January 15, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 15, 1970 |
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rst Meeting
PIONEER - The big news in
the area this week is formation of
a Citizens Advisory Committee to
work with the Pioneer School
Board. Members and committees
to which they have been
appointed are:
Public Relations; Sid
Baunsgard, Chairman; Diane
Johnson, vice chairman; Pete
Goldsby, Alice Raymond, Helen
Walker, Leah Irwin, and John
Finance and Building: Phil
Stout, Chairman; Chuck Bridges,
vice chairman; Keith Jones,
Claude Irwin, Hugo Glaser, Irene
Goldsby, Bill LaMont and Don
Curriculum and Teaching:
David Shawver, Chairman, John
Harp, vice chairman, Kay
Sushak, Marda Moore, A1 Jones
and Bob Wells.
The Advisory Board has
elected John Cook general
chairman, Bud Glaser general vice
chairman and Helen Walker
Secretary-Treasure. The General
Advisory Committee will meet
the first Thursday of each month
and the 3 sub-committees will set
their own meeting times and
Other items of business
enacted at the School Board
meeting last Monday evening
were; a change of regular meeting
date of the Board from the
second Monday to the second
Tuesday of each month. Purchase
of a Dempsey Dumpster to
contain the school's refuse.
Possible sale of the G.M.C. diesel
school bus and consideration of
RONALD B. WELCH (right), whose parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald V. Welch, and wife, Judy, live at Mason Lake, was
promoted to Army specialist five Nov. 29 while serving with
the 23rd Artillery Group near Phu Loi, Vietnam.
Congratulating him is Col. Joseph N. Hearin, commanding
officer, 23rd Artillery Group. Spec. 5 Welch, a helicopter
crew chief in the group's Headquarters Battery, entered the
Army in August 1967, completed basic training at Ft. Lewis,
Wash., and was stationed at Hunter Army Airfield, Ga., prior
to his arrival in Vietnam last September.
"If you're not sho
Shelton Motor
you're paying too
4-speed, radio, rear
Positraction, NADA
price $2795
SlturcMys -- 9:30 to 6:00 1332 Olympic Hwy. S.
Page 1-O - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 15, 1970
At The Close of Business December 31, 1969
Cash and Securities ........................... $2,692,147.07
Real Estate Loans ............................. 37,000,983.32
Loans on Savings Accounts ............ 124,928.17
Other Loans ................................................ 31,991.66
Real Estate Owned Through Judgement None
Federal Home Loan Bank Stock ... 280,400.00
Office Buildings & Equipment
(Less Depreciation) ........................ 918,097.83
Deferred Charges and Other Assets 36 ! t913.13
TOTAL ASSETS ............................... $41,410,46 I. 18
Savings of Members ........................ $34,660,126.21
F.H.L.B. Advances .............................. 1,400,000.00
Mortgage Loons in Process ............ 1,014,548.41
Specific Reserves ....................................
Advance Payments for Taxes
& Insurance .......................................
Discounts and Deferred Income
Accounts Payable .................................
Reserved--Set Aside for Your
Safety ..............................................
RESERVES ................................................ $4 i ,410,461.18
Alden Bayley
Dr. R. W. Norvold
G. L. Salisbury
Phil C. Bayley
Robert L. Snyder
Georgia Baling
Assistant Manager
V. T. Connolly
Harold Sutherland
Bonnie Tibbits
Shelton -- First & Railroad, 426-8211
Home Office: Olympia
Olympia • Montesano • Vancouver • Shelton
6% equals
6.13% for
Capital soverl
of record
Dec. I 5, 1969,
for amounts
of $10,000 or
_ .~pc
Chevell ,parr
Station Wagon, V-8 & ~taoo
'65 Falconpol
k ~a~
4-dr., 6-cyl., stic ,t~ c
.... ~(~$1
I -- !f:t;
65 Ford i~! T~
Galaxie 4-door, hardtop, ~py
auto., power steering ~ m
Classic 550 Wagon, V-8, ~Ur
& overdrive. !dfc
'63 Chevy
4-dr., 6-cyl., stick
priced fr,
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Buril Nye, 426-4532
AI Browning,
Geo. HasBrouek,
233 South I st
426-8252 Used
All license plates, bear-
ing the initials LSD, have
been withdrawn by the
N.J. Motor Vehicle Bureau
for fear that some citizens
may accuse the bureau of
publicizing illicit drugs.
Nell's Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2 !.65
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
A midwinter opportunity
leading to a nicer looking yard
and garden will be offered to
many Western Washington
residents beginning Jan. 20.
Washington State University,
through its Cooperative Extension
specialists based in Puyallup, will
present a series of two-and-a-half
hour seminars at eleven different
locations. Subjects to be covered
include insect control in
ornamentals; turf management;
care of ornamentals emphasizing
design; and a session on plant
diseases. These will be taught by
Drs. James Pennell, Roy Goss,
Bernard Wesenberg and Arlen
Davison, respectively, all based at
WSU's Western Washington
Research & Extension Center,
All sessions begin at 7:30 a.m.
and run through 10 p.m. Sessions
in this area are at Olympia.
Brochures concerning the
se~ainars are off the presses now
and can be obtained along with
further information from our
Extension office here in Shelton.
,rd Course
Army Specialist Four Robert
G. Rutledge, 21, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert G. Rutledge, Shelton,
was assigned Nov. 25 to the 20th
Engineer Brigade in Vietnam as an
engineer equipment mechanic.
Ills wife, Janet, lives in
It's time for the 1969 Census
of Agriculture and your help is
needed in completing this vital
record. Farmers will receive their
census forms and then will be
asked to fill out the form and
mail it back not later than Feb.
The names are gathered from
several sources and you could
receive more than one set of
forms.Each set has a Serial
Number and that serial number is
yours. If you receive more than
one set, see page 3 in the blue
book. If you have other
questions, call the county agent at
426-4732 and together we will try
to work it out.
Thus variances causedby age
differences and a possible
self-selection bias were avoided.
The study was originally
designed to find out whether
additional types of vision tests
should be added to the
conventional static visual acuity
test now administered to driver
license applicants.
.+ +hn'view, ofth¢ findings, no new
tests are contemplated, Motor
Vehicles Director Doug Toms
said, with the possible exception
of the glare vision test.
Even though glare vision is not
correlated with a poor dr.vmg
record, it seems to be a dangerous
defect of which the driver should
be made aware," he said.
The testing was conducted by
John George and the report
compiled by Crancer and Peggy
O'Neall of the research division.
State Patrol Chief Will
Bachofner paid tribute today to
the approximate l ,800,000
drivers in the State of
,~ashington. Reason fc~r the praise
was the 4.1 death rate for the
year 1969.
This death rate is the lowest
figure ever established in the
history of our state, said Chief
Robert Rutledge
Is In Vietnam
Bachofner. The death rate figure
means that 4.1 persons lost their
hves for every 100,000,000
vehicle miles traveled.
"Another figure of which we
are very proud," said the Patrol
Chief, "is the 105 fewer lives that
were lost in 1969 as of midnight
December 31, compared to the
same period in 1968. When
virtually every other state
throughout the nation
experienced an increase in traffic
deaths last year, our State showed
a decrease of 105," he said.
According to many traffic
experts, Bachofner said, one of
the prime reasons for the
improved traffic safety record has
been the Implied Consent Law,
which went into effect on
December 5, 1968. This law
requires any driver who has been
arrested for driving while
intoxicated to submit to an
alcohol breath test or forfeit his
right to drive for a period of six
months. This particular violation
has been at or near the top of the
list of fatal accident causes for
some time.
planning bids for a conventional Trailer owners must now pay because 60 percent of their excise Custom Coupe, V-8, aut
IWA LOCAL 3-38 Santa Claus visited three nursing homes in Mere bus. Installation of a phone in the power steering, radio &
Principal's new office and the their annual vehicle license fees tax goes directly to the schoolplayer, vinyl top, one o~
Mason County before Christmas. Here, he visits with Have Meet purchase of a set of reference by Jan. 31 instead of March 30, district in which the trailer is
residents of the Allyn House. John Drebick was Santa and books published by the Book of the Department of Motor located. $2295
was assisted by Bob Whitmarsh and Arnold Livingston. Members of the YesteryearKnowledge Company. Vehicles reports. _
The 1969 legislature changed I H u l
Car Club met at the Hood Canal The school lunch menu for the license expiration date, at the O se
Woman's Club House for a next week appearsintheJournal same time including a provision 67 PontJ,
Christmas Party and dance Dec. through the courtesy of Ken that a mobile home or travel
Night Driving Problem TO 20. Admission was a can of food Chapman of Evergreen Drug trailer license plate must be[ Hulltlng? I B°nnevi"e'2"dr'Hardt° auto., power steering,& la
to be put into a Christmas basket Center. The firm will sponsor the displayed on 'an exterior wall.., air cond., radio & tape pl
for a needy family, weekly lunch menu until the end in a position where it may readily vinyl top.
Music for the dance was of the present school year. be seen from the road or driveway
Night driving may pose special driving record" wa~ defined as at defects than driers with clean furnished by Randy and Mike The GirlScoutCadetteTroop I H ] s2495 i Wc
hazards for three out of 10 least two accidents within therecords, and (2) which vision Linder and Attic Nicklaus. Hayes plans a paper mache" project for nearest the trailer." ave
drivers, according to a recentpast year or two accidents anddefects are most closely related to David provided entertainment their January workshop. The Cub l'he Jan. 31 expiration dateI Hi [ ~°°
vision study by the Departmenttwo violations in the past twopoor driving records, with a musical saw, accompanied Scouts of the area are busily was adopted so that travel trailer mile . ~u~
Ipl!'l '*+
of Motor Vehicles years) [ H
• - :- No relation between driving on thepianobyMarieLinder,engaged in knight and armor and mobile home licenses would 66 Bu=c oo+
In special vision tests given to The groups were also tested for record and vision test scores was The group is making plans for making for their Feb. 9 pack expire at the same time as other •
285 male drivers, researchers depth perception, double vision, found research chief AI Crancer spring and summer tours and meet. More news on these troops vehicle licenses. (ttowever, the Electra 225, 4-door, au!~is ,
power steering & brake~rv (
found that 32 percent had peripheral vision, eye muscle of the' motor vehicles denartment parades and is looking for newand their activities in next week s expiration date for other vehicle conditioning. +ey
"'almost no ability" to see imbalance, general night vision, reported. In fact, drwers with" members. Anyone interested cancolumn, licenses was later extended five
darkened objects when bright static visual acuity (the poor records scored significantly contact Jean Myers for more Mrs. Start Sushak has once daysto Feb. 4.) !l 426-2646 II 52~o5~ I c (
lights were simultaneously within conventional eye chart test), and better on many of the tests information, again been appointed Captain of On their license renewal forms,
their range of vision, dynamic visual acuity (ability to indicating that persons with vision The time and place of the the Agate, Picketing, Spencer trailer owners must fill in theI Hi I~ ] ~1e
This "glare vision" test wasdiscern moving objeets), problems may- be inclined to January meeting will be Lake and Phillip Lake areas for number of the school district in mime Ken il~
only one of several special vision The study was an attempt to com_ensate19 by dr~'vmg more announced later, the annual Heart Fund Campaign. which the trailer is located. This is| [ 166 Musta~
exams given to 177 men with find out (1) if drivers with. carefully.
poor driving records and 108 with numerous accidents and citatmns ....... ~.;,,., ....... , V-8, auto., air conditioa~arte
good dr,vmg records. (A poor on the,r records have more between 50 and 70 years old and $1595 ~L(
were required to take the test.