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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-40 Shelton—Mason County Journal Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021 e la 55 iii e i 360-426-4412 Deadline Monday 5 pm‘ ADD YELLOW highlight to your ad. Get noticed for only $20 more. Call the Shelton-Mason County Journal 360-426-4412 ADVERTISING REACH 20,000+ local read— ers per- week. 20 words or less is only $12 for the lst week When you'buy 3 weeks, the 4th week is free. Remember, the more you tell, the more you sell, and each word beyond the first zoos just 20 cents ex- tra. The deadline is Monday 5pm (if there‘s a holiday on Monday v then the ad dead- line is Friday at 5pm). Email classifieds@masoncounty. com or call the Journal Eamopm Monday~Friday at 1360-4264412. (J tin) Crystals, Gifts, Nature Center Lots of Gifts mmfinowomm Largest rock 81 mineral selection in Washington Open 10:30AM-6: Tuesday-Saturday . ll:00AM-5:00PM Sunday 510 SE Old Arcadia Road Shelton. WA 98584 llItllllU‘OI't‘t‘l‘llSlaIS.i‘om 360-426—81 11 AUTO PARTS SERVICES GILLIS AUTO Center Ford, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge. Warranty forever! 360—426-5585, 800-365- 4096, FAX 360-426-5935. PO Box 10, 180 W. Hulbert Rd. (G tfn) CARS/1' RUCKS FOR SALE CARS $995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selection of low priced cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced to From Shelton, take State Route 3 E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call 360426-2907. (S tfn) GILLIS AUTO Center, your one—stop shop! Chrysler, Ford, Dodge, Jeep. 360- 426-5585. Hwy 101, 2nd Shelton exit. www.gillisau— tocentercom (G tfn) COMPUTERS COMPUTER SERVICE at your door and more. Dave’s WOSIIIIIDIDII 1111118011108 981 ICSUIISI \ "(:1 1;! all" .101! 53-11 3933 0 ad Cdmputer Service 360— 898-3800. No travel fees, free estimate (D tfn) FOR SALE VINTAGE five drawer dresser, two night stands; double bed headboard footboard with nightstand; eight drawer Bassett dress— er. Very reasonable prices. 360-338—1930. (P 1/14) TREADMILL Proform 395, like new, low mileage, $75 080. (360) 427—4159. (E 1/7-1/14) SUBSCRIBE TODAY 1 year (in Mason County) $62; $55 seniors, 1 year (outside Mason County) $75; $68 seniors. months (in Mason County) $43; $37 seniors, 6 months (out- side Mason County) $55; $48 seniors. Digital ver— sion $10 per year sent via email every Friday morn- , ing. Call (360) 426—4412 to subscribe with a credit card by phone or mail check to: Shelton-Mason County Journal, PO Box 430, She!- ton WA 98584. (J tfn) FOUND Found a 12’ aluminum skiff on Hammersly Inlet. Janu- ary 11, 2021; No brand or makings. rjohnson@hctc. com Robert Johnson 360— 426-9728 HELP WANTED ROAD OPERATIONS Maintenance Manager with Mason County Public Works $6138.58—$7287.51 /monthly Mason County job application required available at www. or Mason County Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton WA 98584, OPEN UN- TIL FILLED, Review Date 2/5/21. (M 1/14-1/21) ACCOUNTING COORDI- NATOR position oversees accounting and financial functions, performs a va- riety of technical account- ing duties and financial record keeping functions for Mason Transit Authority. Duties include backing up payroll processing, prepa- ration of’monthly and annu- al financial reports, month- ly quarterly grant reporting, annual budget preparation, review functions of AP, AR, inventory controls and oth- er areas of fiscal account- ing as assigned. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or re— lated; three (3) years mini— mum progressive account- ing and three (3) years’ payroll-related experience, or an equivalent combi- Reach a Million Readers Festivals, Fairs, car shows, resorts and golf courses love the results they get! ipamit nation of education“ and/ or experience. Preferred Qualifications: Public sec— tor accounting experience, experience in grants and budget preparation. To ap- ply visit the careers page at www.masontransit. org. Selection Process: The most competitive ap- plicants, who in the judg- ment of the Administrative Services Manager, most closely meet the require— ments of the position will be invited to take a Finan- cial Accounting and Excel 365 skills assessment test. It is the responsibility of the applicant to supply suffi- cient information and detail on their resume/applica- tion materials to permit the Agency to properly evalu- ate their qualifications and abilities as they relate to the position. Mason Transit Authority is an equal oppor- tunity employer and does not unlawfully discriminate based on race, gender, wage, color, religion, na- tional origin, marital status, veteran’s status, disability status, sexual orientation, or any other basis prohib- ited by federal, state, or 10- cal law. Please let Mason Transit Authority know if you need accommodations in order to participate in the application process. (MCT 12/24-1/28) SEASONED PAINTER, minimum 3 years experi- ence, pay depending on experience. Call 360-229— 1874 (M tfn) LANDSCAPING UNITED LANDSCAPING, LLC Rock walls, tree trim- ming, decks and fences, general clean-up, lawn maintenance, hauling: bark and gravel. Licenced, bonded, insured. Lic. #UNITELL827DG united- landscaping2013@gmail. com Free estimates 360— 490—7089 (U tfn) LOST FOUND LOST BLACK Min pin dog at Belfair Safeway. She is a very loving pet of a Vietnam veteran with. PTSD Who needs her love and com- panionship. Call 360-426— 0984. (D 12/25-1/21) Found a 12’ aluminum skiff on Hammersly Inlet. Janu- ary 11, 2021; No brand or makings. rjohnson@hctc. com / Robert Johnson 360— 426-9728 ~ MISCELLANEOUS VOLUNTEERS wanted for KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is looking for garage sale volunteers (some heavy lifting). If in= terested, drop by 420 SE State Rt. 3 on MONDAYS 8:00 AM. (K 1/7-2/4) FREON WANTED: We pay $$$ for cylinders and cans. R12 R500 R11 R113 R114. Convenient. Certified Pro- fessionals. 'Call 312-675— 4818 or visit Refrigerant- (W tfn) ADVERTISE STATEWIDE with a $325 classified list- ing or $1,575 for a display ad. Call this newspaper at 360-426-4412 or WNPA at 360-344-2938 for details. (W tfn) ATTENTION: AUTO Injury Victims. It you have suf- fered a serious injury in an auto accident, call us! Our attorneys have the experience to get you the full compensation you de- serve! Call now: 877-925- 1476. (W tfn) DO YOU owe over $10,000 to the IRS in back taxes? Our firm works to reduce the tax bill or zero it out completely. Fast. Let us help! Call 888-994-1405. (Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm PST). (W tfn) DONATE YOUR car to charity. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details, 855— 635—4229. (W tfn) ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris- blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFil— ter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Se- nior Military Discounts. Call 1-888-360-1582. (W tfn) GENERAC STANDBY Generators. The weather is increasingly unpredictable. Be prepared for power out- ages. Free 7-year extended warranty ($695 value!). Schedule, , your Free in: home assessment today. Call 1-888-674-7053. Spe— cial financing for qualified customers. (W tfn) LIFE ALERT. One press of a button sends help FAST, 24/7! At home & on the go. Mobile pendant with GPS., FREE First Aid Kit (with subscription.) CALL 855- 868-1518 FREE Brochure. (W tfn) PETS FOUND: SWEET pit bull, she is white with dark brin— dle patches, in the Hank’s Lake 'area January 6th. 360-490-3476 (N 1/14) LOST BLACK Min pin dog at Belfair Safeway. She is a very loving pet of a Vietnam veteran with PTSD who needs her love and com- panionship. .Call 360—426- 0984. (D 12/25-1/21) I GOLDENDOODLES BERNEDOODLES. Pup- pies & professionally trained pets, Service, Ther— apy, PTSD, Autism & ESA dogs. From the country's premier Dog Training Acad- emy. 509—710-7998. (W tfn) KITTEN RESCUE of Ma- son County. Cats and kit- tens are available to indoor only homes. Website kit-, contact (360) 427—3167. (K 5/23 tfn) REAL ESTATE List your home today and get top dollar! Homes are selling faster than we can get them advertised! Commission fees are ne- gotiable. Shelton Land Homes, LLC 360-426—5555 or 360—589-9694 (8 12/10- 1/14) bonded and insured. 360- 490-361 1_ (M 10/22-1/22) EQUAL HOUSING oppor- tunity - We Do Business in Accordance With the Federal Fair Housing Law (The Fair Housing Amend- ments Act of 1988). It is ille- gal to Discriminate Against Any Person Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status, or National Origin. This ap- plies: In the sale or rental of housing or residential lots, In advertising the sale or rental of housing, In ,the financing of housing, In the provision of real estate brokerage services, or In the appraisal of housing. Blockbusting is also illegal. Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination: 1-800-669-9777 (Toll Free), 1-800-927-9275 (TTY). US. Department of Hous— ing and Urban Develop- 'ment, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Washington, DC. 20410 (U tfn) ROOFING ASCEND ROOFING Com- pany LLC. Residential and Commercial roofing spe- cialists. New Construction, Re—Roofs and Repairs. Contractor License: AS- CENRCB96MA. Financing options available. Call our office for your free estimate. 360—868-2730 or Fax: 360- 868-2625. 1800 Olympic Hwy 8, Shelton WA 98584 (A tfn) FIKE’S ROOFING Con- struction. Call us at 360- 490-0013 for a free esti— mate. Fikesroofingcom or find us on Facebook! FIKESR0863LK (F tfn) YOUR NEW roof foras low as $50 per month O.A.C., The Roof Doctor, n “We make house calls. 360-427-8611. 1131 W. Ka- milche Lane, just off High- way 101 - near Taylor Town. ROOFDI*168N8 (R tfn) SERVICES MICHAEL’S HOME Main- tenance , LLC; roof and gutter cleaning and home improvements. Licensed, 360-275-286 800-773-3227 RANDOLPH BRAND, Gunsmith. 1985 Gradu— ate of Colorado School of Trades. 30+ years experi— ence and knowledge as a skilled gunsmith and pre- cision machinist. Repairs, customizing, refinishing. Monday—Saturday, 9am— 6pm. Shelton, WA. 360- 427—0767 (B tfn) ZJ’s LANDSCAPING, Con- struction Tree Service LLC, Residential, commer— cial, free estimates. Brush cleaning, edging, thatch- ing, hauling, lawn mow- ing, drainage, weeding, brick laying, moss remov- al, painting, bank clear— ing, gutters, roof clearing, pressure washing, floor cleaning, concrete pour- ing, irrigation, construction, siding, rock and retaining walls, remodeling, exca- vating. Licensed, bonded, insured. General contractor #ZJLADLK848DC Find us on .Facebook and Google+ free estimates, call or, text, references aVailable. Zacharias 360-463-4834. zj.yardmaintenance@ gmailcom (Z tfn) CHEHALIS SHEET Metal, CSM Heating &-.Coo|ing, Roofing. “Dedicated to your comfort.” Serving you for over 55 years! We’re here to stay. Our quality work- manship is second to none! Independent Trane dealer it’s hard tovstop a Trane. Call today for your Free Estimate: 360—352—1996 or 855—OLY-HEAT, csmheat— v #CHE- HASM252MH (C tfn) WANT YOUR newspaper to follow you, yourjarhily friends wherever you go? We welcome address up- dates, vacation instructions and gift subscriptions. The Post Office will only fontvard mail for a few weeks. Our goal is for your subscriber address information to be correct, to make sure you get your paper on time. Don’t miss an issue! Call 360—426-4412, email circu- or visit www.masoncounty. com (J tfn) .fia REID REAL ESTATE - LAND FOR SALE ~— DELFAIR $495,000 Belfair is growing! 10.64 Acres Develop or your oWn private estate 6 Large lots already ' subdivided to between 1.11 Acre and 4.11 Acres 1015. Appl. only. Bradley Byerly, 3608014088 #1606980 TIGESilIIIIOODfAIIAI-IIIIIDII $134,900 Are you looking for acreage wilh a view? Check out this 7 acres boosting 400’ of Hriod Canal waterfront. Well established shellfish crop and breath taking views. Dds llaplry, (360) 2774179 #1518507 5 ACRES TARUYA ‘ $105,000 5 acres of Hood Conol view property off of Patton Drive in Tohuyo- Power and Water -. Gated Secluded Community beach. lirodey lively, 3608014088 #1667250 2.5+ ACRES - Tolluyu $65,000 Sunset View Estates 2.53 Acres amazing View of Hood Canal Power on property 2 communily beaches. Gated community. Cleared building area. ilrodey Byerly,.36060l4088 11679298 VIEW [0'1 UNION $150,000 Viow's of the Great Bond of Hood (and and Olympic Mountain’s from this 1/4 one lot which is ready for your manufactured home/ builder. Dwnerlinoncing avail. Ridiorrl lkArllIrr, 36013014 897 #1696755 BELFAIR - SOUTH SHORE $399,050 Dynamic 23.4 acres 4 parcels that ind 138 ll Hood So Shore private waterfront Iidelonds, 22 was mature forest 8. 1 2 ac lot w/olec, water hookup. MIMI, (360) 277-5122 #1535972