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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,th YEA 2 Published in "Ctl,ristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton. Washington mrsday, January 14, 1965 Entered as second class matter at /he post office vt Sbelton, Washingt6n, under Act of March 8. 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cota, :: , )7 Sworn/n • ", !/' ; 7"; , " ii :i. d~,:%::) • i!i ..... i:¸¸ • .~.;. ,r,,Z..):¸ ~; -: : , , : ): :. < a d ._..IN Justice of the Peace Glenn Correa, arryn~lm'~,".~Y COmmissioners Martin Auseth and ason a* ,,u,,u, were sworn in by Auditor C. Nolan L me court house Monday morning. Correa 3 ToGet In Sett/ement County PUD 3 comnlis- n'8 M°nday'approved a settle- of a sui'l against five clec- [p~r ~nt n]anufacturing for $18,000. suit, started about three ago, had sought price ad- ae~t Jrom the firms Oil - bOught between Jan. 1, ld I:)ec. 1, 1959. mason County PUD..was eighL plaintiffs who Joined ~r in tbe suit against the companies. five. defendants were Gen- fettle, Westinghouse, Allis- ra,, MCGraw-Edison and Emetric. settlement was approved eOnll~ission on tile re('onl- of local c}~llllcil Gll~llP, and the law firm of Broz, and 3/tikkelborg, Seattle, had been rcpresenting the Plaintiffs. Also, the State OITley General's office concurs lding settlement. begins his first terrn as Mason County Justice of the Peace. Auseth and Elmlund are each begin- ning their seo3nd terms on the county commission. @ Mason County's new eolulty- wide justice court district went into operation this week when Glenn Corea was sworn in as Jlls- tiee of the Peaee Monday nlorniug. A court office has been set up on the second floor of lhp e.ourL honse in a sm'dl office for- mcrly occupied by the Statc Pa- tr{)l. Mrs. Thora. Basseti, formerly chief civil deputy in the Maso)l County Sheriff's "office has been named justice court cle'tk by Col rea.. The justice court office will 1)e open from 1-5 p,m. each day ex- cept: during the hours in (vhich eom't is being held. (~ORIHCA SAIl) he plans to hold COUP{ Session,3,, three or f()ur (lays a weclc \viLli tv¢o days for el imin'al cases and 0)It~ (llt}, for civil cases in Shelton. He plans to bare a couPt ses- sion in Belfair once a week If suit- able quarters cart be fou{ld in which to hold e(au't. The new justice eourt district @ will ta.] e over the duties formerly handlc, d by the justice courts in Shelton and Belfair plus the ad- :ditional jurisdiction which bring- ling the county urlder the 1961 i.luslice C()m't Law give to tile C(HII't. 'Pile eity of Shelton has not in- dicated whether or not it intends lo join its Police Court inlo tile system oP not. Tlll/] (!OIIICF will handle cases. filed by the State Patrol, Sheriff's office, Department of Natural Rc- solu'ees, DcpartlTlellI of Game, De- partlnent of Fisheries an(l other ~,overlll]lelltal a.gencies. Civil Im'isdiction for the newly- f(irnied ~:ourt will be $500, instead of the $300 to which the previmls justice courts were limited. Correa said he does not plan an5, night, sessions of just,co court • :~t present. ']'he County C(nnmission last smnmer voted to bring i.he coun- ty under the 1961 justice com't law which provides for one jus= tice court fop Mason County. Correa was eleeted to the Jus- tice position in lhe elections last fall and bcgan his term of office M()nday wl!en he was sworn in, along "~,vith COUllty e(immissioners Martin Auseth and Ilarr.v Elm- hind, by County Auditor (2". Nolan Mason• Y dale. }!1001, BOAI¢I) approv- ing of two new teaehcrs i[l}nsfer, of three others ~t assignments ill the Mary Lottise Grau], O]ym- ~211'ed to teach first grade ,,e.~nx, succeeding Mrs. l)O(1W'ill "who will be trans- [°~'Vergree.rt am librarian g ~,liss Mary Anderson'. tp a new posiU,ln .s • ,,n" o~ lib ........ , I *- • -, ,,i 2' anti l'es0111'eo • , it)) the district. c Olsen, from the • * ark (listriet, Was hired rade at Mr. vic v 's. Mary Aaron, \vho SOmetime in May will be Mrs. Virginia Merifiehl will approve a, special" levy for teach a third grade class whi('.h ton School District' antl is being established to 'releave issue for the Construction crowding in third gra0e classes ~ew hospital in a special in the district. The additiunal Class plans in the nlaking will nleeL in the reran Mrs. Meri- field has been using tor her l'e- DardR°bertat itsQuiggle told the medial Pea(ling chtsses. The re- JI~ ht that hcmeeUngwould Tues-have'l reading classes will be dis- ~=~'I~' !r the February meeting) Efforts to find a successor to izetd( list` of tll.e backlog ]George Hermes as prineip'll of the areas of Mason C-k,unty hea- ,_ ~ senool olsu'iet for ,'~nen.on Itigh School went bee vily hit by the snowfall New Year's ue special levy will l)e ~)the slarting point "l'uescak wceliend are ,low p,'etty well dug Oll~, slthough snow cover on the I 'nell at. telegraan declining the ~1'(~)11/(I l'en{ains heavy. )l°~°~'*al collld [)e presented poslhon was re(:oived from tlle 'Pro sn(w has been gralually r,,e°ruary meeting and .man wh(m~ Supt. Quiggle was go- melting the past few days as of- • ,e ~or approval at the!mg to reeonm~and for the job. ,, !e.eNng after' the bo£1rd ! . ItERMES WILL beeomc prin-, ',eel, an eye (,,l th,~ rluuloff, hnping "t warming tlen(t does not , ~zn the community hail iclPal of Garrett Heyns High rnell it off fast. enough to cause ." to study it This '~vould !~cheolat the Washington Corree- ;. possible to h'old li~e elec-'lions Center July 1. fl(md probhm~s. .aYa probahlv~ in coniune~-.--, .The board acknowledg~td the r:.-( Mary M. l