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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 16, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12 r For Sale ,'OR SALE .... Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers Eelis & Valley Appliance Cen- ter 6/5 tfn vvvv" %  For Sale HAY $22.00 PER TON. 70c per bale. Minimum, 5 bales. Phone 426-3649. B 1/9 tfn ........................................................................ INDOOR-OUTDOOR IAY ..... Shelton Valley Phone 426-8774. O 1/2-23 CX00S Show the results of regular Blue Lustre spot cleaning Rent elec- trlc slampooer $1. Coast to Coast 1/16 'RADE IN YOUR old furniture at Oisen Furniture, 4th and Cots- 4/14 tfn ;ENITH STEREO CONSOLE in good condition. $100 cash. 426-4246. A 1/2-25 for $75. Sportsmen's Haven. 898-2428. S 1/16 tfn 'REE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Zlegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25 tfn IAY FOR SALE, no tansy, weeds McDonald Farm, Ka- milche Valley 426-3740 Mc 10/17 tfn black and white. 21" TV. An- tique, pressure cooker. Odd ta- bles. Cetp! 426-6629. F 1/16 like new, $75.00. Thomas C)mbo organ with bass ampli- fier. Excellent condition. $400.00. 426-6539. P 1/9-16 i lliH i COLOR T.V. CARPET, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at Olsen Fur- niture, 4th & Cota. 426-4702. O 8/1 tfn Bee at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cota 426.4702 PRE- INVENTORY SALE 20% off 1 WEEK ONLY January 9 - 20 Figurines • Greenware Bisque • Stains • Glazes All plants - trees - shrubs bushes Also  Good Assortment of Tulip, Daffodil and Lily Bulbs IVlT. VIEW GARDEN SHOP 1936 Olympic Hwy. North 426-3710 Open Daily 11 to 6 Men.. Sat. 1/9-16 iiiiii ii I i i ii Immediate Delivery HOTPO I NT 10 Year Free Replacement Warranty WATER HEATEa The Hotpolnt Cu|tom GlaJsilne water heater provides the u|ti- mate in antomatle, safe, effi- cient operation. And best of sit. It is bk by 16 yesr tank repiemtmt warrmst¥. Eells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cota It. Phone 426-4463 Complete Home Furnishing. Center EASTF,W.N WASHINGTON Al- falfa hay for sale by the bale. 426-6685. K 1/16-2/6 SIMPLICITY MOWERS and till- ers. See now at Mike's McCul- Ioch Sales and Servicc. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28 tfn FOR SALE: round pine table and chairs; refrigerator; bowling balls. Mlcky Thompson Chev. nags. Wide oval tires, 1961 Htilman. 426-4653 after 5 p.m. L 1/9 tfn DRY SLAB and pole wood mixed. $10 cord, you cut and For Sale WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs Custom-made draperies We measure, expert installation Your satisfaction is guaranteed Free estimates You're always welcome at el- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota 426-4702. 0 11/18 tfn REPOSSESSED -- 1 year old Lowrey piano $650 Cost new $805 Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota 426-4302 J 12/12 tfn Mobile Homes 45x10 ft. 2 BEDROOM house trailer with full length porch. Completely furnished, good condition. $2500. 426-6125. H 1/9-30 NASHUA 28 ft. trailer, partly furnished. With or without '60 International Travelall - load leveler - hitch. 426-3873. R 1/16-2/6 haul. 140 Delanty Road. W 1/16 Used Cars LOCAL HAY for sale. Stan Johnson, Star Route 1, Box 56. 426-8974. J 8/1 tfn FOR SALE ..... Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn s00i0000-CONSOL%--i00iANO in walnut finish. Excellent. Will sacrifice to responMble party in this area. Cash or terms. Phone BR2-5282 or write Credit Dept., Tallman's Pianos- Organs, 1107 Broadway, Ta- coma, Wash. 98402. 1/16-23 MOBILE HOME FURNITURE We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cots. 426-4702. 4/14 tfn 1964 DODGE, motor 383, 28,000 miles, 4 speed with Hurst positraction rear end. $400.00 cash. 426-3823. B 1/9-16 For Rent FOR RNT -- Hmmekeeptng room. Everything furnished, in downtown area. Call 426-8115 or 428-3573. L 1/9 tfn FOR RENT downtown. Two bed- room apt. with fireplace and carpet. Large fenced yard. $110.00 per month. Phone 426- 2692 before 5:30 p.m. E 1/9-1/16 FOR RENT -- Completely fur- nighed A frame chalet, 2 bed- rooms, fireplace, large deck. Excellent beach, 5 minutes from town. $95.00 month. Ref- For Rent FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tfn ONE BEDROOM apartment, low rent and utilities to older cou- ple for light services. 426-3242. B 12/5 tfn Help Wanted GIRL, live-in, to help in the home and in the care of elderly mother. 426-3648. H 9/12 tfn erenoes and deposit required -- ...................................... 426-4000 after 5 p.m. B 1/16 tfn FOR RENT: Two-bedroom un- furnished apartment. Carpet- ing, drapes, range, refrigera- tor supplied. Heat hot water. Water, garbage and sewer in- cluded in rental. Holly Hill Apts. No. 4. 42B-6593. 1/9 tfn TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX available Feb. I. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Phone 426-3000. W 1/16-2/6 FOR RENT 3 bedroom unfur- nished waterfront home. Bay- shore. References required. $85.00 month. 426-4000 after 5. B 1/16 tfn Services BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22 tfn PAINTING and DRY WALL RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-8773 7/4 tfn BEAUTICIAN WANTED -- full or part time. Phone 426-4582. E 12/12 tfn Real Estate MGa/400 Real Estate SELL OR EXCHANGE 'r 1969 CHROLET Townsman ..................................... station wagon, Olympic gold, FOR RENT-- Clean attractive V-8, power steeriing, radio, au- tomatic, heavy tires. 426-3709. Leelle Rice R 1/16 1959 FORD GALAXIE, 292 motor, 4 door. Call 426-8598 after 5 p.m. W 1/9-16 '60 OLDSgood condition. All electric, $450 or best offer. Call evenings 426-3812. J 1/16 1963 FORD 2-DOOR hardtop, 390 engine, four speed, $750.00. See 1313 Cota, space 4 after 4 three room cottage Couple or single person, no children or pets. 426-6124 or 426-6927. R 1/9-23 WANTED Sitter- housekeeper. 2-5 p.m., weekdays. $55 month. Own transportation. Call 426- 2870 evenings. B 1/9-30 Work Wanted IRONING DONE, regular or fill- in basis. Fast, efficient service. Call Mrs. William Landis, 426- 4593. 1/2-23 Wanted WANTED: Alder and second growth maple. 9 inches and larger. Any length. 426-3464 L. R. Smith Alder Mill. S 11/14 tfn Owner has a $1,200 equity in a 3 bedroom home, appraised at $11,950 which he wants to trade into a 2 or 3 bedroom home valued up to $8,000---or will sell outright. Why not call and we'll discuss it. € BEDROOMS5 ACRES Completely cleared with approxi- mately 1300 feet of road frontage Barn, 3 stall garage, fruit trees, good water system and much more It's $14,500 and we'll help with the financing SELL OR LEASE WITH OPTION FOR RENT: New, large 12' wide mobile home. Nice park. All electric. Furnished or unfur- nished. Carpeted. Small pets acceptable. $135. month in- cluding space. 426-4560. M 1/16-23 FOR RENT  Three bedroom furnished house, waterfront, Hammersley Inlet. $100.00 month. Phone 426-2589. Refer- WANTED TO SHARE in car pool from Cran Deer to Brem- erton. Shift hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 426-4993. S 1/9-16 WANTED SILVER DOLLARS $1.50 Each ................................................................. p.m. D 1/9-16 YOUNG GRAIN-FED STEERS: .................................................... Side 47# per lb. Expert cutting 1963 VOLKSWAGEN In good and wrapping. Stelton Foods, condition. Call 426-3000. Inc., 426-6523. S 2/29 tfn W 1/16 Phone 426-4912. C 12/5 tfn R-SAiEi Black and White General Electric television set. e serel;. Reasonable, one 426-526. P 12/19 tfn Sporting Goods TRAILMASTER 100 cc Yamaha, 2100 miles excellent condition. Phone 426-2049 evenings. FOR SALE: '64 Oldsmobile 442 and '67 Mmtang. Both g()d condition. Phone 426-2727 days, 426-8671 evenings. G 1/9-23 1068 DODG] 4ORNIffr ,tww door hardtop. H.P. 383 Three- speed auto., radio. New tires. 40,000 miles. Make offer. Call 426-2551 after 5 p.m. D 1/9-16 Pets, Livestock B 11/28 tfn ...................................................................... K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle TRADE 24 ft Aluminum Lone clipping andpet grooming Star cabin cruiser for 20-25 ft.. travel trailer. 87%5560 Pot.- latch. D 12/26-1/16 GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrudc, Homeltte Uppy's Hood Canal Marina. Union 898-2252. 2/15 tfn 18 F'P. CABIN BOAT, 60 h.p. motor, and trailer. $500. '56 Ford pickup and camper. $250. 426-3152. U 1/16 Real Estate TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, five cleared acres with large barn, three miles out Arcadia Road. 426.8861. L 1/9-30 i ANGLE AGENCY EXCELLENT INVE8TMENT FOR RENTAL 1  stow, 3 bedroom, older home, part basement, laundry facili- ties, practically new oil furnace and good lot overlooking the city Can use some fixing up and will always rent for about $75 per month Mst cash out and priced very reasonably at $6,850. DOWN TOWN LOCATION 4 Bedroom Home with two full baths, large kitchen, living room and dining area. Also a small study for the studious child. Close to school and an excellent buy at $16,200.00. DOWNTOWN RENTAL INVE$TMENT Two 2 bedroom homes on ap- proximately 1 acre, downtown. Space for additional building or garden. Both homes in excellent condition and rented. Potential income of $160.00. Will sell en- tire property or separately, on contract. Price $19,500.00  of- fers considered. 8HORECREST TRACT Tract at above development a- cross Bay from Shelton with beach and pool privileges. Priced at $2450 with at least $250 down and $25 per month at 74%. ANGLE AGENCY Sin©e 1890 Real Estate & insurance HERE ANGLE DICK ANGLE Evenings 426-4154 or 426-6188 44}1 Rallrcmd Ave. Ph. 421.827 Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tfu FOUR REGISTER va-bie Chihuahuaa for sale, $30.00 or all for $100.00. Phone 426-2417. S 1/16-2/6 MONEY-MAKER -- Registered 3 year old female. Chihuahua. Coming in, $35.00. 426-2417. B 1/16 tfn TO GIVE AWAY, two part Nor- wegtan Elk Hound female pup- pies, part Poodle female and large male Samoyed. 426-8739. B 1/16 TROPICAL FISH  Guppy special 50c each. Marion Wll- kowski, 1221 West Birch. Phone 426-6148. 1/16-2/6 Trades TRADE BAND AWfor 30inch wood lathe. Phone 877-5248. B 1/16 Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for un- wed regnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls ac- cepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178. 8/29 tfn R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchanger, 426.6592. 8/18 tfn Real Estate THREE BEDROOM Waterfront home, basement, fireplace w/w carpeting, drapes. $29,950. 426-2529. S 1/16 tfn ences required. S 1/2-23 FOR RENT, unfurnished two bedroom house close to hos- .pital. 426-2332. T 1/16 ONE BEDROOM ItYRNISHED apartment, w/w carpeting. Heat, water, garbage fur- nished. Inquire 1119 Franklin, Ap. 5, after 5 p.m. • , B 1/9 tfn MODERN 2 BEDROOM. Drive by 2009 Stevens Street then call Bremerton ES7-8161 from 6 to 9 p.m. References re- quired. E 1/16 Mr. View Elwood Manor Aparfmenfs 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW. CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-6155 i I . 2 BR Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Garbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mt. Vlew Phone 426-8656 12/5 tfn Real Estate HOOD CANAL COUNTRY 140' x 150' Waterfront, wooded, native landscaaped, view. Duplex, shop, etc. on cove $29,500. Wooded view lots $3,750. 176' choice beach lot, all or part $155 per foot. 34 wooded view acres, right in town, $30,600, terms.. Cottage at Stetson's remodeled and completely furnished $9,850. Choice beach lots and upland lots with beach acce. Shumate Realty HOODSPORT 877-5576 days, 877-5575 evenings SHELTON 426.8610 COMMERCIAL SITE-- 10 acres across county road from State Patrol A!cademy. Excellent mobile home park spot. Ap- proximately 660 feet of good road frontage. 3 miles north of Shelton, $11,500. Call 426.2646 HIMLIE REALTY, inc, i iiii ii I i Page 16 - Shelton-Malon County Journal. Thursday, January 16, 1969 SHELTON 426.8381 ANYTIME J 1/16 Real Estate MT. VIEW 2 bedroom home, plastered, hard- wood floors; fireplace, utility room and garage. Nice grounoe. and good Mt. View location. Drive by 300 West H St. Price $12,750 GLEN WATSON 426-3170 1/9-16-23 HOODSPORT HOME With four bedrooms, one bath- room, and a two car carport One acre of land, trees and creek through property. Vacation or permanent residence. Priced at $14,500. Call today. THE SCOFIELD COMPANY Centralla Office 736-7614 On the Freeway at Csntralla 1/16 FOUR BEDROOM Wonderful family home, one of Shelton's nicest areas. 2 baths, living room with w/w carpetirlg, dining room, large kitchen, util- ity area. Covered patio off fam- ily room. Garage, two-car car- port. Garden storage house. Beautifully landscaped. $22,500. Right buyer can assume 5%% mortgage. 426-4935 R 1/16 tfn 3 bedroom home only 3 years old Built-in range, country-style kit- chen, completely fenced yard and attached garage with utility All in A-1 condition and the full price is $15,950--caU to see it right now. 4 BEDROOMS, ACREAGE Less than 5 minutes from town. 2 bedrooms up, 2 down, circulat- ing ftreplac 1%. tmtlm,  :: barn and some merchantable tim- ber and much more. $18,500 and there are several ways it can be financed. Let's go see it. 3 BEDROOMS, Vz ACRE Completely renovated inside and out. New kitchen, new bath, new roof, new floors. Excellent garden area, fruit trees, berries and much more. $13,250 and we'll talk terms after you've seen it. CAN YOU USE A whole block on Mt View? Well, even if you can't tree it right way--perhaps you should consider it as an investment for the future. Water and sewer in and the full price is only $9,000 and we'll consider a low down payment. LAKEFRONT WITH 8MALL STREAM 80 feet on Lake Limerick with 220 feet of depth, nicely wooded and 1 block from the Golf Course. The price is right--so call to see it today. RENTALS 2 bedroom duplex. Large rooms, range & refrigerator. $100 per month.. 3 bedrooms, built-in range, at- tached garage, fenced yard. $130 per month. MANN REAL ESTATE 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime 1-[ REALTY ):, "THE ACTION OFFICE" 226 N. 1st St., Sheiton ARCADIA ROAD. 3 Bedroom Home on over % acre. Par- ttally fenced  Small creek runs through property. City wa- ter. Land slopes up from road with nice, warm, southerly ex- posure. Lots of potential and only $8,000.00 10 Acres planted in Scotch Pine, Pacific Silver and Douglas Fir Christmas Trees. REAL NICE and near South Shelton line $8,800.00 20 Acres Off Lake Blvd. near Shelton Town Line. PRIME DEVELOPMENT LAND. some good TIMBER. $25,000.00 80 Acres. TERRITORIAL VIEW. Above Quilcene Bay. GOOD INVESTMENT! $34,000.00 LIKE NEW! Big 2 bedroom 58' semi-expanded mobile home. separate attached utility room. Wood burning fireplace. Re- circulating Warm Air heat. W-W carpet. BUilt-in appliances RIgAL DELUXE LIVING on large view lot  loads of extra gofOOdiss! Asking $9,500.00. Why not look at it? Owner wants fer I ! CALL USe 426-1141 NOW!! Evenings Call "Jim" Roush 426.8522 G. John Brush, Jr., Broker 42Q- RATES Services Services CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- tor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426- 4602. 1/15 tfn BATHROOM AND KITCHEN remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. O 1/25 tfn EXCAVATING, HAULING, and clearing. Free estimates. Ph. 426-4378. Gordon B. Moore. M 4/4 tfn $7.95 RENTS a new piano. Sher- man-Clay, South Sound Center, Lacey. Phone Olympia 491- 3370. S 8/22 tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundation| and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tin ms HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 H 2/17 t Instructions ice Electrolux bags available Free delivery Call Jack Man- ley, 426-3544 1622 Boundary M 8/15 tfn Septic Tank Installations 500-gal, 750-gal., 1,000-gal Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn Real Estate THE LAST AND BEST water- front lot is now for sale at Sportsmen's Haven. Approx. 50 ft. by 400. Beautiful view, etc.. Ideal home or business site. $8,000. Owner 898-2428. S 1/16 tfn JUNIOR - SENIOR Lifeavil classes in Shelton will begin Saturday, Jan. 17 For Infor- mation call 426-3912 or 426- 2507 1/16 /tn and Women, 18-60 Civil Service Jobs **° T00S OF JOBS OPEN *** No High SchOol--No Experience POSTAL CLERKS STARTING PAY --280 HR.--$480 MO. Keep present job while training File Clerks Office Clerks + ]00s of other tyPes of lobs Train Now--Pay Later CALL NOW!! 24 HRS. KEY TRAINING 321 Security Bldg. 3S2-36 Real Estate MR. REALY STATE says- "Call anytime to inspect our r-- Ii tmngs.. 426-2646." FOOTBALL FIELD 81ZED LOTll Put a very roomy 3 bedroom, bath-and-a-half home with a large rec room and a separate oversized double garage with its large shop area on that sized lot and you still have a mighty nice place for those young ones to play .Look this extra qual- ity home over from end to end. We know it will please you. YOU WANT TO LIVE ON CALLANANII Boy -- this just happens to be your day. Here's a fascinating 3 bedroom c]armer that has some of the most exciting featur we've ever seen in one package for just $18,500. If you will pick up your phone and call 426-2646 right now we'll show you what we mean before it's gone. (Immediate possession is po sable, too). MINIMUM DOWN FINANCING... Here's a quality 3 bedroom home on ML View that you can buy for less down payment on FHA terms. It's got hardwood floor, w/w carpeUng, fireplace, and a FAMILY ROOM. The price is only $17,950, so hurry. ANGLESlDE ECONOMY . .. Looking for a good, practical 3 bedroom home on a big comer lot? We have a dandy older, 2-story with 1½ baths, electric heat and a big 2-car garage priced at Just $13,000. And, there's a new roof on it, tool CHOICE SUBURBAN ... Here's a good buy on an immaculate 4 year old, 3 bedroom home In an attractive wooded setting. Equipped with gleam- ing hardwood floors, it also has some nice new carpeting that's sure to please. You will also enjoy Its warm stone fireplace, family room, large fenced yard and many more outstanding features, all for $17,250. Don't put off seeing this one. MOVE RIGHT IN ... Here's an attractive Angieside home that you can move into this weekend. It offers 3 bedrooms (one is extra large), 2 full baths, and a convenient kltcheL Much more, so see it now at $13,750, with terms. BRAND NEWII If you are looking for a new home in a choice are you must see this Parkwood home today. 3 bedrooms, 2 baud, applio ances, family room, fireplace, plus all the other wanted fm tures. See it today at $23,850. PERFECT MT. VIEW LOCATION And close to school and shopping. This 8 bedroom home of. fers a family room, a quality forced air furnace and a work- shop and carport. This pleasant home is priced at Just $13,450 with good terms. AND A VlEW Of town and the Olympics. You Will appreciate the full base- ment, the quality heating system and the large partially fin- ished upstairs that could make this 2 bedroom home into a 4 bedroom if you are handy with a saw and hammer. The price Just $10,000. Call us!! 219.5 FEET LOW BANK WATERFRONT This nicely wooded tract can be purchased for Just $3,000 down on a real estate contract. Good road frontage. Near Soro- crest in the Agate area on Hammersley Inlet. Price, $25,000. NOTHING SPECTACULAR But there is lots of living left in this older 3 bedroom Hill. crest home. Full basement. Nice large corner lot. New car- pet in living room. Just $9,000. HIMLIE REALTY, Inc. 1717 Olympic Highway N. Phone 46-144 EVENINGS CALL: DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- 8KIP" NE88 41.804 DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-1407 DICK BELLING, Closing Broker 426-81(12 VINGE HIMLIE, Brker 425-1801 []