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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 18, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 18, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[mrsday, January 18, 19 ay, January 18, 1962 ADS GET RESULTS P.T.A. Tonight ;ED CARS WAS or $2295.00 &apos;glide $1295.00 radio -- Heater ing and Brakes $895.00 - Standard NOW $2195.00 $1195.00 $845.00 rican Economy Car 78 $795.00 $595.00 Heater -- Overdrive $495.00 $445.00 1eater $745.00 $725.00 . Heater and Sharp I elvedere V-8 4eater  Power Steering -- W/S/W Tires -- Lots les. .00 )N MOST UNITS TORS INC. 3UTH -- ;ATIONAL HA 6-3433 Bordeaux Elementary P.T.A. will 01d its first nieeting of the new r this Thursday evening at 0 o'clock in the school Audito- Lll, hThe showing of the film, "What e Consumer Wants to Know", rill highlight the evening's pro- am and coming from the Con- mner's Research Organization h0uld offer much interesting in- rmation. Refreshments will follow the !r0 . Prosperity and civilization are ,r from being synonymous terms. --Havelock Ellis LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE 8helton Lodge No. 1684 Warren (Bud) Knutzen, Governor Phone HA 6-4780 Otto R. Hanson, Scy. Phone HA 6-8197 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2ad and 4th TueSdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport Baptist Women's 00eeting Features Hat Competition The Baptist Women's Fellow- ship met at the ckurch Monday, Jan. 15 at 7:45 for its meeting. As this was "Funny Hat Night", there were several amusing hats )resent. Five finalists chosen were Mrs. Grace Hyde, Mrs. Joseph E. Moss, Mrs. Sharon Johnson, Mrs. Joan Hunter, and Mrs. Bobby Scrafford. A skit was presented with 10 ladies modeling hats. The business meeting was op- ened by the president, Mrs. Lois Hergert and Mrs. Catherin Eells gave the invocation. After the business meeting, Merge Yule sang a solo, accompanied by Merge Valley. Rev. Bell, from the Skokomish Valley, brought devo- tions on "A Mission for a Mis- sionary", He also played a piano solo. Rev. Knautz gave the bene- diction. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Pat Crow, Mrs. Mary Rob- erts, Mrs. Dorothy Hart, Mrs. Ed- na Webber, Mrs. Rachel Wagner, Mrs. Betty Cole and Mrs. Louise Donahoe. He who is plenteously provided for from within, needs but little from without. ---Goethe YOU SHOULD KNOW... LINT WILLOUR 1 KE CARE TO BE AN ECONO- MIST IN PROSPERITY;THERE IS NO DANGER OF YOUR NOT BEING ONE IN ADVERSITY. ell Drilling WATER WELLS- TEST HOLES • • edell Drdlmg €o. Ii: LaWa00NCE BEDELL if:' Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone HA. 6-4713 Every Saturday Night Donor At The Tropics Ballroom At Schneiddr's Prairie TEl MITCHELL AND HIS BAND Square Dances 10:30 & 1 o'clock t]ohn mid Nettle Williams this week only Admission -- $1.75, including tax le examples below CHARGE IT! i I MANY ITEMS THAT CAN'T BE i 5 r "ENTORIED CONTINUALLY BEING ! n ,,n00U C E o WATCH OUR CLEARANCE TABLES ULOUS things at baby-zed prices! 'v e i L y crew Combed cotton Easy,into hort- c k!  h o r t training pants, sleeve pull-over m • iil=lnl 1 •l=mmll iiii ......  "" Ve polo shirts, doubl,e fabric shirt of fine = snap shoul- b o d y,. t r i p 1 e quality combed $97,50 :] 2 88 ¢ 3 ,or 88 3 ,or :88 u • $1691 : i 1 to 4 Sizes 1 to 3 Sizes 0 to 3 S87.50 i JUST ARRIVED -- SHEETS : ad Avenue AT LOW WHITE GOODS PRICES PENGO PENCALE .. 4 ( LL FITTED 2 FULL FII"TED (: TrOM BOTTOM SHELTON--MASO N COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "'Ohristmastown, U.3.A.," Shelton, Washington WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE KITCHEN? Recipe F;vorit;s of Aunty hesident00 lie, eight years old, and their oaby tonnie Charlene, 15 months. An aquarium of tropical fish serve as Lorraine's hobby. Hamburger Macaroni Dish 1 lb. Hamburger 1 large onion chopped 3 cans tomato sauce 2 tomato sauce can of w,ater 4 tsp. chili powder 3 cups cooked macaroni Put hamburger and chopped on- ion into greased fry pan and brown. Add tomato sauce, water chili powder, and season to taste. Mushrooms can be added. Sire, mer for 10 or 15 mim]tes. Stir sauce into macaroni and serve. One of the busiest gals we know is Lorraine Russell who lives on a farm about five miles south of town off the Olympia highway. Fortunately Lorraine enjoys gard- ening as she raises and cans her own fruits and vegetables. She is also custodian of the family dairy cow and the chickens. Aside from her farm chores she keeps the books for her husband, Bill's Logging, Milling and Well Drilling businesses. In a pinch sh can run the heavy equipment too. One of their intcrests is building their herd of Black Angus cattle. The Russell's have three ctfild- ren, Cynthia Lee, who is 11; Bil- Dayton Residents Called By Death • ' ' "' ' : 'i i'" heaDrAfYeTON:hseK:sdfffntC::seea d i:nS:l°sMsi'diEl""; UL:l;'nt° ' were munity are extended to the family Mrs. Cliff VanderWal, Mrs. Glenn Chamblin, Mrs. Carl Erickson, Mrs. Lawrence Wilson, Mrs. Don Botts Jr., Mrs. Bob Bemmr and Mrs. Alice Benner. Games were played with prizes going to Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Earl, Mrs. Stock- .well and Mrs. Miller. Barbara and Beverly Brown of Shelton spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs. Alma Baker. Robert Bednarski of Shelton and James Einersson caught the ]1 o'clock clam tide on Saturday 25th Anniversary Party For Coles A  surprise party honoring the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cole was given last Saturday night by their daugbter, Mrs. Jack Mallory and Mrs. Tom Myers. Fifty-one friends and relatives gathered at the Cole home for the celebration. 4-H News Shelton Ch)vers Tile first meeting of the year was held at the Ruddell's home January 4, 1962. Dick Evers gave a brief report on the Rock Club. We discussed rocks, colors and names. We also discussed the swimming party. We discussed money making projects. A bake sale was voted on [o be at Tradewell. The bake sale will be held on April 21, 1962, the day before Easter. The Woodworking members want to make & Panhandle Lake sign. If another club hasn't start- ed it already. The next meeting will be held Jan. 19. 1962 at the home of Karen Franklin. The cooking project meeting will be held Saturday, Feb. 6 at the home of Mrs. Ever, from 10 to 12. The sewing project meeting will be held Saturday, Feb. 13, at the home of Ever from 10 to 12. - Aleca Ruddell, Reporter Golden Age Dance And Dinner Party Next Thursday Night A short program and dancing to the music of the Tune Top- pers will follow a potluck dinner by the Golden Age Club, Thurs- day, Jan. 25, 6 p.m. in the Me- morial Hall. The membez.s appreciate all help received from the local merchants. Approximately 60 members and friends were present at the last meeting with several visitors from out of the city. Rhododendron Camp Officer Installation This Monday Evening . hod0dendron Camp No. 8808, Royal Neighbors of America. will hold its installation of new offi- cers on Monday evening at 7:30 in the Memorial Hall. Mrs. Viola Laugen and Mrs. Gertie Lombard will be hostesses, OES PAST MATItONS Past Matrons of Welcome Chap- ter. Order of Eastern Star will meet today, Tllursday, in the home of Mrs. Florence Weeks. The dessert luncheon will begin at 12:30. MUSIC CLUB MEETING The Shelton Music ]lub will hold its January meeting Tu'es. day evening, Jan. 23 at 8 p.m., at the Methodist church. The Junior Music Clubs will provide the program of Ray Dillenburg who passed away on Wednesday of last week We were also saddened by the death of Mrs. Pearl Orr on Wed- nesday of last week who was mak- ing her home with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr oL Shelton. Mrs. Orr had been stay- ing in the William Rietdort,.h*me' up until a few months ago. Al- though bedridden, she was a sweet and uncomplaining person and so grateful for any courtesy or thoughtfulness extended tmr. Our night and besides the fun came RACHAEL KNOTT (IUILI) back with a nice feed of clams. A hmcheon meeting of the Re- Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and ehael Knott Orthopedic Guild will Mrs. Doyle Howard was Mrs. bc held in the home of Mrs. Frank Thelma Howard of Issaquah. Travis Jr., Friday, Jan. 19. Mrs. The Ernest Todds of Manchcst- Ken Frank will be co-hostess for er el'e Thursday afternoon call- the 12:30 luncheon. ers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd. Enjoying ice cream and cake on Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. IZube Cuziek on the: Lost Lake Road were Mr. and l Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children of l Chehalis, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tlbbits and girls who are down from Alaska and Mr. and Mrs, Allen Tibbits and family. The ev-' ening was spent listening to music provided by Mrs. J. C. Tibbits on the piano and by Frank (Son- ny) Lee of Cloquallum on the electric guitar. MR. AND MRS. STA_N Dyson were guests on Jan. 3 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Fitchitt of Shelton. It was the Dysons' fourth wedding anniversary and they en- joyed anniversary cake and cof- fee. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston of Aberdeen visited Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Alvin Hulbert.,Ac- companying them was his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Si John- ston of Tacoma, Sunday guests in the Allen Tib- bits home were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Norris and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tibbits and girls. Audrey, Donna and Robin Tibbits stayed Sunday overnight and Monday with their grandpar- ents. The Traveling Pinochle Chlb will hold its next meeting on Sat- urday, Jan. 13 with Mr. and Mrs. I SALVATION ARMY TRUCK The Salvation Army trucl¢ will be in Shelton Tuesday, Jan. 23. Those with items to be picked up may phone HA 6-2215 or HA 6- 6564. It's A Date Thursday, Jan. 18 Bordeaux PTA, school auditor- ium, 7:30 p.m. Mason County Democratic club, airport,  p.m. Past Matrons OES, at the home of Mrs. Florence Weeks, 12:30 p. I'CI, Friday, Jan, 19 .... High school basketball, Shelton at North Thm'ston. Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild, home of Mrs. Frank Travis Jr., 12:30 p.m VFW Auxiliary, Memorial Hall, 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 20 Mid-Skokomish Improvement Club card party, community hall, 8:15 p.m. High school basketball, Shelton vs. Peninsula, here. Sim(hty, Jim. 21 Shelton churches invite you to attend services today. Shelton Yacht club, PUD build- hg, 6 p.m. Shelton Eagles District meet- ing, airport hall, 12 noon. Monday, Jan. 22 Royal Neighbors, Memorial Hall, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 23 Degree of Honor, Memorial Hall at 8 p.m. church, 8 p.m. Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, PUD at 12 noon. Wedneaday, Jan. 24 BPW, Colonial House, 7 p.m. dinner. rage 3 MISS "BONNIE KAY FUNK, daughter of M.r. and Mrs. James S. Funk of 2nd and Birch St., has been elected recording secre- tary. of the Associated Women's Students of the University of Washington where she is a soph- omore. Royal Neighbors To Install New Officers Fhododencb'ou Camp No. 8858 Royal Neighbors of America will met4 lmxt Mondtqv evening at 7:30 l).ttt, at the Mernoriul hall. will he installation of sew officers. Hostesses will be Mrs. Viola Laugen and Mrs. Gertie Lombard. YACIIT Ci,IIl DAlE The Shelton Yacht Chlb will hole! its social meeting at the PUP buihting Sumia.v, ,lau. 21 with a potluck dinner. Ealtertain. m(;nt will follow and all lUCl'Llbers are m'ged to attend tlis 6:00 p.m. - _ € Mt. Moriah Lodge F.&A.M. !, No. 11 Stated Communication SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 Arnold Cheney, W. M. Gerald Samples, Sec'y. - _- _ - - _ Shelton Music Club, Methodist .............. -- ............................................................... [ [ I III Del Monte PINEAPPLE & GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 29.CansOZ. II DUCHESS -- 303 Size FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 '1 °° LANGENDORF -- Assorted CrOOK[ES 4 '100 Eagles Schedule Speaker Sunday P.W.P. Roy Knowlton district chairman No. 6, will be the main speaker at the district meeting of the Shelton Eagles Aerie No. 2079 on Sunday, January 21 at their Airport Hall. The officers will meet at 12 o'clock followed by the regular meeting at 1 p.m. Dinner will be sez-ed. RHODODENDRON SOCIETY MEETING TtIIS FRIDAY The January meeting of the Olympic Peninsula Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society will be held at the Gardiner Com- munity Hall. Friday, Jan. 19 bc- ginning at 8 p.m. Henbert Ihrig, an outstanding authority on rho- dodendron culture will be the guest speaker. Use Journal Want Ads sympathies to her family. JIM LEMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman is now sta- tioned in Chanute, Ill. attending a sixteen week' course in technical school on thc liquid fueling system of missiles. Mrs. Warren Williams was most pleasantly surprised on Monday When she received an unexpected call from McChord Field from a nephew, Commander Ray T. Smittle of Washington D. C. He had flown a committee on obser- vation from Washington D. C. to spend the day at Fort Lewis. Ladies Club met last week with Mrs. Stan Dyon as hostess. The next meeting will he on Wednes- day, January 17 with Mrs. Dick Leonard as hostess. Bud Rietdorf is now home again after spending some time in Enum- claw working and visiting. Cindy Tibbits spent the week- end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits of Chehalis picked her up on Sunday evening to take her home. Mr. and Mrs. L E. Jewett o£ Monroe were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams Wed- nesday through Friday of last week. Mrs. Mary Chappell is staying a few days this week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Darl Goldy. Sunday evening drop-in callers in the Russell Sparks home were Mr. and Mrs. John Dinning. On Sunday, Mrs. Walter Chap- pell and :hildren and houseguest Yerleen York were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Anderson of Cloquallum. Also present were Mrs. Verl York of Satsop who came over to take her daughter home. Mrs. 3ohn Anderson And children spent Saturday in Lilliwaup in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Chapin. Saturday afternoon drop-in call- ers in the Robert Goldy home were Mr; and Mrs. A. W. Puderbaugt of Agate. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Morgan and children of Elms were weekend visitors in the home of Mr. and Mr,< William Rietdorf. Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy were Mr and Mrs. Sam Diggle Jr. and chil- dren of Lake Nahwatzel. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards and children, spent the weekend in Portland in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luke O'Connor. Also visiting there were two of Mrs. Rickards' cousins, Olive Grass of Rapids City, S. D. and Millie Durke'* of Yakima. The Rickards also visited in Portland with an old army buddy of Merlin's, Harry Strom- q.uist whom he had not" seen for seventeen years. They had served together in the 906th heavy ordi- nance divishm but had been separ- ated after arriving in France. On Monday ewming, a stork vhower for.Mrs. Fred Fouthe was held in her home in Shelton. Mrs. Stan Dyson was hostess. Those attending were Mrs. Ralplz Stock- well, Mrs. F. A. Schmidt, Mrs. SCHOOL MENU Week of January 22 - 26 Monday---Meat and potato cas- serole, stewed tomatoes, sand- wich. fruit, milk Tuesday .... Chili con carne, vegetable wedges, peanut but- ter sandwich, apple or cherry cobbler, milk. Wednesday ..... S:auerkraut and winners, mashed potatoes, veg- etable, chocolate cake, milk. Thursday -- Vegetable soup, cheese slices, meat sandwich, fruit, milk. Friday -- Clam chowder, toast- ed cheese sandwich, vegetable wedges, honey nuggets, milk. Supplement your child's diet with Plenamlns from Prepp's Rexall 133 RR. HA 6-4642 ANNUAL MEETING of SIMPSON EMPLOYEES FEDERAL ,CREDIT UNION SHAREHOLDERS Friday, January 26th, 8 p.m. at PUD Auditorium (All Members Urged to Attend) LUMBERHEN'S MERCANTILE ,+ +- 4* SPR00(N G MATTRESS '..{.. • 30-Night Free Home Trial Enjoy 30 restful nights, There's never been an oflor tikc this: a froe home trial of Spring Air Mathesses eombineo wun sale r)rices. It's tile finest mattress offer in the country. Coroe h, make your choice, and snuggle on a Spring Air tonight. Or lodayl (Otfor limiie) ADVERTISED IN t_uul_J ,:,;,'.. ,'.::iL!%:,; :,','.:4::!':;: ...... "" ..," , :" .,,. ,- , r;".  '::' ', . . Dream Master Mattress or box sptqn, SlrlllPl195 Firm, eomtortable, New unique ticking. Drea Master DeLuxe Mattress or nox sprinCb SAgE "Gold Medal" nnerspring. ,-- Gold Damask ticking. Highlander P:ovincial pr.t.over- twill tiching, Heather Hollywood Ensemble D .... $ O5 K, xe in,mr, prino, Florat 89 [ickmn, Silkenetto hoaeuoaro. Spring Air--makers of the renowned "Back Supporter" mattress Furniture Department -- 2nd Floor Hix'N' Match S A L E CUT GREEN BEANS FREESTONE PEACHES GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS STEWED TOMATOES i:;ii WHOLE KERNEL CORN •:;.:!#i: :' FANCY PEAS : !ci:i..::; , ,,, 3 TINS 3 0 .... ,::i% YOUR CHOICE .[!.i::::]:i?:i./::; s[ ' I II 2 SNIDER'S CATSUr 14 oz . Bottles 35 ¢ RED DELICIOUS FANCY APPLES 40Box, b ,3s s AND