January 15, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 15, 1970 |
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Election of Russell F.
Erickson as chairman and chief
executive officer of ITT Rayonier
Incorporated was announced this
week by Harold S. Geneen,
chairman and president of
International Telephone and
Telegraph Corporation.
Charles E. Anderson was
elected to succeed Erickson as
president and becomes chief
operating officer.
ITT Rayonier is a major forest
products manufacturer and a
wholly owned subsidiary of ITT.
Anderson is a former
The restuarant is open from 6
a.m. to 8 p.m. catching the
breakfast trade. Featured
specialties of the house include all
types of seafood, rib eye steak
and home made pie.
They are long time residents
of the area. Nadine has worked in
local cafes the past 15 years. The
Fleshmans have two children,
Tammy 6 and Byron, 8.
The deadline for employers to
give employees their 1969 W-2
forms, showing earnings, income
tax withheld and Social Security
information is Monday, February
2, 1970, Neal S. Warren, District
of Internal Revenue for
Former Resident
Succumbs In Iowa
Donald E. Stevens, 44, a
former Shelton resident, died
following a heart attack whicfi
occurred while he was driving a
pickup truck in Ottumwa, iowa
on December 23. tte had moved
there from Shelton about three
weeks prior to his death.
He had lived in Shelton for
approximately 14 years, and had
been employed as manager of
Kimbel's Richfield Service. He
also, for se~;eral years, operated
Dick's Transfer Company.
tte was a Navy veteran of
World War I1, and had served in
the South Pacific. He was a
member of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars and of the Moose
tte was born in West Grove,
Iowa, August 25, 1925. He is
survived by his wife, Wanda; one
son, Sgt. Chris Stevens, with the
Mrs. Townsend
Dies In Seattle
Mrs. Allie Mae Townsend died
last Thursday in a Seattle hospital
at the age of 69 years.
She was born July 17, 1900,
in Hornbeak, Tenn. and was
married to Joe A. Townsend on
April 27, 1917, in Lennox, Tenn.
She had been a resident of
Shelton and Mason County for 52
years. She was a member of the
Seventh Day Adventists Church
of Shclton.
She is survived by her
husband Joe Townsend; five sons,
lames M. Townsend of Louisville,
Ky., Newton A, Townsend, C.
Eugene Townsend, Thomas C.
Townsend, and Joe C. Townsend;
two brothers, Lloyd Johnson of
Matlock and Roy Johnson of
Aberdeen; two sisters, Mrs. Vi ttill
of Montesano and Mrs. Effie Ring
of Aberdeen: I I grandchildren:
and 6 great-grandchildren.
6 Chairs
• & Table
Aberdeen resident, the son of the Hutch
late E. H. Anderson and Mrs. E. Air Force in New Brunswick, The funeral service was held
Anderson now living in Washington, said today. Canada; one daughter, Connie, of Monday in the Batstone Funeral
Corvallis Ore )~nderson is a 1946 W-2's have to be filed with the home; his mother, Mrs. Dollie Home, with the Elder George ,~,, ....
graduate of" Weatherwax High income tax returns and those Stevens of Ottumwa; two Rasmussen officiating. Burial was ~,~"~,
School. taxpayers who had more than one brothers, Russell Stevens of in the Shelton Memorial Park. ~. ,i~n~,~ ....
COTTAGE CAFE job last year should make sure Shelton, and Max Stevens of *~
they attach all of their W-2's Ottumwa; and one granddaughter.
'CHANGES HANDS when they filed their returns. Burial was in the Shau~ Walter W. Allen
Cemetery in Ottumwa.
Edna L. Richards
Dies In Hospital
Edna L. Richards, 617 So.
lOth, died Sunday in tile Mason
General Hospital at the age of 43
She was born Jan. 23, 1926,
in Belfair, and had lived in this
area most of her life. She was an
IBM operator for the Simpson
Timber Company. She was a
member of the United Methodist
She is survived by her
husband Edward of the home; by
two sons, James and Gary (Bill)
of the home; her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wiley Pringle; a brother,
William Whaley of Anchorage,
Alaska, and a sister, Mrs. Gertrude
The funeral service was held
Wednesday with the Rev. Horace
Mounts officiating, and burial in
the Shelton Memorial Park.
Fascism in America will
attempt to advance under the
banner of Americanism and
- Georgi Dimitrov
Dies In Belfair
Walter " W. Allen died last
Thursday in his home in Belfair.
He was born Sept. 3, 1889, in
Little Falls, Minn., and moved to
Chehalis in 1898. He lived in the
Chehalis and Granger areas until
he came to Mason County in
1927. For the past 43 years he
had been a resident of BeIfair and
Mason County.
tie was a retired welder,
having been employed at the
Navy Yard at Bremerton. He was
a member of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars; of the Brotherhood
of Yeomen; and of the Veterans
of World War I of the U.S. Navy.
He is survived by a son, Albert
Allen of Belfair.
Graveside services were held
Saturday in the Claquato
Cemetery in Chehalis under the
direction of the Batstone Funeral
Information submitted to the
Journal in the obituary of Merritt
Stark last week incorrectly said he
was the owner of the Waterwheel
and Alderbrook groceries.
Mr. Stark operated both of
these businesses, but, leased them
from the owner~ rather than
purchase them.
and -
room Su
Dresser with Mirror and Chest
Who's Braggin ?
We happen to
where you can have
a brand new,
With Plastic Laminate Top.
Set includes
with mirror
and chest.
3rd & Grove
"Where Your Windshield is
Guarantee Not to Leak',
The Cottage Care, long known
~as a place to find good food, has
recently been sold to Nadine and
• Dale Fleshman.
The Fleshman's took over the
6th of January from Lee and
! Betty Kiefer.
Startup of a new
quarter-million dollar line for hot
Too Late to Classify
roll embossing of inflating board
~__~______________ panels and acoustiL'~al tile got
underway Jan. 8, in Simpson
TO GIVE away, part shepherd Timber Company's Insulating
female pup. Phone 426-1086. Board Plant at Shelton.
Mcl/15 Orville Shelton, Seattle,
HERE'S YOUR CHANCE to own general manager - IBP, says the
!a four-wheel drive ieep, 3/4 ton, new line is equipped to produce
;all set to go. Has hubs, mirrors, panels 4 x 10, 12, and 14 feet
:heavy duty bumper. Take over long for the mobile home
iPayments and it's yours. Ca modular building industry as well
M26-4195 after 6 p.m. C1/~.5tfn
i~--- as acoustical contractor and
:K E N M O R E A O T O M A T I C dealer trade.
iwasher. Coldspot refrigerator. Woodrow Johnson, Shelton,
il3oth in good condition For IBP production manager, reported
iinformation call 426-2557. L1/15
Thursday's startup progressed as
;JTWO TV's, black and white, onecrews worked to symchronize
!Zenith, one Magnavox. Good operation of the nearly 600-foot
::condition $75.00 each. 426-8725
after 5 p.m. 131/15 long production line.
Under heat and pressure,
Legal Publications
metal rolls etched with a
registered Simpson design imprint
the fiberboard panels. One design
is being used for the trial
production runs. A second
Simpson-oriented design will be
added to the production line next
month. The embossing line also is
designed to produce panels and
boards in white and pastel
NO. 21926
State of Washington
Department of Water
Resources multicolor combinations.
Olympia Capacity of the new embossing
.~ That RUFUS W CUZICK or line is IBP plant capacity -
$helton Washington on 300,000square feet I /2 inch basis
December 9 1969 f ea -,' day. ,,
zaPPHcation for perm t to divert a
:~lh.e Public waters of Rock Creek
~r=butary of Gosnell Creek, =n the •
~mount of 0 01 cubic foot per
~e~Ond subject to
Continuously each y .,
ex JeSat~ n gf 2~ ght ~1~
pUrpose of domestic supply that
~he approximate point of
~ v~rs!on is located within EV2 NW
~'-g owv4 of Section 3. Township
~ i~l.., Range 4W. W.M., in Mason
•.ounty be
An~/ objections must
~CCompanied bv a two dollar
~$.2.:00) recordi~a fee and filed
,~ltl~ the Depar(ment of Water
~e~ujrces within thirty (30)days
ary 15 1970.
i Witness my hand and off cial
~e~9this 26th day of December,
Assistant Director,
Division of Water
! Management.
uepartment of Water
Himlie Realty
Instant Speed Selection
Seven Pre.Selected Speeds at
Your Finger Tips. Exclusive In-
stant-Achon Button.
King Size Capacity
large 48-0once (6-cup) C0n-
tamer Wdh Easy-To-Read Liquid
No-Tip Power Unit
Powerful 600 Watt Motor. Non-
Marking Rubber Feet, Convenient
Cord Storage, Model No. 8950
The nea~ l.m look ~I this modern style re
chner makes it an attrachve addlhon to a den
or IV room [xperlly tailored loam roll arms
wlth button tufted double welte(~ loam back
Upholstered m deep leather grained expanded
Available in Brown,
Oxblood, Avocado & Gold.
A rocking and reclining chair lhat pleases
everyone Expert workmansh*p allows this
Rocker Recliner to slip easily from rocker, to
s~ttmg position, to IV viewing, to full recline
Break away mechanism with seat and back 0p.
prating independently• A handsome addition to
any home•
Available in Bittersweet
& Palm Leaf.
New Super Surgilator agitator
3-Cycles, 2 Speeds
Special Cool-down care for Permanent
Press fabrics
Magic-Mix lint filter More 'scrubbing'
S-Water Temperature selections currents
4 power-spray
Available in
White and Avocado
Model No. LVA 5540
5 Drying cycles .Special Cool-down care
Fast Drying system lets you dry bigger
loads in less time
Easy-to-clean top-mounted lint screen
Extra large snap proof drum
Permanent-Press timed cycle
Tumble-Press control system
Available in Gold & Green.
. _ -- .......................... ~_--_~_1
"Building Mason
Model No. LVE 5500
Available in
White and
Radiant Fan-Forced
Heat... Instantly!
Of Shelton
" " ic Hw N 426 3264
J and Olymp y. • , -
V" Thursday, January 15, 1970 - SheltoP"--n-Mason County Journal - Pag