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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 18, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 18, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6 S1TELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A. " Trojans Edge Shelton, 50.49, In Overtime Thriller On Fife Court Shelton&apos;s hot and cold High- climbers displayed a median be- tween the two versions of round- ball play that they have floored this year, but it was surely not a happy one as coach Jerry Ver- million' hunch tumbled before the Fife Trojans in overtime, 50- 49 at Fife Friday night. The jolting loss threw the Sea- mount League leadership scram- ble into a three-team affatr. The Climbers. Fife and Curtis are now knotted for the top loop spot, each team tlaving a three win, one loss Seamount record. LEADING BY as much as six points all the way, the Climbers never trailed until the disputed overtime period. The play-by-play after Fife's Fred Simmons tied up NOTICE The stated annual meeting of the share- holders of the associa- tion will be held at the office of the associa- tion on Saturday, February 3, 1962, at 2 o'clock, p.m. MASON COUNTY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Title Insurance Building Shelton, Washington the game 42-all via a pair of free throws with 4:20 to go in the fourth quarter: the Climbers' Cor- ky Peterson netted an eight foot jumper a minute later for a two point Shelton edge only to have Ed Erickson tie it up again with a successful set shot and the score was 44-apiece; Shelton's Bill Sloan sank a free toss with 1:40 left and the visitors pulled ahead by one; Shelton got its hands on the ball moments later hut a bad pass gave Fife another life; with no time showing on the clock File's Vince Nordfors attempted a short jump shot, but was fouled as the buzzer sounded. After some discussion, officials ruled that Nordfors shot occurred before the buzzer and the blond forward toed the free throw line for two tries. Had the decision been reversed, Shelton would have won the game 45-44. With all eyes on him, Nordfors calmly poted the first shot to tie the count at 45-45. A huge sigh of relief could be heard from Shelton partisans as his second heave bounded off the rim. PETERSON and Nordfors hit a couple of quick buckets in the 3- minute overtime period and the score stood at 47-a11. File's Dave Babbitt put the hosts in the lead for the first time during the en- tire game when he canned one of two foul shots and, after Shelton's bid for a two-pointer failed, Nord- fors made two more free throws rapped up the game for Fife. Pet- erson stuffed in two points with 16 seconds remaining to narrow the margin to 50-49 but that was} the last point opportunity for Shelton. Shelton ran away from a 7-7 first quarter tie to a 14-11 lead If you are served by a PUb, you pay 0nly once (in ,your electric bills) for the facilities which bring you electricity. Then they belong to you  the public debt-free. If you are served by a private monopoly power i you pay for the company's system again and companY,again like a renter but never acquire an owner§hip in' terest, or debt-free equity. As your PUb system pays. off its bonded indebted- ness and increasingly finance expansion Out of rev- enues rather than by borroving', the'[ibliCs debt-free equity means lower rates because a smaller and smaller equity means lower rates because a smaler and smaller proportion of PUb income is needed to meet debt pay- ment requirements. Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason (ounty, Jack Cole, president; Ed Taylor and Tom Webb, commissioners; Claude Danielson, manager, after eight minutes. Fife sliced one point off the Climber lead by half time when Shelton was in Front 24-22. Shelton was ahead after three periods 33-30. The good breaks by-passed coach Vermillion's club all night. "Turnoverites" bothered b o t h teams, however, as Shelton threw the ball away 15 times and Fife lost it 11. SHELTON BOMBED the bask- et for 37 percent on 20 of 54 con- versions and the Trojans made good on 19 of 52 for 36 percent in the field goal catagory. The Climbers sunk nine of 17 free throws to 12 of 23 for Fife. Peterson spearheaded the Climber attack with 20 points plus 12 rebounds. Sloan backed him up with a 13 point perform- ance. For the winners, Nordfors managed 13 points, Simmons got 11 and Erikson and Babbitt were the authors of 10 point shows. The losers outrebounded the hosts 44- 25. Guard Gary Simons, 5-9, out- maneuvered some of the big men to pull down nine rebounds while Jim Goodpaster and Wayne Carl- son brought down eight each. The line-ups: Fife 50 Shelton 49 Nordfors 13 f Carlson 7 Erickson 10 f Goodpaster 2 Gilmore 2 c Peterson 20 Babbitt 10 g Simons 1 Simmons 11 g SlOSh 13 Fife subsRosenow, Wahlers 2, Britton, Kinoshita 2. Shelton subsCarte 4, Elliott 2, "Watson. Score by Quarters Fife ........ 11 II 8 15 5--50 Shelton .. 14 10 9 12 4---49 Goufl Sets Bails In Superior Oourt Bail was set at $1000 for Dean Ralph Doyle, 36, Rt. 2, Box 915, in superior court last Friday by judge Raymond W. Clifford. Doyle is charged with second degree as- sault. Claude LeRoy Wynn, 49, Shel- ton, was brought into court for the purpose of identification, Wynn is charged with first de- gree assault. His bail was set at $2000. Judge Raymond W. Clif- ford appointed John Ragan to serve as his legal counsel. GRANGE LEAGUE W L Patrons ................................ 7 1 Southside .............................. 7 1 Skokomish .......................... 4 4 Cloquallum .: ........................ 4 4 Pomona ................................ 4 4 Matlock ................................ 3 5 Shelton Valley .................... 2 6 Agate ................................... i 7 Men's high game--Tom Pulsi- for, 223. Women's high game Mary Ellen Halvorsen, 190. Men's higi serles--LeRoy Simp- son 531. Women's High serios Mary Ellen Halvorsen, 469. IIOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Hood Canal Marina .......... 9 3 Evergreen Florists ............ 7 5 Angle Agency ...................... 7 5 Kelly Furniture .................. 6 6 Edward's Salon .................. 6 6 Bamboo Shop ...................... 5 7 Batstone Funeral Home .... 4 8 Jim Pauley Inc ................... 4 8 High game--Katie Niles, 179. 466H.tgh seriesStclla Howard O SAVE ON A Ford Econoline Pickup during our big SAVINGS PARADE Low prices and high trade-ins make your Ford dealer's "Savings Parade" the top track event of the year. Come in before March 10 and you'll be dollars ahead! $ SAVE Ford Econoline Pickup costs $202 less than Chev- vy's Corvair loadside*. And tests have shown that an Econoline Pickup can save $319 on gas and tires alone during 100,000 miles of operation. That's a total of $521 (and you save on oil and maintenance costs, too ! ). NeT's the time to buy your Econoline-or a big Styleside Pickup or a thrifty Ford Ranchero. Take advantage of your Ford dealer's "Savings Parade"! *bad on a comparison of latest manufacturers' suggested list pricea IN THE NEXT 100,000 MILES T,DES OF T,E Highclimbers, Computed for Hood Canal North Thurston 50 sin. later and plus 3.0 ft. To Vie Friday High ............... 5:11 a.m. 12.2 ft. Low ................ 10:24 a.m. 7.6 ft. High ................ 3:16 p.m. 11.0 ft. SEAMOUNT LEAGUE Low ................ 10:25 p.m. -1.6 ft. Saturday, January 20 High ................ 5:47 a.m. 12.5 ft. Low ................ 11:08 a.m. 7.4 ft. High ................ 3:57 p.m. 10.8 ft. Low ................ II:01 p.m, -1.5 ft. Sunday, January 21 High ................ 6:20 a.m. 12.6 ft, LOw ................ 11:48 a.m, 7.1 ft. High ................ 4:37 p.m. 10.6 ft. Low ................ 11:36 p.m. -1.2 ft, Monday, January 22 High ................ 6:51 a,m. 12.6 ft, Low ................ 12:27 p.m. 6.7 ft. High ................ 5:18 p.m, 10,4 ft; Tuesday, January 23 Low .................. 0:10 a.m, -0.7 ft. High ................ 7:21 a.m, 12.6 ft, LOw .................. 1:07 p.m. 6.3 ft, High ............... 6:01 p.m, 10.1 ft, Wednesday, January 24 Low .................. 0:45 a.m. 0.9 ft. High ..: ............. 7:51 a.m. 12.5 ft. Low .................. 1:50 p.m. 5.9 ft. H£gh ................ 6:47 p.m. 9.6 ft. Thursday, January 25 Low .................. 1:20 a.m. 1.7 ft, High ................ 8:21 a.m. 12,3 ft, Low .................. 2:35 p.m, 5.4 ft, High ................ 7:40 p,m. 9,2 ft, Orting Defeats Bulldop, 45-32 The Orting Cardinals flew away from the North MasonBull- dogs last Friday night, 45-32. In .he first and second periods they fotmd flying rough. Mike Stev- enson opened the game with a long shot but Orting, quick to cap- italize on a mistake, made it 3-2 in their favor. This see-saw scot, ing went on that way for the first half. BACK OUT of the locker room for the second half, the Cardinals were ready to fly, and they did, scoring 21 points to North Ma- son's 17. The lineups: erring 45 North Mason 32 Carriagen Higgins Ray Cox Johnson Palmer Stevenson Brunaugh Walbaum Hobert Crosswhite High scorer for the game was a Cardinal, Andy Carriagcn, with 11, followed by North Mason's Mike Stevenson with 10. Other important scorers were: North MasonBill Walbaum 8; Wayne Crosswhite 8. Orting- Ray Cox 10, John Palmer 8, Jim Brunaugh 8. NORTH MASON has yet to win a league game. Total points scored by North Mason, 167. To- tal points scored against North Mason, 272. North Mason will he busy this weekend with King's Garden here, a league game, Fri- day, and at Sequim for a non- leaguer, Saturday. Youthful Driver Gets Jail Senlence Frankie G. Barnum, 18, 2025 Hemlock street, received a 10 day jail sentence in police court Mon- day night when he was found guilty of driving a car without a valid operator's license with faulty equipment and being in violation of the state financial re- sponsibility law. Barnum was also found guilty of being in possession of alcoholic beverages. Ronald Culver, 18, Bremerton, and Dennis Bale, 18, Bremerton, both forfeited $25 bail after being charged with possession of alco- holic beverages. Thomas C. Trem- per, 20, Olympia, forfeited $25 bail on the same charge. Patrick J. Kenastin, 17, Olympia, forfeited $35 ball after being charged with consuming alcoholic beverages and negligent driving. W L pf pu Shelton .................. 3 1 233 177 Curtis ...................... 3 1 209 185 Fife .......................... 3 1 202 174 Peninsula ................ 3 2 250 212 White River .......... 1 3 137 225 Bethel ...................... 1 3 220 231 N. Thurston .......... 1 4 246 282 Last Friday's Gmnes Bethel 77, N. Thurston 52 Peninsula 51, White River 24 Fife 50, Shelton 49 (O.T.) Games Friday Curtis at Bethel Fife at White River Shelton at North Thurston Games Saturday Bethel at Fife White River at Curtis Peninsula at Shelton Hoping that they have a remedy for some of the difficulties that caused the loss to Fife last Fri- day, the Shelton Highclimbers tra- vel to Lacey tomorrow night to face off with the North Thurston Rams. Coach Jerry Vermillion's unpre- dictable crew will have no rest Saturday night, either, when they host Peninsula's tall Seahawks. ALTHOUGH the Rams haven't shown too much this year, the traditional rivah'y betwcen the two teams has always brought surprises. North Thurston present- ly occupms the league basement with one win in five outings. Tim Climbers have a big heigilt advantage on coach Woody Bo- zak's crew, but will have to watch cut for forwards Tom Pickell and Herb Toney plus guard J. W. Wright. Tills trio has been aver- aging in double figures all year. Peninsula has been beaten by both Fife and CurUs, but have the talent to dump anybody in the loop on a given night. Ron Wilson, 6-5, and John Gunncrson, 6-3, provide good board strength. To combat against these next two opponents, coach Vermillion will probably open with high scor- ing Corky Peterson, center; Wayne Carlson and Jim Good- paster, forwards; and Gary Sim- ons and Bill Sloan, guards. Varsity B Squad Takes 49-43 Loss The Shelton Highclimber sec- onds couldn't cope with a tremen- dous second quarter scoring surge by Fife Jayvees as coach Harold Wilson's quintet took a 49-43 pasteing Friday. Trailing after one period, 10-5, the Trojan junior varsity poured in 20 points in the second found to Shelton's six and just about sowed up the win. Fife lead at halftime, 25-16. Shelton recovered from their shooting problems in the third canto to outscore the hosts 13-12, but Fife qtill held a 37-29 advan- tage. The' 'Little Climbers' chop- ped the margin down two more points in the fourth canto, but it was too late to do any harm to the Trojan bulge. Hustling guard Bob Walker earned high point recognition for the Climbers with 11 points while Bob Towle and Bill Smith hit 10 and rune respectively. File's Omegna and Peterson shared high point honors for the winners with 12 each. The line-ups: Fife 49 Shelton 43 Omegna 12 f Olsen 2 Peterson 12 f err 4 Houston 5 c Towle 10 Bisig 1 g Wagner 3 Kamenzind 11 g Walker 11 Fife subs--Johnson 2, Turnbull 3, Conine, Schneider, Strojan 5, Foote. Shelton subsBrickert 2, Kadoun, Andrews 2, Villines, Smith 9. Score by Quarters .... Fife ................ 5 20 12 12--49 Shelton .......... 10 6 13 1443 UAITE00 LOWER AUTO INSURANCE COSTS Let us tell you about the P.,Zl CESE T" 7-Et:? POLICY Blazers Bounce hlt n's junior hig! B azers extended visiting Hopkins no courtesy Friday wlmn coach Walt Clayton's wily frcsinnen blasted the Aberdeen school, 30-19. The Blazers l]it the road today for an important battle with the otlcr Aberdeen junior high, Mil- ler. Game time is 2:15 p.m. LANKY TERRY LaBissoniere led the onslaught on Hopkins which earned the Blazers a two win, three loss Southwest Wash- ington Junior High League record. Shelton was ahead at the first quarter break, 9-5, and were still in front at halftime, 13-10. An 18-point third period Shelton ral- ly put the Blazers in the lead 25- 12, as Hopkins managed only two points in the frame. LaBissoniere topped all scoring as he finished with 11 points. Scott Swisher totaled 11 points as the Blazer eighth grade team triumphed over the Hopkins 8th graders 27-21. The lineups: 9th Grade Game helton 30 I[opkins 19 L'Bissonicre 11 f Smith 0 Anderson 5 f Childers 2 Barnes 4 c Marxen 3' Ulary 5 g McCaw 3 Brickert 3 g Clavadetscher 4 Shelton subs---Richards, Wyatt, LaMent 1, Bailey 1, Wal- ker, Fredson, Archer. Hopkins subs--Gilpin 2, Preszler, Morgan. 8th Grade Game "Savings Parade" specials now through March 10 Jim Pauley inc., 501 Railroad Ave. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES IN USED TRUCKS, T00! ANGLE AGENCY Herb Angle Angle Building Dick Angle Phone HA 6-8272 NORTHWESTERN SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY -- ...... • 111 .[i] i i .... j i i L j II_&I,L ._ _J - I i MAJOR LEAGUE W I Dan's Nite Hawks .............. 4 2 Olson's B & B Shop .......... 4 2 Home Gas .......................... 4 2 Northwest Evergreen ........ 3 3 Timber Bow1 ........................ 2 4 5is Pauley .......................... 1 5 High gmne--Sonny Lowe, 226. High series--Chub Nutt, 599. RECREATION LEAGUE W L W L Shelton Recreation .......... 6 2 Raster .................................. 6 2 Lemke's Service ....... ........... 5 3 Lamp Post .......................... 5 3 Ritner's Straight Shots .... 3 5 Northwest Evergreen ...... 3 5 Lucky Lager ...................... 3 5 Olympia ................................ 1 High game---Mae Dunbar, 189. High series---Dona Coleman 504. WOMEN'S 12:30 LEAGUE W L NeWs Pharmacy .......... 45 18, Phil's Richfield ........... 34 30 Edward's Salon ............ 30 34 Econo-Wash ................... 18 45z High game--Dot Barnaby, 192. High series--Edith Levitt, 472. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE W Grant Lumber .................. 6 Shelton 27 Hopkins 21 L.M ....................................... 5 Phillips 2  f McMillian 0 20th Century ...................... 5 Loving 0 f Larson 8 Pantorium ............................ 4 Swisher 11 c Prentice 4 Morgan Transfer .............. 4 Buzzard 6 g Sanderson 2 Clary Trucking .................. 3 Archer 4 g Morgan i Shelton Motors .................... 3 S h el t o n subs -- Johnson Cole's Mobil ...................... 2 L 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 Schmidt, Ervin, Fredson 2, Prep- High game--Ken Fredson, 233, pernau, Hanson, Fagergren 2, Joe Holt, 222. Knautz. Hopkins subs--Jacobs 4, O'Brian, Jackson, Pearine 2, Dun- sire• High series--Jack Stewart, 601. BANTAM LEAGUE W L Shelton Journal ............ 27 14 Lions Club ...................... 25 17 Cook's Plant Farm ...... 24 18 Timber Bowl .................. 21§ 201 Morgan & Eacrett ...... 20 22 Jay Birds ........................ 8 34 High game--(Girls) Kathy Dale 139; (Boys) Allen Glover 163. High series--(Girls) Kat h y Dale 232. (Boys) Allen Clover 314. SIMPSON WOMEN Purchasing .......................... 7 1 Accounting .......................... 5 3 Lumber ................................. 5 3 Olympic ................................ 4 4 Research .............................. 4 4 I;B.P. Loggers"']il]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][]i]]][][ 3 3 5 5 Engineering ........................ 1 7 High game--Mildred Daniels, 194. High series--June Loving, 502. FRATERNAL LEAGUE Pts. Pioneer Hodpsters Score Smashing 38-i 2 Victory Sally Taylor PIONEER --- Pioneer School tangled with Southside in their first basketball game Friday af ternoon and won with a smashing 38-12 victory. Starting ]'ineup was: Carter Daugherty and Mike Car- per as guards; John Redes, cen- ter; Terry Harkins and Art Pa- gel forwards. All the substitutes were in at sometime to help win this first game. Parents, there will be NO school on Friday. However there will be a faculty meeting for the teachers. State Legislature has provided five extra days in addi- tion to the 180 regular school days so that teachers may attend work- shops and curriculum meetings and visitations to other school Lions Club ............... , .............. 19½ rooms. Rotary Club .......................... 14 Tile official resignation of Clar- Moose Antlers ....................... 11 ence Grunert, Pioneer school board Shelton Hardware ................ 11 member was received and read at Bull Moose ....... : ...................... 11 the nlonthly meeting held Thurs- Eagles Aerie .......................... 10 day evening, Jan. 11. Appointment Fuller Construction .............. 7 by the County School Snperinten- Kiwanis Club .......................... 2 dent to fill the remaining term High game--Joe Hair 212. for this office will be made this High series--Joe Hair, 546. month Tim auditing committee for the PTO met at Barrie Stroud's home CITY LEAGUE Jan. 10. Results of the audit will Simpson ................................ 4 2 be read at the next PTO meeting. Irisken Oil .......................... 4 2 FUNERAL SERVICES were Mac's Corner ...................... 4 2 held Monday, Jan. 15 at 11 a.m. 40 & 8 .................................. 3 3 for Mrs. Eva Hovind at the Hill L.M. Co ............................... 3 3 and Hill Mortuary, Puyallup, with Rishel Logging .................. 3 3 graveside ' " serwces at the Shel- Beckwith's ............................ 2 4 ton Cemetery. Mrs. Hovind was Wilson's ................................ 1 5 the Aunt of Doris Auseth of Ag- High game--G. Albrecht, 220. ate. Mrs. Hovind is survived by a Hi,h series--S. Ahlquist 549. son. Robert, who is a student at Team .game--Mac's Corner, Seattle Pacific College, and her 942. Mother Mrs. George Fisher of Team series--Mac's Cozmr, Puyallup. 2731, Bruce Crawford had his guard- ian Angel riding with him Friday AUTO BIDS afternoon when driving back to Bids to supply a new automi- town for a practice wrestling bile for use by County Superin- match, with fading daylight and tendent of Schools Bill Goodpaster general bad weather hampering will be opened Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. driving conditions, he suddenly in the courthouse. came on a road grader going into town, applied the brakes, skidded onto the dirt shoulder, and hit the rear tire of the grader, flipping tte" Rambler ie was driving on its side. Other than a good shake- up, Bace came out unscathed. Batstone Hill had its share of excitement Tuesday when a loaded Simpson logging truck overturn- ed. No one was injured and the truck was righted, re-loaded and went on its way. Sound simple! I want to bring a dangerous driving area to everyone's atten- tion! Those logging trucks com- ing dowu Mason Lake road can not turn onto the Highway in one lane, they are so long they take dp the two lanes and ears coming around tirol curve fast are going into the drink or crash into a sh)v¢ moving truck. SO BE CARE. FUL! I am also wondering if a Forfeits Cost , ,.o, d, Shelton Bat Losl -i,i!:i!Lesson If it weren't for the ever pr eliro]l now J ent forfeit, the Shelton Highcli .: '. class \\; er wrestling team might be or priv to win a Seamount League pling match, As it was the Cu hlstructioI Viking matmen slapped Climbers down, 34-15, at I00IS MUd ty Place Thursday. It was the second cons '.,!"HA 6-430" Seamount loss for coach • .' Wier's gladiators. Three forfeits made a great deal of ference in the final tabulation. Climbers spotted the Vikings team points in this manner. Besides their regular two felts of the 103 and 191 classes, the Climbers without the services of 175 Dean Dewell because of a fection. All of the Shelton wins c; 7 via the pin route. Ralph Nell lbs.) and Bruce Crawford ited class) pinned their op] in the first round while Dan vey (133 lb.) waited until : third period to put his man for the full count. The Climbers put out the come mat to St. Martins day. for a kings-x match. :school is attempting a program for the first time': year. Match time is 4 p.m. Lincoln gymnasium. ' MERCHANT'S LEAG.UE Prepp's Drug ............... :....:. 7 Old Mill ................................. 6 Johnson's Shell ................ .....5 Olympic Plywood ......... ....i Ralph's Serve-U .................. 3j, Thurston County Saviflgs 3 Kimbel Motors .................. 2 ,000.0 N Dairy Queen ........................ 2  ' High game--Floyd Fuller,.', g High Series---Russ Morken, MEN'S C---oERcIAL' Wingard's Sp'ort Shop ...... 7 Ziegier's Camera .............. 7 Gott Oil .............................. 5 B &ROll ............................ .. 3 Wilson Company ................ 3, Ritner's Highballers .......... 2 Verle's Sporting Goods ...... 0 High game--Bab Stewart, High series--Dan Wilson, Team game--B & R Oil, Team series---Moose L o Do you sta NEW BLUE OX FRIDAY--SATURDAY ONt, OPEN 6:45 SAT. MAT. DOORS OPEN 12:45 The Crimson Pir& BALCONY OPEN; ]A'IL REGULAR ADMISSI01q ' . . . . provides oddltional funds for 1€ future improvements. Come see usl ', 00o.r s n7%, nsed hearm, n it Wfi'tcost you a Eells and ..... this :'.? betwe can't m Call at your he change y BELTI 01ympi; sign could be placed on the High- way shoulder warning on coming traffic of this danger. W('l'e Caro]l Ba]'ger aud a 'friend Zo Nelson of Seattle. NIt[|'RYLI, SCH I]G,L]L, J'v Tayh)r and Scott }Clliott we'l'e f t among the 32 Seuior high stud- ents that went as a caravan to TLCOI]1a, SaLILrday morning to i:]¢e the Collegc Entrance Exam- FIFT H AND  WASHINGTON lust ion board test. These tests are graded and submitted .with the ':Ludent's application to Univer- :uLic: or Colleges where they de-' sire io be enrolled upon gradua- tion from high school. The last load of airplane parts left Ag'ate lasL week and I have had people calling, asking me to ]hake a comn)ent on The extreme c,iution shown by all those Army drivers who obeyed speed laws (t|l(I traffic warnings on these ¢omtry roads, which should set  o'(o(1 cxailp]e ['o1' everyolle, ''1 <:"', m,:n co(n'teous t'0 all who came down to watcil them, going out of their way to answer que.tons !nd e::p/ain the use of their eqmpmenL. Everyone has been impressed witi the caliber of these Army men. With a recent change of tele- plonc nuntber, I hope everyone will note my new number, HA 6- 876. Olympia, Washington HOME OFFICE --,OLYMPIA IN SHELTON SEE LOAN COUNSELOR KURT MANN MANN REAL ESTATE 321 S. 1st St,  Phone HA 6-fi592 q SEi