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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 15, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 15, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hood Canal School C i A FI " ommun icers e ,e oo|l Boardj By YATES' Island residents this week incident the end of last month• over the-holidays so Grandma and The Hood Canal Sch "Bob" Coy sop f Engineers other activities. A meeting of parents was held HARSTINE - Here we go on extend thoughts of sympathy to a Curtis Achziger and his fiance, Grandpa could see what they commended Robert Seattle, Washington The cost to start the program Jan. 7, and it was decided to go a new year with lots of bits and very good friend, our wonderful Vivian Teeples were on their way were busting their buttons over Smith. Director Warren Edinger Dear Col next fall would be close to ahead with money raising pieces and hope most of them will mailman, Gene Townsend on theto Oakland, Calif. to be united in (their newest grandson who was moved and Director Harry Hays duel McConnelh $2,000. Each uniform will cost projects. " There are plans in be of interest to you the readers, loss of his mother last Thursday• marriage in a Merman Temple just three weeks old). The couple seconded that the followingWe, The Board of Directors of $75. It is the feeling that the progress for a candy sale, which Help along this line is always During his brief absence Dee when the car they were traveling also brought wonderful news, that commendation for the 22 years of Hood Canal School District No. money can be raised through the students will take care of. greatly appreciated• stopped in to take over his duties• in was robbed before the wedding in about a month they planned to service of Robert "Bob' Smith as 404, Shelton, Washington, have a contributions and various money Also an old fashioned community First of all I would like to A number of Islanders who took place. Their rings, his suit, move to Seattle permanently,a Hood Canal Director become a vital interest in the development making projects• Once the box social is to be held in extendmany, many thanks to the became acquainted with Bob her dress and all the other The George White family part of the minutes of thisof Alderbrook Inn. We appreciate program is established future cost February• The parents and Journal toy indulging this writer Garrison last year while he was removable items in the car were received a surprise call from a meeting. Motion carried .4-0. the function of the U.S. Army will be •taken care of by the students are sure the community her annual extravaganza and to unsuccessfully trying to locate taken• The couple rented clothing buddy of their son, Dave• HeKooert ~mltn was el_ectea as Corps of Engineers to regulate the student body• will be behind them all the way. permit the amount of space it Island property were shocked to and purchased other rings and the reported Dave had done him aDirector of Hooasport School in manner and course of building requires• For after spending learn that it was his family that wedding took place, but a bit of favor and now that he was on his November, 1947• Robert Smith bulkheads, but not to deny the was plunged int° tragedy last the shine was diminished and stars way h°me after a year in Vietnam has served c°ntinu°usly until his c°nstructi°n °f them" ~~~4~ s l numerous hours searching for last week, when his daughter, Patricia were covered with a thick layer of he wanted to return the favor. So retirement from the board in theirYear'SvariousC°py andnooksnOteSandfrOmcranniesOUt of was killed in Olympia. The clouds• The wedding took place he called to say Dave was just fine December, 1969. His 22 years of The only course is forward; (boy, do I envy efficient folks at terrible irony being that BobDec. 30. A reception was held at and was scheduled to come home service to the public schools, this is the time to assess needs for such times!) I really sincerely moved his family from California the bride's parent's, the Clef just after the middle of February, students, patrons and staff of this now and for the decades to come. appreciate the Journal's alloting to get away from such horrible Teeples home in Portland, Ore. a couple or three weeks sooner community is so commendable In fact, for those opposing the the extra space for this New Year incidents that struck his family. Jan. 3. Alice and John Budd than the family expected him. that it is difficult to find the Alderbrook .bulkhead may be a column each year• Friends here extend their traveled to their neighbor state to The John Niemi home was proper adjectives. His deep sense cowarflly diversion, a running of yes onsibilit to his• - away trom the nard task that cry It's the time of the month for sympathy to this grief-stricken attend the occasion. The bulging at the seams this past p Y posit|on .... club news once again. Last Friday family, newlyweds are now at home inweekend when both of their has in a large sense been for our lmagmatmn and skills the Community. Club met at the Martin and Esther Goetsch Vancouver where he is a teacher, daughters, Paw Graham and her accountable for the smooth right now. Hall with a very good turn-out• attended the funeral services in Grace Campbell's daughter family and Sue and her husband, operation of the schools of the The taxpayers are interested An election of officers was held Olympia last Friday for Patricia Sigrid Templeman and her John Augustine spent the district, in more local employment and in ..... tax relief; Alderbrook Inn, if for 1970. Wayne Browning was Garrison. husband and two youngsters weekend on the Island• But all rtis ienow ooard members comnleted would nrobablv retained as President with MaryCelia Glaser is lending a droveup from Modesto, Calif. had a great visit, have called him the work horse su -err o '~ ...... /" "o ' Baunsgard moving from the helping hand this week, to her ann- eta" bilizer The .... time ann PP he-nil or me sen el Secretary s post to the new daughger, Helen Franich s home . " , . taxes on bond issue and special energy that ne has spent treasurer. Bert Campbell will be in Tacoma. She is staying with her Southside levy and would create added throughout these years cannot be funds to nnarata thw ~t~hnnl~ of serving the Club in two capacities, grandson, Steve while the rest of ith o "" ................. • purchased w m hey This was Hood Ca Vice president and the new the family traveled to Butte, " hal. secretary. . _ Mont. The family was,summoned 41H Grouo Reports given with only compensation of we ...... would like to take tilts / All|.n¢. Church I [ It's on 18 Washington stations/ satisfaction of a job well done. 1 ....... I I including: / A briefdiscussionwasneldonwhen Steve Franichs brother, ,~ o ....... m in;,, , .... ;o~.,... opportunity to thank the Corps/ Sch°°l "'"9'45a'm'l [9:00a.m. KXA 770k.c. / "]the subject of a fire district• Andy, suddenly and unexpectedly On Recent A¢tivifie, ~vo,, ....... .... j .............. ~ oi .... ~ngmeers to be able to voice /MorningWorship•. 11:00a.m.[ [ o~:UUa_"m" .~._x.A.._t.lu_.K'¢" / / .... - " _ __ I I IUll~)a.m. I~iY lZiOk,C. / Robert Bob Smith well in the . " / ---- ---6:00 p.m. I I ....... / However the main discussion on died last week. years ahead and everyone knows our opinion for economic / 7:00 p.m. I ITHE n, n I r- SP[AKS / this subi'ect will take lace Beula Gabrielsen has been By MRS. RAY KRATCHA Bakke's. March ~business meePting, aNteh~ that he will continue to serve and improvement. / Pray rH°°r tWed. pro• II .... Ol ou= T0-V0-0 / dividing her time between her ec~rTue,r,,~. ...... They are going to practice ,;~i o~f.nth will be installation of new home here on the Island and Teen;~op~;;~sEon D:certm~erraI~; ~::s%gayO:r ~ednS~es~l:gs machine help with the district needs usa .... ..... friend and as a first class citizen, lacKle football J It is the hope and desire of ~; --leers and a pot luck dinner• staying with her morn, Mrs. and 14 sold Christmas balls at The" --racticed "hand back ...... ,r .. ~.,.r the Hood Canal Junior High . ~ The Grange will be holding Anderson in Tacoma since the !; their first meeting of the year this holidays• For the day after ThriftwayStore. . Y P S-evu---~.-,- ..... . School to start a rogram of 1 Friday evening• As is customary a Christ was her father Gus Dec. 19 they had their stitching". . The board of directors feeling tackle f P NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Judy Hurst brought brownies Christmas and slumber,art,, they had a major responsibility to . . foe!ball next falL As .the pot luck supper will precede the Anderson, suffered a stroke and a 123 W. G St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. Paul Butterfield / / bad fall which resulted in a giftsl~lr:Y ;rX:~a;g:~na~nsS'th:d will me citizens oI tne a ~ s ..... ~ meeting. "~" " - %`. ~'• for refreshments ......... yea re-ardsJunior rtign has never oHerea this ~ This past Sunday a festive broken hip, necessitating surgery• Thee he~dt ;:ngU124 a4atH support for operations of the sport they nave no equipment. Sunday School ............................. 9:45 ,.m. / me~mg ........ an-- taxpayers money can not be usedWorship .......................... ! 1 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. / taffy pull and played games " P" " nOde t:anai SChOOlS annY for thl i Open House birthday party was He is still hospitalized and has They watched scary movies Mrs. B akke's, reported Vicky .... "s type of equipment Any Training Union ............................. 6:30 p.m. | possibility of tax relief for " Midweek Service ....................... Wed., 7:30 p.m.| ]held for a longtime resident, suffered other strokes since the and told stories• nauey. . . .. .. . " ..... sent money used for basketball, track ]Hulda Wilson. The scene of the fall. • • visiting mr. ann mrs. r~ennetn services to. the community or football uniforms must come ~get-together was at her daughter, Also not in very good The gtrls finally flaked out at ....... the followmg letter to the Corps . 5 a m Archer ~unaay were mr. and Mrs. f En infers i .... from other sources such as I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH [ ilHazel Weichseldorfer s home in condition in a Seattle hospital is "Girls are now eta " ~ ...... Kenny Archer and girls, o g n ~eatue stu • dent body funds, donations or | Arcadia and Lake Boulevard [ ~lthe Lakewood section of Tacoma. Bob Barnett's mother. Bob hasnew projects, rtm~ u. ~,,.,~ Mrs. John Cookson and Jackie ~ ~ 1 ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister I ]More than 60 guests spent a been staying in Seattle to be near ~ .... ;-Is ~---~,-- -~. ..... ¢ stayed Saturday eveningover ~delightful afternoon visiting his mother and Dorothy goes up '~"" ~ .... =t..een t .... s .......... L0SE WEIGH I THIS WEEK Bible Schoo, 9.45am • . I ... _. • .... -.'^^ " " Family Service ..... 7:30 p.m. I 12 and 17 wishing to join, please Kratcha / worsntp ......... t, :uu a.m. I |together and extending many as orLeans she canto visit. - • . mgnt with mr. and Mrs. Ray ~happy returns on the occasion of(Gee, the bad news sure iscall Mrs. Jennie Whitmore .. • ........ Odrlnex can help you become the trim s im person you want to be. Odrlnex Is a | Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. I ,+2b-4931 ....... or Mrs. Dolly Kratcna" .... Mr. ann wire... Jonn. ~OOKSOn. tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Contains no dangerous drugs. No starving. No L Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Servicej ~H u I d a ' s 8 5 th birthdayoutweighing the good. Heck of a 426-1307 anu JacKle monuay evening successfully by thousands all over the country for over 10 years. Odrlnex costs ~anniversary. Those attending from special exercise. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrlnex has been used !~this area included Elsie Ness, C¢lia way to start a new year. Hope Friendship club met at the visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha. wlll$3"25beandrefundedthe largeby econOmyyour druggist.size $5.25.No questionsY°U mUStasked.loseSolduglYwithfat orthisYOUrguaranteemoney /l" First Church of Christ, Scientist ! Glaser, Helen Selene, Marie things improve in the very nearhome of Marie Carder Jan. 7. . by: EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER -- 306 Railroad Avenue -- Mall Orders Filled. future,) There were ten members Timo,h Brown .--------. iICr°uch, Ainu Anderson, Learned that Alice Chapman, ;!(everyone reported Aina was daughter of Phil and Dorothypresent and they had a very nice \, "" " Mason County / 302 AIder St., Shelton, Wash. 1 Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11:00 a.m. looking and feeling just fine in Chapman has been out of schoolmeeting. In Air t-ores / Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8:00 p.m. ~pite of herrecent bad fall), Carl since she fell out ofa topbunkMarie Carder served a lovely [I ,~|| /FfU31NC33C))(( yflllg x ~'-~B~ l Reading room located in church. Reading room hours :~l~attus, Estlier and MartGoetsch, during the night last week andlunch U.S. Air Force Airman First ' L ll:00a.m, to2:00p.m. Mon.&Fri.,Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45 ".o ,u.~ ~ .... I. .......... Class Timothy S Brown, son of Mid. ~ta~ dtUtbU~;lly Wd~ ~oris and Wilbur Jacobsen andknocked out a permanent frontco-hostess Mr• and Mrs. Robert K. Brown, ~thePhilChapmanfamil ofs,,,.~ . Y even. tooth. An attempt to get her ownThenext meeting willbe heldB elfalr," has graduated from a ~~[~~x~~'~ | ~ne ~sland guests reported it was tooth to establish itself is a M' • 's special electronics course at - ~ great opportunity to see so currently being employed. A tip t artha Wood_ Jan. 21 .... [ Fishermen's Club ~ '~any old friends they hadn't seen to any readers who might The Four Leaves 4-H group Lowry AFB, Colo. , Airman Brown, who will / met at leader, Mrs. Helen Bakke s" " Auction Servic6 , Chain Saws I I P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd & Cota ~'~:" ~l~ ~°r about lS or 20 years experience such an incident, their report for duty at Air Force [ Complete I I New and Used-- Rentals [ Sue Cruickshank traveled doctor advised them if the tooth Jan. 10 at 1 p.m. " " (.,~ak headquarters in Washington, D C, President Judy Hurst called • • I AUCTION SERVICE I I Oregon Chains & Accessories I I From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday~ \~.--~ tack to the family's former had been put back immediately, it the m~,,~*~'; ...... ~, ~,,~,..~^- . is a 1967. graduate of North I Farm Sales -- Equtpment Sales II Small motor tune'up & repairs I ! SUNDAY, January 18,1970 ,~'~~._ ~e.cent holiday and stayed with ~ I and other type auctions I I Hours" 8 a m to 6 p.m. daily | metown in California over the would reroot itself and be as solid Lisa Wheeler called roll and Mason High S0kool. He attended I conducted Anywhere- Anytime | I .... I [ Bible Study: REV. BOB BRACKETT ~~ as before in a short space of time collected the dues " Central Washington State College. [ GARY LEAVITT || Mike's McCulloch shop | :~!iI friend She enjoyed been a completely happy event Lisa Wheeler gave a rep " " " g ;e~l:g ao~d:~isiting with many An occasion'that should have ! 38s-1517 Port Townsend I 12215 Olympic Hwy. N.,426"46391 I Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED ~. ort on His wife, Sue, is the dau hter I, , "*-"~ s of Mr and Mrs D C Malone, the Christmas party at Mr. • • . . ~nendsduring her stay. was marked by an unfortunate Belfair. Auto Glass I Concrete I J J J --Ready-mixConcrete I J St. David Episcopal S Church Expert Installation J J --Concrete Culverts & Blocks | J I I --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone ~ J Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington I I J,M PAULEY INC I I --Fireplace Screens & Tools I j The Rev. Clarence A. Lody. Priest I ' " I I GRAYSTONEofSHELTON J I5t" Rai'r°ad L7t" park 426.33,41 I The Church is always open for meditation end prayer. I 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion | 9:30 a.m. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class Auto Parts • Drugs " ' [ .~-.~.- 1 I:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship -----.. | J --Helena Rubinstein J ........ .= --Automotive Machine Shop II --Cosmetics I ...... --Parts for all cars and trucks | | --Prescriptions | --Parts for Small Engines II I Foith Lutheran Church Lee Fields Auto Parts, Inc. I J NELL'S PHARMACY | 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 I L5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 I 7th and Franklin beam structure One of the nicest things about buying an Impala is selling it. That's because selling it traditionally brings back more of what people put into it in the first place• Money. Where does Impala keep getting its higher resale value? From features like those you see below. Features which explain why America's most popular car for the last nine years will undoubtedly make it ten in a row. Impala. More to drive. More to re-sell. Hidden radio antenna MiM 'flnish Power disc brakes More Auto Radiators "lectrical " WORSHIP: 8:30 and 1 I :00 e.m. CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m. --Repaired and Rod Out --Fairbanks-Morse Pumps --Auto Glass,Installation --Electric Heating Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service --Body & Fender Repairing --Westinghouse Appliances Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Phone 426-861 ! and Painting WHITEY'S AUTO BODY SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. (behind Kimpel Motors) 707V~ S. 1st 426-3604 419 Railroad Ph.426-6283 Auto Repairing Floor Coverings United Methodist Church I --Major Overhauls I REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Minister | --Brakes & Ignition --Linoleum --Carpeting | --Welding & Tune-ups I --Tile --Formica 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services Special Winterizing 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship I REX FLOOR COVERING ~ ~ I ED'S SERVICE I Mr" View Ph.426-2292 ! 219 So. 1st 426-1212 BeauW Masonry MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOO --Complete Hair Care --Fireplaces 2.06 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. ZSCHOCHE, Pester --Wigs - Wiglets - Switches --All Brick and --Merle Norman Cosmetics --Block Work SUNDAY, January 18, 1970 --Free Demonstrations Divine Service 10:30 ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON MASON'S MASONRY Sunday School end Bible Class 9: ! 5 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Phone 426-2278 Theme: "USE AND MISUSE OF GOD'S NAME" Building Supplies Flental Service- . I -Lumber I Almost Anything Anywhere I I --Sherwin'Williams Paint I Build°acre" L°aders" Pumps First Church | (Kern-Tone & Kem-GIo) | Folding Banquet Tables | I I --Cabinet Hardware I & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. I I ~CONSERVAT,VE) I GRANT LUMBER CO. I LEW RENTS I ] Fifth & CoLa Sts. Rev. Jerry Larson, TH.M. TM. 426-8461 I .,. Olympia, 357"77311 I Sunday, January 18, 1970 ' ,, 1M-o~ningWorshi'-'-'-"-'-~ • 11:00 a.m. ' WHAT IS FREEDOM~ I -r ~ " : 0 a.m. B,ble School I u ..... ... Building Supplies Travel _ I 9 3 " " u oaocast over I --Sberwin-Williams I --Air- Rail- Steamship [ I 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups ,, / KMA:) I Paints-Carpets-Wallpaper | --Bus- Hotels- Tours I ! 7:00 p.m. "CALL THEELDERS I 1280 -- 11"00 a m | --Complete Building Supplies I No Extra Charge roy Our Service I | James 5:14-16 , I .... " I --Pl~lstering & Supplies Impala Custom in [tsfleld I Nye Co. Building Supply I Angle Travel Res. Center ! Co: I Free De.very I 401Railroad Ave. | [ |.426-8224 On Cole Road1426-8272 . 426"4134I SHELTONASSEMBLY OF GOD resa[evalue, Bulldozer Service TV Service . I !.521 Monroe St. Mason Younglund, Plstor '* ~ee~I ' *Clearing --Radio - TV I [ Sunday School ...............................9:45 a.m. | *Leveling --CB 2-way Radio j j Christ's Ambassadors .......................... 6:00 p.m. I *Excavating --Phonographs I I Morning Worship ............................. 11:00 a.m. Pulti.g you flint, keeps uz flr I JOHN MAKOVINEY Evangelistic Service ............................ 7:00 p.m. | Bulldozing LEROY'S TV SERVICE | | Wednesday-- Family Nk]ht ...................... 7:00 p.m. REVlvALTIME Sunday, 3:00 p.m. KGDN | Phone 426-1289 Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 1 1 ' Thursday, January 15, 1970-Shelton-Mason County Journal- Pa e 15