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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'7 REG. $2.49 EACH REG. FLAVORED 3.69 Chewable EACH Bottles of 100 BOTTLES OF 100 100 mg. Bottle of 1 O0 REGULAR $6.95 EACH I lmins SQUARE BOTTLES of 100 Bottles of 100 REGULAR $2.79 EACH OF 100 Sa)isf¢ ction Guaronteed :i or: Your Money Back!, : ! PH, 426-3456 BOTTLES OF 1 O0 the local government recognize the great service rendered to this com- munity hy the Shelton Junior C, bambcr of Commerce, and WHEF, EAS, the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce and its affiliated state and local or- ganizations lmve set aside the wcck of ,January 17-23, 1965 tn observe the founding of thc Junior Chamber of Commerce and to commemorate such founding by the selection of an outstanding young man in this community as the recipient of the Distinguisl~ed Service Award, and WHEREAS, this organization of young men has contributed ma- terially to the betterment of this community throughout the year, THEREFORE, I, Frank A. Tra- vis Jr., Mayor of the City of Shel- ton, d() hereby proclaim t.he week of January 17-23, 1965 as JAY- CEE WEEK and urge all citizens of our community to give full consideration to the future ser- vices of the Shelton Junior Cham- ber of Commerce. F. A. TRAVIS, JR. Mayor January 8, 1965 Ge.s.s To Ask Aboul Household Help Needs How msny job opportunities for: household help arc there in the United St'-~tes? How many house- keepers, cooks, maids, day work- ers, baby sitters, gardeners, or odd job men are needed? A sample of households in this area will help to supply the ans- wer' when the U.S. Bureau of the Census conducts its monthly Cur- rent Population Sm'vey duri'1~g the week of Jan. 17, it was announced today by John E. Tharaldson, Di- rector of the Bureau's Regional Office at Seattle. Information furnished by local households will be combined w|th timt gathered in :,56 other sample areas of the country to obtain na- tional estimates of the help-wan~- ed situa£ion in American Hombs. in addition to these special questions on household help, Cen" sus Bureau interviewers will asR about intentions to buy automo- biles, houses and major household appliances. An-swers to silnil~r questions asked last October re- vea]ed the American public was planning to buy these items at a i~igh rate. The January survey will sl,ow whether the upward trend is continuing. And as in every monthly Cur- rent Population Survey, inquirics will bc made in January to obtain information for the U.S. Depart- ment of Labor about cmployment and unen~ploymel~t in the UmLed SLates. The January, 1964 survey shov,'ed that, after allowance for seasoDal ehnnges, 5.6 percent of' lhc 73.7 million in the Nat.imfs civilian labor force were unem- ph)yed. Con, parable figures for J-muary, 1963 were 5.7 percent unemployed out of 72.4 million. Census interviewers who will visit £amilies in this area inchtdc Mrs. Violet F. Bushnell Olympia and Mrs. Polly A.. Swayze Sheltm:. It is the necessities of life which generate ideas of right m~d wrong. ---W. $omereet Maugham i,,,i i, ii FOLDING MAHOGANY DOORS ¼" SLAT 36" Reg. $ 45 21 x 32 Stainless Steel SINK Gomplete with Fitting FIBERGLASS PANELS 26" x 8'-12' White Sq. Ft, PLASTIC TUB ENCLOSURE Swan Design "' $33.95 FRIGIDAIRE RANGE 40" Deluxe RD-20-64 Reg. $2"/9,95 | LAMINATED PLASTIC COUNTER COVERING White -,Yellow . Beige with Gold Fleck Sq. Ft. ZONOLITE Pouring Type Insulation Bag Utility Home WHEELBARROW Reg. $9.95 TABLE SAW with motor Reg. $89.90 Used Frigidaire WASHERS 5-LATE MODELs Each VALSPAR VARNISH CLEAR Reg. $9.75 GAL. SPRAY ENAMEL 16 oz. Size }( 17 x 19 CIIINA LAVATORY Vall Hung Combination Storm & Screen Door Reg. $29.95 FRIGIDAIRE FREEZER Frost-Proof UFPD-12-63 Reg. $319.9a 1ST AND PINE 4 6-4393 & SUPPLY 426-82"/9