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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 16, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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H t l Gi Bron St I Vielma Bowling Results urs s ven ze ar n m • In ceremonies at Oakland suddenly came under Intense uing his determined efforts f imBBiiflflflHMHHfliiHMHHmBMiBBmHgBmHmH Naval Hospital Caifornia Navy small arms automatic weapms approximately six hours he sa J0SERS Men's Hi Game: Tom River 188 . .en's Hi Series" Tom River 514 rout IJo m , last en s Hi Game: Jean Temple Lweomen,sO. ffi_ Hi Series: Jean Temple , om River 514; matcledin 0, Jean Temple 447; Pro- ,res t (essors 3, Larry Lyle 445; Ritin .'," _(, Irette Bruggeman 280" Scho- ' Ole Anderson 451; Flunk- @s 1, Dell Abelein 459 Tardles :o , Jack Swanson 469; Y apples 2, pen Anderson 424. . , 8tmadings. Yappies 39-21, Pro- ssme :Ussu 34-26, Scholars 34-26, ' es 33-27, Tardies 31-29,  ,_POuts 29-30½, Redan 24 ]t per J-en s Hi Game: Jack Webber ,orth 001 , forth tllIen s Hi Series : Jack Webber 2S ndef.eaomen,s Hi Game: Verna Job- s, .u.sotl 167 LOmen's Hi Series Verna Joh- ...2ns,on 471 d..[_: Southside 6-2, Agate w-y-, narstine 5-3, Pomona 4-1. t 2-0 Mkokomish 2-6, Shelton Valley LI (iMPSON WOMEN'8 IS)  Game: Esther Beret 195 Series: Joan Sowers 520 iW) Olympic 3-1, Esther Beret and -0,' :irginia Fuller 467; Accounting pirJ Helen Rice 499; Research [3, Joanne Campbell 476; Engi- (S) ering 3-2, Lucille Chapman , (; LUmber 3-1, Joan Sowers on tf5; oggers 1-3, Marie Runnion 6.0, ; Purchasing 1-3, Dot McNa- (S) d..ara 452; IBP 3-1, Mary Lou - v]cKen 511 tandlngs: Olympic 7-1, Lumber 5), lAccnccounting 5-3, Loggers 5-3, 3-5, Purchasing 3-5, Engi- (W) ering 3-5 Research 1-7. L:12  " : Floyd Archer S) de, en's Hi Series: Harold HiHman 8-0.. ,'Omen s Hi Game: Margaret (W) lbbee 214 :58 POmen's Hi Series: Margaret J ibbee 520 . . %T 'kes M-C.lloch Luc,lle 446; Allyn Shell 1-3, Har- Hiliman 494; Lake Cushman Margaret Bibbee 520. Lake Cushman J and J Service 48-20, McCulloch 34-33, Rus- LATE TO CLA881FY QUARTER and Tennessee mare, 4 years old. $150. 2, Box 178A. Spencer S 1/16-23 Publications NO. 9959 BY PUBLICATION Court of Washington County WALLEN, Plaintiff, JAMES WALLEN, Defend- STATE OF WASHING- the said JAMES WAL- AND EACH OF YOU summoned to appear (60) days after the first publication of to-wit, within six- after the 9 day of 1969 and defend the action in the su- aforesaid and answer the plaintiff and of your answer upon attorneym for the their office below in case of your tail- judgment will be you according of the complaint which has been clerk of said court. this action is to of divorce on the treatment. G. SWANSON for Plahttlff ADDRESS: Bullds 1 I/9-16-23-30-2/6.13 6t kin Fisher Assc 34-34, Tyee Well Drilling 33-35, Eacrett Lumber 31-37, Allyn Shell 31-37, Dicks Dig- gers 27-41, Evergreen Florist 26-42, Hoodsport Cafe 23-45. SUNDAY MIXED FOURSOME Men's Hi Game: Del Hartwell 2O4 Men's Hi Series: Del Hartwell 540 Women's Hi Game: Marge Wit- craft 191 Women's Hi Series: Louise Clary 505 Farmers 1-3, Wayne Clary 524; Jack Pots 3-1, Russ Clary 508; Force 'era 3-1, Ted Blair 513; Hooters 1-3, Gene Benedict 485; Board Busters 3-1, Allene Step- per 453; Timber Ducks 1-3, Jack Frost 524; Odd Balz 1-3, Del Hart- well 540; What's Next 3-I, Bud Dishon 460; Loggers 3-1, Merge Witcraft 503; Four Splits 1-3, Wayne Hathaway 444. Standings: Jack Pots 7-1, What's Next 6-2, Timber Ducks 5-3, Force 'era 5-3, Board Busters 5-3, Four Splits 5-3, Loggers 3-5, Farmers 2-6, Odd Balz 1-7, Hoot- era 1-7. FRATERNAL Hi Game: George Lemagie 267 Hi Series: George I.magie 574 Rotary 3, Goerge Lemagie 574; Nimrods 1, Bill Kingery 465; Shelton Hard. 3, Frank Willard 526; Kiwanis Club 1, Chuck Re- necker 487; Himlies's 2, Ray Moore 442; Eagles 1½, Lionel Le- man 519; Antlers 3, Ernie Dah- man 563; Fullers 1, Don Johnson 516; Plywood 3, Bob Bamford 516; IWA 1, BOb Whitmarsh 513; Bull Moose 3, Otto Hanson 556; Lions Club I, L. L. McInelly 564. Standings: Bull Moose 10-2, Moose Antlers 9-3, Lions Club 8-4, Kiwanis Club 7-5, Rotary Club 7-5, Shelton Hardware 7-5, Eagle Aeries 6V5½, Nimrod Club 5-7, Himlie Realty 4½-7½, Olympic Plywood 4-8, Fuller Cons't. 3-9, IWA 38 1-11. FRIDAY NITE SLOW STARTERS Men's Hi Game: Lionel Leman and Dean Smith 194 Men's Hi Series: Lionel Leman 529 Women's Hi Game: Verna Johan- son 169 Women's Hi Series: Verna Joh- anson 442 Standings: Slow Pokes 15218, L and V 15076, The Uustarts 14837, U-Name-It 14806, The Wright Pair 14582; The Duds 14454. WOMEN'S 12:30 January 2 Hi Game: Donna Coleman 172 Hi Series : Donna Coleman 504 Staadtngs: Nets 3-1, Jess's Mobile 3-1, C and L Time 1-3, BOWs Tavern 1-3. January 9 Hi Game: Shirley states 179 Hi Series: Donna Coleman 488 Standings: Neiis 6-2, Jess's Mobile 44, C and L Time 3-5, Bob's Tavern 3-5. SHELTON JUNIOR Men's Hi Game: Randy Churchill 2OO Men's Hi Series: Gary Robinson 537 Women's Hi Game: Sue Bloom- field 169 Women's Hi Series: Sue Blomn- field 454 Hembroff Agency 1-3, Peter Scott 388; Trailblazers II 3-I, Sue Bloomfield 454; Shelton 3C's 4-0, Gary Robinson 537; Merv's Tire- cap 0-4, Gary states 415; Jeslln Ins. 4.0, Randy Churchill 503; VFW Aux. 0-4, Rick Peckham 455; Beckwlth's 0-4; Trailblazers 1 4-0, Dana Thompson 514. Staadlnp: Shelton JC's 4-0, Joslin Ins. 4-0, Trailblazers I 4-0, Trailblazers If 3-1, Hembr0 Agency 1-3, Merve's Tirecap 0-4, VFV Aux. 04, Beckwith's 0-4. DANCE KAMILCHE HALL SAT., JAN. 18 Music by the Grange Tune Toppers Admission $1.00 Dance 9:30 - 2 NOTICE SIMPSON EMPLOYEES' FEDERAL CREDIT UNION will hold its 27th ANNUAL MEETING to Shareholders at 8:00 P.M., JANUARY 24th, 1969 at the Bhelton Junior High Auditorium 12th & Franklin, Shelton, Washington ALL MEMBERs ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND % L KAREN BURGESS as the Magic Harp plays a tune for the giant (Doug Wright) in this scene from "Jack and the Beanstalk." The Shelton High School Drama Department presented the sto W for elementary schools this week. Governor Writes About Road Funds • Further assurance that a re- quest for funds to resurface State Highway 106 from Union to Bel- fair has come In the form of a letter from Gov. Dan Evans to the Hood Canal Improvement Club. dlllllfllllllllllllfl mlIIIIIIIIMIIlilHIIMIflHIHilHIIMMMfHiH$i/ Bowling Results iMmiHHImllmmflHHBIgll SIMPSON RECREATION Hi Game: Memory Smith 199 HI Series: Memory Smith 516 Standlngs: Railroad 62, Log. gers 5-3, Loaders 4-4, Shops 1-7. MEN'S CW/*Y Hi Game: Jim Simmons 214 Hi Series: Jess Phillips 527 Standings: Hidden Haven 4-2, 40 and 8 4-2, Beckwith's 4-2, Nault's Maxwell 3-3, J and J Service 2-4, Simpson 1-5. WOMEN'S CITY Hi Game: Dot Simpson 184 Hi Series: Lois Albrecht 456 Standings: First half final: Lumbermen's 38-26, Certified 37-27, Morgans 31-33, Millo's 22-42. Gov. Evans informs the 'Club that, first, the surface of the road has deteriorated to the point wher it is now rated "fairly high" in priority, and second, the Highway Department has "refined" its six-year program so that "por. tions of the work are scheduled to begin during the 1969-71 bien- nium." In The Journal Dec. 19, Sena- tor AI Henry was quoted as say- ing that his committee would sup- the new Legislature. Both letter were directed to Lloyd. A. Cook of the Hood Canal Improvement Club. "These are exactly the goals," said Dr, Cook, "that the civic groups and other community clubs, the mmhool an fire dis- tricts, have been working for aver the past six months. I want to thank everyone, on behalf of the Hood Canal Improvement Club, for the letters they have port this request for funds. Henry written and the supp't they have is chairman of the Joint Senate. given to this successful civic cam- and House Committee on High- ways. He also pointed out the Highways Department's proposals must receive the approval the Bordeaux PTA • Bordeaux PTA will hold its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. to- day at the school. There will be speakers on tax reform on the program. M  OF DIMES urges every woman to see a doctor at the first sign of pregnancy. paign" Dave Thacher Sells Homes | " I HIMLIE REALTY Buy yours now Call 426-2646 [ MJRK o$ EXC,LL|NC, Wanted for the sportiest of reasons: Delta 88 Royale. New top-of-the-line 88, with R0yale touches everywhere, m Custom rear window • Vinyl top • Pinstriping • Chrome fender louvers • Choice of Buckets or Custom Sport Seat • Deluxe steering wheel • All yours, all standard! For big-car luxury with a sporting spirit-this is it! Escape [rom the ordinary at your Oldsmobile l]malef00. Hospital Corpsman Dale Kelly Hurst sm of Mr. and Mrs. John Hurst was presented the Bronze Star Medal with Combat V. The citation read: "For heroic achievement in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam while serving as a Corps- man with CO. D 1st Btlm 9th Marines 3rd Marine Div. On the afternoon of April 16, 1968 while conducting a patrol near the Khe Sanh Combat Base the Marines Work Progress On Mul+iservice Center Building • Insured unemployment in Washington State increased from that of the previous week by 7,245, or 19 percent, to total of 48,525 for the week ending January 4, according to Maxine E. Daly, Commissioner of the Employment Security Depart- ment. This was the second consecu- tive week showing a substantial rise as the severe winter weather and heavy statewide snowfall brought outdoor activities to a near halt, Logging and cctruc. tlon were hardest hit. Many mills were closed due to the freezing weather. Other layoffs occured in the retail trades, following the end of holiday buying. The current claimant count of 48,525 is 6,770, or 16 percent, above the total of the correspond- trig week in 1968. ,tad mortar fire and sustained numerous ossuaries. Although suffering from heat exhaustion and awaiting medical evacua- tio Petty Officer Hurst Immedi- ately rushed across the fire- swept terrain to aid the wound. ed men. Ignoring the enemy fire impacting around him he fear- lessly moved from one injured Marine to another administering first aid and supervising their evauation to covered positions. On numerous occasions he used his own body to shield his pati- ents from further injury. Contin- ed the lives of several Marln, and inspired all who observei him. Petty Officer Hursts' cou- age sincere concern for the we' fare of his comrades and unwav- ering devotion to duty in th- face of great personal dange were In keeping with the highest traditicw of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service." On April 29 Corpsman Hurst was seriously wounded in he, tile action at Cam I_, Vlet Nam for which he was presented the Put. pie Heart Medal. Look Here, y Man.. there's only one place in my book to go to have a NO LEAK Windshield Installed and that's Grimes & McNeil 3rd & Grove "Where Your Windshield is Guaranteed Not to Leak" SHELTON ADULT EDUCATION WINTER QUARTER Olympic C00ilege REGISTRATION: January 6t:h through January 23 (in class). WHO MAY ENROLL: Any person 18 years or older my enroll without special arrangements. High School students must have written per- mission from their principal. FEES: $6.00 per credit. QUARTER ENDS: March 14, 1968 ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Basic communication skills and arithmetic review. A course for adults who want to improve their skills in reading, writing and arithmetic; a non-graded course. T-Th 7-9 Room A-17 Instructor---Irene Harvey ADULT SECONDARY ED (GED) A course for adults who want to prepare themselves to take the General Educa- tional Development test for a high school equivalency certificate; a lon-graded course. FEE $12.00 M-W 7-9 Evergreen School Room 11 Instructor--Bernard Dorcy DRIVER TRAINING A course for adults who want to learn how to drive a car and to prepare them- selves to take the Washington State drivers test; a non-graded course. FEE $85.00 Men. 7-9 Room A-17 InstructorTom Aaron GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY A. Study of general principles and non-metallic elements. Students should have had three semesters of high school algebra or the equivalent. 5 credits M-W 7-9:30  ,&.,.8 Instructor--Dr. Jud Holloway FEDERAL INCOME TAX A. study of the principles lnvol,ed in determining taxable net income and com- puting Federal income tax for individuals. 2 credits Men. 7-9 Room A-15 Instructor--John Tarrant TYPING (Beginning and Refresher) A course for those who want to learn how to type and also for those who want to improve their typing skills. 2 credits M-W 7-9 Room A-11 Instructor---Fenton Burgess SHORTHAND (Dictation and refresher) A course for those who want to learn how to take dictation and also for those who want to improve their skills. 2 credits T-Th 7-9 Room A-14 InstructorFenton Burgess OFFICE PROCEDURES A course designed to familiarize students with general secretarial office proced- ures. 3 credits M-W 7-9 Room A-14 Instructor--Carol Howard REAL ESTATE FINANCE The procedures and problems associated with real estate loans and a study of institutions engaged in financing real property transactions. 3 credits Thurs. 7-10 Room A.-9 Instructor--Gene Dolan GRAMMAR REFRESHER A review of sentence structure and composition techniques. 5 credits T-Th 7-9:30 Room A-10 InstructorCharlotte Hflligoss THE NOVEL The nature and development of long fiction; reading and disCussion of several novels. 2 credits Tues. 7-9 Library Instructor--Mike Rear LIVING AND LEARNING WITH THE TEENAGER A discussion of the maturing teenager and the effects of home and social life during this period of development. 2 credits Wed 7-9 Room A-17 (eight weeks only) Instructor--Barbara Martin CRIMINA'L INVESTIGATION The basic fundamentals of criminal investigation. 5 credits Wed 7-i0 Room A-15 InstructorStaf COLLEGE ARITHMETIC Emphasis on fundamentals of arithmetic with application to every day problems, 5 credits T-Th 7-9:30 Room A-15 Instructor--James Slaz'pe PHYSICAL CONDITIONING Activities to promote general all around physical fitness. 1 credit Men 7-9 Gym Instructor--Haxold Wilon SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY A study of the effects of society and social groups on the individual and of the individual on groups. Emphasis is put on attitudes--their development, ways of influeacing, and ways of measuring. 5 credits M-W 7.9:30 Room A-10 Inst_wtov--Pat McCarthy ELEMENTARY SPANISH The fundamentals requisite for good pronunciation and a speaking and reading knowledge of Spanish. 5 credits M-W 7-9:30 Room A-9 Irmtructor---Ltllian Moakeland PUBLIC SPEAKING lining in the selection, organization and effective presentatto of  Mote an audienca 3 credit Th 7-10 Room A-9 ltructor--Paul Grille WELDING Fundamentals of arc and gas welding. 2 credits N'NE $I5.00 lab fee T-Th 7-9 Room A-23 ZrtrtcoF---0. Ors, SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Repair and malntauance of small galine engines. 2 credits Wed. 7?9:80 Auto Shop Instru6tor--MAAn Hood Cereal Junior High School HOME ECONOMICS (Beginning Bishop Sewing) Basic Bishop sewin¢ techniques using.cotton materials. 2 Mt ...... Hood ....... _± Thursday, January 16, 1969,8helton-Muon County Journal - Page 11