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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 15, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 15, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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A RECEPTION in honor of the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Matthews will be held in the Ivans restaurant in Puyallup on Sunday, between the hours of two and five p.m., given by their children, Mrs. William Matthews; Mr. and Mrs. Art Matthews; Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwood; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Matthews; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gordon; and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Matthews. The W.T. Matthews were married in Yakima on Jan. 17, 1920, and lived in the Shelton area from ]923 until ]942, when they moved to the Puyallup Valley. They now reside in Puyallup. Annual Ball Is Annou : Mr. and Mrs. George Burfoot,.'--,-,,z of Olympia announce the engagement of their daughter Susan Elaine to James K. Bennett, The Epsilon Omicron Chapter son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Beta Sigma Phi will meet at 8 Bennett. p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs. Miss Burfoot is a sophomore Richard Baxter with Judy Weston at the Central Washington State as co-hostess. A program in art College at Ellensburg, majoring in will be presented by Pat Swartos. Home Economics. Her fiance is a The annual Sweetheart Ball senior in the same college, and will be held Saturday at the Tyee after his graduation intends to in Olympia. Eight Beta Sigma Phi continue his studies for a Master's chapters from the Olympia area degree in psychology, conduct the dance, which is based The wedding will take place in on a "Winter Wonderland" theme. the United Methodist church on The queen will be chosen from March 20. the eight candidates, among Which is Mrs. John Makoviney from Shelton. Bridge Club Holds Membership Event /kmaranth To Meet Winners at the Special Membership event held by the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club in the PUD building Monday night were for North-South; Lenore Dudley and Jane Bennett; Jim Thomas and Pat Rowe; Ran Zeidaks and Eva Cole. East-West winners were Aubrey and Evelyn Wills; Mary Keller and Bill Batchelor; Louise Umphenour and Helen Ruddell. Overall winners were Lenore Dudley and Jane Bennett; Aubrey and Evelyn Wills; Jim Thomas and Pat Rowe; Mary Keller and Bill Batehelor; Louise Umphenour and ttelen Ruddell. The regular meeting of the club will be held next Monday at 7:i5 p.m. in the PUD auditorium. Next Wednesday Laurel Court No. 26 aider of Amaranth will hold a meeting at 8 p.m. on Wednesday in the Mt. Moriah Masonic Temple. This will be men's night, with Royal Matron Hattie Pierce and Royal Patron Glen Story presiding. Census To bout Employment The monthly survey of employment and unemployment conducted by the Bureau of the Census will be made in this area during the week of Jan. 18, according to John E. Tharaldson, Director of the Bureau's regional office in Seattle. Rain .Girls To Install New Officers nday Shelton Assembly 19 of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls will hold open installation of officers Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Masonic Temple. Line officers to be installed are Worthy Advisor, Georgia Clayton; Worthy Associate Advisor, Iva Lou Lanman; Charity, Shelly Chappell; Hope, Shawn Leahe; Faith, Dena \ Strache. Jeannie Nutt will be installed as recorder; Wendy Hovind, treasurer; Janet Myers, Chaplain; and Vicki Stoner, drill leader. Also to be installed are Lynn HasBrouck, Love; Jane Pogreba, Religion; Janet Lockwood, Nature; Debbie Ness, Immortality; Resa Everist, Fidelity; Susie Swayze, Patriotism; Joyce Turner, Service; Patsy Batstone, Confidential Observer; Vicki Strache, Outer Observer; Becky Brand, Musician; and Jan Wotton, Choir director. Courtesy officers include Historian, Kristi Look; Orator, Merry Coffee; Lecturer, Michele Hester; Bible Bearer, Betsy Batstone; East Page, Sara Brewer; Keeper of Jewels, Nancy Chappell; Keeper of Paraphernalia, Mary Painter. Choir members are Anne Phillips, Patty Dunbar, Kerri Kimmerly, Cathy Martin, Debt Pierson, Sheri Fuller, Diane Monroe, Lois Pearsal, Diane Bourgault, Patty Bourgault, Debbie Parsons, and Brenda Daugherty. The outgoing Mother Advisor is Mrs. Margurete Brown; the rden ;lub incoming Mother Advisor will be announced and installed at the installation by Mrs. Edwin Taylor. Installing officers will be Worthy Advisors Karen Frederickson, Lynne Fredrickson, Debbie Robinson, Mrs. Helen Soper and Mrs. Joanna Sowers. Robin Bakke will be Marshall; Kristi Look, Chaplain; Kathy McLean, Recorder; and Cinda Watson, Musician. The soloist will be Sheri Watson. Rainbow escorts will be Walter Clayton, Jr., Pep Nutt, Robb Fredrickson, Tim Anstey, and Mark Wittenberg. The Rainbow Dad will be William Brickert. On the Advisory Board for 1970 will be Mrs. Dorothy Phillips, Mrs. Hattie Pierce, Mrs. Edna Auseth, Mrs. Norma Larson, Mrs. Daisy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stensager, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Samples. Installing officer for the board will be Mrs. Edna Auseth. Serving at receptions will be Mrs. Howard E. Somers and Mrs. William Brickert, pouring; cahdle lighters and cake servers will be Lark Hamlin and Liz Grinnell; in charge of flowers will be Mary Lou Smith; guest book, Genel Stockwell; programs, Kristi Somers and Colleen Hamlin. MR. AND MRS. CECIL MCLAIN announce the en( of their daughter, Karlene Sue, to Bernard A. (Jay) son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Jacobs of Missoula, Mol Miss McLain will be graduated from Shelton High year. The future bridegroom is a graduate of a school, and is now stationed at Fort Lewis as a S the United States Army. No wedding date has been set. Households to be interviewed Meeting Today, Thursday, Jan. 15. Monday, Jan. 19 here are part of a scientifically Rotary Club luncheon, noon, PUD No. 3 commission designed sample of the U.S. population. The survey statistics The Shelton Garden Club will Ming Tree Cafe. meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference Dr. Frank Maranvllle chaired are collected for the Bureau of meet Monday at 1:30 p.m. in the Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., room. the first meeting of the yea, of Labor Statistics of the U.S.Episcopal church, farting. 's. f Timbers restaurant. County commission meeting,the Shelton Library Board Jan. 8. Department of Labor to furnisha A guest speaker from the S Date or Most Classes January 12-15 Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court " 10 a.m., court house. Two new members were basic measure of the Nation s State Parks Department will be anuary 23 house annex. Shelton Bridge Club,'7:15 welcomed to the board, Mrs. featured. Reglstrahons Open Thru J Port commission meeting, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium. Norman Remme who replaces economic health. A project planned by the tea • p.m.,courthouse. Goodwill truck in town. Mrs. Adz Oltman and B.F. Information collected in committee-Mrs. Venus Rogers, N n Me Dady Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 Phone 426-4847 for pickups. Heuston who is filling out the Bureau surveys can be used only O0 ! ~I~P. p.m.,PUDconferenceroo,m. Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 term of Rev. Carl Carlsen. to determine statisticaltotals, and Mrs. Laura Murphy, Mrs. Alice [ ULE Hood Canal Woman s Club, p.m., Episcopal church. Thomas Weston was electedfacts about each person and Dorman, and Mrs. Laura Gruver - ~Cr¢ 11:30 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. SRA card party, 7:30 p.m., finance officer, family are kept completely will be presented for i' i~ HED i~ev, Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. The Library Board of Trustees confidential by law. consideration by the members. AY "~look clubhouse. Epsilon Omicron Chapter ofis the governing body of the Interviewers who will visitthe Class MOND c,.. WEDNESDAY (cont.) ~pit, ~atl Club, 8 p.m.,PUDauditorium.Mas°n County Democrat Beta Sigma Phi, 8 p.m., home of library and serves as liaisonsample households in this area are W t 011 Auto Mech. (Appr.) Mrs. Richard Baxter. between the library and the Mrs. Alene F. Riehie, Tacoma, SU Tuii Accounting lie ,~rh~t3°r!el Girl Scout Leaders, 1 p.m., community. Board members and Mrs. Polly A. Swayze, H,ke Planned AdultSecondoryEd.(D) Bookkeeplnglo .~l'he .... , ' ' Adult S~mondary Ed. (M) Card Punch ' i home of Betty VanderWegen, 920Tuesday, Jan. 20 , wouldcitizensWelcOmeon waysSUggesti°nSto improvefr°m Shelton.. . , ..... ~: ,,~ ..... Roy Blvd. ~ ' ~ Ktwant~-Chib lunelreorr, noon,library service to the communitv. President Glenn Tei'rell * this ' AJgebm i I " ' '' " ' *'' L C~°~ ~ ~n~" Beg. tel Odd F II Electranicsll Friday, Jan. 16 Timbers restaurant, week announced his intention to Americanization Golf r at The Library Board meets the O O S recommend to the Washington Chamber of Commerce board City commission meeting, 2 second Thursday of the month at Bookkeeping I meeting' 7:30 a'm" Timbers P'm"cityhall" dR b k h StateUniversityBoardofRegents tGroupDyrmmics&thelnd, lB) '~acl restaurant. American Legion, 8 p.m., 5p.m. at the library. An e e a : an increase in tuition and fees Bus. Machlrms tGroupPraees~sC*L~ader~iplB) orn Rachel Knott Orthopedic Memorial Hall. from resident students of $33 per Card Punch tGroup Proc~,.~s (C1 .~e Guild, home of Mrs. Katherine Jaycees, 8 p.m., airport All Set Meeting academic year beginning next fall. CashlerGCheekerTm¢. *lneomeTax ~.'rlel Back, 718 James Dr., Northcliffe. clubhouse, ens Must He said the recommendation Cloth. Const., Adv. (gl ..Medical TermlnoloQy ~siti VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Rhododendron Society, 8 There will be open installation would be made only "if our Office Practices Review II ~rien Memorial Hall. p.m., PUD auditorium, of Odd Fellow and Rebekah efforts to secure General Fund tConservotionW. Shoo Orchestra, String Data Communications Programming I . ,~ Georgine Reed Orthopedic Lions Club dinner and board Guild, noon, Hallmark Inn. meeting, 7 p.m., ttallmark Inn. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 17 Masonic Temple. Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., court house Wednesday, Jan. 21 basement. Drivers license examiner, 10 Beta Sigma Phi Sweetheart a.m. -- 5 p.m., court house Ball, Tyee, Olympia. basement. Sunday, Jan. 18 Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., Multi-service center. Shelton churches invite you WARC, 8 p.m., Capital Hill to attend the church of your Club House. choice. Laurel Court No. 26, Order of Yacht Club social, 6 p.m., Amaranth, 8 p.m., Mt. Moriah ~lubhouse. Masonic Temple. FOE Auxiliary District Multi-service center advisory Meeting, Moose hall. Rainbow Girls installation of board, 7:30 p.m. at the center. officers, 2 p.m., Masonic Temple. Golden Age Club, 6 p.m., Memorial Hall. WEEK OF JAN. 19 - 23 MONDAY -- Hamburger gravy over fluffy rice, seasoned green beans, light rolls, canned fruit and milk. TUESDAY -- SI63PY Joe on buttered bun, chiWed tomatoes, whole kernel corn, apple wedge, orange cake and milk. WEDNESDAY -- Cream of tomato soup, meat sandwich, vegetable tray, chocolate chip cookie, pears and milk. THURSDAY -- Spaghetti with meat, warm buttered bread, carrots & peas, apple pie and milk. FRIDAY -- Fried chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, cabbage salad, sandwich, orange and milk. Supplement your ehlkPs diet with Plenamine from 155 R•ilroad Ave. Ph,n, 4=S.44N Thursday, Jan. 22 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m. Timbers restaurant. Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. The regular meeting of the Evergreen Wranglers was held last Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD building. Tula Kimball, the club leader, spoke concerning the club's registered thoroughbred mare, Scruffy. Debbie Shawver gave a talk on the Pony Club, which met at her home on Sunday. Money earning projects were discussed. The club has been i requested to hold a horse show in the spring. Instead of giving the mare and foal as an award this rear, club members decided to ~resent a saddle. k~ Kamilche Grange Hall Every First & Third ;es John P. Boyd, District Director, United States lmmigratinn and Naturalization Service, Seattle, stated that the month of January ha~ been designated as the period during which all noncitizens in the United States are required by Federal Law to report their addresses to the government. The address report forms to be used for making this report are available and may be filled out at all post offi,.es and african of the Immigration Service beginning Jan. 1. Boyd said that it was important that every alien in the United States comply with this requirement of Federal Law as failure to do so could lead to serious penalties. Cards of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral and food offerings given us during the loss of our loved one. Special thanks to the members of the Baptist Church. The family of George C. Johnston 426-2646 Music by the Tune Toppers Admission $1 Himlie Realty Journal - Thursday, January 15, 1970 Lodges Friday at 8 p.m. in the monies from the State Legislature Odd Fellow Hall. Rebekah are unsuccessful, and, in addition, Officers to be installed are Martha if we are permitted to waive Clark, Noble Grand; Dorothy tuitio'n and fees for needy Schwietering, Vice Grand; Beulah students for an additional one per Helser, Secretary; Grace Wells, cent, making the total two per F i n a n c ial Secretary ; Mary cent, of our total enrollment." Dobson, Treasurer; and Gloria Stoner, Trustee. The public is invited. Linda MacRae Golden Age Club In Oakland WAC Private Linda Sue To Meet Sunday MacRae, daughter of Mr. andMrs. The Golden Age Club will John A. MacRae, Shelton, is assigned to the Western Area, meet at 6 p.m. in the Memorial Military Traffic Management and Hall on Sunday. After a business Terminal Service (WA MTMTS) meeting, a potluck supper will be held, followed by music, dancing, in Oakland, Calif. following duty at Ft. Eustis, Va. and card games. NEW --$50,000 Amount --24-Hour Coverage --Disability Income (optional extra) --Accident Medical Expense (optional extra) $67.50 Year -- White Collar Worker* $100 Year -- All Others* *ages 16-64 NELSON, HALl-'& ASSOC. INC. 116 N. 2nd, SHELTON, WASH. Please furnish me with more information on $50,000 Accidental Death Insurance. Name. Address Telephone No, J Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Data Proc. Survey *Digital Computer Prag. *Geology *German G~f Group Dynamics, Basic (Supvr.) Hand Knitting, Int. (B) rind. Am-Creativity ~ Prob. Solving Mogtape-Power Typing (B) fModem Trends in Elem. P.E. Office Prac. Review I (B) l"Percepttml Motor Dilv. ~ Ltmm. Reodimlll Psychology for the Layman IBus. & Mgt.I Shorthand I Shorthand la Speed Keyboard Tmlnlng Program Sup: the Disadvantaged Typing II Understanding & Motivating Employees *U.S. History Welding, Farm Shop (D) TUESDAY' *Accounting Principl~ Acctg., Govt. I I Adult Basic Ed. Adult Se¢ondaw Ed. (JI Adult Secondary Ed. (N) Carpentry ( ,Aplx.I Creative Living Driver Education (B) Eng. as a Second lang. *English Camp. Golf tGroupDynamics & the Ind. (8) tGroup Pro¢~m~ & LamdmtMp (B) tGroup Prace~ (C) fGuidonce, Intro. to (B) Illustrating, Figures & PIo¢~ *Management PWChoI¢~w. *Math (Trig.) Programming, Computer (for Camp. Oper.I Pwbemetics, Al~plled (Self-I~ Dev.) Psycho-Cybernetics I Shorthand II *Sl~nish la Stenagmph Nk=ch. Shtd. Systems Analysis (B) Typing, Beginning (B) Typing, Refresher (8) Upholst, w (C) Welding, Form Shop (C) WEDNESDAY Pe:~ounting Io Adult S~ndery F.d. (H) Adult S~.ondery Ed. (K) Americanization Register at Evening School Dhll 943-3910 *Public Speaking *RPG System 360/30 S. ~ L. Accounting II *Shakespeare Survey Shorthand I Shorthand la Skills Improve. for Programmem Small Engine Repair Speed Keyboard Training Prngmm tStotistics, Educ. and Psych. Typing I I Understanding & Motivating Ernpkl~l~(~ *U. S~ History Welding, Industrial (BI THURSDAY *Accounting Principles Adult Basic Ed. Adult Secondary Ed. (L) Arch. Drafting Art If Cord Punch• COBOL, Beginning Driver Education (B) Elementary Music Workshop Eng. as a 2nd language *English Lit. Survey G~f Home Grounds Maint. Workahoo Interior Decoration (B) Landscape Horticulture Legal Secretarial Procedures Machine Shop, Basic *Math (Trig.) ~Percaption & Human Behavior Pho ra y Principles of Credit Union Ol~rotio~ *Public Finance ~ Retirement, Prep. for (B) *Ruttlan Shorthand II *Soclolagy I * nish I Speed Keyboard Training Prog. St, nagraph Mech. ShM. tTABA (B) Tailoring (81 Tmd~r-Ald~ Te~.her Training I Typing~ Beginning (8), U holmry (D)