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Page A-4 Shelton—Mason County — Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021
Flag-of Robert E. Lee had no place in the Capitol
f all the shocking
scenes that came out
of last week’s failed
insurrection at the United
States Capitol in Washing—
ton, DC, the image of a man
parading through the Capitol
Rotunda carrying the battle
flag of Gen. Robert E. Lee’s
Army of North Virginia might
have hit me the hardest.
Seeing that flag, which is
often incorrectly identified as
the flag of the Confederacy
and became a segregationist
symbol of resistance against
the federal government in the
late 19405 (according to PBS),
inside the center of power of
the United States was jar-
ring. Not even at the height
of the Civil War did those
who carried that'flag set foot
in the Capitol, and yet, there
it was, carried by a man who
was likely convinced he was a
patriotic American.
Of this I ask, “How can you.
be a patriot when you wield
a flag that was raised by one
of the enemies of the United
Those that fought under
Lee’s battle flag were respon-
sible for the deaths of untold
American soldiers, while try-
ing to overthrow the US.
government and with it, the
U.S. Constitution -— the bed-
rock document at the core of
this country.
Those who invaded the
Capitol last Wednesday
claimed to be patriots pro-
testing President-elect Joe
Biden’s 306-232 Electoral
College victory over President
Donald Trump. They claim,
without evidence or facts of
law, that widespread voter
fraud occurred during the N o-
vember 2020 election.
Election administrators,
both Republican and Demo-
crat, have repeatedly said
no evidence of widespread
fraud was found. In Georgia,
one of a handful of states
that Trump won in 2016 that
flipped to Biden in November,
ballots were counted three
times without significant
difference in the result. Brad,
Raffensperger, Georgia’s sec-
retary of state and elections
chief, is a Republican. He
said in media interviews that
he had personally voted for
Trump, but that the elections
in the Peach State were clear
— Joe Biden won the state.
Biden also flipped Arizona,
Michigan, Wisconsin and
Pennsylvania, winning all of
them by larger margins than
Trump did in 2016.
Just hours after the last of
the insurrectionists were jet—
tisoned from the Capitol com-
plex, the Senate and House,
in a joint session of Congress
led by Vice President Mike
Pence, affirmed Biden’s de-
cisive Electoral College vic-
tory in accordanc'e with the
Constitution and Electoral
College Act of 1887. Biden
will be inaugurated at 9 am.
Wednesday as the 46th presi-
dent of the United States.
According to media re-
ports, many who were in—
volved in last week’s illegal
breach of the Capitol com-
plex are planning to return
next week to protest Biden’s
What remains to be seen,
however, is if those returning
will respect the rule of law
and constitutional process,
or if they will once again at-
tempt to subvert democracy
and the will of the people by
attempting to overthrow the
US. government.
I Justin Johnson is the
Editor of the Shelton—Mason
County Journal. He can be
reached by email at justin@
Good vibrations
Editor, the Journal,
have been a nurse for years and
worked as a certified infection control
practitioner for 20 years.
In response to the “Letter to Gover-
nor nslee” dated Dec. 24, would like
to clarify the hertz figure for receiving a
scientifically proven safe vaccine to pre-
vent disease is close to hertz, far
greater than “gratitude” at 600 hertz,
and yes we can all feel gratitude for the
vaccine. But think of the hertz value for
actually taking the vaccine and saving
lives (worth hertz or more.) '
So add up all the hertz, for giv-
ing hope, 540 for sharing joy and hap-
piness, 600 for gratitude for the vac—
cine, for preventing disease trans-
mission with the vaccine, and another
for saving a life, that’s a lot of
good vibrations.
Lin Boulay
Feeling thean
Editor, the Journal,
. There are burn treatment centers all
over the nation and they do an awesome
job in restoring and healing burn re-
lated injuries. ' .
There are actually two very different
types of burns. One is related to chemi-
cal reactions like fire (burning) or ex-
treme PH levels (like bases and acids).
, Slnllchnachntp llcnmal
USPS 492-800 .
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Published weekly by the Shelton-Mason County Journal
at 227 W. Cota St., Shelton, Washington.
Mailing address: R0. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584
Telephone: 360-426-4412
Website: www.masoncounty.com
Periodicals postage paid in Shelton, Washington.
The other type burn is related to being
in close approximation to an individual
or group or organization that by their
words and/or actions causes a person to
be burned emotionally.
There is one particular group in our
nation that has had a very significant
upsurge in related emotional burns.
That group is the current Republican
members of Congress. 'These emotional
burns on the GOP members are caused
as a direct result of these members tak—
ing advantage of their ofiicial political
positions in government to enhance
nongovernmental individuals and enti—
ties and by their total and unconditional
support of President Donald Trump. It is
a crazy cool symbiotic relationship that
the GOP congressional members have
with President Trump. President Trump
can say or do any type of putdowns or
do a myriad of verbal bullying and the
GOP congress continues to do the lem—
‘ming clifi‘ jumping and do and say noth—
ing about this behavior. And because of
this condoning acceptance, these GOP
members are really starting to feel the
emotional burn.
President Trump has seen how the ‘
congressional GOP members are cur-
rently suflering. And he has shown a
great deal of empathy for their blight.
The president has graciously started
' to donate some of his own skin so that
it can be transplanted onto these emo-
tional burning wounds of these poor
congressional GOP victims.
This is such a noble and righteous
The Shelton—Mason County Jour-
nal is a member of the Wash-
ington Newspaper Publishers
$62 per year ($43 for six months)
for Mason County addresses and
$75 per year ($55 for six months)
outside of Mason County.
Owned and published by
Shelton—Mason County Journal, lnc.
Publisher: John Lester
Gordon Weeks, Reporter
Kirk Boxleltner, Reporter
Kirk Ericson, Columnist/ Proofreader
Isabella Breda, Reporter/Social Media
causeand it is so heartwarming to see
the president coming to the GOP mem-
bers’ aid and helping to heal them.
President Trump has seen how popu—
lar and helpful his skin donations have
been to his Republican colleagues. He
has even been heard saying that he
would be willing to eat extra burgers in
bed before he goes to sleep in order to
increase the growth of replacement skin.
The demand for the president’s skin
fillets is so high that a repository is re-
quired. So the president has built a new
skin storage facility.‘It is called the, “The
Donald Trump Skin Bank ofAmerica”
and GOP members of Congress can
make repeated withdrawals of his
Front office:
Dave Pierik, Office Administrator
Karen Hranac, customer Service
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Theresa Murray, Ad Representative
‘ Delivery:
Newsroom: Jon Garza
Justin Johnson, Editor David Olson
Niel Challstrom
Composing room:
healing skin to help save themselves.
The GOP members of Congress who
have received these presidential skin
grafts are so appreciative. Like a badge
of courage they have raised up their
healing scars for all of their constituents
to see and in unison they have chanted
that they have been saved by their great
skin benefactor Donald Trump. They
would cheer, “Look at our Trump graft!
Look at our Trump graft!”And their ,
constituents are truly saying that they
have indeed seen the,“graft.”
Earl W. Burt
see LE1TERS, page A-5
Lloyd Mullen, Creative Director
All regular editorial, advertising
and legal deadlines are 5 pm, the
Monday prior to publication.
To submit a letter to the editor, V
email editor@masoncounty.com.
William Adams, Advertising .
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