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Publications gressman
you. hey/e_" -- NOTICE INVITING .... - nversi0n to the many types of ..... /N-PROBATE .... =: publication of this notice, or the - NOTICE OF SALE • NS On Go |
,v~r wh. at you. want. KurtMann, SEALED PROPOSALS camper-travelers seen on the NO. 4085 same will be barred. OF VALUABLE MATERIAL
426~65"9~;'. Sealed proposals for the freeways today. Vehicle may be NOTICE TO CREDITORS Date of first publication ON STATE LAND
seen in Montesano, Washington, In the Superior Court of the
t ~ purchase of one (1) used 1957 January 1, 1969. State of Washington By FLOYD V. HICKS : :
GMC bookmobile with 162'r by contacting Mrs. Ruth •Greer,State• of Washington For the KENNETH L. DAILEY " Department of Natural United States Representative
j~DS, BIKES; BA'FS, BRICKS -- wheelbase will be received at the W. H. M em o r ial Liorary, ~oun~y of Mason Executor of said Estate Resources Sixth District, Washington
~in_d them all in -the Timberland Regional Library, Mo ntesano, 249-42 11. For In the Matter of the Estate of c/o Ryan, Carlson, Bush, Bert L. Cole,
~lassified Ads. ..... Headquarters: 7th and Franklin instructions in submitting bids, LUCILLE V. DAILEY, Deceased. Swanson & Hendel Cqmmissioner of Nerve gas willsoon be-moved by train across a portion of
i " Streets, Olympia, Washington contact Mrs. L. E. Morrison, theN°tice is hereby given that 545 Henry Building Public Lands
Director, Timberland Regional unDersigned has been Seattle, Wash 98101
98501, until 5:00 p.m., Friday, Library Headquarters: 7th and appointed and has qualified as RYAN, CARLSON, BUSH, Notice is hereby given that on our state.
February 13, 1970. This is the Monday, the 26th day of January, Such lethal substances are part of our deterrent arsenal,
• Rul Estate ideally built vehicle for Franklin Streets, Olympia, txecu~or of the estate of the SWANSON&HENDEL
Washington 98501. The library above named deceased; that all RICHARD K. BUSH 1970, commencing at ten o'clock and are stored in various places around the world with the
board reserves the right to reject persons .having. claims against said Attorneys for Estate in the forenoon of said day, at the
~M~ any and/or all bids• Deceased are hereby required to 545 Henry Building Shelton District Headquarters, consent of the nations concerned. One such storage place was
Real Estate (Mrs.) Louise E. Morrison serve me same, duly verified, on Seattle, Washington 98101 located at Shelton, County of Okinawa.
Mason, State of Washington, by
birector, Timberland - said Executor or his attorney of MAin 2-1363
Regional Library, record at. the address below 1/1-8-15-3t the District Administrator of said During recent negotiations with Japan over Oldnawa s
Headquarters: sta¢eo, and rile the same with the District, the timber on the status, we agreed to remove our supplies from Okinawa.
Real following described state land will
LoBI$$ONIERE 7th and Franklin Streets, Clerk or said Court, together with The Dep tment of Defense decided to store these stocks
Olympia, Washington 98501 proof, of such service within four NOTICE TO CREDITORS be sold at public auction to the
Telephone: 352-0595 montns arter me date of first No. 4088 highest bidder, to wit: at the Army s storage depot at Umatilla, Oregon, so the
Estate Reol ~~ ~.___ ........ _______ In the Superior Court of the- ApplicationNo. 33848 shipments must come into a West Coast port.
Esfote State of Washington for Mason Bingham Creek Road There
are only two such installations capable of handling
Real Estate Real Estate County Thinning located approximately
In the Matter of the Estate of 24 miles by road northwest of these substances: Port Chicago Naval Ammunition Depot on
,ETIRED NAVAL OFFICER DUPLEX: In the country with a LOIS IDA DILLON, Deceased. Shelton. The sale is composed of San Francisco Bay and Bangor Naval Ammunition Depot on
[as decided he likes the Southern view of the water. Two units 2 The undersigned is the all timber marked with blue paint
alifornia climate better and has bedrooms each with fireplace, appointed and qualified personal bounded by sale area boundary Hood Canal. Bangor was chosen because it would require a
ngaged us to find a buyer for his Less than 5 years o1(1. Shown by representative of said estate, tags and property lines on parts of far shorter overland trip to Umatilla.
year old waterfront home in appointment only. Call tnday. . Persons having claims against the the following: Lots 1, 2, SW¼
lalker Park area. 3 bedrooms, 3 deceased are required to serye the NEV4, 5E1/4 NWl/4 of Section 2, This is the sort of thing for which Bangor
was built and at
aths, 2 fireplaces den, huge LARGE HOME FOR LARGE same in duplicate, duly verified, Township 20 North, Range 6 which the depot excels, to handle the most dangerous items
~ncrete bulkhead "--' and a v ew FAMILY: 5 bedrooms 21k baths on the undersigned or the West, W.M., containing 104 acres,
,ore nearly ev'ery room. This is carpeting, built-in 'annliances' attorney of record at the address more or ress, comprising from bullets and shells through nuclear warheads and now
Xceptional and certainly merits form a I d i n ing roo~r~, full stated below and file the same approximately 370,000 bd. ft. of chemical warfare substances.
our investigat on. $32 500 and basement, 3 car garage and much with the Clerk of this Court, Douglas fir.
re thinkthe price is right• much more. See this one soon together with proof of such Minimum acceptable bid: Congress
this year passed legislation requiring the most
FE'LL TAKE $30,000. " service within four months after $11,100.00.
January 15, 1970, or the same Timber will be sold on a cashstringent standards in shipping and storing such substances,
HE EQUITY KNOTTY PINE UPSTAIRS: This will be forever barred, or installment plan basis. Timber and the Army says it is meeting all possible safety standards.
your house as down payment large older style home has been GERA-LDN. DILLON must be removed prior to Every pound of the substances is kept in nearly 10
>r this new, fully carpeted 3 completely redecorated inside and Route 2, Box 515 September 30, 1971.
edroom, 1% bath home-- and of has a brand new furnace. There is Shelton, Washington 98584 On or before January 26, pounds of the safest known containers. They are monitored
ontract.Ourse' assumelt,s FHAY°Ur appraisedm°rtgage Orat ouhidea fireplacecity limitsand tbutiS closel°catedto ROBERT L• SNYDER 1970, at 10:00 a.m•, each bidder constantly by the most effective devices yet developed, to
17,250 and ready for you to town. Attorney for Estate must make a minimum deposit of
I 4 BE= I OOM I1251/2N'Sth $1,110,00 in the form of cash, detect anyleakage, and remedies for all contingencies are
Shelton, Washington 98584 money order or certified check, kept ready. Soldiers accompany the shipments to protect
sh, uld LOVELY HOME: 2 bedrooms, 1/15-22-29-3tSaid deposit shall constitute an
HOME THAT S TRULY carpeted living room with opening bid at the appraisedboth train and cargo.
IIFFERENT . fireplace, family room, garage, price. Upon award of this sale, the
I's a 2 bedroom and it's ClOwn and 5 acres with a creek. NO. 4083 The American Association of Railroads, Department of
.0own -- and the reason it'sI NV, ESTMENT: 3 nice renta The Superior Court of returned to the unsuccessful the Army, and DepartmentofHealth, Education andWelfare
bidders. On the day of sale, the
Irterent is because it is about 70 units, 2 completely furnished, Washington forMasonCounty purchaser must pay the balance cooperate in selecting the safest rail route, with special
!novatedears old --withbutallSOnewCOmpletelcoppeYr within walking distance of I In the Matter of the Estate of between the bid deposit and the attention to the stability of the roadbed and to avoiding
shopping center. All units rented SHIRLEY M. RAINES, Deceased. full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of
lUmb ng all new wiring, new 100% of the time. Owner will sell NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
)of and' every piece of lumber FHA, Conventional, or Real that the undersigned has been sale fee, or may, if the purchaser populated areas. The speed Emit is 35 miles an hour.
hat looked even a bit Estate Contract. I' BEll ItOOM I'app°inted and has qualified as so elects at the timeofsale, pay Understandably, there is considerable opposition to
uestionable has been rep aced. personal representative of this an additional amount, to bring
'et the decor of the 1900 era has F O R R E N T : 3 b ed room estate. Persons having claims the total amount of the deposit, having these lethal chemicals anywhere near.
een competely retained. It's unfurnished hou,e with large .. against the deceased are required exclusive of fees, to equal 10%of And there is greater opposition to having them in
'uly unique and it's $12'000 -- yard• $110"00 per m°nth plus 150 i to serve the same, duly verified' the fult bid price based on the existence at all. Personally, I would very much prefer to see
O call t° see it• BY app°intment" small dep°sit" I 517 °n the undersigned °r the cruise estimate' pr°vided that
, FIXER-UPPER, attorney of record at the address such deposit shall not be less than an
end to any form of these substances.
ACI~ES (:all 426-1641 J withstated thebel°Wclerkandoffilethisthecourt,Same $2,000.00.paid by personalThis check.balanCepurchasermay be However, this is a national policy determination and the
:'ll take a little imagination and
now-how, but someone with I Low income families can purchase these homes in | together with proof of such must also furnish within 30 days U.S. policy holds lethal chemical agents in approximately the
aese qualifications will. make Bey Thomason 426-8615 service within four months after of date of sale a surety bond of same view as strategic nuclear weapons, that is, that we keep
imself a nice profit when negate I Shelton with low, low down and payments like rent.I January 1, 1970, or the same will $1,000.00 to guarantee
compliance with all terms of the them to deter other countries from ever using them for fear
ossiblyready to4, resell.new 3kitchenbedrooms, I I be foreverDAviDbarred.EARL RAINES bill of sale. All checks, money of retaliation in kind.
and LoBI$$ONIERE I Call Olympia 943-7839 for further information or | JOHNC. RAGAN payable to the Commissioner of A change in this policy can be made by the Executive
athroom cabinets and some Personal Representativeorders, etc. are to be mad
eautiful walnut cabinets are AGENCY I evenings Olympia 491-8895-- Frank Tobinski I Attorney for Estate Public Lands. D Branch of the Federal Government. If sufficient public
Iready in -- and there's still a lot A C C E S S R O A
) be done -- but then the price s 122 Railroad Avenue be paid on day of sale.
nly m$a6r,50n0foWhich will leave a REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE I or Wee Sanders, Lima 482-3590. I Title Insurance Building " REVOLVING FUND: $40.00 to demand for change in policy were generated and the
, g" profit• As we said, 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. I r/8-29 I Shelton, Washington 98584 Executive did not act, Congress probably would involve
s on 2 acres room enough for 2 1/1-8-15-3t Accessibility: via Simpson
Timber Company easement and itself. That is not yet the case.
bore building sites. $1,000 down. Department of Natural Resources You no doubt k ow that President Nixon has said the
YEARS OLD U.S. is getting rid of biological warfare substances, without
:?tclh it'f big• Large living room
replace, carpeted, a
compact kitchen with
oven and range, 3 large
rooms and an unfinished
room.: Black-top street,
siddwalks and within
distance of the hospital.
"- worth seeing. Call us.
will also trade down -- and
~(~'='.':e. YOur_...,,~ mortgage in an
~omes in the South-Hill
between Angleside &
and it's the most
we have ever seen.
.nZan~ buy it as a 2 bedroom
W=th fireplace attached
~ and with 2 unfinished
% oedrooms plus roughed-in
$16,950 (and finish the
self Or you can have
finished for
on FHA with
down. Also, you can
Your own colors, inside and
~ur own carpeting, formica
covering for kitchen
s. Come on in and see the
J pictures of the finished
ncidentally, interest rates
going to come down, so
crastinate -- do it now).
acre tracts -- $4,750, $300
5 acre tract, well some
ngs with 990 feet of road
Ige. $6,500 -- $1,000 down.
acres -- timber, Chrstmas
', fenced on 3 sides, $750.00
acres, you name the down
ant and terms.
jat~res -- Mat ock area --
_,N.rul, level, about half
~.edL ha!f cleared -- $550 per • rou state your terms.
on Hammersley, 700' of
th ~ $10,000 with $/bO
)f no-bank, concrete
"ruly beautiful,
t down. The water
s also to the lot.
Lake -- 60 frontage by
epth, in a view location,
nd POwer to the property.
and you select the terms.
Jtiful 3 bedroom
ront home, fireplace, 1%
-,,~ orced air heat.
~0..per month. 1 year
u,. lease.
drooms, downtown,
ce, full basement, good
e. $125.00 per month. 1
ase preferred.
OGre apartment -- range,
eratc washer, dA~le~,
ins, plus
s furn $125.00 -- 3
R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime
Evening, Call
Be First...
New Listing...
See this one now! Over 1 400
sq. ft. on one floor for
$18,500.00. Big lot too (90' x
Four Bedroomsll
If you want a really special
new home then put this one on
the top of your list. It boasts
of 2,000 sq. ft. with everything
you could want in a new home.
Why not call us when you have
Oakland Buy...
250 feet of "no bank"
property with tidelands -- close
to town. $100.00 per foot and
will trade for income property
or acreage.
' - a spare hour, and inspect this LOW Interest
100 ). Spacious rooms, really fine home. Trade in your
separatepretty kitchenUtilitYcabinets.and otsAsk Ofus present home for the down Shhh!!! Don't tell your friends
about the low interest loan you payment• 'tEl you take advantage of the
-- low interest loan on this
can assume.a, Spencer Lake. • • "Newer" Mt. View home. 3
bedrooms with carpeted living
Imme.i.te Retire here. Here's another fine room, extra bath, fireplace,
Possesslonll home that offers 2 bedrooms, a large dining room and attached
carpeted living room with garage. Fenced yard too. Only
You can move in by this fireplace, roomy bath, $17,950.
week-end. Everything is in convenient kitchen, 2 garages,
excellent condition, l bedroom fruit trees, drilled well and Hoed _ .Canal
down with an open stairway in some of the best waterfront on .,.ant=/
the carpeted living room to 2 the lake. Hurry to see this one. 5 year old Ranch-style home
more bedrooms upstairs. Excellent private financing
available at $21,500.00. located on school house hill
Covered patio, large garage plus o v e r H o o d s p o r t. T w o
carport. All this plus a secluded ~ bedrooms and a den, electric
back yard for $11,000--easy Suburban Spe:ialll heat, fireplace, camper-sized
contract terms -- Hurry -- garage -- workshop, plus
Just one year old a d'close in attached carport. Perfect spot
on the Cole Road. Everythincj for the young-at-heart.
Check This Onell on one level including the
bedrooms. This is the best buy $16,950.
A 3 bedroom home with a biq we have in a newer nome under
family room that is only :~ $17,000. Attached garage... Extra Specia|ii
years old. Nicely carpeted. Large lot "ate
dB.e.autiful fireplace. Built-in possession! See this one now. You'll find a
tsnwasner. First class fnrr,=,~ reallv soacious home with a
a!r heatinQ system. LocatedIUJn~- I~lr= mos{ uniX'qua kitchen -- dinin~
ClOSe to Mr• View School an,~ illall~ll =,~ • • • -- livina area Loads or
'"~ " 60 f e cabinets,'~lots of'windows and
for sale for $19 750 00 on Here's a rare f,nd L. e t ofopen beamed ceilings• Spacious
terms, you w,II want to know choice frontage Onwth~sdPopular bedrooms too. Extra large lot
about Lots of extras that you I~ ' ,eel ed " " "1
won'.t have to buy separately ~uk~e~=dt:s n~r cYash or ,,and with lake prlv, ages.
~.an De seen anydme=~ -" ;" ......... Y'-'I 5 .... ; .... '~"
"" ~ompare at ~,~ , UU tIT you m ,~= ==
can find any to compare itrrepIIre ROWll
Comer Let... w,th)
_ "' _ Spring follows winter and with
See this attractive 2 bedroom Brand Newll it comes your urge to find a
Mt View home today ^ waterfront hideaway. We have
.^~.'~,, k ...... =,,. ..... ~ H e r e y o u g o -- o n I listed 150' of Oakland Bay
o~U;ny ;;;y";o~t;; ~o/llrepl~l $ 1 7, 5 0 0..O 0 _f or .t h iy frontage withe charming little
the street improvements dr= ;.. well-planned ~. D.eoroom ~_ome cabin complete with boa~
and paid for. Take a IooL~ at•.woo.o!and..Manor. P-xtra house and boat. It's only
today. We think you'll a,,r~.~ oath, at.tacnecl, garage and $17,000.00 with contract
it's a good value at $17 ~i~. manYo Diner features usually terms available. There is a bag
iYoaX,can assume a I°w Int'eres~ ~m°oatde~ oeu° '; r ~ sn; s tP ~ ce;a ngn~ ~ n o SmVoeW c trs~C tGi;tc loud: d s t°o°r
• • are.
DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049
,DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407
m ~ Ill ICK BOLLING. Closing Broker 426 8162
Or t, MI . . . VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-65;;
, State of Washington
Department of Water
WATER CO. of Hoodsport,
Washington on December 11,
1969, filed application for permit
to divert the public waters of
unnamed stream tributary of
Hood Canal, in the amount of
0.33 cubic foot per second,
subject to existing rights,
continuously each year for the
purpose of community domestic
supply that the approximate
Complete contract and
specifications may be examined at
Shelton District Headquarters,
County Auditor's office, and
office of the Commissioner of
Public Lands, Olympia.
To be sold at Shelton District
Headquarters, on Monday,
January 26, 1970, at 10 o'clock
Application No. 33849
Dry Bed Creek Thinning
located approximately 26 miles
by road west of Shelton. The sale
is composed of all timber marked
with blue paint bounded by sale
area boundary tags and property
lines on part NVz, part NE¼ SE~,
point of diversion is located plus all timber bounded by right
within Government Lot 1 of of way boundary tags on part N%
Section 31, Township 23 N., NEV4, part SEV4 HE% of Section
Range 3W. W.M., in Mason 16, Township 20 North, Range 6,
West, W.M., containing 135 acres,
Any objections must be
accompanied by a two dollar
($2.00) recording fee and filed
with the Department of Water
Resources within thirty (30) days
from January 15, 1970.
Witness my hand and official
seal this 26th day of December,
Assistant Director, Division
of Water Management.
Department of Water
more or less,
approximately 460,000 bd. ft. of
Douglas fir.
Minimum acceptable bid:
Timber will be sold on a cash
or installment plan basis. Timber
must be removed prior to
September 30, 1971.
On or before January 26,
1970, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder
reciprocal action on the part of the Soviet. It is worth noting
that although President Nixon gave the impression that we
are eliminating all biological agents, the fact is that only some
of them are being destroyed•
! asked the Army if it could neutralize the chemical
warfare substances on Okinawa and reactivate their peculiar
properties in the U.S. The Army said it was not possible.
I asked what it would cost to dispose of them on
Okinawa and manufacture replacements in the U.S., if we
had to have them. The Army estimated the cost at roughly
$30 million and noted it still would have the transportation
and storage problem.
So from three to five shiploads of these chemicals will be
coming into Bangor in the next few months, to be loaded
aboard trains and taken to Umatilla over routes not
announced for security reasons.
It seems to me that eliminating both biological and
chemical warfare substances entirely throughout the world
should be taken up in the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
now under way in Helsinki, Finland. I certainly would favor
such a move.
must make a minimum deposit of
$1,794.00 in the form of cash,
money order or certified check. J,~ Puidications Legal Publkations
1/8-15-2t Said deposit shall constitute an
opening bid at the appraised -~--------------------- --~--------------------------------------
price. Upon award of this sale, the
NO. 4087 returned to the unsuccessful CLAIMS CEMETERY ASSOCIATION
In the Superior Court of the bidders. On the day of sale, the NOTICE IS HEREBY ANNUAL MEETING
State of Washington for Mason purchaser must pay the balance GIVEN: That all claims against NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
Countv between the bid deposit and the Mason County for the year 1969, that the annual meeting of the
In the Matter of the Estate of full bid price plus a $5•00 bill ofmust be presented to the Auditor stockholders of the Shelton
G EO RGE C. JOHNSTON, sale fee, or may, if the purchaser of Mason County, not later than Cemetery Association will be held
Deceased. so elects at the time of sale, pay January 20, 1970, for allowance Monday, January 26, 1970, at
The undersigned is the an additional amount, to bring by the Board of County 7:30 p.m., in the PUD Conference
apDointed and qualified personal the total amount of the deposit, Commissioners. Room, Third and Cote sts.~ for
representative of said estate, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of According to RCW 36.40.200, the purpose of election of officers
Persons having claims against the the full bid price based on the any claims presented more than and such other business that may
deceased are required to serve the cruise estimate, provided that thirty (30) days after the fiscal come before the meeting.
same in duplicate, duly verified, such deposit shall not be less than year, shall be provided for in the WILLIAM R. BATSTONE
on the undersigned or the $2,000.00. This balance may be next ensuing year's budget. President
attorney of record at the address paid by personal check. Purchaser RUTH E. BOYSEN 1/8-15-22-3t
stated below and file the same must also furnish within 30 days Mason County Auditor
with the Clerk of this Court, of date of sale a surety bond of 1/8-15-2t
together with proof of such $1,000.00 to guarantee NOTICE TO CREDITORS
service within four' months after compliance with all terms of the In the Superior Court of the
Januarv 15, 1970, or the same bill of sale. All checks, money NOTICE OF SURFACE State of Washington o
will be forever barred, orders, etc. are to be made WATER RIGHT In and for the County or
RUTH KADOUN payable to the Commissioner of APPLICATION NO. 21916 Mason
Route 3, Box 243 Public Lands. In the Matter of the Estate of
Shelton, Washington 98584 Accessibility: via public and " State of Washington M A R Y A. SC H A U LAND,
ROBERT L. SNYDER - Department of Natural Resources Department of Water Deceased.
Attorney for Estate access. Resources N O T I C E I S H E R E BY
125 1/2N. 5th Complete contract and Olympia GIVEN: That Clara Wilson has
Shelton, Washinqton 98584 specifications may be examined at been appointed, and has qualified~
1/15-22-29-3tShelton District Headquarters, TAKE NOTICE: i as executrix of the last will and
County Auditor's office, and That RICHARD F. ZIEGAN testament and of the estate of
office of the Commissioner of of Bellevue, Washington on Mary A. Schauland, deceased; and
NOTICE OF HEARING Public Lands, Olympia. . November 25, 1969, filed that the creditors of said estate
FINAL ACCOUNT To be sold at Shelton District application for permit to divert and of said deceased are required
No. 4043 Headquarters, on Monday, the public waters of an unnamed to serve all claims aqainst the said
spring, in the amount of 0.01deceased and the said estate on
In the Superior Court of the January 26, 1970, at 10 o'clock cubic foot per second subject to Ernest L. Meyer, attorney for said
State of Washington for Mason a.m.
existing rights, continuously each executrix, at Suite 12, National
County (In Probate) . . o Any sale which has been year for -the purpose of group Bank of Commerce Building,
In the Matter of the Estate or
J O S E P H W. H U N T L E Y, offered, and for which no bids are domestic supply and as neededOlym~_~_, Washington, the p?ace _
Deceased. received shall not be reoffered or tire protection that the~hetran~ctTonoTt-hebuS~-ness
NOTICE is given that the until it has been readvertised. If. approximate point of d version s of said estate, and file the same
Final Account and Petition for all sales cannot be offered within located within Lot 39 of the plat w i t h t h e c l er k of t he
Distribution has been filed with the specified time on the of Patricia Beach within Section above-entitled court, together
the Clerk of the above Court and advertised date, the sale shall 25, Township 22 N., Range 3W.with proof of such service, w!thin
the AdmEn istratrix seeks continue on the following dayW.M., in Mason County. four (4) months after the date or
settlement of the account~ between the hours of ten o'clock Any objections must be the first publication of this notice
distribution of the estate, and a.m. and four o'clock p.m. accompanied by a two dollar to creditors, to-wit: within ~our
discharge, which matters have Said timber on said land will ($2.00) recording fee and filed (4) montl~safter January 8t 1969,
been set for hearing on 6 be sold for not less than thewith the Department of Water or said claim will be forever
February 1970, at the hour of appraised value, as appraised by Resources within thirty (30) days barred.
9:30 a.m. in the court room of the Commissioner of Public Lands from January 15, 1969. CLARA WILSON
the Probate Department of this in the manner provided by law a Witness my hand and official Executrix of the Last Will
Court. notice of which is now on file in seal this 15th day of December, and Testament and of the
Angle Bldg.
Shelton, Washington 98584
the office of the Auditor of said 1969.
county, and District GLENH. FIEDLER
Administrator of said district. Assistant Director,
Division of Water
BERT L. COLE Management.
Commissioner of Public Department of Water
Lands Resources.
1/1-8-15-22-4t 1/8-15-2t
Estate of Mary A. Schauland,~,~
Deceased ~.~/;
Attorney for Executrix
12 National Bank of
Commerce Building
Olympia, Washington
Ii ......
Thursday, January 15, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19