January 14, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 14, 1965 |
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PAGE 6 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in aChristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, January 14,
Maimen Mangle Soulh MNR' U Economic Opporlunily s,M.SON MEN'S LEA E L .. ......
• • • -.vn .. • Shops 4 u UflUUL
Ki|sap Wdh 6 Pins , . ,. .... Ac! To Be Dsscussed Engi;;ee;: .................................... 4 o
. .... . Second Half Sag im(s ulldogs in , Loaders ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0 Menus for Shelton
in ~U"I | |r unlpn Conference Contest At Bainbridge _ :The ...Economic. Opportun!ty ~il! 2 ..................................... !~ ¼ S~hools and Shelon Sen(,
r ACt" WIU De explainedLo senior Log~el's 1 3
Winning 8 out of 12 matches m- .. • ", ".~" .................................. High School
cludiw, six nins and one tie OLYMPIC A LEAGUE ]had to pull all the stops in the cfllzens m the Shelton area at a Railroad .................................. 0 ,t We k f 1 2
the S~el£on I~ighclimbers skinned ~. .... W L pf Pa.isecond half t~)avert anupset atmee!iLng~uesaay, !n,the ?olon!a2 ,M ,a^¢~,., r',~n~,rw Inm flating Board ................... 0 4 Monday ~ ~pJ~~cttiS"2Cr{
• 1~ ~t,~l~, l~'i*,z,,~ "txr,,1,,,,~, I,,,, 't /JalnDrl(lge .......z o 11,i ~6 r one nanos or tae ~orm lvlason ~,,,.~=. ~ull~l.ll'~tl IJy bll~. ~$1111~(11~ |l~t I'v~rl*J%,Jl~ ~1~// IVllll u ..................................... U 'i 1-..t ~ " ~] o'" -- • I~e
~,,,~ -,,-~,, --,~.-~l, ,,-,-=.~ -2 , " I ' • are m, o ~ . . . ~ IJLILLOFcu i.~l'C(lt i)ealto,
score oI" ~ ............ ~l last ruesaa on the Vashon 2 0 141 95. Bulldogs, in the Bainb~idge gyma .co lalttee ......... of the G vernor s High series -Stan Ahlqul.~t ,,78 tered fr n " • - -
Wolves l~ome m:,t in ;;n Yiymnic North Mason .... 0 1 34 53 ]Friday night. Council on Aging, the meeting will am ~ ~ High game .... Stan Ahlquist ::;~ ceier- s~i~5 bc;]¢;;~d;I ce~
T .... ;:: ....... ~n,,,~ ,~,~*,,. r" Sequin, .............. 0 1 43 671 The Bulldogs left the floor atbegin at 11 a.m. with a session GOAT ROCKS FILMS DUE [about his waist and pulled two 235 : ...... ~ ~,~'~u'~ ~' r
~'2~hc~fi:'£t~n~tnS:u~of the dress Port Townsend 0 2 94 135 halftime with~" a 22-19 advantage on bjmlness and .a .h!ncheon. Paul HERE TONIGHT, FRIDAY .~.. [men to safety. . _ _ . ~----~--~ ~. '~ '~ ..........
.... " ~'orKs 0 0 0 0 ~- ~ -~- o..-., ........ n ~,~,. ~,, ~ ~emoermn aommlsnaror won,- Under snonsorshin of (he ~nel- I A o-ni role preview of this film Loaders ,l (15ud Cole )66) Mi
• . ~ ................ vu~ tit~ oparta.= ru,.,'~u .~.. ,., - - " ' '" " • ' ' Tuesda --Roa.' ,, • rl
mg loom for Shelto.n, a wash Robii~ Tonlght lithe ..... thild pmiod for a 19-7 mar-m ul~ity Work. and Training. Unit tot .Nimlod" Ch)b, the widely., her- [was,. shown last March when the. 3 0 (Tom Longacre 457)', Shops ~,,,H,,ff.,, ..... e,,s,"t l~(~f al~t g~,oa ..........
Mi!ls~n the 10~_!b..c[ ss w o p~:_ Port Townsend at Chimacum I~,in in scorin~ which set the foun-I~taLe 19epartment of Pubhc As- alded "Goat Rocks Wildlife" me-]lVlulfords presented their "Mexi- 4 (Roy Petty 529), IBP 0 (Jim .......... ..~ ................. v -r',
ne~ ~en~us ~smu~.,, m _a ~),,,_c Vashon at Charle~ Wright [~ation'under°the Islanders event-[sistance will speak on the act at tion picture filmed by Don and co to Canada Trail Ride" which Sutherland 439): Engineers 4 ,~:3~'~'n~~ ........ vv .....
el 1.~o m me secona rounu. ~nrec ..... ~, ~ 1 ~ m " ' ~" " "" e ' was well re " - "Glen Re~ " ~- a ..........
" . ............ ~ ual 53 34 victory , v' June Mulford will be ~hown m tn . I " " ,ce]vea. t oertson 5a8) Railroad (I
mot epin-wins IolJowe(l II, rapla friday ", A L Larsen Everett area con .... " ' • - ' " ..... ~. '
, , , . , . • . ' • , , " ~nelton junior nign auditoriunl ~o- Admission is 1 for adul s ( . ~tan Amquist 078); Mill 2 '~ We ~ ' "
orderas Joe Thompson, Ron El- North Mason at Pint Townsend[ roll Jay Allen, Bulldog center, [sultant on a~in~ will follow with ...................... ,~,~, .,~ ~.,,,, [ ..... . , $ ...... t.., 5 !¢ (Lewis ~ ...... t ~ • ........ 4 dnesday .-- F rind chic]
son and Larry Ewing put their Vashon at Forks canned seven straight foul shots la discussion ~n i~ow the a~in~, may mgn~ unu vrm~y ........ o ....... I m~ cmm~'en under ±z. '~ne snow m ~T.,,~'O~';,'..~=~"~'~'~ ...... St;~'.~ ~ mashed l)otatoe:;, Imttered
riv'i~s on the (i'mvas Saturday in the second quarter during be served b,~ the Econo~r~ic~" Act'. p.m: ........... ,m [over at ±o p.m. '~-..'~ ........... '; '2 .... rots fruit jell(, and milR
...... ' '' . ............ r.~ - d • l.ne illlnS ieaLnre r~ucKy zvto, - I,, ........ Wne "tnllual ~impson OlymPia
, ~ ' • " F r ,~.nicn iNlvi outscoreo maine loge • , " .. " ......... ' " . - . _.
.... ~la~:j.~tc:S~cPmb2r~ ~ ~v~,],mg s:rkS2taN~r:ihnbMri~On 17-12 to lead the Bulldog first, mYdU:Ch,~hn ~esSer~atri:2sDCanv:: .tam .goats m.,'eal,hfe actlff~n ,!FIG IWANDrZmN(, STEELm,ZAD B .e l'y tournament will bc held Thursday-Turkey and nooC
...... ., ~. ..... ~ • , In naLurai color. '~nese [.oat~, .a- GOT Ills 1 1 ," . tins ~att|roay . . .,.
in the 19:, lb. class, who took DK'.k Last Week half su, ge. ~ . , . [1016 E. Elhnor, Shelton. tive to the "Goat Rocks \Viid I It wasn't{ tVh~|~) ~Y~!e~ON,?~t(,h of ........................ hoO mle.n;adedt n:,u)n b, ca.(1, s$
Barring.~rin 1 22of the firstHa(abridge 53 North Ma~ 34 The Bulldogs saggefl ,o a cold ......... A, ea 'one of the mo'~t ut'~tand- - . .... ~g : : . . ......... g' gem a ct mint
roun(-- " ' "" sn- ,..; :t, .. ,- , ",, a,,_,.,,_u,¢,-,,. "~'~ ....... ¢~ ..... •hms i~, *h~ second . ~ ' " - " ' "', ...., l" line week oat ine b'..-iD. .... sLe qhead tgECI(EATI()N LEA(IUF~ •
va, on 1~ VO~L 'lownseno oz p • ,~ , lng yet least Known pllnllLl\e a- Toln U I • • Fillql ' ' z •
' , .... ' ..... ] ~.~,~ ...,.;l~ ,t.. ~...r~.... hucketed I I RATERNAL LI AGIT[ . .. . ~.. ] e son beached m the Skoko- ( ,~ 1st Hall) I~ L Fmday -- Creamed tuna oil
The C ........ (tubers face a busy. wee~ ~alnoriage ~, ~ort, Tawnse ld 42 ] ~'}'"., ff~ c u,y .ov~ ~,~. _ ._ ] ~ **:'!*;' ~• pine areas in tne U a }, were I mish Rive-,z Mondava ~ ........ a.. th .... cs~f Ritner's• • P nk Ladies" . 39" 17 bL~UltS'*'o ' • buti.e~ 'ed bruccoll" '
as Coati, Larry Weir takes his Vashon 67 Seqmm 43 a,, O~ ;5~ TO ~eu the story o~ the] ............... "cantured" for ~ne ~ahole SUnlnaer ..~; ............ ,, ...... '" .. ..... ' . ,
.. t ~ " ""'~ ....... el *n ~ 2vL()osf3 ~IILIt¢I'S O ~ ly " ' ," [ IIIIAI:~tl tip ~JI~'~UII 1 Ul IIILI]I e "~D Xl spill tel, ),no t ) )le c ll~.e
squad to Port 'AngelesSaturd'ty Oeosta 65 Forks 51 ~ome-nom-oenlncl v)~ofy, ~. q'~ ]I~ .'2 ..... .C..2:~';2:: ............. a u on film by the Mulfords wne I UntO{ ~xtmination Ton, dis-o., Sh'elton Iicclor'~;(;;; ......... ~o o.,/ ~. ~ , t" :~,I-I .~ ".
~e::~te~'et~e~r~°2t'he:ta?UeSw(~Y; Q:i~ul~i6s6pF6~rkI~60bridge 51 ]~l~JrY°~;t:Ity~alP~ 2;:rt:raf~eS[EI~:g~e" 2~':tY:'u'~Y'"~": .......... 5 ,~f~u:'dlth~'~lhUm°li°U~in::aa;l~dgc~l~ ere((iit had markings whicll indi- Lel.~,ke'sServ'ie~'. ........... 3i~ ~5 'ucsu;;~em~:'~: your ch,d'
, . . h,." ...... - _ ' I ..... ~l ..'~... -~-*-~d '1n fiel"~ ~oalslKiwanis Club 4 4 l~, ~ ' " , ' , , ¢ | ~: -,catea i~ was originally planted in l-Cornier ~eel" 2) 31 diet with Plenamins fr(
from tonight to host Port Angeles t~Ol't AngeJes o7, ~equim 38 I wal",,, ~',,,~,,,.,~-~:~e. ,, ~,~ ~.. ~ ~,,~,,.: ~z~,a,,:~:: ................ a 4 aoJe oz amazing agility as tneY]the Tahuva River Somewhei"e in Bovsen Const,:uciion ...... ~ ~a
in a return engagement. North Kltsap 56, Port ]ana sevenf.oUl ShOtS ~or ~ points. ]~u~Vl~oo~.e ....................... ~ 5 bound over narrow rock ledg.es its travels it took a wrong turn Lucky Lager ....... 21 35 ~**~** ~,~l|
Tuesd~ y's results' Townsend 52 t~a,'y ~,~uer rapped ~orm mason [Lions Cl,~h :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3 5 and steep snow fields, going elm-land migl-tted back to thc Skoko- Nortl~west Evergr~e- .... ~,/ a7u [U~ ~ i]t~$&aBI
114-Joe Tl~ompson S pinn.e: BELFAIR--~-De-f:nding champ 'Allen had lo. ]Rotary Club .......................... 2 6 e, t!p o,o[.down.:ot tZiwflCq:pe:d(dd !r.,lsh .m~tead of the Tahuya, .and High game--Memory Smith 230 132 RR. Pho,e 426
Dwight Copemnd K 1 b0, ls~ "u ..... " ..... -- . .,'1 ..... "-:~" ,, ...... I High ~ame--Earl Owen 223 The nmas ms s ~ ~ tnar just ain't supposed to nap- High series :M:emorv Smith
-' • 1on ~ainorioge ana a +ain a time ~'IlI,Drillge 0,3 ~lorIl, l~laSOll 3+ o t~ '. + • , . ¢ . o . --
122---Ron Elson S pruned Hal Hess .... • , g " i " - .......... ] High series EarlOwen 566 beauty of mountan~ wild flowe~ ] pen frmnds. ~.
~ a ....... ~ ~avorite m the Olympic A league i Stayma[es z'(r ~vzuier x~ I ~" ' ~-- - " -::- .......... ' ........... f d1¢ I ' vu,..
.~ ~:~o ~L rU, ' _ = = .... ~ * * * among ~pe~at:u~tt" wat.t~,'t t~i'~'esL catch of *h-' ","e'" "^
129--- I_arry ~.wlng .q pinned Randy i ,ra o u.e u i] _.YlGulstorft 3 t D~snon ;~tl ..... am w(ll as]~ as '- ,, L e ~ c .~, r~- I=':'-------3 ...........................................................
.... 7 ........... " ' ....... W att9 c Allen13 Eagles 2 (L. C. Leman 570), lakes, a.na st.re s as ~ "" ported .~t either Verle's Sporting
Castee,, m,n fl t, 3rd rd . ........... 'MooseAntlers2,EarlOwen5661: mauy w,d ammals of the arc! ..... 'Goods o, Win ,d's S*.o,* Shoo '
'" ¢ ' e ~mnett g £yLerrill ~ " , • • • • • cr , . o. , t. .. r',
1.3a-Ru,sel PahnerK d-c. Don i ||UlE~ ur |Hr- ~r_r_~ |[ ............ I Fuller Constructmn 2 (Bill John- bear dem, elk, whmthno marmot, [was Frank Orr's 11 hounder and [
Nol! S, 5-2. ~. I Computed for HoodCanal ]lW'sm;:tZB~ainbrgid_e Ganal2a2:'[son 502), Bull Moose 2 (Charles porcupine, ptarmigan,.rock rabbit,[he went clear to the~i, outle River J ~" ~[ir~,r
140- Dave Dethlefs ~ and Burr • ~ g -- e 5 Shelton Hardware blue rouse camp roo~ers chip ....
.... | Oakland Ba~, tide° ar,~ 1 hr ~n,~ |] .......... [Savag 33), g . . . ", ]to get R along with Lew Johff, I ~ ~~'~
Braaten K drew, 9-9. [ .... ~ ~. .... I! cro~er,t~.eys, unas[aln, umon, [3 (Frank Willard542), Kiwanismunks, squirrms ,etc. Iwho claimed a 7-1 sl)ecimen there I aa II~ ~a ia a~li~i,-
l K ec Steve ou mm m~e, ann plus 3 0 ft F~ea.~e Chambers NM Hum t show a rescue "
147, Mlke Marcts d . ] " "" ' " [i .~' "; '.-. ...... .".= U.~. :' ]1(M. Preppernau 519); Lions 3 The films tlso ..... ' I Most successful of the weel~ ]
I)ou he~t S 10 6 ~~ l~unzl,tqeld wmtman, ,novl filmed b dune wnue uon wen,
g " Y , - • ' " ' I (Bert Hoard 563), Rotary 1 (Jim • y . ! ]were Charles Perrine and Doug | |||l~n~amffi,~
156 Tom Lowe S pinned Richard Friday, Jan. 15 [ Flenry. [Shrum 505) down the side of a cliff with rope[Gohlsbv who tap0ed the Hamm't [ ~,~~1~'~
Glert.~ K 1:32, 1st rd. . High .............. 4:]1 a.m. 11.9 ft. I Score hy Quarters I-~ -- ......... [Hamma for sever, fish on succes- I ~lL~l~il~
167 Don ~a, rom S d(c rtenLew 8 ~8 a m 8 2 ft Balnbnd e 7 12 :1915 53
....... . "' ~'. ......... 5 ". • . I ' ' g, • "--' i ........ , r~,_ ~__~.__, [sire trips laot lnid-weet~ Chuck I
Km(s K 4 I High 1'42 p m 11 9 ft [ North Mason 5 17 7 5---341 tlesr ~nances ~or ¥1el;or lIIWarteu ' ~. ,. ..~ ~ .... "_. I
• - .................... Y had ,)-12a_d 8-11 ~ .......... ~ ..........
177-.--Henry Simpson K, dec, Dave Low .......... 9:22 p.m. -2.7 ft. i .................... J~.i . imsa mmn ~ n A~mi~a~ [6-14 on Wednesday Chuck repeat- ] ~n~ a t
Armstrong. . S, 12-11.~ Saturday,. Jan. 16 LAD ES TRIOS '~ |~ ~ i~ I~L. ILl~l~ " [in!z,, at 6-0 and 5-8 'and~ Doug with I . rr a,aua
Unhmlted--Dave Gunter S dec Hlg'h 5"00am 127ft] (final 1st ha f) W L ~ ~|~ ~]~..,~|~L,|~, ] 6-§ and 6-11 on Thm sd~y, ,. ,,~tu ] v~..~L.~
'lore Bryant K, 12-4. Low .............. 9:59 a.m.8.2 ft. I KMAS Radm .................. 36 2 I Reynolds doubled in the Satsop
. ..................... BLAZH{
Shelton's. B ~_squad also came. High . ............... 2'37 p m, 12.0 ft. ]Bamboo Shop .............. ,,35 z 25 JUNIOR HI6H BASKETBALL. I Score by Quarters, , ,Saturday with. ,.a pai~ of 8-pound- . . . . . .
through with the heavy end of the Low .............. 10:10p,m. -3.2ft./B & J l art ................ 3:}% I W L Pal Jefferson .................. S .72 Jers, Edith Blewns with and ] Paces effective thru thin Saturday
in first success h) ear Sundu , Jan 17 lohn's Rmhfield ~1 29 Mflle~ 5 0 250 133 Shelton u ±u z ~u ,.L k flora the Ill
see " ~g', its " , .' .... t 'S y, , '! Y • ]- .. ' ~ , ........... ; I ' " ........................ t ...................... --3. [7-0 ta cs • • Sl~ol¢omish , e I
23-20 Pin victories by Joe Einars- High .............. 5:44 a.m. 13.3 ft. Wingard Sport Shop .... 31 29 Hopkins .................... 4 0 136 87 [ ---- same day and Larry Liles with
son, Tom Adams, Steve Felstrom,Low .............. 10:55 a.m. 7.9 ft. I Rex Floors .................... 291/~30~ I Centralia .................. 2 2 132 1291 Washington 22 Shelton 1719.0 and "8'-0 Sunday '{n the Skok.
Malone k e( th~ i~m H~gh 3 ~4 m 11 9 ft / Cottage Cafe 27 33 Wash)n ton 2 2 116 153 Muuhead 6 t P lowe~ t J~m ~ 1 d dl ox ,
and T'm • ~y ey l , C" - ' • ............. ' :: P.. • ".., ................. I " g .............. ] '" , ~., :'[ " w'n ," ~ "perienced t} e I BROMO SELTZER PEPSODENT
ber scoring, with Terry Buckley'sLow ..... = ....... 10:59 p.m. -3.3 ft. I Mamie s Grill ................ 17 43. ]Hoquiam .................. 2 3 182 176 [ Maguire ~ Senmldt ] thrill of his first steelhead with i
decision win adding the three ~vtonday, Jan, 18 High game .... Irene ~poon 18o]Shelton ...................... 0 5 141 199McCuiston 4 c Tuson a bright 10-pounder while fishing | Reg. 69¢ TOOT]t[PA, II
.... " '. " " n 1-1 • , II ' • ~s ..................
points wlnch were the difference. ~hgh .............. 6.26 a.m. 13.6 ft. [ H~gh se~ms --- Jea a~t~e [Jefferson .................... 1 4 141 222Bailey g Ad,m. 3 ]wJthHarvey Greenwood m the Che- |
.................... ~ow .... 11'49 a m 7 3 ft503 / I ast Week [ Krause 1 g Burfiond 3 I halls Sunciav Harve- hi~- for an ! All ~l~@
Soul12 vvoil lIl()le lnaLc/los L£1~,tt . " ........ . .... • '' , " . . ~ " ' d' ,7 ~ • "W Re 89
0,,. C'I~h,*~S hu* han .... 1 ...... in H~gh .............. 4:31 p.m. 11.7 ft. - .... [ Washington 38, Shelton 29 Subs: Washmgton--.D~cl~nmn 1l 8b~ pounder. Ellen Greenwood had i ~'~'~ g" ¢
-'7".wctory ...... a~(:7,ng" w~m~ "="'~"~"IIVC J OCCmI"'= 'o-n Low ............... 11'46 p m -2 8 ft B & J 4 (Je'~n,. Hartwell 503) ] Cenhalia 43,, Jefferson. 22 Hazelquist. • . , Hansen, Thomas,.., Ch'd-. , taken an 8-0 from the •,~amc wa-. I
verdic'ts Others who wrestled for Tuesday, Jan. 19 KMAS 0 (h'ene Spoon 372); Ma-] Miller 47, Hoqmam 30 hn. Shelton--..Pulm ~. Creascy, ters two days earlier. Joe Ever(st i ~ ~t~¢
+,;,'2. r-,~'~.~, .... "~c,,,.,~, ,~'~,,. "c,~,,~ High .......... 7 07 a.m. 13.7 ft ~mie's 4 (Cleo Hulet 454), Rex U ]Jefferson 40 Shelton 39 i Jackson, Olsen, Donaldson, Stew-]took a 7-3 1;rein the Skok li'riday I "~-~'
~.ow 12'4' pnl ti~t (l~lorence Marler ~b~) t:ottage ] Today art Richey ", * * •COMMAND Instant
Gary Johnson John Snydcr Merv , " ............. ~'," ....... , ~ , ' .' ~ '
' ~Ye(hms(h~y, J,'m. 20 I 1 (Beth Brown 391)" ,John's 2 [ Hoouiam at Jefferson [ Washington ............... 2 11 1 8 -- 22 I FISHEIeMAN I SHAVE
Armstrong. ,' Low .................... 0"~i2 a m -2 0 ft I (Beth. ]i~]liott.~ 422), Bamboo 2 (Dec i -~ ' Friday Night ] Shclton ......................... 6 5 2 L~ "~"~ ] His hand~, .~ arc .stiff and st,ok witl~ ] EXCEDRIN
............................................. , High ..... : ........ 7:47 a,m. 13,6 fL. ] Gray 473). I She[ton at Centralia i .................................. / cold I Reg. $1.00
A fisherman took an 11-inch :Low .............. ].:37 p.m. 5.7 ft. I Top first half averages: Jean [ ~ i MICRCHANTS LEAGUE ~His feet-- numb to his knees, I ____ . 100's Reg. $1.39
rainbow trout from Genessee Lake High ..... ; ........ .6:31p.m. 10.6ft.[ Hartwell 161, Verna JohansenI A "lost field goal and Jeffer-i (Final 1st half) ~V -.L IBut he stands undaunted on the I ~I~
in Wisconsin. Upon opening it, he r 1.hurs(,ay, aan. ~l. ~ ~ ~ t 153 Virginia Dundas 148, Merri- [son's more frequent m)ccesses at].,State Farm Ins ............. 40 24 I bank, I v. ~_~¢
........ ............ I ~ow .............. ~:~u a.m. -ud ~. ~ dee Guyer 146Dee Gray 14.t / the foul line oepomteo tae ~nelmn ] *Fuller Construction Too 40 24 I He'll catch that fish--or freezer I ~
Ioun(l Ln£ lnLesLlU( Cl inllIlt:U WtLIL O a m 1 1 e unlor
• " ') " .- ,High .............. 8:,7'. • 3.4ft. Irene Spoon 142. Top game; [Blazers all a,one in th J " i Stewart's Foodliner . ..... 37 271 I
six cigarette filter tips. "FilLer I Low . 2 34 p m. 4 9 ft Verna Johansen 213 Top series" I high basketbal*l league basement I Prem)'s Rexall Store 31 ','3 IHis back is brea](ing fronl ])is I
~- ' " * ~ " ss to the ~'" ........ ~ ...... V CK'S Medi Trat ng
feedback' no doubt. [ H~g'h .............. 7:39 p.m. 9.8 ft. Jean Hartwell ,)38 [Tuesday afte" a 40-o9 1o,'- ' Olymoic Plywood ,,0 34/ stance [
~_~'2~- ..................................................... [Jefferson Jaguars in Olympia. IKi'mb~l & ;Whit ey's ......... 30 3,1 ~l-Iis stomach moans for food I ............. M
Neither scorekeeper, sonlehOw,/ P~alpi~'s Se.,~re-U .......... ..... : 26 38 (But he'll out-wit that fish toctav--_ I ~JUUI~I~ ;~l~l~Ulg .............
recorded a field goal made by Mi~ller's 22 42 ~He's m his fishing mood I R .... 12 oz Re- ~1 49
/the Blazers' Gene P,uwis whichI High ",~im;s'"R:,[Bl:ow, n 233/ I eg. ~].os) • ,. *,
; n~S~(q~ar P H AR'H;~
Fra e 3327
/g me. , ," . ' " " "' I " g '" " - " gY" I '
The Blazers didnt come home 4881, ~vtiller's 1 (Les Kruegerl ---Tillie J. Boeck I
[ empty-handed, however, winning[ 482). i Hoodsport
/the 8th grade contest, 31-22 with ...............
i Bud Tuson and Frank Schmidt -w-~.
]leading the scoring. I • I--I ...... M1 ~ @ ,~'~ @ --"~
• ** [12" "
,Iho]d up in junior high basketball[ ll~./tL/ U~./~'I~! t~!ttL./~, gig ~lgU
league action at Olympia last[ ~l~'~"~']~ "~ ~_)'i
~lhursday and the ;Washington[ U~.~E IX~ ...... E'_~ /4 ~./~¢.. . i* ,.
Bulldogs wound up with 38-29/ • .FJ ~)'~ T~'I J H 49 F~ {/18 alllel'6 tt lT"O l ~lh~r ~are
and 21-17 victories respectively[ ~/~/~/~/~ ~[.~/~/~/,~ ~- j- ,-f',~,,~s ~v,~r
l in the 9th and 8th grade games. [ ~ ~" ~'~ " (gS tl~I):ll t'l~'D ~'1~}) tOfhr']$ gl#L[~P }
[ This Friday night the Blazers[ .... ~ J* /
[head for Centralia to play their] ~J~iI~'i~l~ . ~R~I~I1U .
]annual night game with the Yel-l ~k~~~~~':~ ,
I h)wjackets and will hold the un-[ ~'~~~}~~ ,.~ ~'~.."~]~~
[ derdog role in this one again. [
/ Eighth grader Chris Close, gct-[
ting a starting assignment on the/
[ 9th grade squad for the first time, i
led Blazer scoring with 11 points. I !
I Mike LaMarsh, another 8th grad- I ;:
li{ [er in the starting lineup, failed [
[ to count, as Coach Walt Clayton[
[ mixed lfis 8th and 9th grade units
. ............................................ :.-.:.:. >:.:+:.:.~.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. :.....,:...:::.:~r~ , . , ' **~..:.: