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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 16, 1969
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Lilliwaup: from them I By FRANCES CATrO nal grandt)arents are Mr. and kane &apos;, Mrs. Harold Morris of Port An,e- fly s0 • LILLIWAUP __ Uncertain lea. md she t weather has resulted in another Mrs. Din Grover, wh() recenlly at pos postponement of the monthly pot- returned from a two week slay ne if $ luck supper and business meet- in Hawaii, arrived in Lilliwaup ing of the Lilliwaup Community Saturday, making the trip from md are Club. President Elmer C. Ed- Seattle with the lb Burmans of infant  Wards hopes that conditions will Bellevue. She visited first at the rrival IJ allow holding the social and busi- home of Allie and Madge Robin- rt's gr hess meeting on the first Friday son, but plans to occupy the Tex nore n0ll of 0ext month, Feb. 7. Shields beach cottage until her af you. ! The community hall, which had departure for Europe next month. ter, She# had its pipes drained, appears to Mrs. Grover, with the Burmans ing I have survived the coldest period and Robinsons, attended the Sat- h;:S this winter without incident, urday evening celebration of the r to  A son, Raymond Lee, was born 25th anniversary of Bill and Lois e met  Dec. 28 to Ray and Nancy Morris Ing at Holiday Beach. )n of S$ of Beacon Point Resort. During Congratulations to Harold and ted the# the most wintry days following Mary Jane Sund on their 29th y. The his arrival, the baby and his wedding anniversary, which was as Kla mother remained in Sbelton at on Harold's birthday Jan. 13. my to the home of the grandmother, They had a celebration recently burg / Mrs. Harrie Smith. They are now when their son Larry and his o pick i at home and Mrs. Smith is with wife took them out to dinner in l, Tiffk J them at the resort. Raymond Port Angeles. Sam  joins a brother and sister, Step- The flu was responsible for the ith the  hen aand Susan Morris• Pater- Sund's daughter Sylvia being riod he Staff  Hood Canal School: Snowy Weather Delays Community Club Monthly Meeting coml. on to' Procedure For School vhen T , grad Closure For Snow Is Told • s cra herman • The following procedure will about 12 books. They are now tever $ going into the reading of library books of interesting subjects. An- imals, toys, and families seem to be the favorite choices. Decorations of snow men and snow flakes are being made to decorate the rooms. The class was sorry to see Dexter Sasser move away. Mrs. Packer's second and third grades have been very busy working on an Alaska and Eskimo unit. They have made paper Es- kimos in parkas and Eskimo dancing masks. Each student has I tell I this 1 were  d spe ,on "d id ers to otL e ion E err , I' e la g f )] "ll in d t s  'd c ..d to i le fish ! ! i oo00i RITEll; =r three days late getting back to school last week following a week- end at home. She is attending Seattle Pac!fic College. Mrs. Abner Sund spent a cou- ple of days in the I:osp:tal recent- ly due to the flu. She had been ill with a cold or the flu during tim Sunds return trip after Christ- mas from Eastern Washington, where Abner had been doing some duck hunting. At least Bill and Jean McKas- son got theri winter trip to Calif- ornia in before the flu bug at- tacked them, getting to Bill first. They saw a number o friends while in the south, including Claire Bearden at Palm Springs. C)ming here from what they said was their "worst winter", Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olsen of Columbia Falls, Mont. visited his brotherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Anderson. Although it was 44 below zero at home, how- ever, the Olsens found that our wetter snow made it seem to them colder and more penetrating. The Olsens left Friday for California, be used for emergency closures in the Hood Canal School Dis- trict because of ice and snow conditions. The decision to close or to deviate to an emergency schedule tie, open one hour late, or to eliminate certain bus routes on hazardous roads, itc.) will be broadcast on radio stations K JR, KIN Gand MAS. A one hour late Will include all runs except the high school run up North, tto(xlSl)Ort anti Cushman unless it is in conjunction with the Shel- ton Schools, in other words, if Shelton is one hour late we will also run one hour late. Decisions will be based on the condition of the bus routes traveled and upon prediction of weather to come. A pe:nt ( f emphasis is "no message means normal operations," Jan. 24, will end one semester of School or one-half  a school , contact the school, son u n January I:A and Citizens ing will be Jan. 27, 7:30 to 9 P. m, This will be a special meeting and will be in regard to the re- " : Submission of the Bond Issue to replace lower Skokomish School and other capital improve- rents. At this meeting there will be discussion of a general atti- tude against c(msolidation, report on the Lower Skokomish School, what and why we are trying to build, he state law on the 10 Percent bonded indebtedness, Plans to win the Bond Issue Feb. 11 and state aid for construction (=a3,000.00). The first graders in Mrs. Liv- ingsto,s class have completed dir pre-primer work in three erent series of texts-totaling '68 MERCURy 4-Dr. H.T. '68 MUSTANG Hardtop '67 PLYMOUTH FURY III '67 FAIRLANE Wagon '87 OPEL KADETT Wagon '66 FORD Country Sedan '66 FORD Custom 500 2-Dr, '65 PLYMOUTH Baraouda '65 FALCON 2-Dr. Sedan '64 RAMBLER Claselo 4-Dr. '63 VOLKSWAGEN Bus '53 T-BIRD Hardtop '63 MERC Monterey 4-Dr. '63 DODGE 6-Pass. Wagon '63 DODGE 4-Dr. 'e3 COMET 4-Dr. '62 CADILLAC Flee:wood (full Power) '62 FORD Galaxle 500 4-Dr. '61 MERCURy Convertible '61 FORD Wagon '59 FORD 9.Peel k Wagon '59 CADILLAc Limousine Trucks a different subject on which to give an oral report. They will be making a typical Eskimo village. They have seen two movie films on Alaska and Eskimos. Each student designed his own cover for his unit booklet. picking up their trailer house they had left at the Andersons. They planned to spend two months in California to escape the winter at home. New Indian Beach residents are Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cotter, who have purchased one of the beach homes of Mr. and Mrs. Allie W. Robinson. The Cotters came up last summer from Indio, Calif. their home for 28 years, to spend vacation in their new residenee. When they moved up just before Christmas it was their third trip to be at the Canal. They are planning to go back to California, probably next month, to arrange for moving their household pos- essions here. Mr. Cotter, a Southern Pacific locomotive engineer, has retired, and the Hood Canal location for retirement appealed especially to Mrs. Cotter, who had lived at Vashon near Tacoma in her girl- hood and had always maintained that Hood Canal was to be her tuture home. "House Beautiful" is featuring in its current January issue a picture of the West Seattle home '67 F-250 88 Plokup '67 F-100 SS Plokup '68 F-100 Plokup '65 G.M.C. Plokup '65 FORD Ranohero '58 F-10O Pickup r i iธ Auto Glass • Expert InstallaUon JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 -- i Auto Parts * Automotive Machine Shop * Parts for all cars and trucks * 24-Hr. Service on Parts Lea Fields Auto Parts, inv. 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 Drugs • Helena Rubinstetn • @o,eUc • Prescription • Hypo-Allergic Ozmaetics NELL'S PHARMACY 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 Electrical I • llrbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Auto Radiators • Repaired and Rod Out • Auto Glass Installation • Body & Fender Repairing and Painting WHITEY'S AUTO BODY (behind Klmbel Motors) 707/ 8. 1st 428-3604 Floor Coverings • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 428-2292 Auto Repairing • Major Overhauls • Brakes & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups Special Winterizing ED'8 SERVICE 219 80. 1st 428-1212 Beauty ..... • COmplete Hair Care • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'8 BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Building Supplies-- • Lumber • Sherwln-Willlams Paint (Kern-Tone & Kern-Gig) • Cabinet Hardware GRANT LUMBER CO. 607 S. 1st 426-6612 Chain Saws New and Used • Rentals Oregon Chains & Accessories Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., dally Mike's MoCulIoch Shop 2215 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-4688 Custom Cbinets-- Quality Built Custom Cabinets Bank Terms Available John and Jerry Bunko Better Built Cabinets by • & B CABINET 8HOP 'I.ylor Towne 426-2042 Draperies • Custom Mads • Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed J. C PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426.8283 Masonry i • FlrepleU • All Brick imd • Block Work MASON'8 MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Paint - C and C Paints Co,.Ca-Wall • Co'-Ca-Namel A-PleX • Brella.Plex GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 Rental Service I 2Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers ..Loaders- Pumps wolding anquet Tables & Clmirs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 215 u. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Travel -- 4 e Air - Rail - Steamahip • Bus - Hotels - Tours # No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Re8. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 25-8272 426-4134 TV Service- J • Radio - • Phonograpl • CB 2-way Radio LEROY'8 TV SERVICE Mt View p • h. 428-3172 ................ :.::.:;:::., ' :  ,i:.2 i ::i;'2.::/< +.'' ' ".' • :: ........... Jim Pauley's Bob- Bus. Bill- Dick :i} 5th & Railroad. 426.8231 and pool of Ralph and Shirley Anderson, son and daughter-in- law of Mrs. C. W. Cbeatham of Lilliwaup. The Cheathams were given a copy of the magazine on a recent visit to the architect's h(me, but forgot to take it with them, so have been trying to find one locally. The picturesque re sittence with its weathered-look exterior and totem pole has long been of interest. "Ralph has a'thing' about to- tem poles," said hm m,,ther, and added that he had recently ac- quired four more. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Furlong of tbe Driftwood Shop enjoyed a Christmas teleohono t!r ,,,i+h ,*,, family (d their son Val in Syd- ney, Australia. Val aau mo ,,- I ar-S t tt BEeF  € LB. lb. PKฎ. CHUNK TUNA SNOWMIST BRAND SALAD DRESSING Kraf+ Brand Miracle Whip (1st quart please) Ouar+ Jar C MEDIUM YELLOW ONIONS lb. SMOOTHIE 1 lb. Cello Bag CARROTS WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES * WHY PAY MOREl * • LIMIT RICIHT8 RESERVEO • year-old son, Grant were to cele- brate their mutual birthday Jan. 14. The Furlongs had a weekend ,.;;* €-,, +hข,:p q,n-;n-law FI nd daughter, Richard and Janet tIol- ..,,,, and three children WANTED!!I!! We need your home for sale Now . . . Call us for fast action . . . HIMLIE REALTY 426-2646 I J Grade AA (First 3 Dozen then reg. price) DOZ. OTN. € BEECH NUT STRAINED BABY FOOD STOKELY'S BRAND FRUIT COCKTAIL SNO-QUEEN ALL PURPOSE FLOUR ROSEDALE CLING ..... 4% oz. -- 9 ข Jar 4/89 ข Tin Bag PEACHES o. , Tin ASSORTED COLORS SILK NAPKINS ALL GRINDS (lb. tin 73€) 3189 ข MJB COFFEE (3 lb. tin $1.99, ,,.ข'."-m,mm tin Kraft Brand MACARONI DINNER 'Pkg.ฐ" 5/99 LUNCH BAGS zoe Bando c, okg. 2/45' SANDWICH BAGS Glad Brand 33 € 80 ct. pkg. CONVERTED RICE Uncle Ben's 55 ข " 28 oz. pkg. CLOVER HONEY s.o Bee ,..,z. 43' FLOOR WAX Johnson's K,ear .. o ,,.e =1.49 Johnson's Lemon Pledge FURNITURE WAX t. oz. si,e Dennison's With Beans CHILl CON CARNE .o oz. t,n 79ข` Carnation All Flavors INSTANT BREAKFAST ct. pkg 74ข` Fish, Chicken, Braised Liver Ln'rLE FRISKIES CAT FO0O ,h. s,ze 2/98  FACIAL TISSUE i,k Assort.,,o ctCฐ'ฐrSpkg. 5/=1 MARGARINE Nucoa , o. ,,. kg. 4/99ข` INSTANT COFFEE MJB Brand 10 OZ. jar $ ...1g€) STORE HOURS Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. ; Friday: ........................ 9 a,m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: .................... 9 .m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, January 16, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15