January 14, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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a .. encamgianmyy ll 1 mmmedl/lson C(lllN'l‘Y JOURNAD
mm C:
on G 9:
l» 13! ll; 'S’llllllg
R. llllllGS ulna
END A -BU‘?’
FlSll also;
voUtAN'T SELLUN‘lii. You
The Prc:ident recently signed mon sense is necessary, but it
the. bill for a Two-Ocean Navy,‘-, is not necessary to have a high
\VhiCll' Will give us the biggestlschool education, In addition tol
,flect in the history of the world. i passing the required mental and;
1 Water Openings DlVOl‘CSdiBFlely it will consist of 33 Bat-lphysical
examination an applicantf
TY l
x .
DRU' 1‘ 31-
,—;Qommission For lst
mm In This. State
tie, _;. I‘ll
setting fiShil’lg'
the State Game Commie-l,
hursday divided Watel’s 0f},
te into two general classi-l
llS, with lakes opening theI
V' unday in April and streams, ,
the first Sunday inl MOS‘”
Bo h types will be closed;
903111135, 88 cruisers, 20 plane car- l must have a good moral character,
; View and a stupendou: numberl‘ne must also produce satisfactory.
lOt dCSFTOyCI‘S, a whole swarm ofievidence of hi:l birth and citizen—l
iglosqiuto boats, and auxiliarieslship, and furnish good references
that will give you a hint onlfrom reputable citizens. 4‘
What that super-colosal Navy of! Once enlisted he must be scntl
ours lfl going to be like one of l to one of the training stations forv‘
these délyS la period of six weeks, where he,
of you live heard thelbegins his life in the Navy and
term Two-Ocean Navy so oftenllearns the fundamentals of being’
that its real Signlflcan‘ce has been a sailorman. Upon completion of.
’ HOW many of youlhis recruit training where he hasl
ninjas ,
ltlllllllilil Rllll;
list an
Pantorium Club Below Normal;
Form But Has No Trouble
Beating Visitors, 34-22
Blanked in the opening quarter,‘
the Pantorium Pirates rallied with
a flurry of baskets which subdued
an outclassed Casey Hailidwarel
quintet from Aberdeen, 34 to 22,‘
Sunday afternoon in Lincoln gym.
Bill Taylor and Bill Somers
took up the scoring reins after-l
the visitors had gained a 4 to 0
Real Estate
FOR SALE: new four room mod-t
ern home, large garage 7-103
acre good garden land. Cheapl
at $2,350.00 cash or $2,500.00‘
terms. House at east end of1
Dearborn Street on Hillcrest. L.
L. Dickinson, Hoodsport.
136R SALE: one of the finest
Classified Service
54: Each
or 55¢ per dozen
We also take orders for all kinds,
modern homes in Shelton, half of special— i
block from court house. Shake PRINTED SALES BOOKS
finish, oak floors, tile bath and'Our prices are as low or lower
kitchen drain board. F‘ull base-ithan outside salesmen can quote
ment, lawn, shrubbery and you.
sprinkling system. Many conven- FLL
ient features. Will be shown by,
appointment only- Call 540 eve- , WHY TAKE A CHANCE when
On Classified Advertisements
10 cents a line (5 words) first
rent (2 and 3 rooms). Good 10- insertion, 5c 3. line each subse-
cation. Very reasonable. Golds- quent insertion. Mini mum
borough Apts, Second and Knee- charge 30c.
land Streets, Shelton. 5-7-tf.
. . c ted over the tele hone from
qumal Want'Ads are Snowmg plane subscribers. Cpash should
the” Value 1“ every Issue of the '. accompany all other orders or
FOR RENT: modern Z—room fur-
nished apartment, oil heat, re-
frigerator, electric range. Kay
Dee Apts., phone 485-J.
payment made before the first
of the month to save expense
of billing. An extra charge of
13c will be made when billing’ls
necessary. Card of thanks 50c.
Classified Display Rates on
1 Request.
Classified advertisements 3.0- l
FOR RENT: 3-room modern un-
furnished apartment, oil heat,
, ‘J , . entirely lost. , , , v- i . . , ' K
commission Will list later '3. ',. . (V, n lleamed the basic rlncl
les Oflfiist quarter advantage and by rungs. Will sacrifice. Earl F. $.25
per day Will protect you t refrigerator, elecoricrange. ay
lritual pamphlet on Sessions refill}; 1:12:20: tag-05:3,: l Navy life,
the field cl") oppgrtunity l the,halftime I'eSt Pel‘lod the,
Ccuntl D‘Ckmsonv owner- 12'31_C While you are traveling? Seel Dee
Apts’ Phone 4851 lo—l-tf'
“ thuts numerous specific “been rldlng' around a 0ne_oceangtlien
actually opens up for him. gefithVed to 19 to 8 m Lhel 5 Herb MgIe’
Agent“ three—room I i
SH lgns. . lNavy_and a mighty fine one lIt is then Where he must decide‘
lir‘l es SEWIOY' n 1 W l Suburbgln Busineqs and l apartments. Mm
Street [mart nAA“AAA-AA.A-A--Au-u l
thlshermea got a, breaknooulor so long that it is kindlin which vocation
or departmentiblanfed etf’nfl‘fi’l V1”, “Wilt ” ) merits.
Phone 259—M. C-1-13-c. PLYMOUTH COUPE for sale:
“I? fCOmmiss‘iOn dlESlgnated;0f hard to lool’I ahead to 1945M the
Navy he desires to serve:when it f‘gali‘i {"t L9 as, HOllle I
roperty MILL fluwwmmfid—ww—fi—rw l 1935 model. Good condition-
. , ve ork of the Stillaguam- and see what ls needed to matlielsmcial
schools are maintained for; th h Sage hJU wpgpomlsz, lutl FOR RENT:
housekeeping apart- $250.00. 25,000 miles. Inquire
1‘ and Pass Lake in Ska- this double Ocean outfit work lprimary
instruction in radio, ma- e Ome We ad 315‘ to d(1‘16 acres 0f g00d
land, 5-6 TOOm (Never been in salt water) merits near Junior high. Inquire
Journal, F—1-7-9-14#3t l
vantage at the end of three quar-
nty as the fly casters‘ prl- home and prosperous store and
T , _ i , For ill lchinist’s, gunnery, hospital corps, . . 50% bod wood
and mill run 1211 Railroad or hone 62—J. ~A-r—
2T esaelve. Thislnove was re-lof persogitélécittgi:
piggenr??§§glaviation, and practically every'tegt' arfdlqurmg the
lgsihgem‘l a. service .station. Growing busi- y 1?}__144-16--2tlF0R SALE;
good mixed hay 312
: Wosoan experiment, - there are roughly 200,000 men mltrade known.
lgifr‘gasmgl‘jtl’; “1321mm t“ 32mg“ ness.M1ght consider small
trade, Double Load (2 cords) l—— —d——r—w—~——~———I
per ton. J. Jacoby, Rt. 2, Shel-
vet ppos‘e'Elfpei-iment the Navy. In just four years. ‘, The men
who are not aSSigned th Ab ,d l W? i 0 v Y; Head of family can work 10ut
1FOR RENT: new 5-room modern ton, Wash. 1-7-14—73t.
DODSP. ithe for lit-HS inn0vation waglhowever we are gomg to need at’. to
serVice schools are not lost e 61. em “Sm”?- , and have a good income
on the $8 50 1 home, partly furnished fireplace — A-w foo——
, Claude Snideb of Vgn_lleag: 550,000mmt raw recruits, sight of. but are
assigned to ships The Pirates were“ “P to them side. Investigate today
$3,750.00‘ ‘ l and furnace. TWO EIGHT MONTHS OLD
usual efficiency in the Casey con—‘
test but had too much stuff for1
'the visitors, The defeat was the
first the Aberdeen team sufferedl
hag: Vghairman' V-i
, , “11a w a
gativo, “ a”
,. 91‘ explained he was 0
rgil Ben-
voting in
FOR RENT: 4-room modern home
Herbert G. Angle
PHONE 38—.1' heifers for sale or trade for-
Rhode Island Red pullets. R. D.
Stockwell, Mill Creek Road.
but trained men who know their:Of the Flee}: Where ,they are con‘
jobsfito llémdle the shlps whichlstantly under the instruction of
Wlll be in commisslon. Up to now ; officers and petty officers in what
ever branch they have been found
a 1.“
Floor Sanding Machine i
-« 7:. the Nav h s relied on r 't-3 - . ' _ _ m
. . p at , y a ecrui , . . L . , . 1 14 16 at.
In agggtltfwlould benefit gnlylmg, plus the Fleet and Naval Re- l 361938
(geséffilgggéy in the F18 t Igfiygiighiefogay 3’11“t “0U” “ml
For Rent! Insurance Inqportant wvvvvvvvvvvwvvmwvvv‘ -c- .._.
. -» .‘O the state‘s flslnnrj serves to fill its requirements? ’ C e
w A. “7 FOR SALV‘ ” it" ~ J D
l .. . A“ g . , , . In a ieliminar contest, the . A W p" u~
1” , He Said Enos Brflner, lSince the reserves are Just aboutl
rhelefore’ young men may We“ Pirate ,‘e’serves had no trouble.
Flows need face—llfmlg. They 1th HlothyS White, Route 3, Shelton, Wash.
; ent of the W will show real beauty if you
this means that
ashingtnn F] used up, ,3 h e' congratulate themselves when they. . , a
, _ _ , .; o. A A. , 1-14-1fifi2t
. gw Crlub, Spongor 0f th other 300,000 men must be ob_lsuccessifully
passed all require— gigging 41kt}: gaifithllgwfizigfil take off old
varnish and scars Insurance ls important at all ‘L‘tr‘AAu ‘ ‘
“A ._. --
.‘ taad the authority for thls tained by recruiting. Even thOugh l mems
for enllStment' Sound COm‘ doing ’the heav’y scoring With the
Hiico “Handy Sandy” times, but doubly so with the WAI‘ iED To RED”.
10 t0 30 FOR SALE: fresh young Guernsey
,‘ ‘ge. lthem. lg. Mlle doubt that such l Wednesday night the pirates
gol our portable rental sander. icy highways_ The repair. shops $105:
T311531 llOt' mare infill flVC cow. John Sells. Phone 11—F-1.
ington said he thought the recruiting Will be successful, that to Olympia
to meet the powerful: are overrun with damaged S u
“miliIElgEIgEiLIGHM' Rome 1'14‘16‘"2t
Hardware Dept. . .
cars caused by Winter acc1-
l dents. The new lower insur-
Lost and Found
Sportg. Council should have l isn’t the whole story by any means. ‘l
ELTON l aslied for a l . Before the Navy can increasel$1,000,000
lion was take?‘mon hem") its personnel to anywhere nearI
)ltol’ 'Cbse Privaae Lake/ll ,tlie number for that two-ocean
Olympia Elks in the Y.M,C.A. gyml
at eight o’clock. The Elks arc‘.
unbeaten in the Olympia city Cir-l
cuit. Sunday‘s lineups:
WANTED: large china cabinet.
Must be in good condition. Write
Mrs A. Alleman, Route 2, Shei—
Lumberrnen’s Mercantile
ance rates offered by this of-
fice are very attractive and I
9- Cr .“
Milwa “3 fdjoummg its threeday NZWY; Congresg mUSt zfiumm‘izcl
FIRST TEAMS would like to suggest that you ton, 1-2-14__4t,l
3&0 file commission ordered 7; Elli-S merge?“ and aPPl‘OPrlate
SUf-i ' Pirates (34) Casey Hull. (22) come in when buying that new w m
.. —‘,_'"—‘"T"—"‘
f . ned llshmg SQVeral private_lh1ment figs foil Pay and yal'IQW‘l
Washlngton’ D. C January 4.___ Somers 10 .... __F ................ __ FOy
4, CARD OF THANKS l car or renewing the insurance WANTED: One 30-06 bolt
action QtT‘ g‘een lo‘vooat.qufted or
VS, «, d b fillies that had becnljmesi efr at you cant JUSt‘ An
American Red "cross “Mercy Levett ______ _. __.F_._ ..... ._ chin 5;
We Wish to take this means of" on your Present 0351'- Itlfle in
gOOd condition! also one 5 OlenUfrqm DeROSlaS- Camp
It 5 P111. they a“? State but from , (2913.1? gp‘ab iw raln loads.
OfAre“ Shlp’n carrying a $1,176 000 cargO'G. Smith ...... .
NlalCtFJOl’l 3 expressing to the many friends] BETTER SAFE TI’IAN
SORRY! Enficld’ Kraig or. Springfiad’l gear unlon. can Unlon “34’
l ed. Pllbllc had since beenilrfh1 Sofilss‘laogre aqflhegzeshg
glfiefg’fof critically needed relief supplies Taylor 11 Trill/is leho
extended their sympathies] G ConditEOn 0f barrel unimPOFl' eward'
“nday ‘ K mechanized, su'per_p0w“ered gag“ ‘ for Greek war
victims, will leave P- 4 --G ---------- -- HomehiCkland kindness during our
bereave-, ' lgtoosktés Feed & seedv 219‘
New York for Athens on or about Pirates—‘M- Taylor 4, l ment over the
passing of our be-l
January 15, it was announced» here a Snelgrove 4, Carlson 1: Welton.
l' loved husband, father and broth-
today by Chairman .Norman H.lM900mb- C359)? Hardware H-er, James Springer,
our sincere
lDavis. chkStml‘Q 2' Cums 2' lthanks and appreciation.
l The vessel will be the SECOND TEAMS Mrs. J. M. Springer
Pirates (24) Robert and Jack Springer]
of-war turned out these days re-
quire skilled artisans, competent
seamen, cast in the mold of rigid
naval training.
The ships for our great armada
Special Prices
,Tcll the prospects wnere you are.
lw1th a Journal Want-Ad
Journal Want-Ads—Phone 100
' “01's Simmons
“S. S.
__,___ .-_ , Kassandra Louloudis,” a 7,500 ton 02:58)? HW‘l- (8) i, on
- i
Eire genbaqthqnfed 1b?” that 13 freighter provided by the Greek MCCOfnb 2
---- -» MCCI‘al‘Yl Mrs. Harry Hurst ,* C' l
r fiehtegtl‘ncmna. h, is the men Government. It will sail to Athens! M91
MOTgan 6 . Rattle l Mrs. Ted Getchell l ATTORNEY AT LAW
e gush S 511th tiemselxge 5;}?le notk‘he via Suez, loaded with
12.000.000‘Ewe1e 4 ------- WICRSWQm 2; Robert, William Charles SINGER
SHOP l . .-
ight mman, Jan, 13. _- Frl_ great Nav' PS; V'VvlC ma e a pounds of
foodstuffs}, medical sup- :arlson ...G ...... _. Homchick 2, and Frank
Sp’ringer 125 S 4 h Sh I Title Insurance Building
; , an 'Sooembers of the Lake made for tyfiese £31510“ mustube
plies, clothing, ambulances andlflnelgl‘OVC 3. --».G ................
-- Cutter ‘ ...__ ...___,_‘__ 0- t 9 ton lAunI-romis NOTICE or nxnm
Opposne Fimt Natlonal Bank
,_ Of Mr I clulo met at the the Navy Wm h ve S“?pr scti t.iat hospital
trucks Subs: PiratesfiLevctt 4, P gYOU ARE COVERED for any ac-l [INTEAEST
morn ON cuUN'rz AND I Phone 23 - - Shelton
. océa-glld ll/lrs_ Geo, Hixonl in which to “23m thenimef} “1’19:
Simultaneously, Chairman Davis Bmllh 2.‘SGmerS 3. B. .Tuylor, GA ,cidcnt
for $.25 per day. Longer 2 M C M 1' SCHOOL WARRANTS _.
o,“ honorinrflgx’d‘ Of a farewelll h p‘oper Y-‘announced the
Greek War Relief *’m1t}1~ PuseyrrT- Trill’ls 2, Math} time the rate is
Cheaper- Herb ason Ounty aps . .NOTICH‘ 15.. HEREBY a;ng ——
us. as A r. and Mrs. Chasl Tue ,NaVy must appeal. to the association was
purchasing fivelson 4’, Sll’en- l Angle. [LARGE M350“ county TownShIP
_, mg the I F,platriofism and responSibility of complete field hospitals
which will; w “M maps $100; A150 maps 0f moi-,3 10, lll4l,/élncl until
further. no-
" Were ft‘iihtqmelslth: aghast): él§ati%“’,‘f;y,§° f1“
Sig-p33?) “my ghFefi‘wry .in m“ '7 "" ““m'm
M” “M """“l glymlm 139311185813, 15-3613? Ssciuélg
fllli‘Kiufrllkglpflflgmlgllggt) “lgml‘ngmrl‘lllfi 'NSURANCE
EOlng to Mrs yGi‘lNrrliorc ntiig(l!V'al expanzic“ program
Tllorilg' caih ce ‘ r055. ‘6?" we umtsyl ‘ ' Gun ry an
a e C o ' from (“no or Ngimm‘rmn mm m” G
. x . 1 , , . *qui ed With .450 beds and 33 . 1" l - cd for
)lanlf'nl. -
: igdnfil'l’d consolation pllze,g ‘ ands of young men are needed
for a mobile pgperating theater, are! E The Joulnal willfi'rllif
this 10th day of January.
Ball and Ml: Gll-.training now, so that they will
being purchased at a cost of $225,-l
‘be oualified to MlM over th-M 000 T1 ’11 b l d ‘
.. Del L l Lev-x. coo . iey W1 e rus )0 upon‘. _r l, _' , County
Auditor lor Mason ,
,4 aramie a 1 ‘2. new sin 5 as th'n or) 1 ti -’ ~‘ 1 t t‘ ‘
' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ V ' "WW" f“ f
Wazh'H‘! ‘
._ gamed l , rm. ,nus , n P vy MC Cdan 0 bd- drill/3 0 S labeglc Pomts
“Carl Cr‘s , iuic , world—renowned . ‘ d " a 6 0 5 mg
/ nd thosea delicious launch ; The Navy has always been 3, vol- the front
lines. :waslhg lofl Celia“) a ales will be ! although the FOOd Stamp
Plan'l l to” 144—” i
, enjoylng “it lumeer sen, ,'d d ., . r, . l g _ I PP School Lunch
program and other: v i
on Mrs. Mark ,. Wele, u . , ice an no oubt wnl Coordination between th-
Redlme temmmg sublect of a State_: (we, ‘ tnl ,flU q l l
rs. w P Petercgfiyefii, 111.. l clinti‘nlue to be so. Secretary of.
Cross and the Greek War Reliefgwide cécperauve Surplus
Applelgel!)Iggzr’nqusfilrlgkzii35518?!ngl i NOTICENfib lgggfinnons l
, K 1;. i 'r. and‘tic i avy Knox has stated that association came
following a conel c; Y" . . ’. ’ . ‘ ‘ ‘r l '
. inscott, ‘ . .. .. . . .iuale ClUllnL, the ten day: of Jan- em. to m 5
.li l_ . r. or month lIn the Superior Court of the state . ,
\ sceVa' Mr angifléndAMrgg l‘la‘g’yleltl nott use
conscrlp-liez‘ences at Sclfoss headquar. ualy 15th through 25th
lagricultfiwé gnazrhtglglcsliléigdflifiilstandard mgdels—Underwood
and g! graihitngton for Mason County,l Accounting Tax Seerccs
_. re, . , ion. a .aS' no as resel ' ers'. r0.“ ». .o (s l
' .. . 1 ‘“ . a -. '1 1’0 a e- .
1 Sand Mrs. A, s Rog}; ; planned. The tremendg’ufi £81K, .,l Flagged Of
theurfgjggggfi, bponsored by the Washington{Yourself—Help WashingtOn
Farm-lRemmgmn tYPBWIIFIterS- (F1191: lN 'l‘l—ll'l MA’l‘algR
0? THE ESTATE B°°kkeepm9 SYStemS
_ ' ~- .g , ,. . ,, ‘~ 7* , m» , . . ‘1 l, mu ' l' ANNA
1M. ’F,l "
' rs. Frank lanky Ball, Mr_,of elilisting the necessary men met With
Chairman DaVis
andltsrtlgtethsuflgu'l‘.F‘Eodssgji’f‘131ttie.erb' lmonths
Keigdxrigléfiiesegn Pure 3'39; 0 NOTICE lb. Hmfl‘fifi‘QGIVEN’
123 4th St. Phone 565
, , Mrs. r, ~l'. rs. Reaihas. been given to the Navy Re- duplication of
relief supplies to , ; k ' 'v l llff.’\.”,‘.“,‘-, ‘l-
“1,39%?” 1." “,5 .‘F "”" "“
: ramie' NE,”ng Deeds, Mr; cruiting Service throughout the Greece.
itgfngéisfhpept' Of Agxft‘lltwetthel 0
l{\iilluahilx’Ecstziincnstdol" Eghdnaihimliilui‘l.
Schull n'ndeo. Hixon, My. l country. Standards and qualifi- Chairman
Davis stated the Red 5 'lri-te'dglttfma tvlgol‘ogs' SWIG: o l
H F“ .d' arid ,9“? all: D9r$onSJl§Wf|
u the honor§cations are‘ necessarily high in Cross had taken action on
the Off) ex (nit b “in OEOL‘n agile 105"? Class leen l
:2fl-‘B'nl1f22isdiit‘fos‘oa‘ fr(\haiil§re%51litfi
owing the r f larder to maintain the high-est de-l‘fMercy Ship” after
receiVi'l'l‘g 69‘! home pthe 1,3,1tfif’i‘iglo-t er? it! t
R' k F' i (win-(1 10 59”? UN? $11an in (111911021193
presented e I'e-‘ll'll'r'lents thc‘ --——-~ tailed
cable reports from itsll‘m’ name an Ye, 1‘ a 1 0* ea “l u
i‘lmyh ""Wfid h“;l‘”‘ “3° “S'QQSS‘VP’
ter to ra beautiful downl Athens representative, Charles L. ‘1‘ *p,
E" ' izé’xlcriirsord 11%:
f\{to(’rr;,o§hpofs‘}1€ic(l;fi{ Angle Building
; as a . and Mrs. Sim.l1940 13 second house. Fhe campaign has the enthurna
Re 0ft 331111111 1 at the Law Office of Chas. R. Lewis'l Phone 337
. remembranc f , l .. . . . . s-. t- 1.; f ‘ «VI, . u By Jean Todd
Fredson u, . 1 b. u - i
. and Close assoC'etp nun?) work-lug m Cooperation “nth {‘15 1C
Slippg Ldo tne i .i‘son count Skokomish Valley ‘Jan 13 '
'15:“ S‘V’lgglllgllgtgénsfifi-
1‘s and ' 18' Ion 33' G t Y . the U. S. Minister td Greece,
Lin- _y surp “5 00 5' commhtecv WhiCh: ' ' _ D k saino‘
being dos‘gnatcd 'as the pllef
and Mrso'g9rker§* rea 68‘: ear‘ coln Macvcagh, House surveyed 13
CPmPOSCd 0f Walter Elliottlfi'f fiftgfiyfirgwlgnllat‘lfige hfme
run en ,i'or the trans-action of thenbusincsl;
ten! Lois andlrgmom- andl For I civilian and militar \relief needs
Chan"manl.Har°1d Lakeburgv Johnluary L; honorin' {he'
clasgnwfié‘l', . ‘_.- t d' tsod‘lfitlil‘fiafiitli
airigoiiliir :39?! CHAR 4
make their d ".gmm‘ arel vro 9 through the Gmek Panmem 0f Detson’
Bl“ Bourland’ Hamld Mll' took the advagiiced Red Cr 5 '
EXPgrlegce “nil- copr d an lsei'i'ioll wfiii "tin.
Clei‘klof the aboivol LES R- LEWIS
. Cushman t cpaiture from; lPublic Welfare and the Army lo of. Hoodsport,
Sam Theler of work L n S 1' Oleuriesin trials of Slllltsovel hulk—1
(milled Court, wilth six months]
at 0 make their} T Medj 1 c . Hz , M c d Belfair, Vernon \Vyatt of Union .
Ole €Jestad, theil len drivers is forcmg automobilei after the dale of
the first publica- ATTORNEY AT LAW
comee Dam lln life Sfilfgf greflatéilt sales year stribgg urgggii neelgs
cgoreJ am? and Connty Agent Clinton Oker’ Instructor" was present
With dip‘ insurance CO'nPZlmes to take the: “‘m “f this
“0110‘” mm“: Jamar-V
\R— ..- ry o}: .eeref, was. ' ‘ ’ lomas which he .. ‘ _ {NHL
1941. or said claims shall be salt 1 L M B .
r . m . .- -, strom_ ~‘ , Plesented It 8‘ Sition that errons With
his-.- , ., , , . . _ e . . ldg.
. yed .. . “animuneed here “flay by W' E- Eilgnfces aim-i medlcal
supphes m In meetings at both S oln 1nice to know that we have all gries
for drunlgenudriving or Who'. bjiiiiizirvliittli OiQIirbt pUb Shelton,
. Xmas Program 4 oller, general sales manager,. '9 mm 1m? defense-‘3
and for l f p Kane these competent first alders in k t b h V-lual drink_|
‘ At . lthh the report that a, total of food and clothing among children
Find seat“? 0 State andsovern- th‘e comm‘unlt are now“ . 9 e
.an‘“. i Executrix of the Estate 'of!‘
, My M- nglitalmow new Chevrolet passenger'm vie-men- .ment “ms W W
WSW M . l? e‘if‘tare.bemg dame“ Ensiiinftl
Wm:-Siim1'.Lumbvr-lo......b.. on bv o... Mn s-
» y M v , land commercial cars were retailer; Relwf articles listed in
Houseysl leaders, it wafs forcefully pomted Mr r. find lllhil'. Paul
Musgrave, abwzal thle sgiteimen gecutivel 5151111“er iwlasonimrjor
Claim. . . . t u
h “Knight School, Jan. 1321)}? dealers during the agenda cables Will be
given priority on ‘Out that one 9 the Primary SOUI‘C-l an Mun-“wk
Taylor: Mrs-l .ay 3’ .8” es ' onesl . .lC'HAS. R. Linus, N0T1CE
I . rlstmas program, dela ecjlyear 1940. This figure represen the
“Kassandra Louloudis," Cl'tairJes Of State mccme and
emP10Y-ichar19tte Whltford' Mrs” Frank “ce'premdent 0f the
Amencanl-‘mety for Said Execuu‘i" Tm-t a“
-”““‘°’°“S ham”: -°lai"‘s
“1 Originally scheduled ate? 3- gain of 39 per cent over 1939 men Davis
said The Red Crossl ment came from the 3,000,000 amp-'Skerbmiv Mrs—
Fred Ferris: Mr-‘Busmess Men’s Reseamh Founda" Efinl“ 1‘
lLumbermon's [lag-v Zfiizsllifalganlstavlltharthcrpfill“canm
, _. . . . , . . . i3. 3 , .g a »‘ ~.. -7 ~’»ccs.r'
‘ ' 0f the flu closure, wag} 9 said, when (1931qu sold at gee. has
placed “Rush” orders for 251p“? trees In the fertile valleys Ofland
Mrs‘ Ollver Peterson! Mrs- Ed “0121’ “1 commel‘tmg on a survey‘
ingthlrllf' 1‘ 850“ ccumy' “ 13‘“ vouchers upon the
undersigned ast
. t students of Mary Multan- a total of 791,886 new can additional
ambulances which are Eastern Washington; that loss of Ahern, Lucille Ahern,
Alice Ahern which that office has been mm 14144148., 2_4__4t,
llllltt‘I-La}v Office 01' Alden C. liayley,
,. asschool January 8. It was and trucks. scheduled for earliest possible
de_ exports to Europe is a serious 1055. alld; Orval Peterson—Forgot to
ducting among insurance com-4 — ——-————-,
g a Program for the P.T.O. _h€Vrolct sales topped the pre- livery. to all
the State‘unlessl Washing— ,Say It was a 11106 Partyhcake and 139313199
thFOEgh an Puts‘de agency'i N0. 1397 l designated 'ror the
transaction“ of
9 war that date. Christmas , “’8’ year in all departments Their
arrival in Athens willlton-homemakers do the” part in Ice cream
ExPe‘nence 0f inliumlgcgn C32“ Noggfi'fil-(é (ég-ipnlsflons
gluosnilllessagttcrmtlwesdzl: o‘lzitl‘lin
dld‘,glven out but Santa 2nd were second only to 1936 ir make a total of
on American Redl E’eellllg g?” Wore apples appear on Mrs. Herman Ahern
was hos-t- pfrlles mic?" Refpea daifikzn (ler in the Sn enor Court or
the Statelfilst publication 01' this mile“. to?
,, A nt Stay over, reports Ompany history, Mr. Honor said Cross ambulances
working amng allllx 1111161 tables. ess- to the grange club Thursday,
Szalms amsmg rom . r .d El. of Wasfilns‘ton in and. for the! Wit: within
six months after thr-
‘; i D. Hunter. Used car sales ta 909 , the Greek wounded. Seme 25 It is
not an unpleasant part toiJanuar 9. A business meetin mg 9r Where there 13
em. ence O ,Counw 01' Meson. {n 1’1‘9103‘36- 211th day 0‘
DCCmeW- 194,“ an!
an In to Red 1’ ’2 ~ 1a ” said M W A "t' I y g the insured
driver havmg Used lN ’I‘HE MATTLR or THE ESTATE‘llll‘ the same With
the cmi; oi
~ 1939 crease of 21.7 per Cent eve. ambulances are new en route from i) y!
f the St t- Us In, Secre- followed the pot-luck luncheon. u not costs the
inc‘urance com_~ of HARRY A. YOUNG, Deceased. ‘sald C'ourl.
together with proof of
01 317.50 for Year un.t' When dealers sold 1,569,201 & British Red
Cross depot in the; Cary 0.“ “If; e Surl’lus Foods Chairman Lucy
Edmiston urged gnu; f 25 t as” much as 300‘ humus. is, nmxuiioi oi ,
lax, I iuch service, or they will be forever
7 cl mcmngwasn‘tapmmam looki- New and “Sea car 33‘“ Middle East‘
The “mama” Rea" b03113; ee'ii r gmemalms on a‘ a gmd
.attendan‘ie for the H°me pgrlcentrgnndre toosettle for
Similar:iggl;tgjgltGail‘r’i'ostzuggllll‘fy(15:31:62;i ahgti‘d
this 24th day of December
- itoalin Chicopee, Mass, in , T med Were 2,956,041. Gross arranged the
transfer and u gvtl “£1 1111 , due to abund-IECODOmlCS‘ meeting at
Shelton v’al- plai S whe drinkin is not a‘ “few flame}, f0 ‘tlle
undfil'.s,gmfd~0r;,1940, '
' Paul 34 cent week mhe l Fuel: sales, likewise showed Will replace the
British units, @1109: ‘3 app es tOdaY are a bet-lley on Thursday, January
16, This c m. ,, re. g the 11th day of January, ill-ll, by _ FLORENCE
" his“lyrical r sda v. liar substantial gain during, the year
Chairman Davis declared. iter value than Wer- "md not only will be the
state officers tour. quesuon’ sald Mr' Jones' Th-e m“ said
SW““°“.C°““~. . l Ad‘mmS‘mmx 0’ “‘0 “5th 0f
ered m secor s suryey H ,the report showfl totamn 197-: Todayys
announcement brought;are they a bettcr buy, they are State Chairman Anna
Slavin in 'Survey reached every company 11-. “A111 liol-sonsqllnvnig
claims agalnstl Jaimps‘ H; Eris‘kfn, 1),.Cpased_
. at a Miss Cooley Wu: 202 an ’ g also one of the finest in 1+ censed to
write automobile cover-, 5““ (5‘51" <~1 ‘— ‘C‘lumd 10
11031 of Hr $11.16 advance of 11.9 per cent American Red Cross relief to!
lea -11 foods, charge. (them, VVllll the necessary voucherslAttorney for
teachin $ ~00 for a “ “VET the 176,090 sold during 1939' Greece to
approximately 1’4m‘_|Whlch lend themselves to a hun- Joe Edmiston’s
mother, Mrs. J_ 33315- mes tell us, gingham}.
ull‘lilé‘l‘slgll‘t‘dlifltillllt- Lawl’l‘itle Insurath
, 8 “ring the final month of the 300- Real Cross} "1’95 from
“'1in Sredndlfferent ways Of prepara' A~ Edmlstony and his
Sister. Mrs. thatnstlfizance liomgger effort to: .lnSl‘ls‘Elncot‘
iiuiidiim, 'ShQ-ii‘oh)’uja:ii€ mfg—@2139 air—gilfit—(T-lt
N y air, dealers retailed 95,119. Re“ country has been made possible
1011- ;A. Kopperman drove xvith him to y e‘ y .3, iiiu‘ton, that being
thi~ phich d(sig- - .Cause No. 53820.
1 AL cam and t , , throu h entributions to the R d ResearCh r"weakly
revealed some‘ Tacoma l <v‘ Th sd l ‘ v‘settle suCh c‘lsw as
quick-V as.“"‘t°d for m“ transaction 01' “‘0 r—‘r
es Want Ads are use“ by 395 ' mcks’ a gm” Of 6' - g C v »- e
of the nutr't' “l 31“ ~ur ay mommbi ossible" continued Mr
Jones lmsinoss 01‘ tho est-lie \"ithin six
h f your friends anleh umts over December 1939 Gross War rellef fund‘and
wrought "t f 1101;ch and. ~ health and; saw him Off for San Diego,
RTheir -eX erience ha; léd to all month; aftcl- the (late 01" (he
first N o 'r I c I:
bor with ccess 3? sold 133531 used. cars at gurchases blade by the U. S.
G0v_ quail les 0‘ applies, when haveyCallfornia, where he begins his: l
. lllllDllcatlnll of this notice, to-wit: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
mete inf grim “ ' Increase of 12-356 over Decem. irnment from the;
Congressional i been summarized m the past with . training in the U. s.
Navy After general pOhcy 0f “Ot 911‘?ng 511611 with“! six months
all” the llth (lay the Mal and l’L-rsmml Prouerty
3 t you OTmatlon about her 1939, m’ 18 8% t. k- lpproprlaelon for foreign
w,” re_; the saying “An Apple a day.”fa six weeks’ trainin ellod he
a case to go before 3. Jury where of January, 1941, and file the same tax
rolls of Mason County, Wash-
3. how to sell always I gain of 337 rue 3: a 7. f VVaohington apples beside
tn 'il ‘ll b . g p v ‘there‘ is even a remote chance Of‘ “1th
the (.lcrk 'ot .[h‘lS (‘o‘ur‘tu togi': ing'ton for the
year 194], have been
I . pel- cent. .16 . 10 i S .61: W1. 0 given a furlough home andl eff t.n
tn t A1 at. film “lth proof ol such seiuce Ol dolivured to me, in
accordance With
‘ The “Kassandra Muloudisq will, encalmt mineral content of 0211-; then
goes to sea. I its all set emit; .' d rilioc lhB.t\l~lllul])c
filll‘ltjlven bam-cd. the law, for the collection 01' the
__.__ )e the second American Red Cressl Clum and non, supply vltamins A, ,
Johnny GarriSOn‘ our other nag. 23111161“ Olls exbgpflon Eyre are
1941a u 15 i day 01 January,
A ‘ t P S _ :Mercy Ship" of the sec-0nd world: to help cold
protection; 0, to helpgval recruit, was assigned to the l .9 Innodle‘
“‘59 W et .bl‘lilo'r KATHLEEN YOl'NG, year 1941 will be
(lilo. 5.3.; payamo
en r-epaies ound Films War. 1.. no the s. s. Mcxeewwm sound teeth and
bones: caught destroyer U. 8- BrooklynliiclirioyoWhat” “ “ mg"
two of a
F ' - . tort, docked at Marseillc with a .to fhelp ngth' In
“damn, it ,fOHOWing his recent furlough and knowe fac~C1 egaltn h 'd
ALDEN defiiii'vngi‘igm “page '
‘1 01' Tralnlng NeVV AI'HIy Raglanth ilmllal'. million-dollar
cargo for ‘3 ound {hat aplfles are an llnter- is 'now in Honolulu.
“that at 1 0’ a c' e S? ’ )ftornv—y for Expcutrlx. ly on or
before Marc-iris, ism. will
, N listribution in France, All other galdregul'fiory 131d: Wlth
BXC€llentl Mr. and MTS. Warren Johnston, inserted inigsitt
onglicontga’nyla as linilding, be subject to 9. rebate of three per
1 line these 3mg J l / American Red Cross relief sup- oipeneggy
va‘ues' accompanied by Mr- John JOhn- that the Ones Ii)“ :Ktopfaf,
ulfe L Lil-lies?! ' illness THE TOTAL -xl\’[0l'\'T OF
in ‘with modern develop-r . p Will include charts me: for European war
victims 4°91” .mg to. the State Apple‘stoni drove to Hoqulflm 011
Fri- y ca .y TAX ON ANY 140T ‘BLOC‘K 0R
“Villa v 'dlagrams’ detailed til'awvingm and '1"ve
been shi ed as a~ti l Commlgswni this year’s fine ual ‘da of 1 t k t
’ 't M n cancelled If the Insured driver 13 TR ACT OF REAL
Prbpr‘nTY ’PxY
is a .neducationalmeto-, in general the t “ ,. "‘ pp p 5‘“
9““ ity cm, it. -ood ne . f , q' i " y .as. “Ce “51
1'“ guilty of. drunken driving or ofl NOTICE anion BY (')\'E
I’Fnsoi' l\‘ T‘ivd
ment aloowlll be used ml which in {he aslypc of materia 30 lots on
Europe-bound vessels. make”? ,hé r. j” ‘01 home-{Emnpa Fllllcheck,
Mr. John John- driving whlle under the influence NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN,
boililnns on Lns‘sfo‘n Vl'HEltlJ
81;, other methods ofl 0..., h‘ave had? L, Army instruct In addition to
345000 in cash D i, ,u.“ 1p? led fullness oflstons SlStel", who is
in a hospital! of U ulor The hi h n h f The“ "1“ annual
"WWW" 01‘ 1“" THE TOTAL AMOI'NT 01“ PER-
yéar e enlarged army. For t6..mustmt. to p.-eparc_ locth to the Greek Red
Cross for gm. Be leiouo, ineoap and Romci there for treatment r _e (50 . f
1. urn der 0 fltgilgkifioldorg of the Vfioldshorough sold“.
liporliiml: TAXle FA‘LL-
i. 8!! he s. . t eflour instruction, mediate purch sis of relief sun- eaUty
are all Plentlllllly avail—i During lecture hour at the re - e] c."
“S 0 appica Ions an can" p “m. ’Ompan'v “1 30- held at m
131 E 13 “3): 05‘1" Wm“:
. on I» war dcpaithn present alstrlbut. . f ,, . . . able The Dellc- . . .
l . . g cellations of pOhClCS after the “1° “' Bumhel homev 0“
I’ldayv the PAIYAI’LE “Y OM“ PERSON 1-5
. 1mg ~8pal-ing Sauna trainutffififl] fi] ~ mg pOInts o pheapyevmus
merlcan Red Cross. 19115.1 variety isslulal‘ meeting of Skokomish grange
h b . \d ._ f t 17lh day of January, 1941, at 8 LESS THAN TEN DOLLARS. THEN
i ry 1° fECili’ate t '"iin of “L g ,m” WhICh are now avail-
lid to Greece included $126.0‘uu known as the PCI‘Lect eating a. -; on
Friday night last there was ave -een ISSUL 1" ur.hel prom
0'01001‘ 1" m" 1'0" 1"“ “lemon of ALL OF
‘- .l>ei~so ‘* 1:3}: g, able at ail corps area and de, my”, f , .
pies, Rome Beauty the K . F . . that insurance companies regard mrvcmrs
and .thc transaction of DUE AND PAYABLE ON or. 1:215-
ct n e], Tu, o Mm X. 0 foodstuffs and medical . mg 0. an interesting
discussmn on the . . . ., ,i l.. b . ,~ 3 . , . m, .
10n f lemlug partment headou' i" M b ~ ~ all bakin a les rh‘ . .
. drunken drivers With genuine '““‘ 0““ “Slmss as may
Propel” IORI‘ FHL rum“ ‘1‘“‘51 DAY
ipand 30111 log are now be_ in Pu me ~{ I - and: ac ‘ e- supplies wmghmg
273,000 pounds, I .05; Pl), .lil ile~ the Wlne- subject of taxation. The
discus-Hear” D ly come befmw [hr nwmng. on MAY ON EACH YEAR, AFTER
. are e‘ and my“ FCW but» g f... f" ' 11 e1. hy. the
establlsh, now en route to Athens abeard sap vflnbty: “nth 1tgwlnelike
fla_ sion was led by Mr. Fr,ank Rot»! DELEHINE RISHEL, \Vl‘llC'l-I
bein y. i " melh 0 film libraries at other 10- the S rs .iGc on ,
vor‘, is claimed as excelle t f ‘ cm » 0th ' ' l — .
Mercmw‘Treasurer- Dhl‘lNQL‘ENT- AND lNTm‘iEST 'AT
n 1 g placed‘m prcdlic- “mom, m owe“. to fa .. ta th, _y_ ~-
,“goxloui a Grefik 9am cookin b . y n 01‘ meI- 81‘s contrlbutmg were
, 1—i-14—Jt. THE RATE OF TEN Pull CENT
In and 3.5 mm sound “so”; training}, “ awful!“ l/CJ. cl,
Replacement o'f supphes n v 01‘ 21131113. Mr. Ed Ahern, ‘Mrs. Fay.
John-lsulted a doctor, and discovered PER ANNUM SHALL in; CHARG—
add. ti-Oh “Rm asp”: 63.5» in coniiérég ‘icned over bv the British
Redlthgeillgéldfinfegs of the Situation andl etch and Mr. Fred Ferris.
she. had a broken toe. Her foot 1% mgr fiizollpo’fillg[Tlglxlllxpélllj
- , -.v ra‘ ' rr . . r incr 5:;- . n ., .n “’- A '1 i"?
‘3 -"
l a men to the twinhmules- Equipmentis belininisgmel Cross are costing
approx1mately‘tiOn of a“ leg h 93,41 C\;nsulnl)— Mrs, Paul Hunter is
still onwas put in a cost which she Hillel. Kepler: T0 cnznz'rons
Ql‘EXCY l'NTll. lull). (Act. (if
ilmCOmPTChon~i r. 0 ‘Of fol- mp1.mane mg lllO _r_0 $55,000. ! t I“ h
ll) Veie in Washing- crutches as the result of an acci-|wear for a week or
so longer—- To mm: CLAIMS. 1935. (‘hamvr 30. Sm. effective
V 01. firms {11:90.} yo}; .. m ikw my; olnheil centers, all diVis- “The
Kassandra ,Louloudis" will 01: ~b 01719 markllt was pointed dent which
befell her the day be- hence the crutches. lxnofhéwsagfigigf’t’;
C°lurt “a ‘1‘; 53"}? Marc“ 4', 19.353 ,I 1 l n. ,. .
(: fii1 {tile mintls Jill’lé'l‘nr". 'Tréo 5 (5f
thllillgsl' carry one of the 1argest singlelgl ty Donald Fareed, _Are3
fore Christmas. She dropped Mrs. Oliva Hunter has received County of
Maslclm, :11 annbato‘f t ‘
.. 16 m s'ripr- {Fry 5“ “Cis‘ i D- ..,- 113’ .9 hi“? and tlst
shipments 9f.chapter-produced ar-l. “9c ,01‘,f91 the, ourplus Market
pressure cooker on her foot.’ She word that she has a, new grand- 1N
., Projector? «gethfl Wlthl iv1;lo.SdY18W 1n trainingat Fort tlcles. Mr.
Davis said 1,518,000 111% Afimlnlstl‘atlon. Farced show.ltliouglit the
hurt not serious and daughter born to Mr and Mrs (ffl)JAMES H'
N _‘ ,. , ‘ Y v . . l} l r‘ .9 s r '1 v y 7
‘ Segzally tl‘lrzgfggeg‘tg 53%)“ i {‘fgwsdfiantazglpoyligay
Winthay‘i Surgical dressmgs and 260,000 gar- Egpg'lgere Egrgpe S]
4,000,000 boxlwent to Bremcrton that day. The Madison Jones of Miss‘oula,
Mon- NOTICE is HEREBY GlVEN’ Cglcilidgf'a‘ E'HmH‘NG ON
i 1,5. t6, l e f) . t se pic (ma men 5 would be included in the e mu 0
paced this year swellin and ain became so an- tana-on Januar 2. i That
Letters of Administration on i C ' OMER L. DION.
i. j “.31 Contained onlaius in their training. g p y T18 baby the above
estate were granted to Treasured Meson Countr-
on the domestic market and that,
noying that while there she con- girl was named Sharon Lee,
Office at Angle Building
the undersigned on llll' 2lst day 01' Jan. 7, M, 21, 194l—3t.