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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HELTON--MAg0N C01YNTY JOURNAL--Published in '¢0hr{s}masTo n, U.S.A.', helton, Washington Ia.AGltl 13 • l l~ R |• B ~ H p'oups met at the home of leader cartons, an well as their Christ- rapemw gn mcr¢flsIIogs6 lfl 5ur marv .............,,....,,...,, O ~ SChOol. The varlous ieam~ w l'g; due to intlement weather | U N~|f~Hi imRl~a~ ~mIlmm~ ~Im|l~ RAIEVIEW -- It was with fray the expenses incurred by weeks he is healing quile sltis- TIlE O1,1) FLU BUG seenls to on menu p!annin, g x~'hich was suu- Notice to all Pinochle, Bridge, |~, ~ ~t~ BUV||~iL L-V~|~]~ nay that Russ and Ruth Wells the Mothers' Club for their part factorily under the prescribed re- have retreate't somewhat but not ject to tneir maae[s approval. Samba. elc.. enlhusiaslM The /| gimcn. " before he m:lde a pans at Kristi "Work patterns for the propelI unl- Fair Hazbor Grange wiMles lo an- I|~vln~llr ,r~Torl~lr~TT*r~tlolr"-~T~T~r~'~T~T~lr T~,T~ 'ned that their Grapeview Gro-in the annual grade school Christ- g~fo i~n~~ ~=)~lt~,)& ~]]I~I~D'I,I/J~I~IX~I%x had been entered and robbed mas entertainment. S ietime through the night after Ore' postmaster Julius Stock toOI~,ilsiiUeYn~)p~hii~s w~:~see~'lie~ed '~z~i~da/~S~iglllm~(~aYu~lZg~t)Pl~eY '~ne !~g~:~w?~°d~:~us" ;~i~r~t~}cct~t~efliml~l sP')~ie~ (~t~I!/I .~'~aVV ~_,,~2±,~llrv store was closed 6 p.m., Sat- was properly in,pressed by nephev,, 12-vea,'-oid cocker spaniel "t~,',,w- from lwr 1,> nmmm:e Mm',al and st,a.tmn D,,5 m.,)mm.. . v,t,w gra'3csc.h,,ol Jan. 2,), at 7.00 [| [ty evening. Abot~t 200 dollars Greg Stock's wrestling last p;,,;' • ........ roe- ~h,. ro'td directlv J when Grau~,m,~ t)l):,a~ cam,~ over Tne g~oup wm meet agaul next p,m. /R n. r~,,~,oi,= alances [th of merchandise was mid- Thursday night when he came out into the path of a car last Fro- f~om Gd;t Lu¢t~.~! to iltlp out, Tuesday aftt~ school at N~ck TIle rcgnlar monthly meeting of/| F-prime beef, heer, wine, cig: viclorious over Vashon in the 145 ............... q- ....................... ~ .... , ..... . ' . .......... ,4 Z'~U k.~u~X~L~X--,ox~* ~.~-~*f-.~-~ tes and all the small chan~,eponnd class. Grog, son of former ~'o:' I}2e schi))l bLlS l llll\velc.)lll~: VLSn,;r. I LAI)IEN ()F TIlE saran ~cKcrt. l i'iary \viii lie tle[(1 I:tt r{:3~J p.l'~, /~ l* had been left in the cashGrapeviewites t~,tLSS and MadaivnnAltimup,'h they have imd the Friday noon, Hi:yea "d Somcrs Orthopedic Child will plc.ase note ],Tan. 20 at the Grapeview grade i| SH~LTON ster. Mrs. M~mucl Git have just |'eccnt- I germ hV attcndmZ the Washing- for this meeting tomorrow. It ]attend. |] |l.... ~.... .. ~_..-'--..- $ I.~. l.***|.|~.. 'S. DOnthePOgreZachildlen settingto S)lnday°Ut sap High scilooi J. V. wrcstling ly become l)ermaneni resident,; (,f i(ut \Vim} .'-tzld (ll'at)e Growers \;,ill hc held at tile regular time{ .................................. |~ ~[~ [~,~M[t|~ ~|~.~ ~ I~|| ~U~|~[|UII ~rive Stock, Wrestles for the S()uth I