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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 15, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 15, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i !iil Wes Johnson and his Alderbrook Inn are about to be sacrificed to the god of political expediency. After twelve years of planning and struggling to establish a fast-class resort hotel on Hood Canal, he has had the misfortune to bring his dream to fruition in the year of The Great Environmental Uproar. The upshot of this timing is that Johnson, who is trying to perform a needed public service while making a buck, is now lumped in the same bag with American Smelting & Refining Company, whose plant spews forth tons of deadly sulphur dioxide over the Tacoma area. He is fair game for every political opportunist who is looking for an environmental patsy. He is also the target of instant hypocrites who have contributed their personal brand of environmental blight to Hood Canal for years. Every weekender who has thrown up a cutrate bulkhead and built a lopsided shack atop it iS now cursing him for attempting to ruin the shoreline, and every well-heeled castle owner who has grown a twelve-foot hedge between the road and the water is screaming that Johnson's edifice will obstruct the public's view. The only decent view along most of the waterfront from Union to Belfair is from the water side of the private homes along that stretch. A giraffe atop a ladder would be the only one who could obtain a comparable view from the road. In a search for the complainants" motive, it is easy to deduce that they are damned if some outsider should be able to pay $30 per day at Alderbrook and enjoy the same view they have paid through the nose for. This is a very human reaction, but it shouldn't be allowed to hide behind high-flown assertions of concern for the environment. Mother Nature, along that portion of the canal, has already been seduced. That is why the cries of alarm from Governor Dan Evans, assorted other politicians and the editorial writer of the Seattle Post-lntelligencer are all pure baloney so far as the Alderbrook Inn project is concerned. The governor is correct when he insists that environmental quality is the number one priority in the state. And Hood Canal must be protected from further uncontrolled exploitation. The unspoiled areas along its I I 0-mile shoreline should be preserved in as natural a state as possible. State and county officials should work together to assure this. But the canal is not a wilderness area and never will be. The pressure of Puget Sound population will require hotels, marinas, and other public accommodations on its shore. )1 Letter box: Editor, The Journal: Do ~he citizens of Shelton have an interest in the proposed Junior College for Olympia? The proposal of the Centralia Junior College to establish a satellite campus overlooking Capitol Lake could have much meaning to the residents of Mason and Thurston Counties.. Expansion of Junior College ee tool at our disposal. J Since we live in a world and a world of finaP will be necessary for mterested in a Junior G Campus to appear befog legislators and otherwise their opinion known. Perhal local editor could tell us where, and when. Peter F. Coleman I facilities to serve this area would ~ be a positive step. It would allow our graduating high school seniors (Editor's Note: Mason and others to experience college citizens who wish to see a work. For some it would be a step campus of Centralia to more advanced work. In this College in Olympia should| vein it would serve well as a their wishes known t01 feeder school for St. Martin's legislators. If the establishtt~ College and the soon to be satellite juniorcollegecam.l~ realized Evergreen College. authorized, however, it The time is fast approaching better for those of us ~ when the demand for higher county to push for a bral~ Olympic Junior Colle~ education will require the Shelton. With a little more~ utilization of all institutions of learning and the Junior Collegein the county, Shelton| satellite campus is just one more obvious site for a junior Editor, The Journal: and Governor McCall of The Skokomish Grange has have stated that such deadl passed the following resolution: gas should neither be tranSlt Whereas: The deadly Nerve t h r o u g h n or st ore] Gas which the Armed Services communities occupied byl~ proposes to ship from Okinawa to beings and that there ~ storage at Hermiston, Oregon national security dependett~ would be hauled through Mason the storage and maintena~,~ County and through Shelton by such gas, and; j rail. Whereas: The military 0.~ Whereas: There has already to be stubborn anddetern~ been several accidents with this do as it pleases refusing t0| treacherous poison by escape to representatives of~ from leaky containers to the government, therefore be it;:j Resolved: That Skold[ deatha wind°fchange,five thousandand; sheep from Grange in regular meI Whereas: There are numerous January 9, 1970, go on.~ ways that this poison gas could be opposing the shipment 0] released by accident while being nerve gas and in supp01 Senator Magnuson and Got[ transported through Mason or any other County such as a broken McCall in their admoniti~ wheel, a broken rail, a fire or a the military leaders, and:~ traffic accident at a grade finally; ] crossing, and; Resolved: That copies] W h e r e a s : P r o m i n e n t resolution be sent to government officials including Magnuson and to the press.'~ Senator Magnuson of Washington Chester Valley, Master "And to think our money is in the bank at only five per cent/" Alice Crossan, Secretary This is why the persecution of Wes Johnson is incomprehensible. He is attempting to build a top-notch . ! hotel to fill that need. It will allow thousands of persons to 'i :i enjoy the canal in a limited amount of space without littering .I -t the beach for miles. He is not bringing a new land use into I ! ¢ ~, • Editor, The Journal: occasional donations froa1] the area. The site of ~ook Inn luminia t sort - II .... I~-~q .~ ia ................... ~ Y'ou '~ay~'fftave observed the~ ~.organizations of the com~ for 50 years. His projected expansion,meels all health ¢1[ Ill II A campaign now being conducted in After our share from LIoJ. your donations, we st] regulations. S{ ii IIII Pl Seattle for money for Kidney obligated to raise s] machine patients. We have If Governor Evans and others opposing Johnson intend to By ROBERT C. CUMMINGS Democratic strategy are Richard Key to Future But even though this tax tPh iTtms ifnnaMnaSa nroCb le sY' with thousandSplain hard°fworkd°llarSby each me ] oppose all development on the canal, then their motives are In the midst of all the Marquardt, in Seattle's 45th With another gubernatorial p r o g r am m ay have put Those of us wl o are aciive in this organization..J pure. If not, they should get off his back. speculation regarding the outcome of current investigations District, and Jack Metcalf. Like election coming in 1972, control Repub!icathl;gl loatrn°. lnamtiCkllsn the Mason County Kidney t S°m s° r::rpr°jects Faulk, both are completing their of the Senate in 1971 could be spot g P g , v......~.,;..... ;. ~.~ h ..... ;r. o" q~ri:tn :.' sale. dant~ into report fee splitting between first terms. Though the ....... r-.. ....... r:v~.,s ....still vuu,u,~,u, w,. o~ -,~w,:, - ~ u the Key to the iuture ot ootn ,,u,~,,,v, ,~ ,,,, ,,,,.: . . ........ , booths at the fair, and.] The good ffuFs ou*maneuver the Democrats asnecomemsplreatoaonate(otne San Francisco Mayor Joseph Democrats hold both of the political parties especially if the t ............ motorcycle races, rumma~ Alioto and former Atty. Gen. ' he has done in other sessions aeattte tuna. However, snotuu - you would be surprised] John J. O'Connell, nobody hasHouse seats in Marquardt's Democrats should wrest control • .... - ....... bothered to mention the one district, Marquardt has done his of the House away from the With his environmental legislation yv, oecomemsplrea,!ooonatet,oprojects our members can.] Two bright notes this week from Vietnam, where certain fact. home work well, has kept hisRenublicans this fall. .in the current_ special session, ....... thent wetne woutamas°n LountYoe evenr uneY'napp]errUna'we come up with as the needl The latter development is well uemocrats ~ace an ever-p~esc " Few organizations h~ The effects on O'Connell's fences mended and will be hard to within the realm of possibility A danger of painting'themselves into want you to know.we can accept, enjoyed such a large po.t~ American lives and loot continue to go down the drain: political future are devastating, beat. The man who had carried the The district which Metcalf switch ..... in just seven seats wouta''" a corner ..... any ann au aorta,lens ann wm membership, men and gir A San Franeisco publicrelationsfirm, Freeman-Teilmann Democrats' hopes of capturing represents has been sending only do the trick and a lot of if they pass the bills, the app~cmtetnem. .. with leadership ability.] ' " d ....... cans our r~ianey organization Associates, has been hired by the Thieu-Ky regime (we the governorship less than twoRepublicans to either house ofRepublicans are vulnerable. If t, overnor an the ~epuo,-.. doesn't put on separate fund willingness to do the hall supply their money) to improve the image of the South years ago was, despite his defeat, the Legislature since the district u,,..~'~'" ,_,..r~'- ,~.~.~t: .......... ~,,^ .~v;o;~-~o,,.,,, v,d.-,..- stand to ta~e much at me crea~t .... . • necessary to assure the s~t] " " should go down the tube m the tit ii t y p tn m, . ;,t. ~h,;,.a c'_....n M~;.hk,..~ ,,.every project. .J Vietnamese government in the United States. An Information still very much aLive first was formed in 1965. - ...... he" don't -ass "Le-- the drives oecause we are cooperatmg ..... r~ ...... t~ stand to h~ h~a,~a .................... ~ ....... Incidently, it is just Center for the Republic of South Vietnam is being politically until developments Touch andGo elect on this fall xt coum .taRe a ....................... • ........ ' - "- *'sone reaso h so cut aown the numoer oI arlves in lot of Republican House members that n w y .. • .......... time for you to pay on¢l started to unfold in the Alioto The battle for the Senate next sions of env" ental me commumty amce the ot_,t'~ u, ith it many ver ,roam • , " ...... and be a member for 1970] established in San Francisco, to be followed by others in key case. time will be touch and go, even if ......... . ....... v- ~ - can ratse amy a smau iracuon oi In that event only a ~egtslat~on na e ShOWn up on .. . invite every man, worn~ O.S. cit . He had been considered the the Republicans manage to hang ..... , .... . .. sub:ects me several thousands of dollars • Don t be surprised if you see countless pictures from now logical successor to Congressman on to all the seats they now hold. couldl'tepuoitCanpreventmaj°rity mthetne ~enate1971 s~muarThe purposeJ " of many bills are w.,,.,;" t.:~. ~.*t'° ......... v:.~...~y. ,t:" .......... ..a ~.. o,child in Mason County Gee! if they all do, that] Floyd Hicks at any time the The Republicans have only three ......... ..... ar but the word e and spear it makes your donations $18,000; Wow!! ] Legislature Irom making rrouote qmte slm]t, ag . , on of Thieu and Ky distributing fishes and loaves to widows p r e s e n t S i x t h Dis t rict targets in the coming election, . extremely important to the cause. s e of the methods vary and orphans and presiding over an Easter egg hunt on the congressman should decide to and they will need all three of for Evans in the final sesmonom CHARLES R. SAVAG~ before his term expires somewhat President [ lawn of the Southeastern White House in Saigon. retire, them, plus all the seats they now '" " We also appreciate the The body count game continued with an unsuccessful More Immediate have,totake control. S o m • P i e r c e C o u n t y One of their prime targets is five-day American assault on Black Virgin Mountain. Democrats had even more Nat Washington, Ephrata. "It's a ludicrous game," said one junior officer who took immediate plans for O Connell. Washington has served in the Letg talk books= part in the sweep of the battered mountainside 55 miles They had hoped to persuade himto run this fall for the 26th hisSenate since1950' but since1964district has been electing l'he Old Wt $] 115 WO d! llm llboutlI" ] southwest of Saigon. "It involves risking the lives of District seat in the State Senate Republicans to the House. American men to make enough noise so a decent body count now held by Republican Larry Another seat is in Seattle's 32rid Faulk. District, which Wes Uhlman can be reported. , Faulk had been one of three vacated after being elected mayor these no 1 so r laStS! "'They want bodies, so we give em bodies. When we spot Republican targets in the present and is now held by former Rep. By LLOYD A. COOK Most of the time he kept his drunken outlaw. Mattie hires ve s eve a target, we shoot up some ammo, call in artillery and campaign in the Democrats' Pete Francis. Rippon is making his way back to her for he dared not, "Rooster" Cogburn, the meanest widely exported the wo gunships and, when all the noise is over, we call in a efforts to strengthen their slowly The Republicans held this seat across the desert when, one night, somehow, look at her. He liked to little one-eyed marshall in town, There are the mounts ~ his horse is stolen. He ma ages to have her, like a dream, a thing too and they go after the murderer, the desert, the epic beaut~ fading control of the State 24 of the past 40 years. No catch up with the thief and, beautiful tobetrue. 'By Heavens,' Mattie is a darling, nevercomes West. Next, the men in tl~ reasonable count of kills that will satisfy higher authority. Senate. Democrat has even held it for strange to tell, is hired by him to he said, 'you are going to be unstuck. She is rough in speech are men in motion, see~ Sometimes we -kltow we didn't give anybody more than a A s recent as 1 961 the more than one term. take his place. Palding is on his happy all the rest of your life.'" and manner, pure as driven snow, what they sought was a ~] headache. But it s all part of the game, and we all play our Democrats held a 36-13 margin in Hope Pinned on Feud way to reclaim a ranch which he It does not take a high I.Q. to and sharper than a tack. She They lived a dangerous,1 the upper chamber, but the Republican hopes of left 20 years ago after killing a enjoy "westerns, or to write drives hard bargains, makes good existence, and their bo~ part." Republicans gradually have been. capturing the third, or key seat member of the powerful Barrett them, in fact a high I.Q. would be estimates of danger, fears nothing, ' can be found everywhere'~ Stay silent, majority - just keep sending in your boys chipping away at it. Gaining two entail an invasion of strong clan. He fears now that they mean a handicap. All one needs is to and bears unbearable hardships, the lasting moral to four seats at a time, they have Democratic territory, and are to kill him but he does not tell relax, just relax. She lectures evil men in Scripture, courage, independence, 0] and money, whittled that margin down to a based upon a long-time political Rippon. ,, Lee Hoffman's "West of delivered deadpan, honesty - always come scant 27-22, where a turnover of feud between Sen. John T. The ,novel is Rippon Rides Cheyenne" (Doubleday, 1969)When they catch up with and these are the virtues] just three seats could throw the McCutcheon and former Tacoma Double (Dodd, Mead, 1968) bYtells eta man, Eben Hawkins, Chancy and his gang, thereisgun to read about. They balance the other way. Mayor A. L. (Slim) Rasmussen. Max Brand, pen name of F. Faust who finds his brother has been fire. Some of hte outlaws are shot romanticized to be sure, Ill The Republicans made a Rassmussen already has who has written some 530 books, killed and his homestead burnt by but Mattie, poor gal, is captured a soothing folklore. AnCl serious threat to take over in the announced his decision to run After reaching the ranch shack, an evil rancher who claims to own and thrown into a den of - there is violence -, the last election by capturing four against McCutcheon for the Rippon meets with the Barretts the valley. Eben, with the aid of rattlesnakes. HOw she gets out of brawl, "high noon" Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle seats formerly held by Democrats, Democratic nomination. It and is offered a large sum for his Jacob s lovely widow, begins to this and nails her man, is a great Indian ambush, the Cavalt but the Democrats countered by promises to be a blood-spilling rocky holdings. There is gold on rebuild the cabin and to farm a example of "true grit, and a tale The western is an easy Mailing Addrem: Box 430, Shelton, Wash. 98584 Phone 426-4412 winning two seats which the battle on which the Republicans the place but Rippon does not strip. Again the place is set on fire to end all tales of the wild, wild read, easy also to write, Published at She~ton, Mason County, Washington, evew Thursday. Republicans had held long enough hope to capitalize, learn this until much later,by night riders and Eben all but West. all hands are agreed on ¢ Entered at Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Shelton, Wash. to consider their own privateTo make the most of this Unwilling to sell, he is warned, killed. Sorely wounded, he The humor in the book adds to story should include. its charm. For instance, Mattie property. Chances Shrink The Democrats have been counting on the same strategy in the coming election, offsetting any possible Republican gains by knocking over a couple of Republican incumbents. They still will make a try for Faulk's seat but with O'ConneU out of the picture, their chances will be less than 50-50. Member of National Editorial Association Member of Weshington Newspaper Publishers' Association SUBS4:RIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year in Mason County, in advence -- Outside Mason County $6.00 targets in the situation, the Republicans are trying to persuade Mary Tommervik, famous former athlete at Pacific Lutheran University, to carry their banner• Running in a year when Democrats were winning all other county races by lopsided margins, Tommervik came within a whisker of being elected county commissioner in 1968. it was so close that the result hung on the absentee ballots. then fired on, then beaten up, but he does meet Maisry who helps him. All that remains is the final shootout, after which comes his chase to catch the girl who has taken to the hills. The scene with Maisry is worth noting, for it ismeant to show the modesty and morals of Old West men. The girl has taken off her wet clothes, hung them by the fire to dry, and lies on a bough bed covered with a blanket. recovers and returns to fight. In face of great odds, he overcomes the bad men, marries the widow, and works the land. A much harder book to write is a spoof on the formula western, for example Charles POrtis "True Grit" (Simon & Schuster, 1968). This is a good book, well worth reading. The story is about Mattie Ross, age 14, Yell County, Arkansas, whose father has been killed by a EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G. Gay PLANT SUPERINTENI:~ENT ........................ Jim Shrum NEWS EDITOR .Alan Ford OFFICE MANAGER ......................... Lodema Johnson OFFICE ASSISTANT ............................. Mary Kent ADVERTISING MANAGER ...................... Don Adolfson WOMEN'S EDITOR ........................ • Jan Danford Oth ,r 4 - SheJton-Mason County Jour--nal - Thursday, January 15, 1910 tells about a woman she knew ,who ran a needle "bone deep" into her foot. The needle worked its way out years later in the hip of her third child! To conclude, there is much I'd like to say about the western, having been an addict all my life. Once every blue moon a Bret Harte comes along, a Zane Grey, or A. B. Guthrie, but mostly one reads what he can find. Why are good men should win, men lose, and woe bel author who ignores thil rule. int. Viewpo" ' The fickleness of the l love is only equalled][ infernal constancy of tilt1 who love me. - George Berl!~ L