January 15, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 15, 1970 |
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Mrs. Olaf Johnson, known to
~' friends as Marge because her
ten name is almost unpro-
and completely
s pellab ie, was b o rnin --fqo rw ay
there, as a child, she began
hobby of rock collecting. In
9 she came to the United
and here met and married
husband and promptly
him to the wonderful
of rocks.
The Shelton Rock and
Society was founded in
and the Johnsons were
aong the first members.
of the club include
field trips throughout
and Oregon, in which
or 18 families usually
Several trailers are
and the kids and the dogs
; made welcome. According to
arge, children are just as
thusiastic about rock-hunting as
ults, and a wonderful time is
Study and experience, she
ys, guide one in selecting good
but even so many
ones are brought home.
of course, only increases the
of cutting into a rare and
Olaf cuts the rocks, with a
Lamond saw, into slabs
.~proximately an eighth of an
thick. With another type of
and with the aid of a guide,
ing n
A sub-committee of the
Multi-purpose Center Advisory
Board is considering the
establishment of a Day Care
Center in downtown Shelton for
the children of mothers who are
working full or part-time, for
families who are facing emergency
needs for child care, and perhaps
as a convenience to those who
need this service on an hourly
Day Care is a program to offer
children a home-away-from-home
when circumstances call for the
mother's absence. There is always
qualified supervision. It can be
patterned here in Shelton on the
established centers that have been
successfully run in Bremerton,
Olympia and Tacoma.
A full-time Director who is
trained in the needs and
development of young children
will provide a program of care for
the entire day. This starts with a
breakfast snack and includes
playtime, crafts, music, storytime,
games (which are conducted
outdoors when possible), lunch,
naptime and a daily health check.
The hours would possibly run
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. depending
on the community needs.
Good day care is costly and
must be subsidized by outside
sources. Financial help may be
offered by the national office
of Economic_ Opportunity "pro;
grams for mothers of low-income
families and by those who are
involved in on-the-job or other
training programs.
Community-wide support from
churches, clubs and service
organizations will be necessary.
Participation can be in the form
of volunteer work at the Center
and donations of equipment such
as toys, furniture, books, records,
The community would like to
survey the Shelton area to know
what response there might be to
this idea. If you are at all
interested in this project, will you
fill in the following form. This is
only an indication of your
interest; there is absolutely no
If low-cost Day Care for pre-school children were
available in downtown Shelton, I would possibly use it
fulltime parttime temporary by-the-hour
Children's ages:
Name: Phone:
Return to: Box X
shapes are cut - rounds, Shelton-Mason County Journal
rectangles, and other forms, Box430, Sheiton, Wa. 98584
many sizes. From these, when MRS. OLAF JOHNSON, AN ENTHUSIASTIC "rock-hound"
)lished, jewelry is made. For the holds a night-light she has made in the form of a house. The '--- ...............
rger, more intricate pieces - structure is of plywood, and has been covered with stone
~cklaces, brooches, and such the slabs in varying designs and colors, through which the lighted
are hand polished. Forinterior softlyglows. Lela Jo Dinsmore Marries
easier-to-do items, a
polish issufficient, andthis browns, and combinations of displayed individually on little In New Year's Day
accomplished in a tumbler, colors; strange and lovely easels like miniature paintings.
The tumbler owned by the patterns; translucent and opaqThe Johnsons have on display in
~hnsons takes 12 pounds of Lela Jo Dinsmore became the mk
!ocks, plus the required grit, and almost transparent nuggets, lighted cases many of these white carnations with p"
~hich comes in four types - Many of the stones thus tumbled exquisite slices as well as bride of Paul Edward Rich in arosebuds.
.~arse, medium, fine, and polish, and polished are left in theirsemi-precious stones, petrifiedNew Year's Day ceremony held in The Son of the bride, Jeffrey
,~e rocks and the coarse grit are natural shapes. _ . wood, and "just rocks", the home of the bride's mother,Dinsmore, was home on leave
~1 - Mrs. E. H. Faubert. The Reverend from Taiwan before reassignment
aced in the tumbler with . To make jewelry of these Marge makes night-lights by
~ough water to almost, but notpieces, set them upright in cementing slices or pebbles onto a Edwin C. Zschoche officiated to Adak, Alaska. Jeffrey is serving
modeling clay on a plate for ease plywood structure to be lightedwith members of the immediate with the United States Navy.
t~aite, cover the rocks. After one in handling. With epoxy, cement from within. She has made a families and close friends present. Immediately following the
Peek of constant tumbling the bell caps on the upright ends. This facade of a church in this manner, The bride was attended by her ceremony a buffet luncheon was
~cks are washed and again will harden in 24 hours at room using waxed pebbles, and also adaughter, Mrs. Larry Copelan of served to the asembled guests. Mr.
ten inch by 14 inch house, using Tumwater and best man for the and Mrs. Rich will make their
on the tumbling proc~s, temperature, or may be hardened
medium grit and water; in 20 minutes in a 200 degree
another week, the process is oven. Jump rings or chain loops
~peated, washing the rocks, and are then inserted into the bell
imbling again with fine grit, caps, and the stones are ready to
be finished into necklaces,
earrings, keychains, tiebars, pins,
and many other things.
Findings for the jewelry may
be purchased in any rock shop,
and tumbled rocks, also; however,
Mrs. Johnson says it is most
desirable to own a tumbler and do
the polishing at home.
Lovely things are made from
thin slices of rock. These may be
fashioned into table tops, or
repeated with polish,
for another week. After
an approximate month of
tumbling, the rocks are
lmbled for one day more with
tablespoons of detergent in
After tumbling, only about
of the rock remains, the outer
having been polished
Undreamed of beauty is
made visible - greens, blues,
slabs of stone.
The Shelton Rock and
Mineral Society, which is
affiliated with the Northwest
Federation of Mineral Societies, is
a constant source of pleasure,
information, and interest to the
Johnsons. Slides are shown at the
monthly meetings, to which
members take their finished
jewelry as well as specimens for
display and comparison.
The club has donated over 60
specimens to the schools, to be
used by all children in the study
of rocks.
groom was Mr. Charles Aslin, also
of Tumwater. The bride was
attired in a shocking pink knit
dress and carried a bouquet of
If all that Americans want is
security they can go to prison.
They'll have enough to eat, a bed
and a roof over their heads. But if
an American wants to preserve his
dignity and his equality as a
human being, he must not bow
his neck to any dictatorial
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
home in Tumwater.
Plans Are Made
For Reunion Party
The 1960 graduating class
from Irene S. Reed High School
will be holding its tenth
anniversary reunion party on
August 22 at the Tyee. All
persons interesting in working on
a committee are asked to call
Janet Drebis at 426-6653 before
this Saturday.
gaqement of their dauclhter, Susan, to Leslie Younalove,
of Mrs. Marshall Gilbert of Alhambra, Calif. and Leslie
Sr. A Valentine's Day wedding is planned.
You Should Know...
The widespread use of Life
Insurance today is borne out in the
fact that more than one-half of all
who leave anything to others leave
it chiefly or wholly in the form of l
Life Insurance.
1717 Olympic Highway North
Ph. 421 ~139 ' p lnlJurance forlEyEo_g 420 South First
Parents only must select finished
One special per family.
Age limit -- 5 weeks to 12 years.
Additional children in picture
at 99¢ each.
No appointment necessary.
'It Please dress the kiddies up.
Three Big Days!
MON., TUES., WED.,- JAN. 19 - 20- 21
Photographers Hours: 10 a.m. til 5 p.m. ,
elected officers of the Mason County
Republican Women's Club are, left to right,
Mrs. Robert Puhn, vice-president; Mrs. Addle
Norris, treasurer; Mrs. Einar T. Pettersen,
president; and Mrs. William Hunter,
secretary, not pictured. The installation
ceremony was performed by Mrs. Helen
Anderson of Aberdeen, the Third
Congressional District Director for the
Washington Federation of Republican
Women. The new officers extend an
invitation to members and friends to attend
a "Forward Together" luncheon to be held
January 28 at noon in the Hallmark Inn.
Speaking will be Jackie McDougall, president
of the Washington Federation of Republican
Women and the wife of Senator Bob McDou-
gall. For reservations phone 426-4747,
426-3810, or 426-4509.
ROGERSON, project co-chairman, and
Donna Davidson, president of the SheI-Toa
Orthopedic Guild are shown, left to right, as
they display the "Favorite Recipes"
Cookbook compiled and offered for sale by
this guild of the Tacoma Orthopedic
Association. Funds raised will be given to
the Mary Bridqe Children's Hospital.
a festive assortment of luscious fruits
You'll love the way PICKWICK'S whimsical
garland of orange, gold and olive fruits will
brighten your table. Franciscan Whitestone Ware
is completely safe in your oven and dishwasher
...easy on your budget toot Choose from many
accessories-add individual pieces at any time.
• ®
whitestone w re
45 pc. service for 8-only $
open stock value $72.35
":: .:
3rd & Railroad
- Thursday, January 15, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13