January 15, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 15, 1970 |
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Women's Hi Game: Margaret
Bibbee 224
Women's Hi Series: Donna
Coleman 537
Standing: Shelton Recreation
4-0, NB of MC 4-0, Harpers 4-0,
Hoodsport Lbr. 3-1, Rainier 1-3,
Lucky Lager 0-4, Dairy Queen
0-4, B & J Mart 0-4.
First Half Finals
Men's Hi Game: Larry Lyle 179
Men's Hi Series: Larry Lyle 519
Women's Hi Game: Hattie Fennell
Men's Hi Game: Del Hartwell 232
Men's Hi Series: Del Hartwell 535
Women's Hi Game: Charlotte
Tobin 210
Women's Hi Series: Charlotte
Tobin 494
Standings: Boads 6-2, Odd
Balz 6-2, Bolerz 6-2, What's Next
5-3, Jack Pots 4-4, Pin Spotters
4-4, Farmers 4-4, Force-Em 4-4,
Hooters 4-4, Sun Downers 2-6,
Timber Ducks 2-6, Prospectors
The Bolerz 3, Huck Strutz
481; Pin Spotters 1, Gene Strozyk
Men's Hi Game: Jack Stewart 243
Men's Hi Series: Jack Stewart 606
Standings: Gott Oil 4-0,
Lumbermen's 4-0, A. Roy Dunn
4-0, Shelton Foods 3-1, Shelton
Trailers 3-1, Wolden's 2-2, Verne's
2-2, Wilson Co. 1-3, Mobil 1-3,
Dan's Nite Hawks 0-4, Ziegler's
0-4, B & R Oil 0-4.
Lumbermen's 4, L. C. Leman
579; Dan's Nite Hawks 0, Chub
Nutt 520; Ziegler's 0, Dean Perry
5 13; A. Roy Dunn 4, Jerry
Christy 589; Wilson Co. 1, Ralph
Davidson 549; Shelton Foods 3,
Phil Adams 586; Gott Oil 4, Jack
Bob Turner dumped in a
lay-in with four seconds to go in
the Highclimbers' game with East
Bremerton last Friday to bring
Shelton from one point down to
the lead and give them their
fourth league win in four starts,
Turner put the icing on the
cake when he made the foul shot
awarded him to complete a three
point play and bring the Climbers
from 59-60 to 62-60. Mike
Sparks, who made the pass to
Turner underneath the basket and
could have taken a shot himself,
led the Climbers with 25 points in
the heartstopper.
The Climbers had blown two
eleven-point leads in the course of
the contest in Shelton Gym. They ,, he
jumped to an early 24-13 lead at DANA THOMPSON has his Montesano opponent thinki a'
the end of the first quarter, and "How do I get outta this one?" in his 145 pound matchi ou
kept a comfortable 34-25 lead at Montesano recently. Shelton and Monte tied, 28-28.
the half.
But the Knights came out of ~'pz
the dressing room ready to go in Ins,,
the second half and cut the ut
.. . ,o,. le ! ;8h , , lf o n o,
were able to build it back up r eci
towards the end of the third hel
period, but disaster struck again
in the last half of the fourth ear
quarter and East came all the way West Bremerton grapplers and Rich Kabelac (W) tied, 0-0. dec. D Va derw (), - • Mike Sheets (S), 1:45. er
back, and saw the lead with just won all but three weight classes in 156 - Rich Burrows (W) dec. 177 - Chuck Larson (W) dec. Unl. - AI Ungren (W) w( nd
17 seconds to go. The gym was last Thursday s meeting with the Mark Wittenberg (S), 13-0. Dave Myer (S), 8-2. forfeit.
Shelton called a time out to Shelton Highclimbers to take 167 - Steward Hayes (W) 193 - Don Carter (W) won by .--
talk things over and drove their home a 33- 10 victory frorh forfeit. ~..i
fans crazy by waiting until four Shelton Gym. Unl. - Dan Ingram (W) .... i /
seconds remaining to shoot. The Dean Medcalf got the only pin ~ ................ ~ ................. ~;~ ~ .......... ~ ........... ~ ~:~i pinnedFourBillforfeitsGray (S),in2:StheS. junior "~~ ~
gym exploded when the shot fellfor the Climbers in the 122 pound ~ ...... ....... ii~ varsity match enabled the
in. Afterward an argument class after they had lost the 105
developed over the time and in and 114 pound classes. Dallas ~ Wildcats to fare even better in .....
the few minutes in which things, Gunter, wrestling in the ;~"~::::'~::~i~';~ ':,~i~ 'ithat contest, 48-10. Curt Stracke : ....
135-pound class, decisioned his :~ :~i~¢~:"~ ...... and Randy Wiltman in the 140
were ironed out, the Climbers Wildcat opponent 5-4 for ~:°'~~:~ ...... :~ ........
~ ~ and 156 pound weight classes
young fans put on a most respectively were the only point
impressive demonstration. Shelton s only decision. Gunter ...........
makers for the Climbers jayvees, f:
The four hundred-plus has the best record of the " ":" ~% '::" , ~i~; ~
Their individual matches went .,~i; ~~Y/:~ !I
students repeated "We're number Climbers,A t remendoushaving lost just once.battle ~ Ji~~ ~ ..... ~ i: "~ like this: ;
one," over and over again. This
has yet to be proved. This week developed in the 147-pound class 105 - Duwayne Horn (W) ~. "1, t~
sharesthe ClimberScentralthe league'sPlay thetoPThat teamspot withthat tie.andWhereThompson'sRichDanaKabelacTh°mps°ntief°ught turned°f to a 0-clShelt°nout to ~ M~ b~r fu°gr~!iS) M ~75o. el (W, dec..;~k~~::~ ":~
them, Kitsap. game 122 - Joe Flores (W) pinned ~-~,i.~,
will be played in Silverdale on be the last points Shelton got. Dave Hurst (S), 2:40. !~!:~i~
Saturday night after the Climbers The loss set the Climbers'
host Bainbridge Friday night, record in league grappling at 1-3. 129 - Jim Bell (W) won by
Two weeks ago, the Spartans They beat Bainbridge and then i~ forfeit and beat Paul Brigham (S)
were rated number two in the AA lost to Central Kitsap, Port ~ by a second round pin in
state polls, and Central Kitsap is Angeles, and West. J exhibition.
The individual matches for:~, 135 - Jack James (W) pinned
coming off last year's state the Shelton-Westmeet are as ~!i~;.,~ ........ Bob Woods (S), 5:05.
Shelton was magnificent at follows: ~::: 140 - Curt Stracke (S)
............ ;~ pinned Craig Jemsen (W), 1:58.
the foul line. Shooting 80 per 105- Lonnie Arima(W) dec.~ ~.~...~ ~
Ken Marshall (S), 7-2. '~ ~i: .... = ~:~,:,~~i~" .... 147 - Terry Monroe (W) won
cent for the team average, they ~ :~.C;:::::~
had two standouts in Rusty Corey 114 - Fred Arima (W)dec. by forfeit and beat Dave Frank
actuallyand MikewonSparks.by theTheclimbersgame W~at Charlesl 22Gay- (S),DeanT-2. Medcalf (S) (S)pin. in exhibition by a first round ............ ~" ........ ......... I
the foul line where they hit 20 of pinned Mike Miller (W), 5:30. ~" ~ 156 - Randy Wiltman (S) DON VANDERWAL.~
25, while the Knights hit eight of 129 - Rob Howell (W) dec. pinned Randy Burrows (W), 2:37. elected Wrestler of the
just 13 attempts. Dave Nutt (S), 3-0. 1 67 - Lee Gewring (W) by his team mates fot
135 - Dallas Gunter (S)dec. AVE MYER won Wrestler pinned Tom Simmons (~), z'.~v.;.; Central K~t~ap+ ..... ~mt~--~*'h]
Coreyshot 100 per cent from Terry Fox (W), 5-4. of the Week honors for his 177 - Shawn Cares tw) ..........
the line. This is often done by
............. wn~cn ne was me
plnneo Joe ~atccnell t~), 1 : 1/. , ,. . .....
r-IlgncllmDer To win
making one of one or some such 140 - Dan Heistand (W) dec.pin in the Montesano match 193 - Bob Pace (W) pinned "1 ' ' ~
thing, but Rusty swished eight of Robert Redman (S), 4-0. at 175 pounds, wrest eo at 165 pounds, i
eight through for two thirds of his 147 - Dana Thompson (S)
total points. He was second
highest for Shelton behind
Sparks. Sparks had a tremendous
first quarter with twelve points
including four for four at the • •
charity line. The only foul shot he
missed all night was a technical he "
was called on to shoot. He ended
up being seven-for-eight at the
line. Shelton's Highclimber's won at 165, and was forced to go up 140 - Dave Akin (T) pinned 135 - Gus Powell (T)
Sparks had half of the just two of twelve matches asto 175 for his last two matches Curt Stracke (S), 4:33. Bruce Deffinbaugh(S), 1:
Climbers' first quarter points, and they grappled with the Tumwater before Tumwater. 147 - Bob Yandle (T) dec. 140 - Robert Redm|
Turner got six of his total eleven T-Birds in Tumwater last The T-Birds picked up fiveDana Thompson (S), 4-0. dec. Sid Beckett (T), 13-2.
in that period to help put the Saturday night and lost 40-8.pins and as many decisions to get 156 - Earl Campbell (T) dec. 147 - Ray Pollari (T)
Climbers in front at the outset. The first Climber to win was their 40 points in the rout. The Mark Wittenberg (S), 7-5. Chuck Wicken (S), 2:55.
Women's Hi Series: Hattie Fennell 456; Timber Ducks 1, Jack Frost Stewart 606; B & R 0, Glen East was able to cut Shelton's Dallas Gunter, who with the best Climbers now have a 2-5 overall 167 - Dave Myer (S) pinned 156 - Randy Wiltm;
462 493; What's Next 3, Dick Johnson Robertson 492; Wolden's Chev 2, scoring considerably in the second record on the Shelton team, won record and their league mark Calvin Cairns (T), 3:31. pinned Calvin Cairns (T), 3:l
Standings: Redir~ 37-19, 528; Hooters 1, lan Sytsma 480; AI Rassmussen 486; Vernes
Scholars 36-20, Don't Bees Farmers 3, Nancy Brewer 469; Clams 2, Harry Fletcher 525; Jess quarter, giving up just ten points by decision to put three points on stands at 1-3. 177 - Ray Schaeffer (T) dec. 167 - Tom Simmons (~
3 1%-24%, Repeaters 30-26, Sun Downers 1, Charlotte Tobin Mobil 1, Bill Johnson's 544; and scoring 12 themselves, the scoreboard for Shelton. Varsity individual matchesDon Vanderwal (S), 13-1. by forfeit. .
Administration 29-27, Professors 494; Beads 3, Bill Bead 478; Odd Shelton Trailers 3, Don Pualson Another elevate point lead Gunter, who had wrestled six went like this: 193 - Craig French (T) 1 77 - Craig Fren¢~
2 6 ~/~-2 9tb, Flunkies 26-30,Balz 4, Del Hartwell 535; 543. developed at the end of the third times in the 133-35 pound class, 105 - Kelly Wilson (T) dec. pinned Mike Sheetz (S), 3:28. pinned Joe Gatcchell (S), 3,~
Latecomers 23-33, Dunces 21-35, Prospectors 0, Mary Lou HughesHOUSEWIVES
Dropouts 20-36. , 431; Force-Em 1, Ted Blair 488;WsOgmen s Hi Game: Betty Dean quarter, even though one Knight went down to the 127 pound Ken Marshall (S), 13-0. Unl. - Tim Lovely (T) pinned 193 - Dave Mounts (I~
Scholar's 4, Mike O Dell 448; Jack Pots 3, Gay Wentz 493. had a hot eight point quarter. The class for this meet and succeeded 114 - Mike Wilson (T) dec.Bill Gray (S), 2:25. by forfeit. J
Latecomers 0, Rand Petersen 434; Chmbers outscored them 14-12 in in being unbeaten in his new class. Charles Gay (S), 4-0. Each team got two forfeits inUnl. - Lane White (S)¢]
Repeaters 4, Ruth Goodwin 435;MR. & MRS. HANDICAP W?omen's Hi Series: Betty Deanthat period with a more balancedThe only other Climber to 122 - Jeff Steiner (T) pinned the junior varsity match and forfeit, j
Dunces 0, Pie Anderson 381; Men's Hi Game: Vernon Beeson Tumwater came out on top of
Redin 4, Jean Temple 429; 184 Standings: Hunter s Tree attack, score was Dave Myer in the 167 Dave Nutt (S), 3:38.
~dministration 0, Mark Mitrovich Men's Hi Series: Del Stormo 521Farm 7-1, Dean's Gun Shop 7-1, The visitors unleashed a 23pound class. Myer, too, came 129- Dallas Gunter (S, dec. that match 34-21. Winner bY a /PUttl IT .J|
355; Pro,pouts 4, Tom River Women's Hi Game: Becky The Old Mill 7-1, Hood Canal point attack in the fourth quarter down from a higher weight class, Tom Ainslie (T), 4-0. pin for the Climber jayvees was
467; Don t Bees 0, Dot Ridout Schreiber 213 Marina 6-2, W.S.P. Academy 3-5, which almost set the Climbers in and felt the difference in this 135 - Dan McNamara (T) Randy Wiltman in the 156 pound
B & R Oil 1-7, Walter Drilling 1-7,
pinned Bob Woods (S), 1:33.
385; Professors 3, Larry Lyle 519; W7o3men's Hi Series: Nina Dishon class. Two other Climbers,won by
Waterwheel 0-8. the dark for the first time in match. He started out the season
decision. They were Mike Kruger
Flunkiesl, Hattie Fennel. 423. Standings: TyeeWel, Drilling Hunter'sTreeFarm3, Lois leagueplay. Thmgswerelookmg in the 114 pound class and 'PROVE I~~
SIMPSON MEN'SBOWLING 46%-25%, Von's Floor Covering Beckman 424;B& ROll 1, bad forSheltonwhentheKnights Hood Canal Quint Robert Redmanatl40. ' I::'
Men s Hi Game: Roy Petty 221 42-30, Harrys Hoodsport Texaco Evalyn Nelson 435; Walter finally went ahead, and they got
Men's Hi Series: Galen Burgess 42-30, J & J Service 39=/z-32=/z, Drilling 1, .Merge Witcraft 466; Those matches went as IlllU
557 Eacrett Lumber 38%-33Vz, LakeDean's Gun Shop 3, Betty Deanthe ball back again with 14 follows: \~
Shop 3-1, Railroad 3-1, Mill 3 C ushman Sales Co. 38-34, 510; The Old Mill 4, Pat Noreen seconds to go only to have a foul 105 - Jeff Adams (T) won by | receive a
3-1. Loaders 3-1. Mill 4 1-3. Evergreen Florist 30-42, Dicks 445;Waterwheel 0. Barb Hansencalled on Climber JimCorey. In u "tops Two oontests
Chippers 1-3, IBP 1-3, Boon 1-3, Diggers 28-44, Lannings, 464; W.S.P. Academy 2, Rosalie forfeit.
Hoodsport Cafe 27%-44% Allyn Warren 489; Hood Canal Marinathe one and one situation that 114 - Mike Kruger (S) dec.
SIMPSON, RECREATION Shell 27-45. ' 2, Stevie Krause 434. could have put the game on ice i Nakoa (T), 17-9.
Women s Hi Game: Sonja J&JServicel, LeeChapman with a three point lead, the 122 - Heath (T) pinnedDave
Cochran 205 426; Evergreen Florist 3, CarlWOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Knight's first shot was an airball, St. Martins beat Hood Canalthe victors and were followed by Hurst (S), :25.
Women s Hi Series: Sonja Peterson 414; Lake Cushman Women s Hi Game: Betty Gr