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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 16, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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+7i; When your man comes ttn&apos;ough the door, be ready with his fawn'ite dfimer. It's the kind of "welcome home" he really appreciates! Whatever \\;'ou need to prepm'e that special meal, you'll till(t it: at Safeway. \\;Ve have an exciting \\;'arietv to meet your every need. Our low prices assure savings every time you btlv. Choose tbr several of his thvorite meakq. Will he like the special attention? He'll vat it; up! Pork Roast Boneless 59 + Pork Steak ShoulderCUtBlade Cut Ih'59 C i,+ .... Lean--Meaty lb. Beef Roast 98' Top _Sirloin ,gun+ + 1 Boneless Steak $ 59 + u.s. Choice Beef lb. 'm :ii:  Fresh Crabs Dungeness 45' Ocean Caught lb. \\;% ............ , .:o+o,...,, ............. ..... ...... .+,  ..... e on pro Cot ,poe ice Cot ,thi Wa ten: v ry act1 The not salt CaLl hoU edg cau wax eve 0 ing to1 dan suit ice bee bac eot£ • PUrl lea eau isn aide rnel eavq , off beat top ter kee I FRESH WHOLE STEWING CHICK NS Serve With Dumphngs € • bee ,Xlo,'e ,+i,(/Vn'(y ,Xleal Valza'.,/ A hearty T-Bone Steak.. atti< tuPe T BoneSteak " New York Steak g:::';::, Sl"9 Rump Roast uv.:;"' + 89' Ground Round 0:,.,, + 79' m Fresh Beef Tongues + 49' A Leg of Lamb .,,: + 89' UeS2f_2"Aoe;°!r $ Lamb Rib Chops u:,+ 98' m rless Lamb Steak :?':0.',:' + 75  m+ COVE aetin Breast of Lamb u 29  Choice lb. Sliced Bacon ' ...... + 59* ..... Ib Silver Salmon .o.,,w°",.°' 79* Sliced" Bologna T.';*. 39< • B st Foods Mayonnaise u. 49 € s,w Cut Corn °,',,:a,:4'::q °° S&W Green Peas '::: ,,o,S, oo Green Peas Hershey's Cocoa ,n::t "+ 69€ . F++F00000000 111 Premium I-;....' Scotch Treol  ,all Can .,auer,..aut ooo,,,, Cans • C S&W Leaf Sp,nach g:,, :::q00 ,0 o Marshmallows ,,u, ,-+27  ButterBeans "':::* 'a::Sl °° i i  ....... m P.-v Putt Pkg. n + " '" "0' * Garba zo Beans wo, :::Sl°° Luc..N Orange Ju,ce a,r a. 43 Pu BI ach Gal. 49 c Blackeye Peas "i,t:;' Ice Milk Grape JuKe B.,-a,r 312"'Z'$cans 100 rex e Gallon38' Bottle '|/ln.v R.nn. Highway Dark _'::''1 00 AssorledFlovors--Go,.$1.17 .Flll...l--|----/' o orBel'airtealchopped "l12"'z'$100pkgs. ' mmuuu*l vuao orLight 9-oz. s100 Pork & Beans ,Two, 8 '+2,Sl °° French Frnes B.; 6,+ @ place o buy. igh °'"+ 59 C Cut Corn Be,-ai..Oa. qO0 • . H way Hominy w+.. 8""s°° Half ,,.sFro.e. 5,,,. o, Go,,. Can+ . Gallon Orange Juice Minute, a+d "-. .... 45' FLORIDA PINK LOOK AT THESE LOW RICES Grapefruit o Juic, Large, Premium Quality Safeway Bake Shop For .v,,,..v....Tnm=fem¢ ""o'n,.u,. o, + "'°*'9"€.u, -- Tangelos -"u,o, +.l =++ . .,,uo. , +'o,.,, i Romanne .,,..,z. 2 H..29 mll, llll.UlPlln+se LIIPOe-- Orelltfor .lItk,llllt + W;.,,,+,.,,.x.. +a.o. IO € V.JlIII4P No. JPremlumo lb. 19 € i+++ Iv lnual,,pa App=. ,b. nn Ualll+ Oond nu.. i! .;.,......ow  ,. oc c......k zuoo.,o, ,. 29'  VIIIVIlll Ilpanllll J aaa L/ JqUalll l"+p Gluailty Tomato Juice :::: 46::. 29 c Tomatoes 16-ozG;ardn:;Sldo:$|.O0 4::: qoo Stewed Tomatoes H':uW: Town House Catsup R;guar 5 16-OZ.cans qoo 5 14-o,. $100 Btls. ""'" 4 '+ .... Sl°° Vegetables w,,,.., +., Impress 24-Ol. Clover Honey ,,.,.., ,., 59 € Biscuit Mix "" '0 .... w,,,. ,. 39' Preserves ,., .... $,rowblely 20 .... ,o+, ,.,., ,or 59 € Dennison's Chili w+, ,o., 85' |cans Ce Tomato Paste "'" 2 ' .... Heusl Sauce Mix '"" " ..... +,.,+.,,, , 29 + Beads O' Bleach " "+' , .... ,, 79' Tomato Sauce ;::n 6 :: Sl°° ,oooo WHOLE WHEAT Fresh Bread Long Spaghetti oO:;,r::: 3;:: Sl°° Skylark l 22'+..$100 • DmnerHour 3:::SlOO Sliced  loaves " L qairj-De/icatesse, Departme,,t. TOW---NH--US" Hea/t/; a. Be.u( Aids: a rg e M a € a r o n i o +, ,e,u.., Donuts %,W?w:,:7"" 8 ,o, 45' Med,um Cheddar :::: ,+75' Fruit CrestTooth Paste ig "'+ 79 c Dar old Butter Grade AA lb. Regular q.SB Value Chocolate Milk +,.. +,STc Juices YouSave29' F,es Oa,. Excedrin Tablets "" Fresh Milk ,,.,,.m ,+-. ' Homogenized Lucerne Salads ..,o,oo, or Carrot & Raisin Parmesan '*""c..,. :99'1 ,ou, CboiceofOronge , Grapefruit or Blended Juices "., 39c14+-oz. ACc "" Ca" 11 ',:75't 2,0, S129 Tubes ld. si29 $0' el 100 Ban Spray.On Deodorant s.. ,+,. sl++ Gillette Foamy ., 2 '"+",... Sl" Liquid Shampoo TrulrFim....,, 9_ ,,," Sl" Old Spice After Shave '"',,, '"*',,. Sl" Sale starts 9 a.m. Wednes- day, January 15th through Saturday, January I$th. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers. (qCOPYRIGHT 1960. SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED Eggplant '"0++ 29' 8o Many Ways, Eh. RUSSET GEM Potatoes NO. 2's Clean Washed @ Orange Ju,ce "'"... Heal men Ban publ gym. Dr wag nlaU Eva] Prey aleo! : illrm., said i drinl corn( , tUall n|zeC S.  Bu I to u. llNnl ! rn Th, larl • cape " alcoE gets chart ; YOU ] i I help, :! sLtl i sym4toe Wh :! to he : Van depr , his n , W ?, "dea ! rerae: ; eplswl quor negle ! he n( becau :i spons:lds ,, vehic3  the ]1 i;!:ii;