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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six 3": Former Dewatio vv'vvvVVVVVVVV'VVV""'" ) . t Too Late to l‘lassil‘y ‘eSFden ' “AA-AAA¢AAAAAA.—AAA \“.. JOURNAL \Vnnt Ads; are ilsiwl l) sums of your fru‘llflh‘ SCORES SCAR lNAliLEY FORBES STAR or TOURNAMENT S i : llcwzitto, .l::.l‘.uury lfirrrIlltt‘rfilf‘llt, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL PILING UP 1920 ACTUAL PINS lBEiiiiliiiiilfWiiis {Tia OWRRMESCRAP. R YRARS'i‘o Bl iATiii'i‘ 1 DuciAR 58 MAJOR R. H. FLEi—l’if; .has alway considered the posses»;- ' Seattle Times, Jul]. 12 If Gel‘j FOR SAALI‘LHIKIZU :VIilrll‘l ‘A' Dl('l\" in tin. Dt‘Vzlltio cemetery of the,: l “ mzmy is m be defeated in mc‘ '33:. [\lfiwf “Hive-"ii: aw“ "C‘l‘fill‘ls 0f EdWi“ Baxwr' Spfln'l 50m“ Of Um highcst 3601‘” 1“ {+1 pins were handicap. Politician ‘present war, the world *must look, .7”an )U'M PHI?” “5'” ""yicu” war "Veteran WhOiUIC h‘lStOI‘y “I the annual City Charlie Savage of the commercial. I I :forward to at least. tpn mmel “WU—m V; i I . .. 'ill‘ll J-lml-ll'y 6 0i '7': heart attaCkl bowling association handicap imguc took second with 679’ of Improved Shelton quintet B’l('(‘.tf§',y0;u'3 of confhct' MU} hcubgn 11.: FOR, SALE; inuiig’i-lyuig‘ llClvv,;iL lug..- home zit Crosby in Kitsap,‘ tournament were hung up in the which 145 pins were handicap Monge 1.16m Tomght In iFlCCt’ former-Montesarfo umber; Allilv \,.illllril>ll, ( Qlllul] =11 H iCounLY, was hold Saturday fOUOW'i 1941 event which Closed Sunday af— In the team event the pal-a-‘ (Juniorelice Game {nan Qua—t1}??? Washington ’ I, in: funeral SCE‘ViCQS' :lfil‘ fOUI' days Of pin—punishing by mount Theatre Cl'gtv’ paced by A]- V , ‘1FRV DIVIg‘IOV l 1011?. llill‘( O 1097‘, V110 rs . T' r; m 3.11: Baxter died in his sleep af-iapproximately sixty bowlers from 119, Robinson, captured first prizc' ‘ 01'T ‘“f_ L. Pct. F‘m' Ag'premdent' 0f Cronsolidated,AircrdrtI l‘l)~llS€b:l1lI-l‘li r bill:- tor havng heir“ up and amund aslthe City and 00mm01‘9131 10figures. with a 2905 totiil, first time the Aberdeen ________ U2 0 “mo 1“ 33K Corporation, said in Seattle yLs-i Funnlllfi: xvii-tel: ull‘ctr ll ‘Slldl L119 (My Prior to his p‘IISSing-, Ringleader of the pln—punishers 2900 figure has been passedln the Raymond n 0 L000 70 mi, terdaY- I ; Clam”? hf ' V L " Baxter family had llVEd titl‘wqts big Bud Forbes, who knocked annual tournament, according to! Ho‘quiam “I 0 L000 29! Major Fleet whose” great 3-11.: lean-C E) 3, 391;, l , Dewntio until about three years} over 1920 actual pins m the three Al Ferrier, alley manager. lMontcsmm ..... __1 1 .500 38 m craft factory at Sun Dmgol Cahf”. nlnntip Serf 3,; c Iago, when they moved to Crosby-ldivisions of the tournament, win- Twelve teams, the complete; Shelton __________ no 1 .000 m “0' is tun]ng out bomber a dayd Ph‘fne 157' 5199139“. I Surviving are the widow andining the all-events with (l. 202% personnel of the. city mo 2 1,0,, 52 7‘ was in Seattle 0“ mute-F0 Abmfi , itlu‘ee Sons alid CH0 dwshtel‘. andil’in lot?“ When “13 “’8 h‘m‘hcap “mm?” lea-gum partlc‘l’ated m thelElma ............... ..0 2 .000 .30 60. deem to attend the wedding of hISK "—'""—"’ “m” Iwzis added on. lemon Juice Recipe Clieclis u brother, Lee, 01" Dewatto. l Bud rang up 687 in the doubles five-man event, 25 doubles pairs; and 47 singles entrants competed' ‘ . , .',\l t.‘til-‘ 21. . . q H 41 ,‘ps he and Toad Sergeant captur- iii the tournament. one of the! 2’“ Bheumalm Pal" flunk" Salesman Fined Oil fed first in that event_with their lllOSi‘ successful of the annuall‘ Raymond 43" Elm; 37- . h .t'c,‘'t" . l ' l1355 total. added 627 m the Sm“ “Ven‘ts- . . i 27, Shelton 2'. "grill: {gulhrisegmlqvle Pnzwél‘l:i3;{ D3 ung’ DISOI delly count gles which gave him sixth planes, Prize Winning scores follow: ' BC [arml‘vw *’ homei'ecipethatthousands areiisivg. Getai —‘—-— {ani tacked on 606 in the tear“ SINGLES . (Non conference) package 0‘ Ru-EX Ccmmuhd W-lw- Mix it Claude Miller. 31, Tacoma sales-2 t h 1 d Winnnu que to , 8,; Games Tonight I with a Quart of water, add the mine if i . 1.. ., f, a, m1 310 q 1d (,0 .1, thi.,i CVPn as C_ ‘3 {PU D ‘ Selgednt .................. .. 601~ 34-64) Montcsano at Shelton lemons. It's easy. No triiubie fit all and ‘ “7* “W “A” . “I 5‘5 , third place in the live-man com“ (3. Savage 534,145,679! ‘ pleasant. You need only 2 talilcslmonfiils‘ j afternoon by Justice M. C. Zin-r petition P Fredson 635_ 41_676i Raymond at Aberdcuy “V0 times a (inY- Often Willi“ 4" hours—thee on a drunk and disorderly; Fame, w.,s No 1 Man '( ,_ 89 667i Hoquiam at E1ma_ sometimes overnight—splendid results are‘ .u.‘ in] ,1 , m»- hip,l ,-o“0winfl: ray “ ' , N lVLleey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ .. 548- - , Games Friday obtained. If the pains do not ickly leave ("Punk 1 9‘" downs" _‘ L P ; That 681 figure mentioned above Dodds H 604_ 61-665! ' and if you do not feel better. Ru 1x wian ‘ lllS arrest at three oclcck this: was the best 30_fmme total he Fombm 627_ 36_663. Shelton at Raymond. you nothing totry asitis solrlbi your drulz- i mornin,cr by Sheriff Gene Martin“ , a m and 170,.ng also had 7.‘, I: 1 4 661' Elma at Olympia. gist under an absolute money-bark guaran-f ,— " "1', F. ad Ir ,_ pr the‘ 01““ me I r A llllCieiil’lcln .. . 477- 8 . Aberdeen at HCquian]. tee. Ru-Ex Compcrv-d is for sale andland 009*“) 1”“ Jonson ;too, the two highest ten—frame marsh-(111 _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ __ 551410-661! _ v. recommended by lPiniS Auto Camp- lfigureg, 244 and 241, each rolled Durand _________________ H 575_ 8445595 VaStly {mPTOVEG 0V_CI‘ Prf‘llgus I‘ll“ DRUG STORE I lwhile he was fashioning his big. DOUBLE-s llgiz'l'nlesl. t2“: [ha/His; 0: I 687 toml‘ ‘ ‘ngeam 54815mith 508 orig??? elfrsow df sna in their 2 ~ e""llscor-~. i r a “y . 99g f i- Oth‘e‘ {JOStQim I’llj-lvldt‘a >L- Babes. 687‘Mar5ha“ O74 losing streak Friday night, but A i i to 1’1.’\ 1‘. V} a) . 1 i.“ . gvznto “veil” Bab (Stewart); €590: Total 100-); I‘otal 1274‘ the Renal-mine Lions snatched a '3 l L i A" l 27 to 25 overtime victory in Lin- I . thigh three-lgame total‘in tzunénN. Snelgrove 5191.“ Savage 486 com gym which had the custom. eyent, Hank Durands 238 was cs ‘R Frcdson 624|Skerblm 517 em in a dither of excitement, Engfepgafle .mcgge Saingéeit Hal‘dicap Psi Handicap 265, Tonight the Highclimbersv make .3“ ’e.‘”°lns f 31 e” t, d ; T0131 0011' Total 1263. their first home-floor Southwest . V gtiéileofgggtfizl he S an 'iF I 514,3t ‘ b k 576: Conference start with Montceano ' T . ' ‘ um l “(C a 61‘ ? here as the o osition and on the ll (Bill . . . . saCk I Sergeant Singles Champ Farrier 604W.Snelgrove 505 strenth of mg? Beharmine showy . ' Toad-Sergeant gaftured fthe Eng Handicap 166? Handicap 1'13 ing the Highclimber stock has! “Yr/3RD per ton gles With P‘s 68 0m}: 0 ; TOtal 1284i Tomi 1204, boomed tremendously withflchapeé 1 to 3 ton loads in town $10 25 per ton ! ALL EVENTS e5“g°°d that Shelf)“; iced” ‘ “ """"" " '_ Free John Deere Day 5 defeat string may_ 9 m n. :1 to 6 ton loads lil town __________ __ Clo-0 per ton . Forbes 606 687 627 108—2028 Phillips Scintillateu At Olympia Next Week Forrest 585 570 568 252—«1981! SOphomore Jess Phillips almost ‘ ‘1‘ "P T r'~ TEAM EVENT Esent the Shelton-Bellarmine bat- - (/91) N L’ any ‘llStance . With free refreshments and en— i Paramount 53 53 53‘" 159 tle into a second overtime period 11:0 0 fun 103d; '98- (’1) Per ton PCP nnle tertainmcnts to be offered, a John ‘ A. Robinson 174 235 200— 609 but his basket came a split sec- Deere day will be held Monday, ‘ Skelsey .......... .. 182 175 124~— 481 0nd after the end of the_f1rst ex- gpial Stuker Coal January 20, at 10:30 a. m. at the l B. Smith . 187 180 227— 594 mi period. Phillips, incidentally, * .7 p M Odd Fellows Hall in Olympia. fFOi‘rest . 191 180 214— 585 played fine ball throughout! the ‘) i -- v i The program is being sponsorv,Durand . 168 153 156— 477.contest and just about seweo 'up H tons Oi 0‘81 """"""""""""""""" " p81 ton ed by the Olympia Forging Works; Total ...... .. 955 976 974—2905‘ 3, starting call on the varSIty five Coal hill‘fll‘ll iv wlicellvirrow or buckets 75¢ per ton extra and is under the direction fail-'1 M 26 26 2?? 78‘ a: ligngl as he keeps up that brand ~ q. .wi... 1‘. v,- ,. CH A9,. ‘ ‘l' a ' , rw P. Plantenberrr, manager 0 e, 4. . - 0 a . H ’lhcct p..u.s .uucct ti harm, osmium, to mine p ices concern. ’Stewalt 202 228 190— 620 The Highclimbers, inab‘lmy to , All farmers are urged to at— 3 Mackey 169 203 187-7- 559 put the brakes on the scoringr an~ q 1 u " {tend this demonstration, Whicthoberts __________ .. 153 151 135” 439 tics of Paul Gricwc, tricky Lion -" l} ‘l 11" V (y . will feature many thin s of great Elliott Sr. .... .. 193 165 180— 538 guard. cost them the ball game. if. ll . L 1- - g , , .vfi 9 , interest to them. The hall is 10- Carlson 186 204 212__ 602 Griewe scored his Slxtn‘ basketpf H.101» n "2 lczited at 4th and Columbia. in Total ...... .. 929 977 930—2836 the game m the overtime Ptmd Olympia. ito Win the scrap for the‘VlSltOI‘S ———— Wilson's ........ ._ 50 5o 50— 150 and he captured high pomt hon- G. Tucker V, 203 161 181-- 545 ors for the battle with 13 tallies. 'J. Miller ...... .. 185 170 202— 557, Close Battle All Way , ‘ .F‘ourre .......... _. 181 147 137_ 465‘ Warren Woods produced eight ' Sergeant 186 114 168-, 438 to top Shelton's scoring with Phil- Forbes __________ 226 198 182__ 606 lips having five. The Highclimb- 840 920—2991 Other scores hung up in the five—man event were: Daviscount Bakery .............. .. 2783 Cammaranos . 2689 Mac's Corner 2643 Mason Laundry . 2634 Are You Planning To Build A New Home In 1941 Do You Need Encouragement To Get an Early Start in 1941 I, I Driskel Hardware . 2622 44-13 Dairy ................ .. . 2638 Associated Oil . 2600 Pastime .................... .. . 2574 McConkey Pharmacy Shell Products Being Used In Defense Program i ~,__ 1 Triumphs of petroleum research, through which artificial rubber, artificial Silk and even Vitamin ., E now are being produced syn- ,thetically, will be the theme of {the 1941 advertising of Shell Oil 1 Company, Incorporated,‘ according ‘to an announcement made here II, ltoday by the company. i' In one of the most educational programs ever released, Shell will tell how petroleum derivaties now are being used in the fields of national defense, medicine, agri— culture and many industries. Prod- ucts created from petroleum by Shell’s research laboratories in- clude toluene, the essential in— . 2430 Wily Not Eclect A location lii ADDITON Where Special Iiidiicements are Offered During January and February to Prospective Buyers sential to the manufacture of 100- ' octane aviation gasoline, butadiene for the production of synthetic rubber, glycerine for explosives, and various solvents used in the textile and plastics industries. The story of these achievements will be used to explain Shell's work in constantly improving the quality of their motor fuels lubricants 'Local newspapers throughout the eleven western states, Hawaii and British Columbia will play an important part program. , and color pages also will be . sched- uled in national magazines. Lil-3k over the New Homes built in the dis- trict during 1940. Note the homes sold during last year and the resale values of property in the district. program, Shell Dealers will be given a. preview of the advertising .in a motion picture to be shown at the company’s annual sales con- ference in all divisions. ._ I i Former Union Man Is 5 ' Laid To Rest Saturday Funeral rites were held Sat- .» lurday for J. W. Tomb, former [resident of Union, at Snohomish .‘ ‘ under the auspices of the Odd Fel- ' lows lodge there, of which he was a member. Mr, Tomb died at the Odd Fel— lows home at Walla Walla last ’Monday. He had lived at Un- l ion for a period of 12 or 15 years ‘. i up to about 18 months ago, when he went to the Walla Walla home i i investigate the advantages of location Vlt‘W, public service, streets and conven- ience to schools and business. Take a antage of the SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 25 per cent (in the usual prices on any location, im- proved or unimproved, or on acrea e. See H. o. ANGLE: Angle Building dv i Phillips, Grandson In First Visit Since 1927} After traveling 3000 miles, Mr. and Mrs, C. W. (Jack) Martin and children, Joan,-Jacqueline and Richard, from Alton, Ill., arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Phillips Friday evening for a visit. Mr. Martin, grandson of ; Phillips, was making Mr. his first trip to the coast and it was the first time the two men had seen each other since 1927. grcdient of T.N.T., iso-octane es] and I in Shell’s 1941i Color will be used in With spectacular long newspapers wljereever available Gull seconds won the warmup 30-, Prior to the opening of the 1941 RUbfltello Results Friday ers led at the first quarter, 4 to 3, at the half it was knotted at 11-31], Bellarmine led at the third period, 18 to 17, and the count was knotted at 25-a11 at the end of regular time. The new Highclimber starting. combination which Coach Frank Willard placed on the floor earn- ed its spurs with its performance against the Lions and probably will be, back intact tonight for the Montesano conference battle. The Highclimbers, too, no doubt will continue to use a man-for- lman defense which they blossom- ;cd out with in the Bellarmine game for the first time this sea- I son. The Highclimber seconds like- wise looked improved over past performances even though wind- ing up on the short end of a 23 to 14 final score. The lineups: FIR-ST TEAMS Bellarmlne (27) Shelton (25) 'Schiesz 3 ...... ..F .......... .. Lumsden Mockel 6 _. Phillips 5 Callier 1 Fredson 3' Griewe 13 Woods Rask 4 .......... ..G ...... .. McComb 4 Subs: Bellarmine ~ Bichsel, Reed. Shelton—42099 3, Dickin~ son 2. SECOND TEAMS Bellarmlne (23) Shelton (l4) chula 4 ...... ..F‘ .............. .. Loop 4 lHermsen 1 Chase 2 'Morris 10 ...... ....... .. Eddy 2 McNerthney 5 G._.. Pearce 3 iMal'tineau 3 ..G .......... .. Gruver 2' Subs: Bellarminc—Rath, Mack,l vSullivan. Shelton—Wilson 1, Clo-i thicr, Coburn, Trotter. RAYMOND NIPS ELMA, 43-37. IN CLOSE ONE 5 Raymond, Jan. 11.-(Special,) Raymond scored its second northern division victory last night with an impressive 43-37 victory over Elma. Bob Hoffer scored 17 points as the Gulls led their opponents throughout the game. Elma made 11 field goals shots. The 25. The lineups: Raymond (43) Elma. (37) ..F ........ .. Piercey 10 Miller 8 ........ Jasper 2 Hoffer 17 .... ..C ...... ._ Mestker 3 Karliss 10 .... ..G .............. _. Wade 6 Ga‘pek 1 ...... ..G ........ .. Winders 9 Subs: Raymond—Plato 4. El- ma—Anderson 5, Spaulding 2. ABERDEEN BREAKS JINX IN BEATING BULLDOGS Montesano, Jan. 11.-—(Special.) -~Breaking a three-year jinx in no uncertain fashion, Aberdeen smothered Montesano 51-21 last night on the Bulldog court for its second northern division vic< tory. The Bobcats reserves com- pleted the picture by winning 20- 14 in the opener. It was the first time that the players making up this year’s Ab- erdeen team have won at Monte- sano. Aberdeen (51) Montesano (21) Johnson 8 .... ..F .......... .. Druggc Bezer 18 ...... J. Gallagher 4, Sliva 13 ........ ..C.. Moore 5 Bowley ............ ..G.. Best 3 Goldsteln 4 ....G .............. .. Crisp 1 Subs: Aberdeen—Jovanovich 2, Lea 5, Nyman, Estrada, Wyninger 1, Percini. Montesano—Thomson, Johnson, G. Reed, Stamos, Heikk- enen 2. HOQUIAM HAS TROUBLE WITH OLYMPIA, 34-29 Hoquiam, Jan. 11,—(Specal.) —— Running into unexpected opposi- tion, Hoquiam was forced to turn on the pressure last night to beat 'nicce, Miss Barbara Bishop. 4 l It was Fleet, who a. few days: ago brought about an actual work—L ing plan of the much-discussed co-g lordination of the aircraft and au—l tomobilc industries to step up Am-i lcz‘ican production of military air-E planes. ‘ Floor Space Doubled The Consolidated Aircraft Cor- poration’s San Diego plant, nowE employing more than 14,000 men; in the manufacture of flying bozitsl and a four-engined bomber similar? lto the Flying Fortress, will have, more than doubled its floor space[ by next month, and in a year willi 'redouble its area and will employi‘ an army of 35,000 men. . V But Fleet, despite this mushrooml lgrowth, worked out a plan with} Ithe Ford Motor Company whichi calls for the building of two more! i l l l l i I i I factories to handle aircraft produc- , tion differently. “Ford,” he said today, “will' 'build all the parts for our B-24' 'bombers. We will have a plant at: Fort Worth, Tex., employing 15,-. 000 men by next year and it will‘ ‘devote itself solely to final assem-l l bly of parts fabricated by the mo—I tor company. A similar plant willl be built at Tulsa, Okla., by thel ‘Douglas Aircraft Corporation for assembly of the same plane from] Ford-made parts.” I Like Horatio Alger Story I Fleet’s rise to the presidency of‘ lone of the nation’s major aircrafti lcompanies has the ring of the old! Horatio Alger stories. ' Born in Montesano, he went to. school there and at Culver Military] Academy, and spent the next} twelve years as a real estate maul Specializing in timber areas near, his home town. He played a small‘ part in civic affairs-~~—was elected. to the State Legislature for one sessionw—and served as an officer in the W'ashington National Guard. The first European war turned! him to aviation. He did not believcl the United States could stay out: of war, and in 1917 went to San Diego to join one of the firstl groups of men the Army taught; to fly. He was the Army’s 74th. aviator, but since twenty-three ofl l Olympia. 34~29 in the Grizzlies ini- tial northern division conference game. The tilt was played on the Hoquiam court before a large crowd. Hoquiam (34) Olympia (29) i Stubberfield 6 F .......... .. Rockey 7 Klock 4 .......... Van Eaton 7 Haney ............ ..C ..... .. Bettched 7 Siden Beck 4 Rit'llell .......... ..G .......... .. Hansen 4 Subs : Hoquiam -~ i Wayma.n,l Johnson 2, Wittrcn 5, Clayton Graham 2. Olympiaw-Fuller, O'-; Leary. .lyv rrArl/rrsandrmm _ ORIGINAL IVACUUM- POWER SHIF‘L l/ . / 5 (M no extra cost) ' ' \ sum AS ONLY CHEVROLET B'UILDS IT THRILEING NEW BIGNESS lN ALL M‘AJOR DIMENSIONS '- 90-H.P. VAlVE-lN-HEAD ‘ "warm" ENGINE odours te LEADR MELL CHEVROLET Phone 114 wiyiiymiai iievrieiionnces you wilt/2mm; . v SAFE-T-SPECIM HYDRAULIC BRAKES, V {Hillary 14, T1 sday, J 10 LER, ; Daughter ()i‘ l'ifllllt‘l‘l'fi Moot Thursday Mason County (,‘hnpt 1");lliarliiers of the Hon moot this Thursday, '- ill, the homo Iil' his predecessors were killed iii the :it 2 o’clock int :i risky process, he was actually the. ing. 51st American officer to Wf‘ill‘ —w— 7777 7- wmgs' founded Consolidated i In 1922 he resigned from the Greenwich. In 1325]“, .' , . Army and became vice president Buffalo, N. Y. Tm y and general manager of an early he moved it an Um, airplane factory v ~ the Gullaudet Aircraft Corporation. 1 Fleet had little money, but he: the continent to Sm D1 sion of money the ment for success. , “I figured it this way,” he sziid today. “Bruins first. Bruins are like the thumb on your hand. The rest of the requirements for SllC'i cess ‘JI‘C like your fingers, they aren't much good without intelli- gencc. After brains I think you need timing, preserverance, cour-l lost require- iroRRES‘ iii: FOP. I‘J‘V’E‘t‘.’ occ Delivered an‘JWh age, markets and money in that . order. ‘ p 1 ‘ I “And,” he added, grinning, “I’ve South of TH' had luck, too.” f S p i, H 1 ' Fleet moved fast after his entry h‘mm CA Tm“ Lam" I’Ic ‘ into aircraft manufacturing. d"if" M“. t the cum ton Genet '1 Tuesda; '3 “eclected an ameni les or m 3 labor n providen f he board l t0 cover “‘1 in the l e. reelectei ' _yl Dresirli 'Mcsident; rY-trem Davies 5 utive com] Newly .bor: Lore mg pulp; 1 and Herb .dustry: A $93 and c. iVlc: wm_ ; Robert board of bile: A. E edical Sta i l'eview of .yeal‘ in “mg the “W and in 0*? for Monday, January l. 10:30 a. m. . the suivigj Odd Fellows Hall , check for OLYMPIA, WASH. . "ham fut 4th & Columbia. 6 the sale more usef , hospital; Ifyou don tickets, or need " sh u‘s‘for'them Mu Shelti 7. } Bati CAPITOL CITY FORGING W0 m Fifth and Water OLYMPIA I knew if a Perfect lac sin a runnin‘ DE lUXE , TION , 0N All MODELS wmi BALANCED SPRINGING FRONT AND REARpAND, IM- PROVED SHOCKPROOF STEERING ' ' ' lON‘GER’, iAiiGER, " mum-80ml wmi No DRAFT viEN1 '1) C 1st-G