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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 14, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 14, 2020
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continued from page A-46 the new Healthy Washington stan- dards, means that if the Northwest Re- gion achieves Phase Two of the plan by Jan. 29, teams at Shelton, North Ma- son and Mary M. Knight high schools will be able to move forward with foot— ball, girls soccer, girls swimming, boys tennis, volleyball, and boys and girls cross country seasons. The two indoor sports, girls swim- ming and volleyball, will not be al— lowed to compete in tournaments and crowd capacity will be limited to 25% of building capacity. ‘ . Outdoor sports will be limited to a maximum of 200 spectators. Each WIAA season will be seven weeks and culminate with an as—yet- to-be-determined regional champion- ship culminating event. The WIAA will not conduct statewide champion- ships this year. Shelton School District Athletic PovstiGetting back on the fields and courts WOrth risk Director Trevor Leopold wrote in a text message that it is expected the Highclimber football season would consist of seven games, five regular season and two postseason. It’s still to be determined whether games would be played with the 2A Evergreen League, which Shelton joined begin— ning this year, or will face competi- tion only from the Northwest Region schools. Shelton is the only team in the Evergreen League outside of the West Region, which includes Grays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific and Thurston counties. All of North Mason High School’s Olympic League opponents are in the Northwest Region already. Mary M. Knight’s 1B Coastal League opponents are all in Grays I-Iyarbor County, and athletic director Tom Kerr wrote in a Tuesday email that the Owls will face Northwest Re- gion teams once play resumes. ” Under the measurements involved in the Healthy Washington plan, the continued from page A-46 finally be about to change. I sure hope so. ‘ ‘A few days ago, I was texting with Shelton High School Athletic Director Trevor Leopold to get'an idea on how recent changes to the Washington In- terscholastic Activities Association the state’s governing body of high school sports and activities — calendar and newly released “Healthy Washington” guidance from Gov. Jay Inslee and the state Depart- ment of Health'would affect high school sports here. During the exchange, I wrote to Leopold, “I hope thisis finally coming together. Will be a‘big morale bdost for everyone seeing kids play. again.” I write about sports in Mason County because palpable. Now, fortified with more_.activities pages. ‘Cautiq. maycmta‘m hot tips. , armed person on‘ local» issues. 35” inspires. ‘ Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A—47 1 Sports: RegiOn needs to reach Phase Two by Ian. 29 .. Mary M. Knight High School junior Quinnton Krippelcz looks down the field during a fall 2019 game in Matlock. Journal phdto by Justin Johnson Northwest Region meets three of the four standards for moving to Phase that’s part of my job, but as someone who also lives in this community, the relief of seeing our student- athletes back on the field of competition would be A sign of spring as the lockdowns thaw and sun starts to return to the field of normalcy. Most of those that know me know that I’m an insulin-dependent diabetic. My blood sugars aren’t well-controlled. I also have high blood pressure and I’m overweight. All of these are risk factors for hav- ing a severe, life-threatening case of COVID-19. . I’ve taken precautions since the beginning of the pandemic. I have worn a mask everywhere I’ve gone and have stayed away from crowds. I understand that there are risks of opening things back up and of letting kids get back on the Two. The West Region meets only one of the standards. field, gathering and competing. I also understand that, mentally, the last 10 months have been taxing for everyone, and seeing the return of sports locally really would be a boost in morale. * It doesn’t matter if you don’t 'have-a kid on the team or if you couldn’t care less about high school sports. A rising tide lifts all boats. The return of sports is poised to let steam escape from a valve at a time when the pressure of the world is extreme. That makes it worth the risk. I Justin Johnson is the Editor for the Shelton- Mason County Journal. He can be reached by email at WE For the week of JANUARY 14 through JANUARY 20, 2020 ALLYN l Case Inlet AM PM mmmmm , mmmwmmmwmmwn mmmmmmmmmmw: wmmwwmmmmmmwn :mmmmmmnmnwmn yummmmwmmmmmn .MMm-I VIIIII' local Titles ‘ LOW (FEET) RM RM mmmmn illGli (FEED SUN MOON nmmmmwm SHELTON [Oakland Bay" i DATE 15 15 ‘2‘! DATE 1 :3 i5 Tide tables have been iransaibed and mayrontain errors. Not intended for navigational use. AN? 5’!“ AM 91% ii 1&6 1:8 ~24 8.7 i if)! ; gaggfinnm-lmn mm! , §._ mmmammmmmmmn .mmmmm ‘EWMMEMEEWEEH »Mmm--mmmmmwm UNION Hood Canal AM NEW . .EmEEWIIEMEED RENEW :mnmmmmmwmmmn wwwmm MMflNflMEMMEen wmmmmm HIGH (FEED LOW (FEET) SUN MOON Emmmmmn mammnmmwmn mmmmmwn HlGB (FEED [OW (FEET) AM mammwwmn SUNMOON PM E mu Mumm@m* Weekly Tide Tables Sponsored by mmcmmmkmsmsm1m (360) 426-0933