January 15, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 15, 1970 |
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.Jnagers of Rest-A-White are Mr.
PPlI~I Mrs. Ed Zimmer, and they
2,0, y fishing is really great for Black
nU$Outh Salmon. Limits are being
~eygght daily, Ed reports, being
successful using herring,
ers, and four ounces of lead.
weights have been between
I[ and 17 pounds. Ed and Marie
[ ~placed the Dudreys the first of
ds year, as Mr. and Mrs. Dudrey
turned to Yakima to resume the
~eration of their grocery store
cated there.
Biggest problem for the new
anagers has been the boat dock
';?:'~mesdg;ora~CeiaVred bYl:eCendtoc~gh
~s time and will remain this way
ltil March 1, when contractors
!11 be able to rebuild.
Claude Dugger on Washington
Ecology and Washington Coastal
Indians. Mrs. Run Goes presented
patterns for scarf making,
followed by Vicky Bloomfield's
demonstration on sandwiches
which was judged by the 4-H
group. The forestry class
discussed demonstrations and will
meet at Mrs. Harold Drake's to
begin making a plant press.
The Hi Riggers are sorry to
see Mark Chisum leave them and
wish him the best for his stay in
Alaska. Also the group extend a
welcome to Fred and Todd
Shelton High School
rls Club Sla
Of Upcoming
As the new year starts the
SHS Girls' Club has many plans
which will keep them busy for
quite a while.
Among these plans are the
Girls' club role, a semi-formal
• Having a point system by
which to keep track of club
officers and thereby giving
everyone a fair chance at an office
was also discussed. If this system
was used a person would reach so
many points and then would not
be able to hold any other offices
I~_ When Delores and Bob Velkov dance to which the girls ask the giving someone else who might be
loved to the Canal three years boys. The role will be held Feb. 7 just as good a chance at holding a
,,,t~oh~..... _~,___J__c,=.._..____|° they left behin.d their in the Angle gym. A rock group position.
"~tl~."°_'~.'_~"u"tc"uso~lve Ycat~ from Bremerton called "Hope" Raising the price of the ASB
~ Wq;'t "'iunc :~og:: t ' t ::ac hSl t?r gagh
will be playing for the dance, cards was another topic of
Tickets will be on sale for $3 per discussion. It had already been
lrrespondence. Now a happy couple, put before the students and they
~nion, as once again they ha e Tomorrow night at the rejected the idea. The card now
~. and Mrs. L. Johnson for their basketball game the winner will costs $5 and goes toward the
~ghbors. Leonard and Tarcile be selected for the am/fm radio, athletic fund, the Highclimber,
~ar) with children, Freddie, The raffle is the girls club's annual and the annual. A student with
FIl~dd, and Theresa, have moved TB drive to help raise funds for one gets into all home games free
toP) Hoodsport from Lakewood, the Tuberculosis fund. The fund and gets discount on dances and
~, b'.,~lif, where Johnson was raising has been going since the the like.
PlaYmployed as a machinery middle of December and tickets The next senate meeting will
lesrnan. . ~ have been selling for 20 cents be held at 8 a.m. in the Angle
While on the subject oi apiece or five for $1. study hall next Wednesday.
i unions, John Dorn received a Other events being planned by
lone call from Mrs. Lois Pierce, t h e g i r 1 s club are t he ROTARY
i~uiring as to his birth place, as
Im~¢ conversation progressed it was
w"Scovered Mrs. Pierce, formally
aut~is Allen of Echo, Ore. was a
Ike~"rY dear friend of John s father.
ley attended school together
td corresponded during the time
*hn Sr. was in the Navy. Mrs.
erce lost contact with the Dorn
mily in 1917, so it will be a real
~-Jb fest in the near future, when
[PlUm senior arrives for their
tio~rterly visit.
} Longbeach, Calif. is now the
mporary residence for Gary and
II[|t Beardon, son of the Robert
"'~tiiardon's. Gary completed his
& s heeling in Philadelphia Naval
:heel around the first of
~cember and came home for the
*lidays and is now doing Shore
)ntrol Duty on the Border of
ck iuana, Mexico, while awaiting
'~ completion of his assigned
'"~stroyer now under
alp', Jim Shumates were very
,Vppy to have a two-week visit
om daughter, Judy and
tsband, Barry Frantz. The
ursome attended the Boat show
Seattle and visited with
i,ughter Jane who is now living
eI, Seattle. Judy and Barry then
• 8,¢turned to their home in
adford, Ore.
Also attending the show
tnday were Maurice and Marie
¢' Jan. 8 at the Georgie Johns,
ick ¢ Thimbles planned a skating
xty to be held in Olympia,
• bara Ward was delegated to
range date and cost for the
father-daughter banquet and the
mother-daughter tea. The
father-daughter will be held
sometime in March and the
mother-daughter tea will be held
sometime in May., the exact dates
have not been set.
Some lucky couple may win
an all-expence paid ski trip to
Crystal mountain in February.
That is if they hurry and purchase
a ticket from one of the members
of the debate class of Mark
Mitrovich, the instructor.
Tickets have been going for 25
cents apiece. The drawing will be
held sometime toward the end of
January and the couple will be
able to choose the date on which
they would like to go. If they
can't ski they will even receNe
free lessons. Transportation will
also be provided if necessary.
Last week the Z Club held a
book sale at which they sold
popular paperbacks and some
hard cover books for as little as S
cent apiece to 25 cents apiece.
The club is trying to raise funds
for projects they would like to
take up later in the year.
At the last senate meeting the
dress code was brought up again.
A committee has drawn up the
changes they would like and
submitted to Louis Grinnell the
Superintendent. Some of the
changes that are wanted are
allowing boys to wear mustaches
and long hair, allowing girls to
wear pants all the time and
~mbers. Becky Sharpe gave a
eg~rnonstration on seam sewin ,
---- g
e. the girls are hard at work
P_ ,.,
..fl :mg their own outfits to be ,.,range ,u,es
J ~rn at a soon scheduled fashion
0w. Sherry Peterson served her For
Friday Nig
~memade cookies to the eager
~etites. By DORA HEARING
~t~t0ME SOON MATLOCK - Matlock Grange
~el Ed (Red) Radtke is recovering will hold its first meeting of the
Y and should be home soon New Year this Friday night with
)m Mason General. Lasttta~e~k Pot Luck Supper at 6:30 p.m. and
fli was rushed to the Heap" nte~ meeting at 8 p.m.
Ladies Club met last
LitII Shumate and other volu Wednesday with Mrs. I. C. Ford
i ~!edrs°3f~Ht~a!it~ilfstr ~T~! hostess. Ten members were out.
e l'he next meeting is Jan. 21 with
Mrs. Kenneth Howard hostess.
fited to join these unsung heros, That is the birthday celebration
if per chance you are interested
~next meeting will be Jan. 20 for Marie McKay, Rachel Valley
P.m. md Dorothy Adams.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and
~LP THE TEAM r st Carl Portman were dinner guests
| Uniforms are the uppe me of Mrs. Thelma Leortscher of
q ~the football team's mind these Elma Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
~Se~S Junior High having never Cook of Montesano also were
• a~.Y tackle football want todinner guests.
~t next season. However, it Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker
~ms that the gear needed has to spent the weekend in Seattle with
~e from fund raisine orojects Vlr. and Mrs. Pat Walker and
--,,/~ aonations Uniforms are baby.
~Iting around "$75.00 each so Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hliboki
mations should be sent to Hoodof Shelton were Sunday visitors at
tnal Jr, High. Any real good the Portman home.
tad raising ideas should be called The Pinochle Club will meet
to Bill Bryant. at the Grange Hall this Saturday
.re. ~OD CANAL HI RIGGERS night.
Meeting at Hood Canal school - -- ' '
brought to order by President LOWREY
!? Bloomfield, and a very Organs & Pianos
32 }tertaining meeting was Rent or Buy on
:',~ Slides were shown b M,~
.~lerway. Y -.
flgw~_~.P nights, burning, frequent
jli~c/mt: flow, lea" or BACKACHE
~.~rUDof functional, kidney dis-
m~ IBUK~Ts (take only 3
• t ]Ft-~r~,-~/L(~n~a ~mNEVS. R~- Ol~n 'UI 8:$0 p.m.
'" ~tltot nl._~_'~%"~'~u. tour 48c back
OC~lbern;--.o. m t~ houri. Now ut Wed. • Thurs.
5 mgreen Drug Center . ¢,ot
Marsha Moore will be leaving
for Australia Feb. 4 as the Rotary
Exchange Student.
As the end of the semester
draws closer a time of change has
come and the Highclimber staff
has already been changed a bit.
New editors and page editors will
be given the chance to be in
charge of the staff. The new
editors are Charlie Gay and
Debbie Shawver. Both are juniors.
Both worked as page editors last
The semester ends Jan. 23
bringing with it a score of mid
year tests and term papers. The
lucky students who have their
paper finished or don't have any
to do will get a chance to gloat at
the unlucky ones who will be
sitting at the last minute doing
the report that had been assigned
the second or third day of school.
Jan. 30 a group of about 60
junior Literature students will be
taking a trip to Seattle to see "Of
Mice And Men" taken from John
Steinback's novel, at the Opera
The students are taking this
trip as part of special projects in
Mark Mitrovich's junior lit classes.
The theatre group in his fourth
period class wrote to the Opera
house for information and
received an invitation to come
and see the play at reduced prices
and have the Opera House's stage
director come down after the
performance and speak to the
Thursday evening Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Bradberry were dinner
guests at the Wes Goodburn home
in Shelton to celebrate Harold
Hopkin's birthday.
Mrs. Jean Ator and family of
McCleary spent Sunday with her
folks Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford were
Sunday visitors at South Bend at
the LeRoy Boothe's home. They
celebrated Dave Boothe's and
Denise Bridges' birthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer
and son and Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Brehmeyer and baby of Grisdale
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and
Kelly Ann and David Davis of
Aberdeen visited the Archie
Kelley family and took in the Ball
Game at Mary M. Knight
Saturday evening.
II|mlie Iledl /
Johnson new arrivals from
Congratulations are really in
order for Tom and llona
Connally, Charolette Sharpes and
Ruth Johnston. This happy
foursome went to Olympia
Vocation and Technical School,
took the G.E.D. exam and
received High School Diplomas.
Ruth Johnston, didn't go to any
class or do any cramming, just
decided to take the test and
passed with a grade of B,
Wanda Bryant has taken over
the position of den Mother for
pack 1 1 1 Den three replacing
Dianne Laney.
Billie Astley is sponsoring an
adult ballroom dance class at
Holliday Beach Club house. The
lessons will be on Wednesday
evenings and the instructor will be
John Dorn.
For , , u
Table Tops, Mirrors, Aluminum
Sash, Shower and Tub Doors,
Storm Doors and Window Glass
Replacements of all kinds
a n n
710 Cedar • Leroy Dale • 426-1152
Call for Free Estimates
~.~O 0
Kraft Miracle Whip or Tang
1st 2 Jars,
additional at reg. price.
32 oz. Jar
Salad Cut
1st 2 Pints,
at reg.
No. 2Vz
s. For
Powdered or Brown
"The All Purpose Mix"
32 oz. Jar
GREEN s, 5/89
Ok/' l 4 Sieve Cut -- 303 Tin
CORN Standby Cream Style or 5/8V
Whole Kernel -- 303 Tin
Kerns 3/43
No. 300 Tin
CORN Happy Vale Whole 8/98
Kernel, No. 303 Tin
Red Dart 4/79'
14x/z oz.
Mrs. Grass Chicken or
Ft. Onion,Noodle -- 1Vs-oz. Pkg. 9
4 lb. Pkg.
PEAS ~"'~303 Tin 8/98'
DETERGENT Finish For Dishwashers 55
12¢ OFF -- 33 oz. Pkg.
King of
Hawaii, 46 oz.
Hersheys Instant 69¢
2 lb. size
Fragrances - 9 oz. size
lb. can
Men. thru Thurs.: .... | I a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: ...................... 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: ................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday, January 15, 1970 - Sheiton-Mason County Journal - Page ]