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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 18, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 18, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Former Legion C)mmander Dies hi Kennewick Sherm,'m E. Soule, 61, a former 'Shelton resident and past com- mander of the Fred B. Wlvell American Legion Post, died Jan. ]6 at the Walls Walls Veterans' Hospital. In recent years Mr. Soule had made his home in Ken- newick, Wash. He was an active Mason and a graveside service will be conduct- ed at Shelton Memorial Park by Mr. Moriah Lodge beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 20. A fun- eral service in Kennewick will be held Friday, Jan. 19 in Mullens Chapel. Mr. Soule was a member of the Paste American Legion Post. Pas- te Masonic Lodge 173, Kennewick Con,uitory, Mizapah Circle Order of Eastern Star and Kennewick Court ¢ff Amaranth. Survivors include his wife Eth- el L. Soule, Kennewiek; one son, Walter of Kennewick; one brother Donald Smile of Moses Lake; two nieces and one nephew. Lilliwaup ¢.hb To Heel Friday By Mrs. Nell Vance LILLIWAUP -- Lilliwaup Com- munity Club held their business meeting and card party Friday evening. Twenty-one members at- tended the potluck dinner. The members voted *to buy a $10 TB Bond again this year, they also voted to hold a special card party on Wednesday evening Jan. 31 All money taken in that evening will be donated to the March or Dimes ,all prizes and refreshments that evening will be donated by the members. There were seven tables of pinochle played at the card party Friday evening, high score going to Anna Johnson and Max Schmidt, low to Mottle Back- lund and Des Cheatham and 300 Pinochle to Millie Diesen and Bob Moffett. Daisy Vance was the lucky winner of the door prize. THIS PARTY was the first in series of five, the next card party Will be held Jan. 26. Mrs, Ruel Pierce and Mrs, George Moake of Eldon were shop- INTERNATIONAL WOODWORKERS, LOOAL 3-38 TO ELECT DELEGATES TO REGIONAL OONVENTION. The International Woodworkers of America, Local Union 3-38 will nominate and elect delegates to the Region 3 Constitutional Convention at the regular Local Union Meeting of January 26, 1962. This Convention will commence on March 5th and end on March 7, 1962. FIELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Publiahecl in ceClristma,toq,vn, U.S.A.," Shelton, Waslltnon Thursday, January 18, 196  s([ay, January1 ,CLASSIFIED:ADs GET R-ES-u[?S/I ,teaux P.q Shelton Teacher Dies In Puyallup Mrs. Theodore Eva Ional He- rind, 50. Rotzte 2, Box 825, Shel- ton, passed away Friday in a Pu- yalh|p hospital, She was spend- ing Christmas with tier sister, Mrs. Quin Rinehart of Puyallup, when she was taken ill. She was born in Mankato. Minn. and came to Puyallup in 1925 from Wibaux, Mont. She was a graduate of Puyallup high school, the State Teachers College in BeN lingham and attended tile Univer- sity of Wash She taught school in Klickitat and Mason counties. She had lived in Shelton the past 28 years. She was a member of the First Baptist church She)ton. was a 4-H leader in Mason County for 12 years, was a past Master and member of Agate Grange, and had held a number of county of- fices in the Grange. She was also a member of Naomi Chapter No. 13, OES. and Naomi Anxiliary, Puyallup. She was a widow of the late Theodore Hovind. Besides her sis. ter Bernice, whom she was visit- ing, she is survived by a son Rob- ert Theodore Hovind who is at- tending college in Seattle, her mother, Mrs. George (Olga) Fish- er of Puyallup, a brother George R. Fisher of Paseo. and another Mrs. Roy (Dorothy Nor- denborg of Seattle. Services were held Monday, Jan. 15 at 1l a.m. at Hill Funeral Home, Puyallup, with the Rev. Herbert W. Luebeck officiating. Burial was in Sheiton cemetery where graveside services were held at 3 p.m. with Rev. Eugene Knautz officiating. peru in Seattle last Wednesday. Mrz. Cords Watktns and Mrs. George Moake motored to Man- ette last Friday where jthey at- tended the meeting of O.E.S. line officers club. QUILCENE SENIOR CHOSEN FOR ALL STATE (HORUS, PTA MOVIE By Mrs. T. B. Baleh BRINNON ..... Steve Mortcnsen. a senior at Quilccne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mortenscn has been selected to sing in an all- state chorus in the at)t-leo-distant Mrs. Lucy E. Young Called By Death Last rites for Mrs. T,ucy E. Young, 2324 King street, were held Saturday at 11 a.hl. in the Batstone Funeral home. The Rev. Eugene Knautz officiaied. Inter- lent followed in the Shellun Me- morial Park. Mrs. Yom]K was born Nov. 17. 1882 in Tolo. Ore.. and had lived in Mason County fro. the past 33 years. She was : member of the Ruby Rebekah lodge. Mrs. Young is survived by a son, Lea V. Young, Shelton; a sis- ter, Mrs. :Mabel Stoekam, Seat- tle and three grandchildren. Edward Wilson Last Rites Held Last rites for Edward Wilson. at. 4. Harstine Island were held Sunday at :t p.m. in the Batstone Funeral Home. The Rev. Carl Carlson officiated. Interment fol- lowed in tim Harstine cemetery. Mr. Wilson was born July 15. 1884 in Munsula, Finland and had been a resident of Harstine Island for 60 years. He was a charter member of the Harstine grange. He is survived by his wife, Mrs, Hulda Wilson, Harstine; three daughters, Hildur Housen, Sea- beck, Mrs. Hazel Weichseldorfer, Tacoma, and Mrs. Edna Mitchell, Seattle; nine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Journal Want Ads Pay future He also sings in tl]e school and is a member of the Presby- teri:T1 chr)ir. Mr. and Mrs. Dmglas Blair of Bellingham were Saturday night and SIIlldtly Kllt'sls of her mother, Mrs T. H. lalch. They attended the wedding of Sharon Sund in Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Dona.ld B. Apliu and three chihh'en, spent Friday and Saturday nights with her mo- thez', and on Sunday visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Aplin at their uummer home at Indian Beach. The Brinnon PTA will give a full length n)ovle on Jan. 19 at 7 p.m. at Lhe school entitled, "White Towers" featuring Glenn Ford. Refreshments will t)e served after tile straw. Newcomers to Brinnon are Mr. and Mrs. Scott %¥hitley -rod sev- eral children, one of school age. They'are living" in one of the Car- roll cottages. He operates a small brush packing plant. The Garden Chlb will meet at the Renskers home in Quilcene Thursday. Material for corsages will be bronght by the members who will gel. instruction in the art. David S. Coles Funeral Monday Funeral services for David S. CellS, 418 Arcadi' street, were held Monday at 11 a.m. in the Batstone Funeral Home. The Rev. Eugene Kimutz officiated. Inter- nlenl followed in the Veteran's cemetery in tile Shelton Memorial Park. Mr. Coles was born Feb. 29, 1920, in Hoquiam and served in the U.S. Air Force dm'ing World He is sm'viwd by his wife, Mar- ion I. Coh,s, Shelton; two broth- ers. Harry Coles, Umon, and Pail- lip Coles, Shelton, and a sister Mrs. Essie Bellante of California, FLOYD GIBSON Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal Representative KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler-Plymouth Cars International Trucks , , m, , ,, t FLY AEROLYMPIG'S OLYMPIC MOUNTAIN FLIGHT Most Scenic Ride In United States ALSO Local Flights -- Puget Sound -- Hood Canal AEROLYMPIO 00. MOONEY SALES & SERVICE Phone HA 6-2401 or HA 6.6106 JOURHAL lets Tonig B°rdeaux Elementary 01fl its first meeting q ear this Thursday ( QUALITY USED CARS O o'clock in the sch¢ WAS NOW 1961 Corvair Monza 2 door $2295.00 $2195.00 Radio -- Heater  Powerglide 8,000 One Owner Miles 1958 Rambler Rebel $1295.00 $1195.00 Custom 4 Door Sedan  Radio -- Heater Automatic -- Power Steering and Brakes 1958 Rambler American $895.00 $845.00 2 Door Sedan  Heater  Standard Transmission  Top American Economy Car 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air V8 $795.00 $595.00 4 Door Sedan  Radio -- Heater  Overdrive 1955 Plymouth "6" $495.00 $445.00 Club Sedan -- Radio  Heater Standard Tranmission 1955 Ford Fairlane $745.00 $725.00 4 Door Sedan  Radio -- Heater Automatic-- Extra Clean and Sharp 1961 PLYMOUTH Belvedere V-8 2-Door Hardtop Radio  Heater  Power Steering Automatic  Tinted Glass  W/S/W Tires  Lots of Extras- 4,000 Actual Miles. $2795.00 GW WARRANTY ON MOST UNITS KIH'BEL MOTORS INC. CHRYSLER -- PLYMOUTH -- VALIANT RAMBLER -- INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 So. First St. HA 6-3433 eThe showing of the f Consumer Wants lll highlight the evel [ra and coming fron lUer's Research O h0uld offer much inte formation. Refreshments will r0gram. Prosperity and civill tr from being synonyn Hav LOYAL ORDI MOOSE $helton Lodge No Warren (Bud) Kr Governor Phone HA 6-4: Otto R. Hanson, Phone HA 6-8' MEETINGS HELD 2ad and 4th Tu of the Montl 8 p.m. Airp T INVENTORY DISPOSAL el WATER I Bedel Every Shell At TEX MI1 Square ] ohn and N Admissi Out They New nd Used Our inventory must be whittled down to movable size -- MUST be s01d in a matter of days and WE are prepared toy a heavy price in 10st refits to do and be at the TIMBER APPLIANCE when the store opens today to make the GE buys that will have others rubbing their eyes in dmbelief... ? it -- See the examples below MANY ] lr NTOR] BUY FOR AS LITTLE AS NOTHING DOWN • PAY AS YOU USE -- SAVE R E WATCH O1 Washer GE Filter-Fie 12 lb. capacity I " I I I I I I II II I I I GE Dryer............ mlll|lllll||llll|lllllll¢lll maw man =a|ll |l l ! |e |e a 1 1 , mi me  mm wim mm m m m mmm mmwm • 17 ou. ft. Chest Freezer..... =24P 13 eu. ft. Frost Guard Refer. =328 °° w/t I I I I I I GE Stereo diamond stylus handsome ,walnut cabinet 5 w/t S0 i illllllilllll III/ I lllllllllill llilllit lilliiii/iillilllllll I I ti  t I  / lill i/Imlll III lllll I I III III I I I I I ili I III III Ill I ill I I i III I illlll I II/llllmlil II I i lllllllli I lllll i I I Imll Ill Illllllt .... i iIlii/ll I II II Illl ill ill ii li I i I Ill I II I I Illl I Im]lllll, I / • i | I Used | ; GE 4 yrs. old ................ $8,50 GE ................................ $87.50 : GE $35.45 : GE ................................ $42.50 ................................ : WHIRLPOOL ............ $26.75 | [ GE ................................ $39,50 PHILCO ...................... $33.50 | things € v e i L y crew 'k[ Ibhort i I , re polo shirts, |  snap sh0ul- ' | • • mS Used TV .GE--Syoarsold: : S97.50 : l 2$fO.r S8 € , Used Dryers : 0LA tube,,,,., : ' Xenm = MOTOR -- $169.95 : ' ,2400o = y,wp!x izeslto4 = ores . . . . . " " " : ADMIRAL-- wilh radm . . . . . . . $87.50 : ' Whi Ipool '17 i = i r .. , . . . . . . . 50 i hers from $2350 i JUST TIMBER APPLIAN(E AT LOW PENI] 409 Railroad Avenue Little as nothing down, bUt hurry., must have fast actmn -- al.! new GE merchandise factory war- ranted, dehvery and instllation e£tra. SALE THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY