbESkokomish 63.3 to the Lake Isabella club be held at the home of Mrs. Arvidl Wednesday, January 8, for theiJohnson on TUesday,_ January 214 first meeting of the year. Nine‘ A potluck dinner Vy‘lll be served members and three visitors, Mrswut noon. VlSitors are welcome. Ruth Morin, Mrs. Grace Pelt , ,amd Mrs_ Vern Wyatt were meg—HEW“? P"T' A- ent. Games were played and alblat‘“ “‘“rl’day Meat social good time was had duringl A regular lumping Of the Box“ the afternoon with Mrs. Vera deaux P" I" A' Wm be held at thel Huntington winning the peniiy-Bordh‘aux SChOOI on Thu’js‘lflly 51f-j dl'ill. Mrs. Careta McNutt willltemoonv January 16' bcgmmng at: be hostess to the club at its licxt' 3:30 p- m' A program 0f songs' meeting on VVedneoday, Januul-x'.v',‘m be given by Dupils 22. Sixth grade, along With piano sel- lections by Phyllis: Herzog. Book I General \‘Vcll‘are Club ICViews Wm be given by Mrs- Elects New officers Lawrence Burrell. Hostesses for The main feature of the meet-ltl‘e tea Wm be.m01hers Of Sixth grade pupils. ing last Saturday evening of the General Welfare club was; the' eleCticn of officers. There was al large crowd in attendance and: the results of the election wolc ELS‘ MI'S‘ follows: W. Rawdlng, president; 0. C. Wilkie, Vice—president; L. W_l Packard, Secretary; Alvlna Mal-l . lows, treasurer. Installation will Easmm .Star' Fonowfi‘g the lieg' be at a later date with ccromon- . mar busmess an.elccuon M Olin” ics fitting for the occasion. icers was held wlm the {01”ng Past Mntrons 0.19.8. Elect New Officers A. Y.-Bcnnctt was host- for the regular Past Matrona of the Order of meeting of the inectirlr. ' , . . “’ 5 White Shrine Postpones Meeting l The White Shrine Social Club Mrs, Pearl Moor;— Visiting Brothers Mrs. Pew-l Moore of Onnha i ‘ . l i ‘-"‘..“< 1 - Nebraska. arrived here several l mu" U m Jd’w m l mmddy' Feb weeks arc and is now visitino‘ atI xuiu'yuzo' 1.1m (2.1m, Wm, .to have the homis of her brothers, Char— mtt Wlth M’s. “Aime Log‘m' les and Ray Morkcrt. She was-lJoint Installation accompanied here by her daugh-l’l‘o Be, Thursday Evening tor-in—law Mrs. Ellen Moore who; spent the holidays with her hiis-lofl'icer:- of Mark E. Rccd Chap- bzind, who in employed at Fort! tor, Order of DeMolay and Rain- LeWis. The latter has I'cturnedlbow Girls will be held on Thurs— to her teaching at Omaha. iday evening, January 16, at 7:30 . ’ hi Masonic i Shelton Dancing Club lp. m m t L ‘—“—* Tbmple. Has Monthly Gathering HOME FROM ARIZONA The Shelton Dancing Club heldl J. E. Angle returned Sunday a regular monthly dance last Fri» l from Phoenix, Arizona. where he day evening at the. Memorial Hall. l accompanied Mrs‘. Angle and son There was a very good attendance, 3 Grant who plan to spend the re- With a good time being elljoyedl maindel‘ of the winter there. He by all. The next meeting of thelfound that sunny state just con— group will be on February 14, the eluding a month of intermittent committees! to be ill charge will .rliins which were hailed jubilant- be announced at a later date, lly by the agricultural sections but The committee in charge of last not relished by the sun-seeking weeks dance was Dr. and Mrs.,tourists. California was also dig- B. N. Collier, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. ging itself out of the mud after Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Char- storms and heavy ruins of the past les Walton, mouth. flu contagion dismissed Honoring the birthday of Ml‘S.,gl-and new serving table Santa Claus—all had their influ- llovely lunch during the noon in- ‘NeWS', which has become an ac- ;of the activitieu l’l‘yler contributed her part of the of mei has increased so fast that only al the . esgeu at her home last Thursday Thcgencral public is invited to lesult": M'S' 20"" Waidl‘ip. ‘llttend the meetings which are Ples‘dentfl M"; Clam“ Harrier. 1101.3 every Saturday evening in ‘ Vice-pl'esmcnt; hall's. H. lg. BELTIOII, the Memorial Hall, with CIltCI‘-lsecretal.y’ and Mm' 1" D‘ HaCk} tainment following the business!treasure"- ‘lias postponed their meeting from' A joint public installation forii LWED GNES alid all of Connecticut. from It was voted Work on thc subject. l a to submit the paper to the Reci- procity Bureau of the \VaShiIlgLLII. ‘- ence in bringing the ladies to— gether igair} din a very happy State Federation of Women’s Tame 0 mm . Clubs. l . . . . The usual business session, c0n-, Mia-s Flagg avoided any attempt; The Pl'PtCCtmg '"Slgmfi 9f ducted by the president, Mrs. Fred at preachment and the familiar, the registered pharmacist is Short, occupied the, morning and outstanding Bible Characters were a safeguard of health for was enlivened by reports of the Passed over bl‘lefly 50 that more, your loved ones, we are attention could be given the lit-‘ tle known women where only aI sentence or so is given from which; a. whole characterization must be‘ Birtley Ball of the District Wel- drawn. The basis of the talk was Doctors know of our. fine fare De artment. By 2). unani- a review of the life of the times. I , mous mile of the meeting, the .', particularly to do with the status! repdtat'mfthey kn°W th‘j‘t Flag Salute became a definite fea- of women in the Old Testament their life-saving orders wull holiday activity. Especially grati— fying were the reports of Mrs. J. Nance of the Welfare De— partment of the club and of Mrs. proud to display this sign of a c c u rate prescription-com- pounding upon our window. lUI'e 0f the Clllb's Opening Pl'O’ days: Showmg that .thefmet With be filled accurately a n d cedure. 31‘: 55:13:: hi‘fifin 52:33:;OgZL‘ 2:3 speedily here. Bring your Milan...“ ..-.I The daY'S llOSteSSes served a Ngagle‘ prescription to us . . . we’ll We Have Served the expressed emotions in the |way as-we do today, There was la great procession of women; sin- leere, subtle, designing, clever and cepted part of every program, but otherWise. They classified much today, took on a .more definitelztsanvg‘i);;en t5: Itiot‘tii‘iey 1:203:19 (311:1 turn when Mrs, Hilligoss presented thew, «lives, Sisters, daughter:va a series of articles re ardin the , . , , l fig; six women in tie Hug” of politic1ans, busmess, even a judgel Fame. Upon Mrs. Tyler’s E“gland military leader. Miss Flaggl I R - . concluded with the reading of . . w gestion, this series Will be liSe-d- -. ,c . l _AGr.aduale Pharmamst Richard EGrenber as the nucleus for a scrap book 53mg Lemueld Idea of the Perfect' Alwa s In Attendance R.Ph.G. q woman from Proverb: 31. l . of outrtunuingl women to be compiled by Mrs. Tyler for club reference. Mrs. fill them 100% “as the doc- tor ordered!" the past 20 years. termission. The afternoon pro- People of shelton for gram opened with Women in the news of the day with an inter- Marines Among Best Dressed Military Group; When honors for the best-dresu—i ed military men in the world are; awarded, the U. S. Marines should; be somewhere near the top, if? variety as well as snappy styles are considered. Three complete outfits with such accessories as belts, gloves, leg- gings and similar details are tliel foundation of a marine’s ward- robe, which includes a blue, for- estry green, and khaki uniform_ For the present there is a, dearth of blue uniforms due to, the fact that the Marine Corps: limited number could be supplied. Meanwhile they are being issued, only to marines who go to sea and a few other special detach- ments. ! The blue uniform with its brass; ,buttons, yellow and scarlet trim-l mings and bronze cap or collar or—lv numento is decidedly popular] Sometimes white trousers, beltsl and caps are worn with the blue« blouse by way of contrast. making l a rather striking ensemble. 1 l Soldiers of the one also havel a choice of about nine hats of dif—; ferth styles and colors. These] lincludc a khaki, blue, green, or ,white cap with visor, a ficlJ or l l I campaign hat, a green or khaki overseas cap and a tropical sun helmet or steel helmet. l Naturally a. marine does not choose for himself the style hel .prefers to wear. Such decisions: “are made by the commanding of- ficer of barracks or detochmcnt, lwho prescribes the uniform of the lday for the men under his com- ' mand. l l ALSO AVAILABLE WITH HYD-MATIC DRIVE !* Drive without a clutchl Drive without shifting gears! Try an Olds with Hydra-Math: Drive—it’s motoring’s newest thrill! 2..., he OLD sMohlli Mell Chevrolet Company Phone 114 OW you can step right up into the fine-car class at a price well within your budget! Just compare de luxe models of 10wcst- v priced cars with the beautiful big Olds Special. You’ll find but little differencein price. And you’ll find that Olds gives you operating econ~ omy that compares with the best! AND SEE HOW MUCH MORE YOU GET! loo-HORSEPOWER 6-CYLINDER ECONO-MASTER ENGINE - 119- INCH WHEELBASE ' BIGGER, ROOMIER FISHER BODY NEW INTERIOR LUXURY - 4 COIL- SPRING RHYTHMIC RIDE - FAMOUS OLDS QUALITY THROUGHOUT! « Miss Knight Hostess To Chapter B, EEO. . Miss Jessie Knight was. hostess ,at her home on Monday evening ‘tor the meeting of Chapter B, P. i O. The Constitution Quizz was,- icouducted by Mrs. Alden C. Bay- lley and Miss Clara Emrtwood, ‘Therc were 18 in attendance for the meeting, . ‘ Attend Meeting or Inter-City Club l ‘MI'S. E. B. Sutton, Mrs \Villis * Burnett and Mrs. Bill Dickie drove .to Bremerton last Thursday for ,the regular meeting of the Inter- city club which was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Eskridgc. A 12:30 luncheon was enjoyedfol- lowed by an afternoon of sewing; lst fir, Gl-QVQ and visiting. l l l l l l i l l l l l