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District seeks
board candidates
The Mason Conservation District
will conduct an election Feb. 25 to fill
a position on its board of directors, by
mail-in ballot only.
A five-member volunteer board
governs the Mason Conservation .
District. Three of the board positions
are elected, and two are appointed by
the Washington State Conservation.
Committee, an agency that assists
with conservation district activities.
Mason Conservation District elec-
tions occur annually during the first
Maupnarlr BRIEFS
quarter of the year.
Mark Woytowich of Potlatch holds
the position. The deadline is Jan. 25
to be placed on the February ballot.
The winner will serve a three-year,
unpaid term.
To be eligible, candidates must
occupy land or operate a farm within
the conservation district boundaries.
That includes all residents of Ma—
son County outside the incorporated
boundaries of the City of Shelton.
To get registration materials, call
the district at 360-427-9436, ext. 118.
Information also is available at www.
I Compiled by reporter Gordon
available to female
college students
Shelton’s Chapter B of Philan-
thropic Education Organization is of-
fering two $1,000 scholarships avail—
able to women who have returned
to college to continue or finish their
education. ,
To be eligible, applicants must
have graduated from high school from
or earned a GED; be a resident of Ma-
son County; plan to earna degree or
certification; and be enrolled in the
2021 academic year at an accredited
college, or technical college. I
The scholarship is designed to
defray education costs, and must be
Weeklies; fees; hanksorother
related expenses. The money Will be
sent directly tothe school.
1' The Mary M. Knight Achievement
Award honors the Mason County pio-
neer educator, who was a member of
Chapter B. The award has been sup:
porting women’s education in Mason
County since 1936.
Applications are avail-
able by email request to
com. Include your name, college and
city of residence in your. request. The
deadline to apply is Feb. 1.
International PEG. and Washing-
ton State P.E.O. offer additional proj-
ects to provide financial assistance.
More information is available at
www.peointernati0nal.org and WW.
Mason PUD 3
manager elected
to committee
Annette Creekpaum, the manager
of Mason PUD 3, was elected vice
chair of administration for the Public
Power Council’s Executive Committee
_for 2021-2022.
Creekpaum was elected at‘tl'ie' or-
ganization’s Jan. 7 monthly meeting. ‘
The BublicPower Council, estab—
dished in 1966, is a‘n'associationlthat
represents more than 100 consumer-
owned electric utilities in the Pacific
Northwest. The organizations’ mis-
sion it to preserve and protect the
benefits of the Federal Columbia Riv-
er' Power System for consumer-owned
utilities,»and is a forum to identify,
discuss and build consensus around
energy and utility issues.
I Compiled by reporter Gordon
Aspen Layne Wininger, agirl, was born to Ally Anderson and Colton Win-
inger, December 31, 2020, at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. She weighed
8 pounds, 6 oz.
. Violet Eve Walle, a girl, was born to Sarah and Jeremy Walle, January 1,
2021, at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. She weighed 7 pounds.
Kye Richard Gray, a boy, was born .to Karen and William Gray, January
6, 2021, at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. She weighed 7 pounds, 14
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