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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i PAGE 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in c'Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, January IIi F III I I , For Sale J For Sal'e [ Wanted Legal Publications Legal Publications Le :al Publications Legal --'~" ~ ] ~ w ............... NOTICE , ' NOTICF F()i~. SALE -- Shonlger Spinet piano, ]AUTOMATIC WA,~HF~R with so(is- LADY WANTS WORK of any kind. any reasonable offers acceptable, ty Conunissioners have i,repared and Boal:d of D r(Wtlolrsb~f ~'(~tl~d,~-b~y, ht!~-~ CAUSE NO. 586987 NOTICE OF SALF OF tone and touch of a grand. Beaut]- saver, in good condilion. Photo: 426- Call 426-4378. V 4/16 tfn • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that N( ' ~ ' ~ "- Some unusually good bargains--- ace i i~ .... )TICL IS HEREBY, GIVEN that NOTICE OF SIIEltli,'F'S SALE STATE OI," WASHINGTON. ful light walnut finish, like new, J 2030. S 1/14 2/4 J ADITI. T-'~TT.r~--I~Alc~V-'~Tq~ i." ~ A,," .O d lg to RCW 36.82.180, tim Coun- sealed bids il n ,. ". OF REAL ESTATE MENT OF NATURAL RE six years old. Phone 426-8476. .... J BRAND'-NEW--COLOR--pack Polaroid j'*ho~n~e, or"m~'n~e d'ay (*)r~igh["Pl~onc Under General Execution B crt L. Cole, Commissioner ................................. ~ ~/"X'~l camera. Pricereducedto $117.50. ] 426-4304. ' S 12/31 tfn7 pc bedroom set, includes double placed on filc the ])rol)osed Prelim- J lbia*~|,t kT,~ 5~, ~,7 _ .~ ~':'~'~ ~.(~"':" box"springs large chest .of draw- Hearing" ih u'eon will be held' " at 11 "0~ --ll,.''ofC ..... on(~ u=.Fifty_fwe~V~auon passengerW°Unty wasn-con. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Lands bed w~th beautyrest mattress and • • ington for deliver as soon as loss]- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GI% LOC, AL BALED IIAY for sale Also J Ziegler's Camera Shop 1/23 tfn ........................... " lnary Suppl mental Budget to the ' .two cy!!nde," ai,'-cooled marine .re.o-I OLDER MODEL l.efrigcr tSF-fol, saie;[CERTZFtZ .HOME T or ,.n.u errpcze County R(ad Fund for th, yea,' 1964 ), .Y I . KING COUNTY on Tuesday. the 26th day oi us" wlu~ row, roe gear propeller , ~ " 2 ., ~.~ .,.~...~. ....... ......... . . . r~ r. " " ~ venuonal %ype scnool bus to be and ....... shaft. Phone 426-3750. G, 1/7 tfn ] $25, Runs gold. Phone 426-819B '1/14 --426"3552" h 11/5 t/n era, dressing table with large oval a.m., January 2o, 196o, at thc office J enuioned as foll~-,-' ' CARNATION COMPANY, a corpor- 1965, comme.ncing at ten o'cl mirror I of the County Commissioners at the I,~. ";:,~:,',~ ~ .~ . at]on, Plaintiff vs. DAVID A, REITH, forenoon of said day, at t] GOOD HAY for sale. 50 cents a bale. [ F()R-SALF L= ~61-D~,d~e V:S-'automa2 ~ WANT TO--REN~P~ati:oln-~an " ~ y ,u ~r .... ~u ~n. - ~nwne .., _ " ....... ^ . :,~~^~.~ [ Courthouse in Shelton, Washington, [ 21 000 G V W Rat]n,~ et ux, dba Defendant Court House in the city o Call 426-6751 o*" 426-6157. ] lic transmission no-siip rear axel [' and family need th/'ce bedroom .~000 nreaK,as~ ~aol~ w,t~,.~,u- for the I)urpose ,)f adopting said Sup-[ 15'c00 lh" ~(,;~,' a--~-'~ Under and by virtue nf a general county of Mason. State ef S 1/7-14 ] ,l~ ~uv' ','.lo~.t,.i,. r-n~e heath ~,xcellent [ lmme. Phone days 426-8291 eveningsing leaves, 3 chairs, plemental Budget. I 8 ;750 lb~" l~u" S~'~, execution issued out of and under the ton. by the County Auditol ,-OR--S~[ile--=--S,,]~il--~a~-,i~,---~n~iJ condition. Reasonahle. Phone 426-J_ _[26~4880. __ R 1/14 ~F~::i,:i:~i~;3:i;h~!$::;iI (excand ~°ard °'t C°un~ni'~s~l° dT re, & seal of the Superior Conrt of the county, the following desc, Ch,tir' two H )llvwo(d stvie beds J 6539. P 1/14 tfn WANTED -- Older ~~-~ nero State of Washin~;ton in and for sai(i class tidelands, together witl County on the 2nd clay of December provemcnts situated thereon, (:l(~ti~i'~s dryer. 426-6979. -O 1/7-14 J-~RY--~C-A-'rA-~LO~VI-CE----J--: to baby-s!.t !n my home. Steady pea- than 60 at 1964, "ripen a judgment rendcrcd in sold at lmblie auction to. t ~EDUCE~)--~'~-x-~-~i-n~~.J Many thousands of items to choose ~t~!~.,n avau.ame In ~looosport area. e n- said Court on the 13th day of July, est bidder therefor, to-.w~t. ed lens, guaranteed, Regularly $84.50, J from:, l~arge a esco.unts, we .~,~y ] wxite ~ox ~ c/o Jout'nat. ~, .... e i .... ~ " ] RESOLUTION [ Disc ~h~e~, !. 1962, in favor of Carnation Company, ~oto--~o one except cltizel NOW $29.45 at Ziegler's Camera Shop ] trexgnL ~neiton Marine ~up~y~.r~].t- j ~-- ~ ,/,~:~o Mahogany buffet (large) J the Road Fund; and, ] amneres ' a corporation and against DAVID A. United States, or pcrs(,ns 3/26 tfn[crest ............. m_. ~,,~ ~n.] AUTO PAINTING $40 ann up, Also "'~"'" WHEREAS money Is available for , "" ..... REITH and JANE DOE REITH him declared their intention to ' ' • 12 Volt Battery notlessthan70 wife, judgment debtors for the stun of aucll, can purchase state lanC FOR A FREE HOUR of beauty calI[TRI---CHEM LIQI~ZD~mbroidery!~ h~uae^ trailers., b oa~, etc. Phone Green daven oft WHEREAS Additional funds are H "~r~" li ........ P ' ~' . . ~ra~ One Thousand Three Hundred Three Application No. 13860 and 94/100 Dollars together with at- The tidelands of the seco$ l 1 torney's fees, interest costs and in- owned bY tile State of We' creased costs, and to ,no directed and situate in front of, adjacent delivered, I did on the 10th day of Do- abutting.upon; the north 3.02! cember, 1964, levy upon all the right ~ae s outn u..~a cm~ns o~. ~ ! I Sealed bids will be received at the r • • sot e ~ec~ion v Townsmp title and into est of sahd judgment _ , . . . ,. . , ...._ debtors in and to the following de- ~tange ~^.w.¶.,st, w:m.., w~ta scribed property to satisfy said judg- age o~ n nea~5~.nams, more I J -1ant to-~it" appramea at ~zou.uu per =="=" ' * "" " 60"" .... -. Lot 3, Block 4 Plat of Maggie Lake $7 .~: ...... : -.,~-~ ~,- .... -- , .... ,~ ....... v ........ Division No. 1 as,'ded in volume ,.ocatea on *~mKermg ~assa~ 5 pages 32 83 and 34 of plats Rec- 12 miles northc~Lst of Simlton o'rds of Mason County. ' eastern Mason County.." _.~ NOW THEREFORE NOTICE IS Tue purchaser mus~ amo p~, HERE'BY GIVEN, That on Friday thestatutory fee.. ...... Z oun~ ~m~ 22nd day of January, 1965, at 10 o'clock Tooe sole az ~ne~ton, Uou~ I in the forenoon of said day. I will on. Tuesoay, January zo, ~ sell the above described property, or J° CLOCK sam. .... so much thereof as may be necessary ==~,~.~; ~m, ~. -.. ...... to satisfy said judgment together uommmmoner of ~-uot~C and increased costs, in all amounting[---- u) shadin classes a~ ~ xnqmre ~.;~u~ ~0~!. ~L ~ wa to real estate m Mason Coun to the sum of One Thousand Five] REALTyCALI' FUll HIDS for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem- J Demonstration gro I g l " ' ..... [ needed for maintenance due to snow J 3" "~ II .... onstratloa. Elaines phone 426-4582. I in my home or yours. For informa- [ R 419 tfn ~, xaole larmns~. ' removal;" ~ u ~a on rum Tank . E 6/4 tfn } tlon call 426-4538, V 1/7 tfn ] ~W~IT~D__~ 1000 recappable tires. OK 1 coffee table NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- oThe bus must conform to Washing-. ~LECTROLUX SALES service end I [ Rubber weldere, Mt, View. 1/10 tin supplies. John Rice. hone -e0a I lrT;TZX'- ,=ro J 1RU.NJ~,G DU.NE --- 90c an hour, erie 5-drawer bureau aSOyLVuE~p'l:hatttlheg°dllg°cV~i%gc" Prdelip~l~:" 1965.~pec~[::atSch2°l eBfUeStiReegujlatni°anrSy anld after 2:00 p.m. Demonstrations,[ ~J~U ~J~ ~ J day service if desired. Call 426-4598. I I~ i/V tf~ ~"-----~ L9/19 tfn . . " .......................... ,o, ~out,,muc ~cnoo, otnce, up to a p.m, -~ ~I)--'-- ~ ............ X ........ yER~l-e--]-n-[ WILL TRADE EQUITY in 1959 Pont- J ~r~'j--~-C~.q--~p~-i~-~-h~E~-~-5--~X hie-)1 t" Phone 426-4305 Excess Revenue $32 000 .................. • - Estmmt( d Maintenance $32 000 U~E BENDI DR , ND . D/1-14/tfn J =' ............. ]on February 8th, 1965, at wlflch time g.,.,)~,~_ ~^()n"itionu , ~30. Phone. 426-2135. I iac for older, car. Hardtop. ~ooa ~ "- reacn~". ~'~at~;'--;='---- "Cteamn ~ervices--~' "'" "'~o'~ condition Phone 426 3244 L 1/14 " ', S 1/7-21 " " " "- .......phones 426-4376 or 4~6-8138, ------'-------~ ]! AD~'~z) ............... tnia lltn any ot January l aloudlthe bids will be opened and read ~7~-~"~"z~=-~ .... )i--:.ti-a-ue-~se-wooa "lane" [ FOR SALE -- 1954 Dodge. Royal 4-dr. 1/7 tfn 1965, . The Board.reserves the right to re- sm-il ,-ni,'ht ~ ke-s Ivories her' I sedan. Radm heater, power steering, I ~m~.~_.=:---. _ .-- - .. - Real Estate J Board of County Conlnussioners J ~,.t ...... n hi,1, " .... t "g -, ~- ~ " "' .........~--"'-/- "'"vr'-q(' "r"n"mis ! w~Am*~ --- ~ettar IOgS aria umoer. , ~ ....... . ........... hone 426 4279 l,owc~ uvua~t:.~, aut~, mL ~ ~ ~ " ~ ...... ~ J of Mason County, Washingt)n T~v C~rrlev nf th, "~no,a .-,¢ "l~i~.~,.t,~*, feet, recently tuned. P - • [ ........~ ~-~. ~... .c~.~,~o.. ¢~r.n J Call Olympia 8v~-311~, ~cnuner ~*ua. W 121/0 tfn. ] ~;~,s,o ................ :,. ~e .,so g c ................. " """ *fn [Lumber, Route 4, Box ,14D Olympia BUY FROM OVv'NER and save $1000. J I~ARRIYN EALu~UND, Chai,'man J of"~ou~l~si~le'Sc~oo~'"~)'istrict'~o.~"~' SCHWINN BIKES -- New and used [=_~_ -AI E 1961--Voikswa en A 1 [ " 9/17 tfn 10 rome home, 115 ft. water-[ ~*~.~ .... ~ ....... [the 28th day of December 1964. Parts and repairs, Keys, locks, snow [ ~'o~ ~ ~-~-r~-" ..... 42e enog. , - J ~rANTED--~--i~-(m--~-~o~e~-ij0~ front, tide lands. Almost 5 wooded I . ARTHUR D BAKK~.' Clerk acres with s mn Will take some Attest" -~ - " ' skis sales rentals repairs. Clin- shape, ~±u~a. z-nonc~" ..... ,, , ,,, I an hour l'hone 426-6420 L 11/1"~ tfn' P " g. , [ ,~ ";N ......... N I -w, oute 3, Box 956 AA. tbn's Bike Shop 221{ Cola 12/17 tfn u x/ ..... ~' .. . .............. ~w~---~+~r~-~-~-~m-~C--~~S~;;[{6~ J RELIEF R.N. for day shift wanted,trade on our $5000 equity. Phone 426- I ~: ~u~. a~.~v~' , ......... [ Sheltom Wash. 2101• H 1/7 tfn[Ulera oz toe Boars ~/±a-2~ 2~, 1/7-14-21-28 4t " ~ " U A " rubber ~w,, ,..,.r,.~.,v.,-,.,.,~.~.,. o-u~,',,=.s.- o o. v CHRlSTMASTO,¢N, "~" • . .... J .......~ ...... , ...... a .... hh~v ~ee I Shelton Manor Nursing Home, Phone FOR --S~kLE~Skoko-o~-i-sh--li(Jnle-~--3 J NOT~TER J stamps for sale at the aonrnai, $~.zoI .",='~X:," .~Y~', ~Z',~' ~ ....... 7~'q~.8 [ 426-4552, 12/17 tfn , , ~,, ............. ~l .......... 7 6 • , eseh 227 Went Cots. 12/1 tfn I a~ ~uo ~ ,~. ~ , - ! ~_V~.N .... ~-~---- ,----. -.~ .- bedrooms 5 acres 2-car garage and [ ~,,,u,~ a,,,,~,s.a ,~,~ ~n 42 NO 8818 with attorney's fees, inte~'est, costs [ 12/31 --. :-" ............................... - ........... :~j~----~--~ u ~,.*~u+ -- ~ave a ,ew ter- shed. Phone 426-3784. Gary Deyette, [-qTATE ~F WASHINGTON OFFICE J SUMMONS BY I UBLICATION 1948 STUDEBAKER PIC In fee sclibed in the Conplaint he*e,n de }lAY FOR SALE -- 75c a bale Slan " ri ri .lobnson, 426-8974. 1/14 tfn I condition, geod .all around_, tru.k. [ • " c to es open in the Shelton area--Star Route 1, Box 65-A. 12/17 1/21 [ ~" o~ .qT~W,T~T.q(~ 0~' WATER B.E- I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Matlock, Hoods~ort, Union and Brin- - ................................................. $275 Phone 4zb a~t5 l~/'l un " ....................... J_. '. ~' ' ................. J non area~ For private interview in THREE BEDROOI~ HOME -- Large[ SOURCES, OLYMPIA J STA,.TE OF WASHINGTON FOR Hundred Thirty-five and 18/100 Dollars] Sealed proposals will be rot '51 FORD V8 pickup 3/4-ton good con- I your h ........ ' ....... ~ ....... living room with nice rug. Refrlger- [ TAKE NOTICE: [ ~.~ .~.u~ ...... plus Sheriff's Costs and Cost of pub- the office of the City Clerk-TI I , .......... . decn Wash lication [c,ty .all She.on Wasb, t ator, range. Garage. workshop. $5750. ] That STATE PARKS & RECREA-I ~.~'r'~x wu~u, as A~n~stra- Said sale will take place ~ththe ~ast 11:00 a.m. tl¢~:~ M,,nday. Jan. dition $450 Call 426-2278 M 11/19 t ~[ 600 N "I" St Aber Phone 4~a.~a~7 Y 12/~ tfn ! ,v~ ~rT~(~ ~r (~l-m,) ~ I tmx el tne ~states m L:~ door of the Court House at & ] at wbich ' ~ they will be | -']J ~--~~[ /~r~ [[| [r57CHEV. BELAIRE hardtop, power[ R 12/24 tfn ....................................... A ( 64 filedK WAY and M RGUERITE E WAY steering power glide new rubber [ %~'-)%~T-E'I)~p~,:C-~-i-~--4,~,l; ~, ~' A---N-~LES~~~90~ [Washington on Octob.'r 14 19" ' • ~': ............ '" : in said County and State, and will]ol)ened and read aloud by I |'-::]11EI v. -ll II! I .... 42 ........................ for sale. Phone'~6-8568.'No Satur-[applicatlon for pemnit to withdrawJy~a~'~U~o~S'w.~'~is~,ifW~a~ndan~l be at public auction, for crash in handlClerk-Trcasurcr, for: excellent condition $795 Phone 6-cleanin~ ironin~ C r hnhv~' t ff Ph |... ]] ~.u] r=~[ ~ ~ [ " ' " 1 - 11 [ ~' ~ ) ___,_It_in ...... day or Friday night calls, aplease~a ~:~, [I publiCwells situatedgr°und watC'Swithin throughLots 9 tWOand ~Z)l o~ner'- persons~ or parses' -'" unknown-- ~' c~a~-" " to the highest and best bidder. J | ~[. |[ |[ 6482• ............. T /7, [ 426-8322 or 426-4598. L 1/7 tfn ..... .. ...... I~,-:.'~ ~ ~;.~ ~r ~/,,, "~,~:,,tr Me,-'[ming any right, lille estate lien or Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 10th[ one 35.000 lb, G.V.W. Cab I I ";:~:_e~Wi~ _~ . T. |] |[i~5 FT.-pE~W6b-b--S]~i boat and trailer I | "~L~'/)~('"%~.,%~t_ |J | [ with 25 h.p Elgin, electric start, I'='---"--~T~_'----~ ~-----~~''--='" FOR SALE -- Three bedroom house ] ~'ows'~ ¢~'~ See[ion l':'~T~wnsl~ll)~"22 ~q~ I interest in the real 'estate closer]bed day of December, 1964, J Clmssis ]~ _..,L,~ ~' |[ || $300 complete, Phone 426-6371. [ or r, at Five Corners, Phone 426-3158 af- I .~ ~ " ~; "" "" ' '- ~"a~on Count:';' in th( Complaint herein Defendants. D.S. CLARK ter 5 p.m. 7/23 t J~., ~ ........ ~ ,,f ~u ,~, u, ns nor rain-tTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: Sheriff of said County. J sI)cc float ons and proposal f0! ! ~?z~'=J~ III J H 11/26 tfn | ............... B fn *,ange z w. vv., ............ .. ~. " ~: ..... V ~*:~, fl~ t~| |[ ~[ BOATS, MOTORS, Tl:t~--I~'-RS~--eq-ul]~ JFOR RENT-- Furnished three bed- ~IS--~,A-'-N£)---LA--KE f-~o-{-s~um--mer--fun---o-r[ ~,'~,'"~,.~4'~'~,~"'~,~"o~'tu~H~n~'~rizh'ts con-[The Unknown Heirs at Law of Clif- By Thora Bassett, Deputy. [be obtained at the office (,f~ | ~'.fl('-A=~~" J| |[ || ment at Wall's Marine Supply, on| room home. References required. .year round, 115 ft, of water-[ t-in~ous~ly~,'cac~" y'car~-f("~ t'h,~ purpose[ford K.: Way and Marguerite E.. Way 12/17-24-81 1/7-14 5t Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, [~ ( ~, ~|- b~P~] '] |I beautiful Hood Canal. Phone ~tooas- [ Nice waterfront location. Phone 426- zront sm~aole zor one or two cam- I of domestic sum)Iv and ~cncral Park I anu au otncr persons or parses un- ..~______.~____~__ Washington |\ ~ ~,,~,~ J[ |[ nell TR 7-6244 1/19 tfn[8277. Five minutes from town. ]lies' enjoyment. Call 426-8589 any-[ .......... "~ ~ ~ [known claiming any right, title, estate, [ The City reserves the righ~ time L 7/16 tfn J *'=/~v'")btections n]ust be accompanied lien or interest in the real estate de- V~%11 ~'~.llt~ l~. r~h~ [ ject any and all bids. | ~t . | | ~ [[ I1~'~5--1~A]N-IER-travel trailers and-S-k-~-[ B 1/14 tfn .......................... ~ . | ~ .,'..J L-.~- ~-~._~¢-)_[[|[ lark horse trailers en sale now atl-~ ......................................... FOI)R BEDROOM HOME, two lm'ge[by a two dollar ($2.00) rc(ord g .,. , , ~., , . .~v .... ~ ......... [ ALMAclerk TtK'casmCATTO¢I .............. , .......Tr,,^, ~,,,~ ~tation 332 Q ALITY Ons Bedroom downtown lots, near school and stores on Hill-~and filed with the State Supervisor of fenuants: __ Journal Want Ads J .... ' } I 3":'1 ~ | [ So¢l~s't'St,"~ ..... . ........ R i0/15 tfn j a~nu'tment Furnished. W/W carpet, crest $6500 Phone 426-4105 ] Water Rcs( urces within thirty (30) - YOU AND EAoCIt O)F YOU_.a~e h~xre- • ~-2._-'4 • "_..-~I ~ I " .... ! $~t) pcr me. Contact I~.urt Mann, ' S 12/31 tfn days from January 14 1965. . ] .~y^.su~nmonea .hL(!I .at wlul.n .;ty I ~.&L.~'.":'J ~ I ! .... [ Realtor. 426-6592. 1/14 lfnF-~E--R-~(~]VI--~i~)-~SE-_'~-Gara~--~'I~e" Witness my hand and official seal[~uu) uays a~ter t • sate cu rue ,~rs~ i I I re s, Livestock ............ "-- ~ ........................ :" 1964 publicat (n of this Summons, to-wit neighborhood, half bloek to school, j tins ~utn (.~a~rx~i~l~,~: ........ J within sixty (60) days after the 14th i , ...... [ OOM HOME near Ber- t+no(1 rental propelty. ~none a~o ....... ..... I ......... One TOYi deaux school fo! rent Fireplace o~,a ..... oe *,. J State Supervisor of Water day of January, 1965. and defend the WATERFROHT Well, well, look wna the .I PUPPII~, ..... FO~ ~At~..,,le--¢cmale one I' dimn" g room" electric" " "" neat'~ ' half base-' ' ='-~__?~% ....... "'.'"__~"'t "'~'- Resources. 1/7-14 2t I above entitled action in thc Superior • ~otne ma,c, onc r~t,ag...~... , ~'. ' ' 10 ACRES, logged off, ranch, mostly[ ~ Court aforesaid and answer the Corn- cat we got in the Want Ads J west Hf hl' nd Te,'rier male Ass- ] ment, .garage and large, fenced yard. • tr~c,¢*~rl loll# / ~ ~ ;~ "- - ,,~',~]-~" -n~ f(~m des I *~aruauy ~urmsncu. $~o montn. ~aufenced, two bedroom house with wa-: ~ • ~_~._a... ]plaint of the plaintiff and serve a "Suburban Property Specilaists" 426 4870 after 6 p m E 1/7 tfn ] Phone 426-61o2. F 1/!4 tfnJ.. . .... . . ..... ter and lights on highway. Route 3,. ~eal J~S~ [copy of your auswer upon the under- Box 394, Arcadia Road. No agents, i~Isigned attorneys for the plaintiff, at FOR SALE -- New improved Thomp-[ NEW SUPPLY of--turties--and fmh are[ FOR RENT L-=-Traile~close-~ S 10/22 1/21 FOR SALE -- Rental property, One 3- their office below stated, and, in HOME blUNTING? ? ? ? ? s( ~ Cain Reference Bible. Blae~|in Also greeting cards of all kinds, downtown. Call 426-4426, M 10/8 tfn ~-R~-F~-~-TN----u~-i~)N~[e-~ i bedroom one 2-bedroo*[~. and.o.nelcase ef your failure so to do, judg- If unmwpassed view of mountains, bay and town iS m,,rocco h!adnr biudin~, lea[her / 5c" a"iece Call evenings, 426-4378. - ..................... )t ~ able onl v COMPLETELY furnished cottage be linedIndia t ~per. Avtil . . y| " V 3/19 tfn .... - lot overlooking wafer and moun- 1-bedroom house. Good [ ment will bc rcnoereu against you ac- p0rtant, this 4 bedrm., 2 bath contemporary is just for ' ., ....... ~ . .. , , ~, nnu "£wanon ~tate park tains. Three bedrooms, two baths close to school and business district. [ cording to the demands of the Cola- thr(,ugh agenl. I hone 426-6886 aft [ 5:30 p.n~. Weekdays. S 1/14 tfn ] T ~-- ........ -~ on ~E~o~ l~C~mal $I~4twa.y, ~.Handy 2to and den, carpets, garage with work- 2328 Adams St. Phone 426-4238. ]plaint in this action, whieh ires been FHA terms, of course. @ @ shop, Phone Union 898-2133. , P 7/16 tfn [ filed with 1he Clerk of said Court. ............................................ = ..... . / •~ PIZ I~OUll{l ~u~ ,n g ~ o..'~t, l~t. ~ x oo D 4/23 tfr ~7~r~)--B-Eigi~-(~Ti--~I[j~E--6n---Arcadia] The object of this action is to quiet ~OU CAN PUMP more water and[ ~=.~,~.v ....... , Union. 898-2276. For the lower budget, this 5 yr. old 3 bdrm., model i ~'~,~-~--~--~--~..-7:~-~'- "---------c=J=6m- Avenue Lar-e liviw, room and kit-i title in plaintiff and the heirs at law lovger with Fairbanks Morse um m. / .. C 10/1 tfn mu~ o,~,~ -- ~arge two veuro • ~ s of "l r K Wa and Marguerite See them at Shelton Electr~ ~., [ LOST---Full-grown male ~iamese cat. _ handsome kitchen including built-i'i~ appliances is pcrfect. 419 Railroad 8/18 tfn | Answers to name.of Ki~ Turquoise ~RN-I-SI=I~D-A-ND-'-UN--~URNISHED house fireplace three lots fruit chen Good location, Close to stores]. .C iffo d : . Y . trees'Near sto~'es and schools on and school. See to appreciate this[., ~ Y .-_ _.' ' - View location with just $200 down, FHA. _=-==-:~'.--~:-£. .... .-r--.----~~/ collar with rhinestones. ~o.ou reward, one bedroom apartments two blocks Hillcrest- Phone 426-6190 after 4 p.m, buy at $6,950. Call 426-2278. } ty, uescrloea a~. ~ • : IrU~, SA..~m-~ u.sta stee~ pla~s,p~pt¢,| Plmne 426-8133. Y 12/31 1/7-14 f,,om bank, shopplng cc'nter. Appli- v--~#- =,,,, o-~ ............. " A suburban flavor is apparent if you're looking for a ] .......... := ........................................................... 'xract 7 Block 1 Walker Park ;..£:.. a~.~+^.. ~,,,~, ~,^ ~4~,~, and[ ances, heat, hot water, garbage sor- or w~ekends. S 9/3 tfn M 12/3 tfn] _ ; "~ ~" ' ............................ n " D YOUR FLOORS LOOK DINGY no ONE YEAR OLD two-bedroom house[ ~ . ' ....... "- .- • Mi~'i phone" 426 8626' 9/8 tfn " vice fur ished.~ Tried s~nks, bath- O ~rac~s, ~nc~tu-, ~vmson ~:ounty, 3elb°w'r°°mbedroom homeYet nOthas 31/,~an Olda;resfiX-it-oVerall's own.h°use'underBrand neW, .....- ....... =.'= _-=- ....... } Mlscella,neous tubs, showers. Ample storage. Quiet matter what you do~ Cleaning Sexw- with full basement on Lake Nah-] Waslii-,,~on $15,000. FOR SAI,I~ -- Largo select~on or re-[ ~ cLgan atlracrAve surroundings Als~ ices Co., phone 426"4376, 426-8138. watzel. Call 426-6885, A 9/17 tin | "'~- o~ndiLtione[1 ranges:, ref~i~eratqr$, | CARD OF API'RECIATION bachelor units for single ~)ersons, 1/'7 tfn ~--(%~---~?KL-E-__-S~h~[l-:--61~a~--(w(~-~bed-]sgainst the claim of defendants and it ~aaner~ ar~ers mel*s ~ valley " , " ' -.- t~,~| The kindness and symlathy of et(}(.tric kitchens tiled showers ex- ~]~SI~)-]~--~r-~--b6-~{()o-m--~-tw(~ "roon~-ilouse. Big back yard, 426-3240[ airy of thel~. " ' A large family can live together with the greatest of plianc( Center a/o ..... ' ( n " ' ' " ' ~' : .----------" ...... -[ nei~hb,)rs and friends In n • recent haust fans, built-in dressing rooms, fireplaces, large family room: alnmg after 6 p.m. R 11/12 t n J FOSTER & FOSTER here. Truly one of the finest older homcs, beautifully ~-E-~-'OUR---ITq'I~E~6k of fir_eplag~° | s¢~rrow will always "~'emaln with us Three hmndry rooms, automatic wa- room. all electric, w/w carpe~:, paso, ~bD:k---]~E1)R'6b-M---~'~e.-6?--~l~/.(- batiis~ [ Attorneys for Plaintiff equipment, lerom flreglow to z~Tan~-[ as a precious memory. Our sincerc shers, dryer. Abundance hot water fenced yard. F.H.A. terms $15.80(~ double'garagc w/w carl)etin"g. Birch Offiec and Post Office Address: exceptional lot. FHA or contract terms. lin stoves, grates to glass doors./thanks and gratitude for all those and heat. Good beds, of course! by owner. 426-4400 after 5 or .wee~- cabinets f{'replace electric heat. [501 Security Building • • , Carlso~ Tile and Fireplace, Mt. | (iemfo'i'Ling acts, esl)ecially to Dr. Col Lawton Apts., 7th & Pine. Shown ends O 6/18 tfn 4og-4711 ' 307 West ~"Z)" St. S 11/19 tfn Olympia, Washington 98502 View. __ .... 11/15 tfn.[ lier and his staff at the Clinic Hos- by appointment, Phone 426-2121. ~EASON/~BLE-ni(~;~--2--~cdr-ooh?-llome 1/14-21-28 3t If you prcfer lakefront, we have a large 3 bdrm, just 3 miles from town on Island Lake. 90' of frontage. F~ BRIGGS sod STP,~TTON replacement| pital ................................ .!2_12/10 tfn Ch se to stores and school Call 426-I -------------~--------~--- engines, short blocks, parts in stoekl ~" 'Mr~:2Howard Hathaway FOR RENT ~ Furnished apa~;t-i~ehts-: " fn NO. 3597 quires $1700 down. . • . • Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S.| .~ Wayne Hathaway Phone 426-6663. c 12/3 tfn HOOD CANAL s553. _ B ):0/!_ t [ NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO VERY LARGE HOME on Mt PItieS| NT AN First. Phone 426-2412, [ Ml'~, Glynn (Diane) Morris GATEWAYAPARTMENTS ......... Tin:re- ~r-HIS ............ l'=J ;,''l D FILE CLAIMS OR RENT ~ has ever th ng anyone cou u IN T E U ER TH R/2R tfn! m a '~ -- " F V'ew y ' [ H S P IOR COURT OF E Spencer Lake is the sott4ng for this 2-level home pri, ................................. --=/ roe partment. Furnished, rood- 2 h~_drnnm homes want, including four bedrooms on one[ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR just $13,000. 2 fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, big play-room. D()N'T SELL IT! Have your uphol- [ --- ~r~ ~.-' ' ern, downtown area. Water and heat story cleaned by Cleaning Services J ¥¥~J~IIEI,~,ILI furnished. Adults. 119 E. Cedar. 1,2 and ................. floor. 426-2268. D 12/1()tfn_l MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) • • Company, phone 426.-4376 or 426-8138. -- " 426-4895 or 426-4481.G 11/26 tfn FOR SALE OR-T-R-ADE~Two-'Yea~L°ld [ In the Matter of the Estate of LEE ]/7 tfnINTERVIEWER ~TANTED for part-YvT~-~W, NT----~T,f,~-i~-~'h-~--i~h h~]: ~'~r~ ~'~'~T~II" larger home for smaller ]muse. Call W. ROBINSON, Deceased. A real good brick home only 2 miles from town on 5 ...............................................BRANDziel)aCkh,cametsN" EWcan (ra ~ ~ ttM°dela Shol~S( nsationalP°laroid124 No$117c°l°r2nd50 pl ivalePh°neti ,~' t e[numberhn~•'pi~ neNotand~SUrVeYa selhng~'r°unty~' workjob. '"~'re~GAir.'ei V•er ......... :~,,~,~,~*r°°m --v~"~vmuuern--~,,~,.,7'~°'~.~, ÷aparunents" ...... carpe~m" " "" only, 1~ ~~| ,H~0~L]I) ..... ]~'~rlP ~' r~E ~L) 2"]k £~12-]k J.~ 426-4408 after 5 p,m. L, 12/24. ,,~ tfn_. J beenl theNOTICEundersigned,apl)ointedIS ItEREBYandR. hasT" GIVENqualifiedCOttrcli thathaSas FUllbuyer.basement, large rooms,• a fine •pr°pcrty for the disc~ g ~ " ~ 11 1 .... tfn mail lett( 1 including' "' edu('ati'lo I ,..,.,. ............. ~ ,~ ........ , .*-v-- l~a:~x~,~, *.,.a.~- -------- 1~'4- "(r" [ Adnlinistrator of the estate of Lee W. Z / 9 . - '~ ~ . " ;. [.' ances private parking and pr~ate ,,-' ........ =,- ~77-5211 xvl~., view I Robinson, deceased; and that all per- Three large bedrooms, huge living-dining area, 2 bath~' Tel K xp( 11~ n(e an(1 nanl(s Ol I~ 1 ~w-Mo6)N--~-~b]ie h~.s!" NatiViSts • u .~'t~'m~,r ...... ese~'(' B~r: locked storage space, Heated swim- " -a~T ~llT~r~]r~ ~a~a~T~-~lr) [sons having claims against tl e said ble garage. The district is one of the finest in Shclton, heat seller, boar best buy. DcTray's erences ~ld ~Stai'~"a~ne!~•" BrOWnsville ruing pool. $99.50 month. Contact J[~ ¥~ ~Ll"L~l~ £¥J[2-K±~ ~L)l~ ] estate or the said deceased a['c. herehY . .... tinder $16,000. oMlO?mll~la.I~es(~ 3~,2617907Fo~e~0/R°~fd~ ~a~.yla~d. ~ ~ P 1/14 manager. Phone 426-3100. 2 l l{/~na ...... ........ APARTMENTS fledrequiredin duplicatet° serve thewithsamethe amYnecessaryVer,- • -~(-Y~TI~-R---(~RGAN 'L---120-B~s-'ch-ord ..., , ..... F~'@ -- Roe(= Apt. ~ bearoom, L ~T .... A- _:I..I..I.. [vouchers attached, upon the under- Evenings Call: --'$-~0".-J-ohnn~s-Music Box, 20S Cot,~ GeneraJ a"d C0rr'ctive unfufnlshedkAT&g.e%~=a.r~6Coall ~- .~,.S=h~l,s..sll £,UW k~V~I,£1~I, UI~ [signed Administrator or hls Attor- 4/16 tf ............. ==~ o- .... "-- " AUEr/IUN L • Unfurn shed ney of record at the law office of B. Dick Knauf ........................ 426-8110 4396. D 8/29 tfn Marden Stroud .................. 426-8277 F'- ._._ HGRSE SHOEIHG . J l~'anklin Heuston, Angle Building, | - - .. _ . House any'time. For information call ~| ||~ • Wall-to-wall carnetin~ [claims together with proof o~ service V IE[ ' | il'~]JBIl[|[\'~|~|[|l~'l|[dll 20 Years ~-xperlence 426-3959 or 426-2406. WJI~ILUr-o -- Dranerles ~ " |with. the Clerk of the above entitled 'FRON r REALTY i nIJ Jl|llll@li 4111, lllh31 ....... LS ~ 6/18 t f_n' !" ," Icourt within mx (6) morons alter me .... Laundry facilities Idatc of the first publication of this Call 426'8277Anytime // ~mnuL~wIItVI[| 'l~llllk~K~vJI Phone 426-6064 evenings MILLtwo bedroomCREEK cottages.MOTEL haSCall one426.4420.and . ..., ==,,v ,~, . o ==.D~.. • Appliances /notice, to-wit: 24 December 1964, or Rt. 2, BOX 46 .- Shelton, | Prompt - Guaranteed Service Highway 101 south, S 6/11 tfn ~ r~m~. =~-- ,m ~ ~ ...... ~'"' •-- e'r!-- "v,~e .... parKing [allillclaimsb not so presented and filed | WHEATLEY & KEARY ~--O-~--~-EN--T--~--~~f~--~-~[s-~'e--~[ Here is an excellent buy in a ..... }w e forever barred, "'17 S 1st 426-4553 modern one-bedroom houses at Tup- home priced below its 1963. pur- : ;~Vmatmel2;°pa2o~ [ AR~lnWniCOTTREofLI~'he Estate |" ' per's Resort on Lake Nahwatzel, chase price. This ramo er is lo-- -- [ of Lee W. Robinson, Deceased. '" |IMI J ~| q~ ~m ~1~ 8 miles to Corrections Center, 14 cated on a corner lot on Hillcrest. ~,bo | Address: Nat'l, Bank of Mason . _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~m ~ miles to Shelton Phone 426-8328. ~. ~ ..... o ,,ear old shake roof ~~,~ month [ County, Shelton, Washington -,. ........ - ...... ED(~EWO(gJ:)---X'S~ v ~ft~/~l~ha(n'(l' 9/17 tfn iargle~g:ra~fe ~ d/:dl~t~acteodol,w ~1~ 1/7- n[ BtntgFe~l~n.r, s~deU~ttEo~S~;~/'~iu. ~1 ~ |a iJ iiila Ji~ n 1 Contact Manager, 426 3100tf • e three bedrooms. Nicely ' ca, hlng)~,.~4 4t Used Apphances Experienced, full-charg Automatic heat. Lots of room. Clean famil room has Dic windows ...... - - , " " BOOKKEEPER- and neat. From $45 me. At the Y - A .... .... '" ..... WASHERS (all brands) ACCOUNTANT Shclton Airport. Call 42%858~.17 tfn and a cozy fireplace, buy that can't be beat at $14,000. Call No. 452 DRYERS F OR--I~E~-T" -- 20 acres ]n--Lak'eba~ Charter No, 15418 OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 DISHWASHERS N.C.R. or Burroughs exper- area, newly painted tWO bedroom NEW, 3 BEDROOMS, DEN, R,,~~ FREEZERS ience. Permanent, pleasant heuse, ofl heat out buildings. Phene orl of Gondilion of Ihe WALTER GEORGE-ASSOCIATE Refrigerators (both deluxe and surroundings, salary open. Seattle ME 3-4256 or LA4-4923. FAMILY ROOM ' tSy .......... ' D 12/31 1/21 Here is a spacious 3 bedroom PHONE 426-3530 tl, ose perfect for summer oabins) contact Bob Slettedahl at ROOMS'-F~t---RE~fT--~----Dbw~ito~ rambler with a den for the Hahonal Bank of Mason Gounly All used appliances have been LUMBERMEN'S of Shelton area. Call mornings or after 6 p.m. Master of the house, a large faro- (1) 5 Acres, with a creek, some timber, close to thoroughly reconditioned and al~1st & Pine 426-4393 426-8115, ~ L 1/7-21 are guaranteed. 1/14-21/2t FOR RENT~-~l-ea~l-~:t/z-~-T~d ily room for the children and an in Shelton acres cleared, 5 room house, 2 bedroonls $7,000. one-bedroom apa'rtment. Built-in award kitchen with built in dish- terms. Will take a trade in town. ' ' ,,, oven and range. Good downtown 1o- washer, double oven for the lady in the State of Washington, at the close of business on December 31, "It's the service after the sale cation, Phone 426-8277. $65 per me. of the house. Two complete baths, 1904. Published in response to call made by comptroller of the cur-' _ _ W 1/7 tfn (2) 5 Acres, close to town, all cleared in pasture, beautif " double garage, hardwood floors, renoy, under section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. that counts Plastering ................. i~hop bedroom home, large living room, with fireplace, FOR RENT -- Ideal for service" ~--~, fireplace and large corner lot are b I . , ASSETS Patch plastering --- Marbieorete room for truck. Good lecation, $55 ment, Auto-off furnace, beautiful family home, $18,t month. Phone 426-3466.S 1/7-28 just a few of the other outstand- Casl~, a ances ~ith other banks, and cash items in Will take a trade in town. LEM WARREN Stuoco -- also tap|ng FURNISHED-APARTMENT--fo{ren( iag features. F. H. A. selling price, process of collection ...................................................... $155,914.61 reasonable rates down]own. ~arlon Apts. 120 Knee- $19,525 with $725 down payment United States Government obligations, direct and . land. Phone 426-3011.H 1/7 tfn (3) 6 Room house, dining and dinette, all elect, he~ REFRIGERATION 426-4638 FOR-'RENT m'~iTw0" ro~[~-~[abin--wlti~ plus closing costs. See it today, guaranteed (Net of any reserves) ............................ 211,740.03 426-2445 8/27 tfn bath, two es from town Suit abln move in sunday. Loans and discounts (Net of any reserves) ............................ 442,602.64 bm~ement, $6,000.00. With Terms. ifld &, Cota T for' batchelor or couple. Reasonable Fixed assets ...................................................................................... 22,316.07 (4) 2 Lots on Salt Water, 110 Ft. & 200 Ft. $20.00 p~ ,, , ..... rent for party who might work out ANGLESIDE EXCLUSIVE Other assets .................................................................................... 12,350,73 . part of rent, Phone 426-6769. SEP IC TANK E 1/7 u',n homeA superiOron] 8 yearsCUSt°mold Beautifully3 bedroom Total Assets. ........................................................... $844,924.08 • Y • • (6) 150 Ft. waterfront, $30.00 per foot with tidelands, ...... B-00Ti :: INSTALLATIONS Classified Service .... landscaped on a large 100 x 100 t.IABILITIES ..... -- foot lot. This cxcellent home is in Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, (7) 100 Ft. with tidelands, summer cottage, excellent CONSTRUCTION CO. 500-gal., 750-ga1., 1000-gal. WE BUT scrap lr~v~~ ~attertes, radla- like new condition. It has a large and corporations' ... ....................................................... :.$242,161.41 on Harstinc Island. $7,000.00. Easy Terms. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED Drain Fields, Ditch Digging tots, cop~,r, sa ge of all k|nde, fireplace, convenient electric heat, Time and savings deposits of individuals, ~helton 3ink Co., First and Mill and FOUNDATIONS Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Rtreet~. Phon~ 4~-8626. S 4/7 if, large kitchen with dining space, partnerships, and corporations .................................... 112,603.35 Phone 426-6441 SHARER DIGGING SERVICE ~-fi-N~E~Nd. repairing, in: Single garage with shop space. Deposits of United States Government .................... ......... 15,9:1.6 73 (8) First class duplex excellent neighborhood, comp] stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Priced at only $16,850. Deposits of States and political subdivisions ............. ::: ....... i:. 50,000.00 decorated, full basement and furnaces, sprinkler 7/23 tf~ Phone 426-8660 ,~h~f MCetal Co., 321 So. Third Dr,! Certified and officers' checks, ctc ................. : ............ ii ............. 42,322.50 this is a real buy at $15,800.00. Terms. 426-4792, S 5/1 tfn , .CR 5-2157, Sulfa]r. 8-18tfn 0-p~-~--~pI-X~O--~-E~UE__--~h--~ NORTHCLIFF, 3 BEDROOM Total Deposits .................................. $463,003.99 (9) 150 Ft. tidelands, good level building spot. No ~'~ /YJ[~UUI~II~UI(JJl."---w~- --~Y-~r-4¢~'~ and technician. "Begular Care Pre- A good buy, well located among (a) Total demand deposits .... $350,400.6,t cellcnt gravel Beach. $75.00 per fooL. Terms. vents Costly Repair". Call Olympia fine homes. 2 good size bedrooms (b) Total time and savings CHAIN SAWS "-: - ==: ........... " - 943-3712 or 357-6622, or Shelton 426- and 1. small. Handy utility room. 8267. G 3/12 tfn deposits ................................ $:112,603.35 LOW AS $124.95 ONE LITTLE C~RPEVS-mRTy:--CO-,~p~,V~.:,r,~I,~:.~ Oil, forced air hcat. Living room, (10) 80 Acres, approximately 35 cleared, house, b: Other liabilities .............................................................................. 649.36 Sales & Service ---- Sharpening ('all C, leaning Servi(',e,s Conlpany, ph. kitchen and 1. car garage, on large christmas tree ground and some tinlber. Full 1: B & W Marina --- Union, Wash. PIGGY 426-4376 or 426-8138. ' 1/7 tfnlot. All this for $14,500. Total Liabilities .............................................. . ............... $463,653.35 500.00. Terms. 898-2355 ---5th & McReavy built his house of straw L-E~£~S-MX~'J~~F-~ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS expert painting and wail papering, THREE BEDROOM HOME IN Common stock--par value per share $20.00, (11) Owner leaving Unitcd States must sell at :lis ,, 4/9 tfn call Bennett Painting Company, ONE LITTLE 426-9248 B 11/8 tfn EXCELLENT CONDITION No. shares authorized 10,000, ccllent 2 bedroom home elect, heat, Closc to , Hem e Slaughterin Unit Cooling, cutting Lemke's Service 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2255 ~ , 11/21 tfn ~,~--L...------------- ' "- : J, Art's Bulldozing ! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Hoodaport, Wash. 5/17 tfn i,, ~ -- ! Yi 'l~ ,n,,, PREES TOPPED, trfmmed, removed. ][~X%X.iI[. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- built his house of sticks _43_23. _ ..... 2/13 tin EXPERT &DTO GLASS Installation. T~'r=~ r=~ ~'a~ Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. l)KJ1. 1 llJP.J i~1¥12"]kINJL Phone 426-~31. 4/38 tfn lalJ..ll.lalE~ JL ]t~X~.~ I tlen gnaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 8/20 tfn ....... .... ~--~-R--~ X-P-~--I~ ~I'--'-~X-S-O N kY, ftreplaees. Let westgate uul]oers chimneys, planters, call R, E, Mason, I hi h 426 2~7R. 811 tfn bui d "s nine. "='- ..... -~ HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterlor pr:.~r~at p/&allMlalf2 and interior. Free estimates. Work ~. r. .................. guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. • LOWEST PRICES Phone 426-32.48. 5/10 if" ,-,.,,~-o. ,.,v...,-...~,.~.,..,.~,., accurate precision grinding. Now at .... _ _ Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone 426 4602 1/18 tin Westgate Builders .......... D " -h ....... SAND ~~ ulympia . P One s~,~-/~u soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel (3o., phone 436- ~=:r , ,,,, , , I "--= 3553, 9/13 tin Located close to town. Many No. shares outstanding, 10,000 ............ Total par value 200,000.00 district. Full Price unfurnished $6950.00 o1' fine features in this 1~/,~ story Surplus ............................................................................................. 100,000.00 $7500.00. older home. Large utility room ~Undivided "profits ............................................................................. 81,270.73 attached garage. Clean, economi-. Total Ca-i .............. (12) 3 Bedrooms, Dining room, Fireplace, oil furnace, I cal elect, m heat. Extra building -~,. ~ .. , . .... " ......................... for storage or children's play-I ,o~a, ~mbilihes and Cap~at Accounts .................... $8,t4,924.08 garage, 1 acrc, cleared $12,500.00. Easy Terms. house. $11,950 and the owner willI I, T. R. Weston Vice-Prcsident & Cashier of the abnve-namcd (14) New . . . 3 Bedroom Homcs: Fireplace, Patio, t]0 consider trade for smallcr home I bank do hcreby declare that this report of condition is true and corrcct Electric Range, Completcly ins~ulated, Close to towl~. in town. See this home today, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Full Price $14,250.00. 7% Down. ~i I T.R. WESTON m • . %Ve, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this re- Evening Call 426-3397 :',: /ln la |port of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to --"O"w =10"""~ 1 kn ' ' ,--.=....--.=... ----.--..--_._ ,.___ ....... I the best of ot r owledge and belief IS true and corrcct. ~o-o~.~ i A.J. LaBISSONIERE .ck S,ewart 426.4794 I ~ w COaT.ELL ~ JOURN'LA WAHT ADS GET RE, ~ Dick Angle 426-6188 [ MELVIN O. McGUIRE ! Dn ectol s Herb Angle 426-4134 [ '~ ',' 1/14 It HI II ~ ~J- II ! ~ = " 7 ----- :'*; =,11