January 16, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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i!i i liii! : iii I ii
::i: TUFFIN, A KITTY OF MIXED ANCESTRY, is Marvin Matson family on Route 1, Shelton, and nine-month-old son, Donnie. The picture was
also a little mixed up about how cats are sup- if Mrs. Matson doesn't close the bathroom door token to send to head of household S/5 Mar-
POsed to act. The oddball feline lives with the ill a hurry, Tuffin is in the bathtub before her vln Matsn, who is serving in Vietnam.
i 3 Year' No. 3
Published "Christmo, stown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 10 Cents per Copy
Thursday, January 16, 1969 Fmtered as sec nd '.lass matter at the pot office at Shelton, Wuhtncton
under act )f March 8. 1879. Published at Wet Co, 18 Pages ..... 2 Sections
iiii u
120 Names Drawn For Jury List Here
jury list of 120 names for Kean, Allyn; James A. McAu- ley Shelton. Alice Squire, Belfair; D. L. Cal- DISTRICt 3: Eva Mae Arch-
term which starts in
County Superior Court
3 were selected Friday
Judge Charles Wright and
Clerk I-xlga Kimbel.
list includes 40 names from
aihionf hri:h:ee county com-
Th.ose drawn for jury duty were :
Shelton. Kathryn Jean "r
Harriet Cheplak, Allyn; Law-
J; fence Gosser, Shelton; Vincent T.
Shelton; Laura Hansen,
Henry A. Bargmeyer,
Glen H. Parker, Shelton;
M. Hansen, Shelton.
,Floyd Wetters, Jr., Shelton;
rmzel p. Johnston, Allyn; Anna
DMrrie Pyle, Shelton; j. Herbert
river, Shelton; Arlene L. Mc-
liffe, Shelton; John H. McCoy,
Grapeview; Arnold Livingston
Shelton; Leona M. Jones Gi,,.
Harbor; Bruce W. McLean, Shel-
Beverly M. Kane, Shelton; Ro-
bert C. Furse*h, Shelton; Joseph
E. Anderson, Shelton; Lester A.
Fields, Shelton; Shirley G. Hen-
sen, Shelton; Laura A. Fletcher,
Shelton; Janice M. Skinner, Bel-
fair; Ronald L. Dickinson, Shel-
ton; Hugo S. Blev'ns, Shelton;
Mary Ann Mendenhall, Shelton,
Marilyn L. Viger, Shelton; Carl
H. Bernert, Shelton; Virginia J.
Richert, Shelton; Sharron Thomp-
son, Shelton; Arthur E. Fitchitt,
Shelton; Lloyd C. Morse, Allyn;
Gary E. Brevig, Shelton; William
R. Jackstadt, Shelton; Ted James
Matson, Allyn; Lawrence F. Wil-
.... RICK PECKHA f Mrl and Mrs. Ben Peckham, Shel-
ton, has been selected as a member of the All-Northwest
Chorus. The chorus is selected from students in high
schools in Oregon,
ham was the Only Washington, Montana and Idaho. Peck-
one from Shelton selected from several
vho tried out. He will attend a three-day event in Eugene,
In March as a member of the chorus. The first two
days Will be used
conjunction in study and rehearsals and a concert, in
With the All-Northwest Band, will be presented
the final night,
DISTRICT 2: James G. Ham-
mond, Belfair; A. N. Tuberg, Bel-
fair; Laurence A. Mongrain, BeN
fair; Alice B. Rice, Belfair; Leigh
Hunt, Belfair; Raymond W. Sage,
Tahuya; Howard Lockard, Lilli-
waup; Ruth Fortner, Belfair;
John L. Lutzenhiser, Belfair;
John L. Madara, Belfair; Beatrice
A Baughman, Belfair.
Vernon L. Beeson, Belfair; Eva
Latzel, Sheltn; Charlotte Rafto,
Belfair; George E. Legg, Union;
Leo J. Livingston, Belfair; Alice
Pulsifer, Shelton; Water H. Rea,
Hoodsport; Albert C. Eddy, Bel-
fair; Susan Meier, Belfair.
ahan, Hoodsport; Lena A. Camp-
bell, Potlatch; William J. Hughes,
Belfair; Edward B. Cokelet, Bel-
fair; Mary Leclair, Shelton; Wil-
liam McCullough, Belfair; Glen
Butler, Potlatch; Rick Miller,
Shelton; Edwin Arnold, Hoods-
port; Donald R. Gagnes, Bel-
J. A. Spaulding, Hoodsport;
Mary Jarchow, Union; Glen
Bingham, Belfair; Joseph T. Pet-
erson, Shelton; Douglas H. At-
tridge, Belfair; Harold A. Mil-
lard, Belfair; Gordon D. McGill,
Belfair; Betty L. Gray, Lilliwaup;
and George Green, Belfair.
Judge Rejects Motion
In Marijuana Case
Judge Charles Wright denied
a motion to suppress evidence in
the case of Jeffery Heinis, 18,
Shelton, charged with possession
of marijuana.
The ruling came after a hear-
ing in Superior Court on a mo-
rion by Hetnis' attorney, Gerry
Alexander, Olympia.
Deputy Sheriff Tom Creekpaum
who arrested Heinis the evening
of Dec. 13, testified that he had
a tip from an informant that three
boys in a car answering the des-
eription of and having the license
number of a car which Heinis
was driving, had tried to sell
Creekpaum said he had stop-
ped the car at 7th and Franklin,
near Shelton High School, and
had placed the three youths in
his patrol car, and, searched the
vehicle in which they were rid-
ing. He found, he said, a match
box containing a vegetable sub-
stance which he believed to be
marijuana. Subsequent tests had
proved it to be marijuana, Creek-
paum sled.
He said the informant who had
given him the information had
been the somme of reliable infor-
mation in the past and he had
good reason to believe his infor-
marion was correct this rime.
Creekpaum said that only
Heinis was charged since he
was the owner and driver of the
.car. Neither of the other two
youths had any suspicious .mater-
ial on their person, he added, so
they were not charged.
Alexander told the court he did
not believe the officer had rea-
sonable grounds to stop the ve-
hicle and search it and the oc-
cupants a tip tro an Infr-
mant and asked that the evidence
in the case be suppressed.
Creekpaum did not have a war-
rant for the arrest of the youths
nor a search warrant for them
or the vehicle, Alexander said.
Prosecuting Attorney John C.
Ragan told the court that the
informant who had given the in-
formation was the same one who
had provided officers with infor-
mation which lead to the arrest
of George Gomtfeliow, Olympia,
on a charge of possession of mari-
juana. ellow, Ragan told
the court, had pleaded guilty
to the charge and had been sen-
tenced last mmth.
Ragan told the court he believ-
ed that Creekpaum's actions were
Intlrely within the law, since he
did not have time to get a search
warrant after receiving the In-
formation about the marijuana.
AFS Seeks
Host Family
J Applications for the host fam-
ily for the foreign student the
local chapter of the American
Field Services will have here dur-
ing the 1969-70 school year are
being sought,
Applications must be in by
Jan. 31.
Information on the requirements
for being the host family for the
foreign student are available from
Mrs. R. J. Canes, 426-3252 or
Dr. D. K. Larson, 426-8589.
er, Shelton; Gary R. Green-
wood, Shelton; Ira E. Starts-
bury, Shelton; Eugene R. Ho-
ward, Shelton; Gerald B. Parks,
Shelton; Allan D. McGee, Shelton;
Gladys Baker, Shelton; Sally B.
Kimbel, Shelton; Linda S. Orr,
Shelton; Marjorie C. Hurst, Shel-
James E. Cormier, Shelton;
Larry D. Chapman, Shelton; Ches-
ter Marshall, Shelton; William F.
Tibbits, Shelton; Gary Fager-
gren, Shelton; Charles M. Ter-
rill, Elma; Loree Stoehr, SheN
ton; Clyde Norris, Elms; Robert
L. Baldwin, Shelton; Eldon Todd,
Ann Marie Holt, Shelton; Glen
O. Roberts, Shelton; Juanita B.
Reagan, Shelton; Patricia J.
Ytmker, Shelton; Verne E. Schuf-
fenhauer, Shelton; Corrinne A.
Clary, Shelton; Robert Eugene
Dethlefs, Shelton; Ernest N. May-
nard, Shelton; Myrtle E. Kring,
Shelton; James L. Geist, Shelton;
Thomas L. Skillman, Shelton.
Edwin D. Johnson, Shelton;
William E. Rogers, Shelton; Wil-
liam Petersen, Shelton; H. T.
Condon, Shelton; Henry W. War-
nes, Shelton; Herbert Vonhof,
Shelton; Clifforil C. Evans, Shel-
ton; John Byron Kelly, Shelton;
Dordthy M. Wittenberg, Shelton.
Freeway Bypass Funds
Are Asked Of Legislature
Construction of two lanes of
the proposed freeway bypass
around Shelton during the next
biennium are included in the re-
quests for work In Mason County
submitted to the State Highway
Department to the State Legisla-
ture this week.
Total cost of the first two lanes
of what is planned to eventually
be a four-lane project total $2,-
353,000 of which $1.5 million is
requested from the Urban State
Highway program. The remain-
der is contained in the regular
fund request.
Some money is available from
an appropriation by the last leg-
islature for planning and right-
of-way purchase.
The money requested for the
next biennium would start con-
struction where the present free-
way leaves off in the vicinity of
Cole Road and bring it around
to connect with the present High-
way 101 north of the Shelton City
Also included in the request for
work in Mason County is $111,300
for paving 10.4 miles of Highway
106 from Merrimount Dr. in the
Woman Charged
With Larceny
I Mrs. Evelyn J. Larson, 29,
644 Cascade St., Shelton, was ar-
rested Friday on a charge of
grand larceny.
She was arrested shortly after
9 a.m. Friday by a Shelton Police
Department officer and a Mason
County Deputy Sheriff.
She appeared in court Friday
morning before Judge Charles
Wright for identification. Shelton
Attorney Byron McClanahan was
appointed to represent her.
Mrs. Larson was released later
the same day on personal recog-
nizance by Judge Wright on an
oral motion by McClanahan.
Room R00es
The Mason County Hospital
District Commission has announc-
ed that room rates at Mason Gen-
eral Hospital were raised $10 a
day, effective Jan. 1.
The new rates are $45 for a
two-bed room and $49 for a pri-
vate room.
The commissioners, along with
Cal Hopper, administrator of the
hospital, discussed the rate in-
creased at the Chamber of Com-
merce Board of Trustees break-
fast meeting Friday morning.
The hospital officials said that
the first three months the new
Mason General Hospital had
been in operation, there had been
a deficit.
There was an average of 31
patients a day during the time,
the hospital offlcals said, and
that an average of 41 would have
been needed to keep the financial
operation in the black at the old
They explained that the $10 a
day increase would take care of
replacing the deficit and of sa-
lary increases for employees an-
ticipated this year.
The hospital officials explained
that it takes a certain number of
people to keep the hospital oper-
ating no matter how many pat-
ients there are.
The room rate increases put
Shelton in line with most other
hospitals in the state, the hospital
officials explained, where under
the old rates, they were among
the lowest in the state.
WILLIAM O. HUNTER, center, was sworn in as county
commissioner Monday morning to begin the duties of the
position to which he was elected in November.. Hunter,
the first Republican county commissioner here in 32 years,
ueeed Harry Elmlqnd District 2, 0n th0 left 1
Union area to Highway 3 in BeN
This is a part of the project
which a group from the Union
area has been working to get in
the highway program.
The request for work in Mason
County also includes $15,000 for
shoulder widening from the Ma-
son Lake Road to Belfair; $30,-
000 to replace the Weaver Creek
Bridge in the Skokomish area;
$42,000 for surfacing Highway 101
in the city of Sbelton from First
St. to the North City Limits;
,$15,000 for oiling the shoulders
on Highway 101 from the north
city limits; $15,000 for replace-
ment of the Purdy Creek Bridge
and $13,000 for two safety im-
provement projects in the Victor
Gorton To Be Speaker
For Lincoln Day Event
Plans for the annual Lincoln
Day Dinner were revealed at a
recent meeting of the Executive
Board of the Republican Central
Committee of Mason County.
Warren Edinger Sr., General
County Chairman, announced that
Attorney Slade Gorton will be fea-
tured speaker at the dinner,
which will be Feb. 11, at the Mt.
View School auditorium.
William Hunter, Mason County
Commissioner, has been appoint-
ed General Dinner Chairman.
Dinner tickets, at $5 per plate,
may now be purchased from Re-
publican party workers, precinct
committeemen and committee-
women, and Central Committee
Aid For New Athletic
Field Is Suggested
I A proposal for a community
eff:rt to assist the Shelton School
District in developing a start on
the new athletic facilities on the
site off Spring Road was brought
to the school board Tuesday night
by members of the Shelton Boost-
ers Club.
Ernest Timpani and John
Stentz, representatives of the club,
told the board they believed that
through the use of the some $60,-
000 the district has available for
development of athletic facilities
and through donated labor and
other efforts on the part of the
club, that a football field could
be developed (m the new site in
time for the season next school
The $60,000 which the school
district has in its building fund
for the athletic facilities comes
from the sale of the Lincoln
School Property and the old
swimming pool fund.
The largest single item pro.
posed development would be
bringing the sewer and water
lines from end of the existing
main to the school site, estimated
at $38,500 by the city engineer.
Timpani and Stentz told the
board that other cost estimates
they had arrived at, which took
into consideration donated labor
and other items, was $5,000 for
clearing and .grubbing 20 acres of
the 40-acre site, $10,000 for fill
and seeding, $6,000 for a sprink-
ler system, $3,500 for lighting and
$5,000 for blacktopping a parking
area, a total of $67,000.
The school board authorized
Supt. Iuis Grinnell to negotiate
with an architect for planning
for the proposed facility so it
could be determined what should
be done and how it should be
The school board indicated a
willingness to work with the
Booster's Club to use the avail-
able money to get as much work
done as possible on the project.
Grinnell told the board that
the moveable walls in the Bor-
deaux building had arrived and
should be installed this week.
The board set 10 a.m. Monday
for its final Inspection of the
building and tentatively set an
open house to give the public a
chance to look at the facility from
7-9 p.m. Jan. 30
Grinnell said that student
would be moved into the building
as soon as a few items around
the outside are completed.
Grinnell reported also that the
four-room addition to the Mt.
View school was in the planning
progress, and, that the hope ts to
construct three classrooms and a
library. The present library, he
said, would then be turned into
a classroom.
The board accepted the resignao
tions of Mrs. Barbara Valley and
Mrs. Suzanne Floyd, teachers at
Bordeaux and named Mrs. Doris
Jackson to succeed Mrs. Floyd.
Phone Numbers
Here Increase
II The steady growth of Mason
County wa reflected in the num-
ber of new telephones installed
during 1968.
A year.end report by Pacific
Northwest ISeU lbted the num-
ber of telephones In Shelton at
6,695, a gain of 395 during the
past year.
Belfair showed a gain of 146
telephones, with a new total of
1,758, and phones In Hoodsport
Jumped from 58 to 689, a net
increase of 69.
Moratorium On
Library Fines
The Shelton Public library has
cancelled all fines on books for
two weeks only, beginning today
and lasting through Jan. 31.
During this time anyone hav-
ing any overdue library books
may return them without penalty.
They may be returned with no
questions asked. A slot beside the
front door Is provided for return-
ing books after library hours.
Martin Auseth, who was sworn in to start his third term
on the commission. Auseth was elected chairman of the
commission when It was re-organized later In the day.
Prosecuting Attorney John C. Ragan administered the
oath Of otfico to the two commissioners.