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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 16, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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vayl: -ist hat 'ay f ny, f¢ :. iffi0ul ted i  iom nt $i I t di 4e piP n th  n O:r mi duds gu ;usat¢ rott# roUl d h :ilati, :ick ourSt • R, ! Len em or I# ern adi )r e, .It .Ue-i ;on: t t USIN SC i s tELLS AND VALLEY OFFERS I-8KETBALL BARGAINS A chance to see the Seattle SenSes in NBA pro basketball ac- tion for just $2.00 a person is be- ing offered by George Valley of Eells and Valley Appliance Cen- ter, Shelton. The tickets, which ordinarily sell for $2.50 to $6.00, will admit the bearer to the SenSes-Milwau- kee Braves game Monday, Jan- uary 27, in Tacoma's UPS Field house. "This is an excellent chance for a local organization to take a group of boys to see a real professional basketball game," Valley said. "The fact that it is in Tacoma makes it even better. since it saves 60 miles on the round trip to the usual SenSes' home base in Seattle." LUMBER YARD RE-OPENS UNDER NEW NAME Cole Road Builders' Supply, closed for almost two years, has recently re-opened under the new name of the Nye Go. The new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nye, have operated Nye Plastering Co. for several years. They formed the new company by merging the plastering firm with the lumber yard. Located on the Cole Road, with Bill Winne as manager, the new firm Will continue to piaster homes and business buildings but will now sell all types of build- ing products. Nye said that one of the big features is the ablility to special order anything in the building products line. I'(AL MAN SPONSORS TRIP AROUND THE WORLD Local boys, girls and their par- ents can get lucky and win a trip around the world on TWA. The trip will be for three weeks and for three people, according to E"ncs' Hamlin, owner of Hamlin% H:bby and Toy, and will be g:ven away by Revell, Inc. in i's annual sweepstakes. Reyell, the largest manufactur- er of model kits in the world, will pay hotel, fctxi, travel and mts- celeaneous expenses for the family trip.Full details on the sweepstakes are available at the store display, Hamlin said. Additional prizes include video- tape recorders and a complete TV studio in the home. *][,(NAL RESTAURANT CIFNGES OWNERSHIP Mamie Clark, owner of Mamie's Java Haus, disclosed recently the sale of the restaurant to Ted and Flora Bratton formerly of Turn- water. The sale, ends a 23 year career for Mamie, who began working as a cook at the old Stop Inn in 19451F s Sial m there she went to Camp Three, then to Cemm To Ask About Television u01 A sanPle of residents in this area will be asked about the he vision sets in their hmmeho le par^, °f a nationwide survey j(d,a,_of Jan. 20 Director - . ,naraldson of the Bur- aeu of the Census Regional 0- •  in Seattle announces. The questions are aimed at do- h..rng the proportion of house- • -ms In the U. S. with televisi 0000ropo00tion with sets Which o. Pro.portion with sets to the. ' recewe UI-I. Answers rnent .ques.tiols help govern- .e .... ' ousmess in decisions .-=ng the establish orOadco._ ment of new ,-mg facilities. ---_ s,eY is taken annuall ' h .... m_ately 94 per cent of the .'unol¢is in the United States • ,u at least one televisi Ppro- on set. ,. "^ta_ rely 19 per cent of the "ln°nthad a color set and repuoZere equipped for theThet]re TV questions su lement au's PP ernPlo,_ regular monthly Vidt vnt survey which pro- raerlt ;;m .to the V. S. Depart- Uhal ernst- bar for updating na- mployraent figures. The Identity of households in the sUrVey is o dna and the foe Sta/t n obtained will be used tml la :. Who will visit house- • ay A. Swayze elton, CASH For Your I00OPERTY l Write: 'P. 0. lkx ?4, 8helton, WtMtlngton 981MI4 ; i  the  cafeteria for the Shelton School district. Mrs. Clark worked at Frye's Cafe then purchased her own place in the old location of Mr. View for nine years before mov- ing it to Kneeland Center three years ago. Her present plans are to stay home for a while and get all the things done she has had to let go for so long. The Bratton's plan to operate the restaurant seven days a week under the new name of Ted's Steak House, and will be featur- Ing steaks along with a complete dinner menu. Tentative plans include a grand opening in the near future. DL's CORNER And the snow continues to come . . . and stays. Of course the Indians had told us that it would be a long cold winter, but where had they gotten this vital information? . . , When you watch white man and they stockpile the wood to a cer- tain height, then you will either have a mild winter or a severe one. This year the wood pile was VERY high .... You don't have to worry about how high the wood pile is though, when it comes to saving money at home, as EVERY WEEK Shel- ton merchants are saving money for you . . . Just to .give some examples take a gander at the specials go- ing on, listed below . . . Jean Hartwell, owner of MODE O'DAY, will really save you a bundle during her clearance sale. Better run in today and see . . . Jim Pessemier, manager of MILLER'S, stated that this is the last week of the pre-inventory clearance. Now's your chance to Save like never before, so you better hurry, as it ends Satur- day . . . Eldon Kahny, manager of PEN- NEY'S, is holding a January white goods sale, and that ends this Saturday to . . . s) you better rush in today . . , Open to always save your bed- get, the MONEY SAVER STORE has many go.dies for you and yours, and all at a money saving price. Stop in today .... Ken Chapman, owner of EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER, is featuring this week a half price sale on cosmetics. All you lad- ies had better hurry right on in for this once-a-year special . . . Ted Stroyzk, manager of MILLER'S 8HOE DE]F'r', says to hurry right on in and save lots of money on shoes and get the shoes you want. Style and price is the great combination you find here . . . That's 30-- for this week, but remember this old English pro- verb, "Where there's a will there's a way". --DL i I I00enneqs ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY EVENT / THE MOTHER, right, is portrayed by Nadine Irson mad Jack by Frank Kuhr in the Shelton High School Drama Department's production of "Jack and the Beax, sta]k." The cow, on the left in this scene, had Art Nicklaus Jr. as the front and Rita Nutt as the other half. The final pro- duction of the play will be givn today for students from Mr. View Elementary School. Tax Guide Is Available . The Farmer's Tax Guide has been redesigned this year to make it easier and more helpful in preparing and filing 1968 Fed- eral income tax returns. Pro- visions of the tax law that apply to farmers are explained in every day language, and examples throughout the booklet show how these rules are applied to act- ual farming situations. Filled-in samples of a Federal income tax return and' the ac- companying schedules farmers normally use are included as a regular feature. Entries on the sample returns are numbered and keyed to the appropriate ex- planation in the text. The County Extension Service has a supply of the Farmer's Tax Guide for distribution. Call any me for your copy. i i JANUARY WHITE GOODS ENDS SA TURDAY All our Fashion Manor sheets reduced! PENCALE ® COMBED COTTON PERCALES WHITE, 186 count.* twin 72"x108" flat or Elasta-fit Sanforized® bottom .......... reg. 2.39 NOW 11=85 full 81"x108" flat or Elasta-fit Sanforized@ bottom .......... reg. 2.69 NOW ,07 pillow cases 42"x38", reg. 2 for 1.39 NOW 2 for '11,07 PENCALE ® FASHION COLORS: Pastels and Deeptones twin 72"x108" fiat or Elasta-fit Sanforized® bottom .......... reg. 2.99 NOW ,,S full 81"x108" flat or Elasta-fit Sanforized® bottom .......... reg. 3.29 NOW I'7 pillow cases 42"x38", reg. 2 for 1.69 NOW 2 for II,Z8 "-.. NATION.WIDE ® LONG WEARING COTTON MUSLINS. 133 count.* WHITE twin 72"x108" flat or Elasta-fit Sanforized ® bottom .......... reg. 1.99 full 81"x108" flat or Elasta-fit Sanforized @ bottom .......... reg. 2.29 NOW 1.4 NOW 1.6S pillow cases 42"x36", reg. 2 for 1.09 NOW 2 for ,83 i \\; *bleached and finished. PENN-PREST NEVER-IRON 50% POLYESTER/ 50% COMBED COTTON PERCALES WHITE twin 72" x 104" flat or Elasta-fit bottom .............................. reg. 3.19 NOW .I full 81" x 104" flat or Elasta-fit bottom .............................. reg. 4.19 NOW ,.1 pillow cases 42"x38", reg. 2 for 2.19 NOW 2 for LT'/ STOCK YOUR LINEN £LOSET NOW AND SAVE . .. CHARGE IT! Values all through the store. Drastic price reductions! Limited quantities--Hurry in! I i Pay Rate For Medicare Is G,ven Increase Rising hospital costs are re- pital costs had risen sufficiently fleeted in the increase from $40 to $44 which the medicare bene- ficiary must pay on entering a hospital, according to C. A. Skin- ner, District Manager for the Social Security Administration in Olympia. Beyond the $44 deductible which the patient pays, Medi- care covers the remainder of his hospital bill, except for any lux- ury items. The bills for a hospit- al stay for Medicare beneficiaries are presently averaging about $600. The deductible amount, which Is slmilar to the deductible that most automobile insurance pol- ices have so that the automobile owner pays the first $50 or $100 of his accident repair bill with the insurance company paying the remainder is reviewed an- nually. The review in the latter part of 1968 indicated that ho- to require this $4 increase. The monthly premium amount for the doctor bill part of Medi- care did not have to be increased for 1969, Although medical cots have gone up, the rise in these costs did not require an increase in the medicare premium. Skin- Dick Knauf Sells Homes at HIMLIE REALTY Buy yours now Call 426.2646 NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY The following persons appear to be owners of certain intangible personal property which has been reported to the State of Washington Departmen¢ of Revenue. Estate of Joseph Shevlin, Shelton; Wilbur, Dr. A. F., Box 309, Union. Information concerning the amount or description of the prop- erty and the name and address of the holder may be obtained by any person possessing a legal interest in the property by extdressing an inquiry to the State of Washington Department of Revenue, Unclaimed Property Section, P. O. Box 448, Olym- ia, Washington. proof of claim is not presented by the owner to the holder and if the owner's right to receive the property is not estab- lished to the holder's satisfaction within sixty-five days from the date of the second published notice, the abandoned property will be plemed not later than eighty-five days after such publi- cation date in the custody of the State of Washington Depart- ment of Revenue. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE By George Klnnear Director 1/16-23 21: p.- SEATTLE'FIR,.RT NATIONAL BANtT 126 BANKING OFFICES THROUGHOUT WASHINGTON STATE I I COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF CONDITION RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks .............. U.S. Government Obligations ............. State and Municipal Obligations ........... Other Securities .................. Total Bonds & Securities .......... Commercial Loans ................. Real Estate Loans ................. Installment and Other Loans ............. Total Loans Gross . . ........... Less : Reserve for Loan Losses ........ Total Loans Net .............. Bank Premises and Equipment ............ Customers Acceptance Liability ............ Other Assets ................... TOTAL RESOURCES ............ December 31, December 31, 1968 1967 S 349,484,643 S 300,663,756 $ 151,i481690 S i52'9691857 265,461,969 272,781,786 9,123,270 24,070,867 S 425,733,930 S 449,822,511 608"734,103 S 5331240,962 195,340,837 173,834,112 302,497,943 266,129,681 $ij06,57Z885 S 9731204,=155 18,038,193 15,090,494 $1,088,534,691 S 958,114,261 52,633,168 31,200,089 29,545,974 13,800,914 26,522,667 17,918,459 $i1972,455,075 S1,77i ,509,§92 LIABILITIES Demand Deposits ................. Savings Deposits ................. Time Deposits .................. Total Deposits .............. Borrowed Funds .................. Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc ............ Discount Collected Not Earned ............ Acceptances Outstanding .............. Other Liabilities .................. TOTAL LIABILITIES ............ December 31, December 31, 1968 1967 S 882,688,605 S 826,054,706 486,733,707 468,054,924 322,926,779 259,492,419 S11692,3491092 S1,553,602,049 65,509,000 38,600,000 19,122,435 16,281,457 18,086,198 16,079,742 29,545,974 13,800,914 15,222,530 6,773,066 S i, 8,9183 512-30 S1164.5'f 37)_2-9 CAPITAL Capital Stock* .................. Surplus ...................... Undivided Profits ................. Reserves for Contingencies ............. TOTAL CAPITAL ............. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL .......... *Shares of capital stock authorized outstanding--4,500,000. $ 45,000,000 $ 30,000,000 45,000,000 45,000,000 39,151,642 47,896,618 3,468,201 3,476,144 $ 132,619,844 $ ....!26,372762 $1,972,455,075 $1,771,509,992 : :..'::::=:.-::c:: =:==.::.=' 1 I III I II ,, ,,,,, f D I RECTO RS NORTON CLAPP RICHARD E. LANG VOLNEY RICHMOND, JR. Chairman, Chairman, l, ang & Co. I'restdent, Weyerhaeaser Company JOHN McGREGOR Northern Commercial Co. LAWRENCE M. ARNOLD JOHN M. DAVIS President, CHARLES O. SAUNDERS Honorary Chairman Partner, McOregor Land and Chairman, Executive Committee Davis, Wright, "l'tMd, Ri,,se & Jam's Livestock Company (Retired) ROBERT S. BEAUPRE ANSON B. MOODY ROBERT A. SCHMIDT President KENNETH R. FISHER Prisident and General Manager, Everett President, HENRY BRODERICK FlaSher Flouring Mills Company JOHN W. MURPHY Olympia Brewing Campany Chairman, I'rt, sident, Central WILLIAM S. STREET Henry Broderick, Inc. CHAPIN HENRY Pre-M ix Concrete Co. Vice Chairman, VWR United Cart). President, FRANK H. BROWNELL H.C. Henry Investment Co. CHARLES M. PIGOTT WILLIAM P. WOODS President, President, Washington Seattle WILLIAM M. JENKINS , Pacific Car & Foundry Co, Natural Gas Comlmny Chairman EDWARD E. CARLSON W.G. REED HOWARD S. WRIGHT President, FRANK E. JEROME Chairman, Preeident, Western International Hotela Vice Chairman (Retired) Simpson Timber Co. Howard S. WriEht Construction Ca, $EA TTLE.FIR,.RT NA TIoNAL BANtf MIMBIN Imll[DeRAL OlePOlT INUNANC CONl"OiqYION DEPOSITS -- SHELTON BRANCH .... $11.562,909.07 Thursday, January 16, 1969. Shelton-Man County Journal. Pqre8