January 14, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 14, 1965 |
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,l'anulrv 14, 1.965
lasses To Slarl :B
Adult Ed.c.ti.n night cl,sses Walte . Rae, 70
e due to resmne at ~he Shelt¢ n
:hools this month. Kegislraiio,,
Dies In Seattle
r typing and bookl(eeping will \Valter B. Rac, Star Route l,
tglen~a(~guilding.Jan' 25, at 7 ll.m. at the P, ox 55, Lilliwaup, died last l~D.i-
t(:ay in a Seattle hospital. He was
Other Courses which would bc :t retired city clerk of Dail-
'ailable if cnougl~ interest is in- wrought, Minn'., "rod had live(l in
2ated are Art, Bishop Sewing,
¢ing and a new C;?llrS(~, "IllVeSL.. h.IHsoiz Comfly the past four ve-tr.~7.
tie was born Sept. ]9, 18'94 in
in Stocks and L(mds". This isOakcs, N.D.
,asic col.lrse in invcsting con- The fmleral :4ervice was held
Led by a registered represen-at 2 p.m. Monday in the Mt. Olive
e of the New York Stock Lutheran chm(~h officiated I)y
range. It covers all aspects Rev. Gerald Herman. Bm'ial was
stock market investment in the Shelton Memm'ial Park.
ectives, tcrminob)gy and analy- He is smvived by his wodow:
Mrs. IIe!ena b'. Roe, Lilliwaup;
classes must start not later one brother, Edward Rae of
Feb. 1, so if you are inter-- M~)o~ehead, Minn.; two sisters,
in any of the t:entative cour- ~/h's. Ev:t Hurlbut, Seattle, and
or if there• are. c0urs~s. . .vou Mrs. Richard Lewis, Gihvorth,
like which are not listed, Minn.; and nieces and nephews.
Would appreciate you calling
Reed Building. 426-3502 or ' ........... , ..................
and evenings 426-8127. James Haines, 76
will be able to furnish you
additional information", said Dies At Home
Willard, director of the
A 14-year resident of Mason
County, James Haines, Rt. 3 Box
an acute infectious 434, died at his home last Satur-
with fever, is usually cen- day. Mr. Haines wits a retired line
in the nose, throat, o~' ton- foreman for the City of Tacoma
B. Toxoid shots protect against and a World VCar I veteran. He
was a member of the Electrical
Workers Union No. 483, Veterans
of Foreign Wars Post 1694 and
of Progressive Grange. He was
born Nov. 16, 1888 in Berwyn,
The funeral was held at 11 a.m.
Tuesday in the Batstone Funeral
Home and was conducted by fel-
low veterans. Cremation followed.
FROM Surviving are his widow, Mrs.
Alice E. Haines, Shelton; one son,
Douglas R., New Brunswick, N.J.;
a daugbter, Mrs. Myrtle Morkert,
only a few drug stores
leeches. The word it-
generally used in
Shelt0n; five grandchildren; one
brother, Jack F. of Enumclaw;
and one sister, Mrs. Hal Ross of
Richfield, Ida.
Rites Today For
William Bushnell
one time, however, this William Bushnell ,logging comp-
not the case. Leech meant any owner and operator from
}. healer,', from the Anglo- Quilcene, died January 5 in Mesa,
• xon iaece, and the word also Arizona. He was born Feb. 9, 18-
gnified a physicim~. , 93 in Joplin, Missouri.
The use of leeches or 'blood The funeral service will be held
lekers ', . ' -
. , fol medmmal purpos- today, Thursday, at 1 p.m. in the
was recorded in the an- Batstone l~'une1:al Home with Rev.
ent WOrld as far back as the Charles Wigton officiating. Burial
~d Century B C and the ~ac will be in Sequim.
ce rrl ' " P' -
ay even have begun in Survivors include his widow,
ldia at an earlier date. Mrs. Gertrude G. Bushnell, Quil-
led s rn"'armacy c no: two
• ~ Mercer of Poulsbo and N[rs. Leon-
ard Long of Seattle; ;six grand-
children; three brothers, Charles
'ifth & Franklin St. 426-3327 staresBUshnellof°f PortsequimOrchard,and Georgejames
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Stares of Uldah, Calif.; one sis-
Saturdays .~ 9:30 - 6:30 ter, Mrs. R. M. Clark of Suquam-
ish; stepfather, Herbert Stares ot
mm , .......
. .. .
COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publistied in t'Ch t mastou,n US A', Sllelton Wa tlin ton ,.
, .......... j_ Jc ;,J,- :
I ' ' I I Since (rely tile VA can make the, 10 years is added to the date of [ the veteran's deadline da~e end-
--m I u, m,m,,,,~b -,~ =! .,--,- m-,----~ I determination of this dale. refer- leach. . vefieran s, di-ch~ ttt'~e .... H'om=- ms~' Jing his.. el~'~'~'':'''~s,m.Ly to'- G~r~ man'-L- Den- ~:
I ~ ~T~ ~/m~l~ H }~ m~ ~ It ans should contact the,,' local VA [last ~eriod of aetixe n,iV, ........ ]efits
T1 l TT al ] -r ~~il~ ~ ~ kll'~ IB~ "~ II re,'iond officc to find out wh n [-"" v .... ". '." ' :~"'.Y ~;." I "'
• • *V ~, g , .. , e ivme wmcn znclll(lOfl set'vice Ill Tile [ As another example, if a veter-
I :the r own (tomllin( OCCUlS If the~| ,:
nowaro namawa , ........... ]' . '' " ".' KoI'~ ,n Conflict Then one ea' is " -..' ,
...... -- ()R! H..%N.~ ASSIS'I AN(J,, I full miermatmn by v~sztmg or IwL~:h lo take adwmiage of GI h,an [,,a,~,,,~ ...................... .y z . ]an had quahfying selwzce fzom
~llf'PHl~|'~ /~ ~] I'itOGRAM EXPANDEI) ]writing anv VA regional officeibenefits, i;;7,:~,)....... t, uu~tj: momt~.s o~.c-/Oct, l, 1950, to Oct. 1, 1952, his
~-~)~'%.~.~4~Atar..~3 .~ J,kqt~ l.rAt. • . " / t, tt~ll tkol'ean (_,:Ollii1Cl service Tile eli ibil' ' , " ,~
'l heWar Orphans Educal.mn ............... 11 t .... • , , I ...... " . g zty will expn% unde~ the
The funeral smvice i'o~How- ^oo,o, ....... [ 1 .n ¢1 th( fozm fla m th(. law idatt leached bv tills meth)d zs [formulaen Oct 1 1970
' ~.o,~,s~allce ~)vOgl'anz IS nolonger ......... ' ' " ' ' , ' •
liz'(l. '~(ayne Hathaway, 61, was limited totho:.:e chihh'en whose lJ/)N.'.:lal.I)EAI)I.'iNI} ON._.... ,=v ........ -- .......... .a ,i; ................... ''--_~'~-~{1 .............................. ~-- .............
nel(l nl Zlle~'ttsioneIPHneFaI f tt]le s h v 0i-d {,, o t ~u.ta,zil~ vrYI'S i].l. l,O~s - - " ' i
" ' "- .... :~ ,IS ~.e , ...... s,.l'v,('~ of
Home at 11 am l'~st Saturday as a ~sul*of di ...... Korean C(nfhct veterans face .......
• . e, •" , e '). ~ SaDlllllOS lnClllTe~l . .
Bmial was ill ShelionMemorial dllrin~ milit rv s~,x ;~ "~ ...... ~. then' fll'st GI h)au guaranty dead-. YOU il Sava S S ~ ,¢
lark Rev E igene Knautz (on- . ....... ' ....... hne this re(ruth ,h)hn B. Kitsch,
.... ~ZI'SCII, 2,1anagel' OI llle ~eaL[le . .. ' .... .. .
ducied the services. Volo),an - A ~ ~i )i.t.,,, ;, . D.~,~;... n!llllager el lla.e ~e,qLtue ~ elel'alls •
Mr. Hathaway ched last Tlmrs- 'tl office ,)( i~ted o,, i,:l .... Admnust,almn lCegl, mal Of/ice, a[ our
day m the Chine Hospztal. A rest- ~ ......... • . c',autmned tnda3.
;lentw::~lShel~mltl:~'l,ilPla;tz,:~;~s PENNEY'S, LONG- X 84" 'tWin
" All v-* Lab-tested! Fu. =ca size
Twin 72" x 108" flat or
=-I~,ASTA-FIT bottom sheet
Full 81" x' 108" flat or
Elasta-Fit bottom sheet 1.66
Cases 42" x 36" . . . 2 for 78¢
Pencale® Penney's Fine Combed i PLAII) BLANKET
Cotton Perl;les! white 72"×9O" "9" :
twin or "'~ ,~1~4~ '
d0u,,,0 99
Twin 72" x 108 flat or ab ~ ~tm ,, 80" x 90 Unb;eached cotton sheet
~LASTA-FIT botton sheet. ~ ~ ~ "Supernap" finisi~ gives greater Gt'7.crm-:p" finish for warmth and blankets for year-rotmd
~ull 81" x 108" flat or ~!~ ~ ~=r warmth and wear. Machine
-lasta-Fit bottom sheet 1.97 1 wear. Ruy it i'n popular solid shades; Use/Machine washable.*
washabte, lukewarm water. Pop- toss it in the machine to wash, luke- 80" x 108" 1.99
Casea 42" x 38V~" 2 for 99¢ I ular plaid tones. Nylon binding, warm water. See Penney's low price~ *lukewarm water
Penoo~ Same Price As Pencale A buy!