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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 15, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 15, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t PHONE 3" ,¢ RATES 15 words or less -- $1.50 10 cents for each additional word over • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday 15. For Sale For Sale COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from MOBILE HOME FURNITURE ~ color negatives only,19c. 5x7 We specialize in quality compact enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's furniture for your mobile home. Camera Shop, 124 No. 2rid. At Olsen Furniture you're always 4/17tfn welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702.4/14tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's EASTERN WASHINGTON McCulloch Sales and Service. Alfalfa Hay for sale• Bale or by 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. ton. Start Johnson, Skokomish 3/28tfn Valley• 426-]467. J1/8-29 FOR SALE -- Large selection of FOR SALE -- 600 x 13 studded r e c o n d i t i o n e d r a n g e s, snow tread recaps• Used one refrigerators, washers, dryers• month -- $20.00. 426-4031. Cells & Valley Appliance Center. D1/8-15 6/5 tfn FOR SALE ALMITE FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor CROSS-SIGHT portable wheel or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it• 426-6163. 5/26tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn WALL - TO - WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates• You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O] i/18tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers 59c lb. cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn HAY FOR sale McDonalds farm, Kamilche Valley. Phone 426-3740. Mci 1/6tfn FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426-4412.8/9tfn LARGE SEIGLER Oil Heater, used very little, with floor board flue pipe -- $100. Cash. 426-6241. O]/]Stfn OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale, 426-2352. Cut to length; delivered. P 12/25t fn FOR SALE CLARINET $70.00 cash• 426-4209. No calls after 9:30 p.m. K11/20tfn EVINRUDE SNOWMOBILES- Hood Canal Marina, Union. 989-2252. H12/1 ltfn SALE OR TRADE roller skates all sizes. 426-3562. Yll/13-1/29 HAY! Excellent quality alfalfa, truck load deliveries, guaranteed quality. Phone Ella 482-3631. S11/13tfn COLOR T.V. See at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cotl 4264702 SWIMMING POOL also Lancer pools Surge Water Conditioners Backhoe Services Sewage Systems Bulldozing GLEN PARR 426-6539 SHELTON I I .I F I II Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Raplaoemant Warranty WATI¢III Ill¢&TIBI ~aNm4mt wsrmaSy. Eell$ & Valley Appllanol Center A Cota lit. Phe~ 4~14U Complete Home Furnlehinti CAmter I aligner $200. Call Port Angeles 457-3260. Wl/8-29 Pets, Livestock K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs• Kimball for appointment• 426-8988.8/31tfn WoA Wanted LOVING CARE -- for your child, by responsible mother. On Mill Creek Road. Phone 426-1448. S12/25-1/15 For Rent FOR RENT one bedroom furnished apartment. Also available Dec. 1, 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment• Holly Hill Apts. 900 Olympic• 426-6593. GOING ON VACATION? Leave CHILD CARE WANTED -- B11/13tfn your dog with us if over 20 Ibs• Certified, experienced, reliable• MeI-Ru Kennels 426-2387. Day or night• Fenced yard. Phone FOR RENT: Trailer space close N8/14tfn 426-2540. A1/8-29 to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/9tfn TROPICAL FISH! Good variety. Marion Wilkowski, 1221 W. Birch Street. 426-6148. 12/25-1/15 5 SPANIEL PUPPIES to give away to good homes• 426-3561. K1/15 Business Opportunities LOCAL HAY 70 cents a bale• Minimum 5 bales. 9-5 weekdays, ILLNESS FORCES SALE• only. Phone 426-3649. Bl/8tfn Woodworking Shop in Snelton (_furniture repair and finishing)• FOR SALE -- three bedroom, one Equipment good for cabinet acre, $6550.00. Rented now at work. Reasonable. 420 South $60.00 per month. Near School First. 426-8577. $1/1-22 and Store• Ideal investment• 426-2729. A1/15tfn HAY FOR Sale, Shelton Valley• 426-8774. O1/15-22 Personal EVEN TEMP Wall recessed oil furnace. Burns clean. Phone BERT SEZ! 426-6266. R1/15 Welcome LES MILLER to the management staff of THE 6 in. JOINTER; 8 in. Table saw; DOWNTOWNER. 1/1-23 17 ft. Fiberglass cabin boat; 12 ft. aluminum boat. Hoodsport CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed 877-5458 evenings. Mcl/15 , pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. WANT WOOD circulator for 2 ft. Florence Crittenton Home, PA wood or large cast iron heater. 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. Must be reasonable. 426-6953. 98178.8/28tfn D1/15 CA R PETS A FRIGHT? Make ,,=______~_--=- -~_ them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer Services $1. Coast to Coast. 1/15 MARQUETTE SCOPE Model BATHROOM AND KITCHEN 1000 with exhaust gas analyzer, remodeling• Roofing, patios, Excellent condition $800. Call carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Port Angeles 457-3260. Wl/8-29 Osborne's 426-6241. O1/25tfn STUDIO COUCH, green, TREE TOPPING and wood for practically new, $50.00. Phone sale• Hoodsport 877-5749. 426-1073. P1/15 Mcl 1/29tfn PORTABLE SEWING Machine for sale. In good condition, SHELTON MOTORS, expert $20.00 Phone 426-2841. body and fender repair and • painting. Free estimates. H 1/8-15 S 11/13tfn COMPLETE SAW FILING and £~HAIN SAW SHARPENING, sharpening outfit, all mounted on speedy, accurate. Precision WILL DO TYPING in my home. Have pica typewriter. Please furnish material and necessary instructions• Contact Mrs. Dan Miller at 120 Kneeland Apt. 1. Before 5 p.m. M 1/8-15 WILL BABY SIT children in my home by hour, day, or month• Phone 426-1597. Mcl/15-2/5 ~rinding. Now at Saeger Motor hop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn portable table. Practically new. Phone 426-4989. $1/8-15 BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light Used CAll'S grading, back filling, sewage ~----------- systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 1962 PONTIAC Tempest, 4 cyl. 7/22tfn standard, $175.00. Phone 426-3747.$1/15-22 ELECTROLUX SALES & Service. Electrolux bags available. FOR SALE -- 1965 V-W sedan. Excellent condition, $925. See at Free delivery. Call Jack Manley 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. ,WATi=-R-F nO'IT ~on-e--bedroom unfurnished apartment for rent. Hoodsport area. References required. Call Hoodsport 877-5312. S9/18tfn MOBILE HOME Space in quiet, new, downtown park. 426-3242. B 10/2tfn BABY SITTING in my home, days only. 6 months to 6 years. Phone 426-2132. H1/15-2/5 Help Wanted WANTED PAPER BOYS for MS. View, downtown and Angleside areas. Call 426-6527 before 7 p.m. or 426-6311 anytime. 1/ltfn HELP WANTED -- bookkeeper part time, may work into full time. Call 426-6163. Z1/15-22 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Nationally known company is seeking a salaried sales representative for this area. No travel. Starting salary + incentive increases as earned. Give background and experience in letter to Box 500, c/o The Journal. Equal Opportunity Employer M-F. 1/15tfn FOR RENT -- trailer, 35 ft. furnished with cabana on beautiful Lake Spencer. Electricity and water paid. $80. 426-2360. B1/8-15 ONE 3 bedroom house unfurnished, very clean• Hillcrest addition. Phone 426-4541. F1/8tfn COTTAGE FOR RENT• Phone 426-8423• Wl/8-15 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment, $60.000. Phone 426-3242. B1/15 Real Estate ANI MEN WANTED To train for 1618 Olympic Highway South HEAVY EQUIPMENT 426-1600 OPERATORS MT. VIEW AREA AND MECHANICS Just like new -- 3 carpeted bedrooms -- bath and half -- You will get your training with a Carpeted living room with raised qualified contractor. Operate the hearth fireplace -- heat-o-lator -- D-8, Tournapulls and Grader. The separate dining room -- laundry only training of its kind in the room -- kitchen with built in northwest. Fill in coupon NOW. range -- refrigerator -- sliding West Coast Training Service,doors lead to patio and well Write Box X100 landscaped yard -- $23,500. c/o The Journal P. O. Box 430, RIGHT DOWNTOWN Shelton, Wash. 98584 This older home has 4 bedrooms Name ............ Age ....... full basement -- 2 car garage Address .................... with workshop -- Assume a 5%% mtg. -- monthly payments $80 Phone ..................... includes tax & insurance -- Owner City .............. State .... will carry 2nd mtg. Only $13,500. Hrs. I work a.m ...... p.m ...... HILLCREST ORIGINAL 1/5-29 $17,750 is what this 4 bedroom home costs -- Original, because it was built by owner who cared -- lots of space and none wasted- all bedrooms and bath on lower level -- living room -- dining room -- kitchen and lovely large family room upper level -- view of rots. ~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~ Wanted SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st 516 5o. 12th, Angleside. G1/15 M8/15tfn and Mill. Always buying copper, fenced yard -- separate garage brass, radiators and batteries. Callwith workshop -- Only one year 1969 SPORTSMAN WAGON, 426-8626. S6/26tfn , old. extra seat available. 6 cyl., 3 ~------ speed transmission, radio. $2834 LANE HOUSE MOVING WANTED -- Aider Logs. 9" FHA APPROVED n~w. Pauley Dodge. 1/15 Houses Raised, Foundations diameter and up. Mason Nothing down and only closing --~------~------~ Hardwood Co. formerly Smith costs of approximately $500 will ONE 1937 GMC truck, three and Leveling Alder Mill• 426-1411. M4/24tfn '" get you in this excellent home -- 1949-50 Chev cars, some run. Sell Phone 426-8|47 I lying and dining room lot for $50. McReavy Road. School Bus stop 9/10 mi. from 1/27 tfn WANTED RIDERS to Olympia. -- 8-5 daily. Monday through Brockdale Road. C 1/15 Friday. Call 426-8133 evenings or HAND SAWS weekends. Y1/8-15 ]954 FORD PICKUP- $150.00; & TABLE SAWS 22 ft. chest-type freezer -- CHECK WITH us before you sell. $125.00. Dune Buggy -- We buy timber and/or timber $1500.00; Birdseye Maple bedroom set -- $75.00; Antiqued 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) lands, anywhere. Fast, fair service. Call collect. Roy 843-2305. red vanity --$25.00. Table, six chairs -- $35.00. 426-3767. ~h. 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn P12/25-1/15 D1/15 66 Dodge Wagon 66 Country Sedan 63 Fairlane Wagon 59 Plymouth Wagon 58 Ranch Wagon 68 Torino G.T. 66 LeMans 66 Mercury Monclair 2-Dr. 68 Tempest 2-Dr. 66 Plymouth 4-Door 65 BeI-Air 2oDoor 65 Ford Custom 500 4-Dr. 64 Rambler 4-Dr. 64 Impala 4-Dr. 63 BeI-Air 4-Dr. 63 Ford Custom 4-Dr. 62 Comet 2-Dr. 62 Galaxie 4-Door 61 Buick Special 2-Dr. 66 F-100 Pickup 65 F-200 Pickup 65 Ford Ranchero Auto-Tr. 65'Fora Hanchero 4 Spd. 64 Econolina Van J BOB OGDEN Installation Service Carpeting- Formica- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3 | 55 Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture ving Contracto, ASPHALT PAVING --Driveways --Parking Lots BOB KIMBEL CONST. 426-4243 -- Shelton PAINTING and DRY WAIL RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-8773 7/4 ,fin INGRAM CONCRETE CONTRACTORS BOB -- BUS -- BILL 5th and Railroad 4264231 or Appliances 3/6 tfn 625 So. 1st 426-2411 M le Homes FOR SALE 8' x 45' Paramount trailer. 426-4893 Call after 5 p.m. $1/15-2/5 Sporting Goods • ~ .-~_-_-_--------_---_-_- 9 ft. CHINOOK CAMPER and jacks $600. Call 426-4678. Sl/15 Instruction Beginner's Tap 10 a.m. Hood Canal School auditorium. Call 877-5713 for information. D1/15 tfn STRETCH AND SEW classesstart Jan. 14 -- 9:30 a.m. Jan 15 at 7:30p.m. House of Knits 220 No. 1st. Call 426-6627 or 426-8476. Sl/8-15 combination -- bath and half- large roomy kitchen with separate breakfast room -- utility room -- carport -- Close to Bordeaux School -- $13,000. ANGLESIDE LOCATION This home has charm and personality -- 3 bedrooms -- bath and half -- large entertaining size living room -- separate dining room which would seat large crowd formally -- Overlooking city and snowcapped mts. -- Master bedroom has fireplace -- full basement -- double carport -- lots of house FHA- $20,000. WATERFRONT BEACH HOME Large oversize living room -- massive fireplace -- large picture windows -- kitchen with built-in appliances -- ceramic tiled counters -- dining area -- 2 bedrooms -- bath -- utility room -- 3 acres -- orchard -- 124 ft waterfront -- Only $21,000. FHA WONDER This large family home is ready to move in without doing a thing to it -- 3 nice bedrooms- large living and dining room -- fireplace -- carpeted -- easy to work in this sunny kitchen -- lots of cupboards -- sliding door to patio -- fenced yard -- close to schools and stores -- basement -- $18,500 -- Only $700 down. COUNTRY LIVING 4 bedrooms -- fireplace -- separate dining room -- lots of house -- must see to appreciate- $25,000. MASON LAKE Paradise Estates -- Summer Place for vacation -- Sauna Bath -- Come in and sign up for your vacation. MASON LAKE Lot, with access -- $6600. to lake facilities PHI LLIPS LAKE 90 x 120 ft. lot -- $3700. access to lake -- Basements, Driveways Patios & block work Call Port Orchard Collect TR 6-2674 or TR 6-4690 11/13tfn Wanted to Rent WANT TO RENT -- unfurnished house with stove and refrigerator in or near Shelton, immediately. 426-4594. Wl/15 SUE M. DANIELS, Broker 426-1600 WALTER GEORGE 426-3530 Associate Broker SONNY LOWE, Salesman 426-4228 For Rent FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bedroom house on Mt. View. Carpeted living room, $110.00 month. 426-4344. D12/25 tfn FOR RENT -- three bedroom unfurshied home on John's Prairie Road. Panelled walls, w/w carpeted living room, triangular shaped fireplace, well water, school bus at front door. Electric range, oil heater, furnished. 426-2482 or 426-6661. A1/15 HOUSE FOR RENT -- downtown, unfurshed. Carpeted. Fireplace. Seven rooms -- $150.00. Plus deposit. Heat, garbage, TV cable, furnished. Two children. No Pets. 426-4895 or 426-4481. G1/]5tfn Real Estate For Rent Real Estate CHARMING DUPLEX -- Garden 9 Ac. Shelton setting, one bedroom. Fireplace, 4 Ac. Kamilche $ carpets, drapes, laundry, carport 12Vs Ac. Farm . .$18,500, included• $100. Adults. 818 Pine 5 Ac. Exceptional . askin( 426-1479 evenings. 1/15tfn 160 Ac. Matlock ... $600 ....... Maple Valley Land and ON E BEDROOM furnished 426-1203. M1/8-29 apartment downtown• Adults only• Phone 426-1205 or 712 Pine. Weekends• D1/15tfn 1- 2 Bedroom Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Garbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mountain View Phone 426-8663 12/5tfn New Year? ACREAGES... LARGE AND SMALL... How about 4% acres near Lake Nahwatzel? Mostly cleared and very suitable for home construction with some timber for shelter. This is quite level land and does have some fruit trees. Priced to sell for $3,375.00 with $750 down and monthly payments of $35 on the balance. If you are planning big, this one should fit. Located in Grays Harbor County -- this is a 280 acre offer for $150,000.00. Can be broken into some smaller pieces down to 20 acres. Has 4 streams and some large timber. everyday living . . . and the master bedroom with fireplace is so cozy. All this plus a basement with lots of storage. $20,000• ! 00' X 120' LOT . . . COUNTRY SETTING . . . Located in an area not far from our new approved high school building site. Can be used as a 3 bedroom home or 2 bedroom with a family room. Ideal for the young family with a "starter home" in mind. This is a newer home and well worth checking to see the pleasures of living =n this isolated little community. Plenty of room for the kids to romp and priced at only $13,500. Approximately 4V2 acres with NEWER HOME... creek frontage and mostly GOOD LOCATION ... wooded on private road out This 3 bedroom home with past Lake Isabella. Cleared area California design offers all of near the creek is very suitable the comforts you expect to for home construction• $4500• find in our better homes. Built by one of Shelton's own fine How about a 10 acres piece off contractors and features 1V2 the Cole Road in an area of baths, cozy fireplace, separate rising prices. Some new homes family room which can be in this area now. $11,500. closed off from the rest of the home for noise control, and an Large 5 bedroom home with 4 unfinished room which could baths on 20 acres. Home is in a serve almost any hobby. Priced semi-finished state and includes at $17,500 and terms can be separate dining room, family arranged. .Jroom, der~ sewing room, ,.. hobby room, 2 fireplaces, MAKE AN OFFEF~ ... intercom, and so many plus For the downpayment on this feature. White fenced corral downtown 3 bedroom, IV2 and line fences already bath home. Also features installed. Ideal for the larg.e fireplace, large "L" shaped family with an interest m living room, small creek horses or beef. You must see through front yard, and small this one to realize the value at l-room home out back for $49,000. guest quarters or rental income. $17,000. WHAT A VIEW! ... This lovely older 3 bedroom FOR RENT... l=/z bath Angleside home has We have a couple of 1 bedroom such charm, and the view is homes for rent in the magnificent! The plan is downtown area and also out in excellent for entertaining and the country. Check soon. ! 10 RAI LROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Evenings Call: DON BROWN - 426-6388 A. ROY DUNN - 426-4601 TWO BEDROOM, plus room, assume loan at $1500 down• Good $11,700• 426-2228 after 6 D1/ltfn REALTY "THE A CTION 226 N. 1st St., Shelton 10 VIEW ACRES with yea stream and some CLOSE-IN $11,500.00 50 BEAUTIFUL ACRES. PASTURE, Xmas Trees, Agate area. $39,500.00• 80 ACRES. Level CONSIDERABLE TIMBER. Matlock $48,000•00• a ALL of the above proper available on Real Contracts! CALL 426-1141 Evenings G. John Brush, Jr., 426-8858 Albert Windell, Assoc. 426-368 ! "Jim" 226 N. 1st St., Shelton NEAR GOLF COURSE ON THE BAY A large well-cared for home with near-by an active family. Almost acres, 100 ft. bay garden, orchard• $25,750• IT WON'T TAKE MUCH TO MAKE IT SPARKLE This is on Mt: VieW, bedrooms, fireplace, good on secluded street. FHA $13,500. WHERE DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? Angleside, $2750; Mt. $2200; Island Lake, $2750; WANT TO LEAVE THE FARM AND MOVE TO We have folks in farms, give us a call. Since 1890 Real Estate & HERB ANGLE- DICK AN(] JACK STEWART- PAUL BARBARA NELSON Evenings 426-41 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. $ The Northwest's Leading Marketer of Recreational Properties. Bob Eliot -- Local -- 426-4870 11/13 tfn e e We have just received 10 more commitments under the m 2-3-4 BEDROOM HOMES GUARANTEED LESS THAN RENT IF YOU QUALIFY FOR DETAILS CALL 121 Railroad Avenue 426-6592 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 15, 1970