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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 15, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 15, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~]jw~I~f~H~~~~H~~~ i ~g~H~~H~~~~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlII | SHELTON JUNIOR SIMPSON WOMEN'S BOWLING With all teams having played only one at the end of the game six, Bultenv-e-l-a h~-d 4, andBuitenveld and 13rickert 7, " - Men's Hi Game: Dana Thompson Final First Half eight games, Gott Oil is still on and they won 72-64. Johanson 3. Johanson 6, Stark 3, Korte 2, and Padded by an early lead built ranks. At 82 pounds, Brad Stites 199 Women's Hi Game: Lil Dale 221 in the lightweight classes, the is undefeated in three matches. Men's Hi Series: Dana Thompson Women's Hi Series: Lil Dale 577 top of the Shelton City Basketball Bill Smith led all scorers with The combination of Verle's Ellis 1. .=lton Junior High Blazer Mark Lewis is unbeaten in the 96 544 Standings: Lumber 41-19, League with a 7-1 record. Gott 23 for his Skokomish team, andloss to ITT on Monday night and City Lea=ue StandinRs Girl's Hi Game: Debbie Witcraft Engineering 36-24, I.B.P. 30-30, stood idle this week and watched high for Verle's was Terry Gregg s Jess' win over winless Prepp's put - " -W L :men held on in their match pound class in four matches. In 173, . Purchasing 30-30, Olympic 28-32 ITT Rayonier creep closer to 19. Other scorers for Skokomish Jess and Verle's in a tie for third . ~. T h Hopkins in ~he Angle the 173 pound class, Ray Wiltman Girl s Hi Series: Mary Southmayd Loggers 27-33, Accounting 26-34, lti-Purpose Room last remained undefeated by getting a 448 , Research 22-38. them as ITT stayed in second were Bob Miller 17, Steve at 4-4. Jess beat Prepp's 75 to 43. G°~tt2il " 6 ;' Jnesday to win, 34-33. forfeit in the last match. Standinqs: Beckwith s Loggers 3-1, Marie Runnionwith a 6-2 mark. Demiero 10, GuyMiller 10, Gary It wasthecommon story for Ell t~ayomer , . Verle's 4 4 381/z-171/2, Joslin Ins. 37-19,, 534; Accounting 1-3, Helen Rice Skokomish beat Verle'sin the Austin 8, Tom Marshall and Dan Prepps thisyear, as they were ...... A The Blazers won the first four The individual matches in the Shelton J.C.'s 36.20, Merv s511; I.B.P. 3-1, Helene Redman only game played Wednesday, the Cush 2. ght classes, tied the next, and Shelton-Hopkins meetwent as Tirecap 28-28, V.F.W. Post 1694 435 ; Pu rchasing 1-3, Dot Dawson and Marquett had 16 down by 43-20 at the half. AI Jess MODII ~ ~_ a the sixth class. Behind 23-2 follows: 27%-28V2, Trailblazer's I 27-29, McNamara 401; Lumber 3-1, Lil seventh. Leading by 40-31 at the Hopp scored 11 to lead Prepp's, Skokomlsh 3 5 that point, Hopkins' chances 75 - Farrell (S) won by Trailblazer's II 27-29, Hembroff Dale 577; Olympic 1-3, Ann Cole half, Skokomish's lead was cut by each for Verle s. Brickert added but Jess had nine scorers in the rrepp's O ,ked very dim. forfeit. Beckwith's 3-1, Dana Campbell 486; Engineering 3-1 " Richards led all scorers and [ ~ • Agency 11-45. 5 12; Research 1-3 Jeanne game and dominated it. Shelton lost the 117 pound 82-Stites(S)pinned Simon Thompson 544; Trailblazer's I Arlene Liles 464. nnn. a'"g't"m=er J yna--vee$ Jess with 19, Landis.and Spilseth I ISuylng I ;s, but then won two more (H), :28. 2-2, David Stole 420 Shelton had 13 each, Barrington 12, ] ~ ~ ] lobes to have a 29-7 lead with 89 - Sagmiller (S) dec. J.C.'s 4-0, Mike Nutt 501; Joslin's FRATERNAL ~n matches to go. Meservey (H), 9-0. Ins. 3-1, Robert Redman 443;Men's Hi Game: Bill Gott 225 Fredson 5, Wilson and Wyatt 4, | I[~r ] Hembroff Agency 0-4, Mike Men's Hi Series: Bill Gott 579 LaBissoniere 2 and Mills 1.| "~-- / Hopkins then won five 96- Lewis (S)dec. Spoon Nolan 407; Trailblazer's II 1-3, Standings: Moose Heads8-4, LOSeiu11"= Eas West For Prepp's, Blake had 9' el c--il-e l/ Iches in a row, the 138 to 166 (H),4-0. Terry Knight 505; V.F.W. PostFuller Const. 8-4, Rotary Club i , • , g Brnasford 8 Johanson 6 ellln --" mdclasses, totakeabrieflead, 103 - Frost (S) and Mason 1694 1-3, Mark Johnson 507; 7-5 Nimrod Cub 7-5, Eagle I Prepperneau5, andRolfe4. I0-29. However, Shelton won the (H) tied, 14-14. Merv's Tirecap 2-2, Suzi Gruver Aer'ies 7-5, I.W.A. - 38 7-5, 375. Kiwanis Club 6-6, Moose Antlers , Friday nigh- Saw a~nuch more ITT kept hot on Gott's trail I ~ / 73 pound class by forfeit to go 110 - Coleman (S) pinned ITT RAYONIER 5-7, Bull Moose 5-7, Shelton Shelton s junior varsity .head 34-30 with just the Filyow (H), second round, en's Hi Game- Jerr Mailer Hardware 5-7, L on s Club 4-8 dropped two games in the pastexciting game in which the by upending Verle's 75-68. All [ ~ HIIIVA / M . y y , " ...... ' Leavyweight class left. If Hopkins 117 - Evans (H) pinned Rank 218 Shelton Jaycee's 3-9. week to two Bremerton teams. Climbers lost by only one, and in nine of Verle s players scored, | ~ ~ , _ ; ould win that.match by a pin, (S), third round. Men's Hi Series: JerryMallory ,,,,Rotary Club 1, Jim Shrum On Tuesday in Bremerton, West both of the games that night, Dawson leading them with 17.| ~'~f~/ Biml|m 4 ou~" Moose t-leaos 3 Chuck 59 F ' .' beat them 61-42, and East beat there was just three points total But it was Jorg's 21 for ITT that | t.~.,~'~,~ ......... hey would win the whole meet; 124 - Hergert (S) dec. Berg Worn : y , difference. en's Hi Game Gerr Lou unkhouser 539; Kiwan,s Club 0 led all scorers, and he was | ~¢~')[.~1--~'/~ ~_l_ll Gino Ream the Blazers (H), 10-2. ~=~, 1on Gordon Minoza 466; I.W.A. - 38them in a heartbreaker on Friday, 'ltepresentative in' the unlimited 131 - Howard (S) dec. Women's Hi Series:GerryLou 4, Wayne.Wright 573; Shelton 52-51. " A close game all the way, the followed by team mates Mallory I a .h4-A idDIpII ~$1ass, was on his back just once, Bartosh (H), 6-0. ...... ~,=i~t R18 aycee's z, Larl Helman 531., West jumped to a 14-4 first contest turned to East's favor with 18 and Fergerson with 15. I n 4 Nimrod Club 2 Bill Gott 579 t}Ut wasn't pinned, and the three 138 - Kauhanen (H) dec. i~ainfa'~tand, n=s: Sllva A=t,o,, ,Foxes8- , e.agle ..... /her,es 3 Lionel' ' Leman"; quarter lead and a 33-9 halftime only after they made the final Other scorers for ITT were I 2646 ........ n_nce 8.4 ......... ~.~ 7-5 .... , basket with a few seconds left to Kadoun 8, Kimberling 6 Antina| --rLv- ~oints gained by Hopkins Miklethun (S), 4-0. Acetate Aces 6-6, Woodbirds 6-6, o,~1; Bull Moose 1, Troy West edge. The Climbers continued to 5, and Ewart 2. I . . - ~ecision left them one short of 145 - Butorac (H) pinned ................ 7 496- Moose Antlers 1 Ernie go downhill in the third period, win. ,ayone~u~ ~-. watervuy~ u-, .._, ....... , Verle's other talliers were I ll,mhe Rellll ~helton, 34-33. Austin (S), first round, i-'ln~" ....... k.Urie,~Mz.n o-~.~a ' imer juanmanohnson bbJ-548, I-Uller L.onStShelton Hardwale" 3, Bill but finally managed a good The visiting Knights held an Gregg 13, Marouett 11, I ........ • i The win was the third of the 152 - Harrington (H) pinned ..._~_tenance 1 Jim Let ' . , quarter in the last stanza, scoring 8-6 quarter lead, but by the first ' r 2 Floyd Jackson 546 Lion s '~ear against only one setback for Scott (S), first round. 488;524; SilvaACetateFoxesACes3, 3,JerryJeSSMalloryTOble t.=UD"" ...... Z, walt wold en 549:;_ 23 points. Rich Walker was the half buzzer Shelton had tied it up the Blazers. Coaches Jon Day and 159 - Chapin (H) won by 594; Rayonettes 1, Gerry Geist GUYS AND DOLLS high point man for the Climbers at 22 all. It was still tied at the o,,,~.~,.,==..~.~,.=~.~~,~,.~.,~..~~ o.~ene Crater still have three forfeit. 518; Pin Curlers 2, Dian Mallory Men's Hi Game: Jess Tobler 208with 11. Clyde Rains and Tracy end of the third period, 39-39. ! ~Jlndefeated grapplers in their I 66 - Stone (H) pinned 414; Makeups 2, Danny WettersMen's Hi Series: Jess Tobler 538 Armstrong had seven, Mike Bac The Knights won it at the free ~ For a Robeson (S),second round. 440; Waterboys 2, Percy Za~nzow Women's Hi Game: HelenRice and Jeff Okano added six each, throw line, getting 40 tries to the --. 446; Woodbirds 2, TerryKadoun ,0, I II G 'tRADE 173 - Wiltman (S) won by 421. Women's Hi Series: HelenRice Bruce Cole and Neal White two Climbers 25, while getting two J forfeit. GRANGE 517 more each, and Bill Bacon had less field'goalsthan Shelton. i ~, ~ ~'~ a Heavyweight - Matthews (H)Men's Hi Game Carl " dbur Standings: 4 of Us 6-2, Rite's Bill Bacon was the high point .... : t~OO n 6-2 Miklethun Eectric 5-3, one. man for Shelton, hitting three,i 81n' LL~DWAHeEl- dec. Ream (S), 9-5. let) ..... Fireba s 5-3 Straf 4-4 Chantrels Men s ~ benes: t:arl Goodburn 3Vz 41/z Bull'heads 2V~'-5Vz Buzz from the field and seven of nine LERY , SKI SHe 545 - ' ' p S from the line for 13. Mark , Women's Hi Game: Iva Cook 149 Bombs 08 Tra eason Johnson had seven, and Mike Bee I - -- I(111'$ & LOCKS Swimmers Busy Women's Hi Series: Joyce Olson MEN'S CITY Way I on a new Dodge Car or Truck 412 Men's Hi Game: Gale Albrecht and Larry Dill each had six. Neal I - Swimming is--flaying a greatStandings: Shelton Valley6-2 222 White had five, and Bruce Cole first year at Shelton High School Matlock 5-3, Agate 4-4 PomonaMen sHi Series: Stun Ahlquist Ur~ de r and Jeff Okano contributed four Soles • Repairs under the direction of Coach,4-4, Harstine 3-5, Soutl~side 2-6. 619 Matlock 4, Carl Goodburn Standings: 40 & 8 5-1, Hidden Trapping seasons are now each. Rich Walker, Tom Brigham, Doug Hanna. Next week the 545; Southside 0 Henry Cook Haven 4-2, C & L Time Service open for muskrat, marten andand Clyde Rains made two points ~ See Bud Pauley at ! 426-8118 Journal will have a roundup of493; Pomona 3, Joe Simpson 443; 4-2, Nault's Douglas Service 3-3, lynx in most of Washington. each. l I 223 Cote St. the season to date and will cover Harstine 1, Glenn Yates 328; Simpson ,3-3, J & J Service 3-3, Trappers are reminded to check The jayvees now stand at 5-4 Shelton Valley 3 Dutch Stanley Beckwith s Jewelry 2-4, KMAS the trapping regulations as seasons for the season. Their next game ! the new sport regularly after that. 477; Agate 1, Ma~ Mikkelsen 476 Radio 0-6. • on individual fur-bearing species will be against Bainbridge this vary within counties and river Friday night in Shelton Gym at :or ! tch n, S. ] : 1 s (Sri ,,¢i EX ;S p i ry~ SEATTLE.FIRST NATIONAL BANK 134 BANKING OFFICES THROUGHOUT WASH IN(3TON STATE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CONDITION RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks .............. U.S. Government Bonds ................ Municipal Bonds .................. Other Securities .................. Total Securities. Commercial Loans Real Estate Loans Installment and Other Loans Total Loans Bank Premises and Equipment Customers Acceptance Liability ............ Other Resources TOTAL RESOURCES December 31, December 31, 1969 1968 $ 287,727,589 $ 349,825,865 $ 121,778,022 $ 152,493,428 272,593,915 259,191,1 38 18,147,976 9,523,521 $ 412,519,913 $ 421,208,087 $ 676,988,478 $ 608,734,104 226,267,217 223,394,780 330,084,251 303,567,454 $1,233,339,946 $1,1 35,696,338 69,273,390 57,536,557 32,252,358 29,545,974 33,862,325 29,611,139 $2,068,975,521 $2,023,423,960 December 31, December 31, 1969 1968 $ 872,059,758 $ 883,113,405 494,010,701 486,733,707 374,610,089 349,221,194 LIABILITIES Deposits Demand ...... , ............. Savings .............. Other Time ....... " ..... Total Deposits . . . " .......... Federal Funds Purchased .... .......... Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase" i i i i i Accrued Interest, Taxes, etc. Unearned Income .... i i ............ Acceptances Outstanding ............ Other Liabilities ........ TOTAL'LIABILITIES .... i : i : i : i i i Reserve for Possible Loan Losses $1,740,680,548 $1,719,068,306 3,050,000 35,200,000 65,970,000 30,309,000 26,553,127 19,513,819 20,708,119 18,086,198 32,252,358 29,545,974 10,465,216 16,164,602 $1,899,679,368 $1,867,887,899 $ 21,81 8,365 $ 18,083,194 CAPITAL Capital Stock (shares authorized and outstanding 4,500,000.) Surplus ................ Undivided Profits ......... " ..... ° . . , . , , , • Reserves for Contingencies .............. TOTAL CAPITAL ..... TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND CAPiTALI i i i i i $ 45,000,000 $ 45,000,000 45,000,000 45,000,000 54,009,586 43,984,665 3,468,202 3,468,202 $ 147,477,788 $ 137,452,867 $2,068,975,521 $2,023,423,960 D I RECTO RS PHILIP L. CORNEIL RICHARD E. LANG VOLNEY RICHMOND, JR. Executive Vice President Chairman, Lang & Co. President, ROBERT M. ARNOLD JOHN M. DAVIS Northern Commercial Co. Vice President JOHN McGREGOR Partner President, McGregor Land and ROBERT A. SCHMIDT ROBERT S. BEAUPRE Daoi~, "l~rright, Todd, R~e & Jone~ Livestoeh Company President President, HENRY BRODERICK KENNETH R. FISHER ANSON B. MOODY Olympia Brewing Company Chairman, Preeident and General Manager, Everett WILLIAM S. STREET Henry Braderiek, Inc. Fisher Flouring Mills Company JOHN W. MURPHY Vice Chairman, VWR United Corp. FRANK H. BROWNELL, JR. CHAPIN HENRY President, Central T.A. WILSON Seattle President, Pre-Mix Concrete Co. President, The Boeing Company EDWARD t. CARLSON H. C. Henry Investment Co. Chairman and CHARLES M. PIGOTT WILLIAM P. WOODS Chief Executive Officer, WILLIAM M. JENKINS Preeident, und President, Washington Western International Hotel Co. Chairman Pacific Car & Fo ry Co. Natural Gas Company NORTON CLAPP Chairman, FRANK E. JEROME W.G. REED HOWARD S. WRIGHT Chairman, President, Weyerlmeuser Company Vice Chairman (Retired) Simpson Timber Co. Howard S. Wright Construction Co. SEATTLE.FIRsT NATIoNAL BANI{ MIM•IN leIOIINAI. ~I[POeiT IN•UNANCI CONPONATION D EPOSITS--SH ELTON BRANCH ....$12,208,727.96 drainages. 6:00 o'clock. Front & Railroad " 426-8183 I ~. -o ............. • Clean sidewall design- radial darts on shoulder • Your best tire buy in its price range Any of These Larger Sizes One Low = Price old life 7.75 x 15 i Blackwail 7.75 x 14 Tubeless 8.25 x 14 AO0 $=.00 ton WHITEWALL| 4-PLY NYLON CORD • Full 4 ply. Triple-tempered nylon cord construction • 190 deep tractor-type cleats -built deep to bite deep TubelessPlus ' Sile Slucl~vlll Fed. FJ. Tax Price and Old Tire 7.75 x 14$111.~ $2.17 7.75 x 15$18.95 $2.19 8.25 x 14$1tl.95 $233 8.25 x 15$I&~5 $2.36 4-PLY NYLON CORD ADD $3.50 FOR ADD $3.50 6.50 x 13 tubeless blackwall . plus $1.78 Fed. Ex. Tax per tire and old tire FREE MOUNTING WHITEWALLS 6.50 x 13 tubeless blackwell ~lus $1.78 ed. Ex. TeX per tire and old tire FREE MOUNTING FOR WHITEWALLS • NAKIS • ILtTrEMI[S • IAtAN¢mG • P.KAPglNG • I~h ~ II~lflc A.. ~ eml Ilkeltm , Northwest Motorists for 49 Years Thursday, January 15, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Paoe 17