January 18, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday, 3anuary 28, 1
Forfeits Cost
Shelton Mat Loss
If it weren't for the ever pr
ent forfeit, the Shelton Highclin
er wrestling team might be a
to win a Seamount League gr8
pling match. As it was the cur
Viking matmen slapped t
Climbers down, 34-15, at Univer
ty Place Thursday. ''
It was the second consecuti
Seamount loss for coach
Wier's gladiators. Three
forfeits made a great deal of
'erencc in the final tabulation.
Climbers spotted the Vikings
team points in this manner.
Besides thei,l' reffular two
felts of the 103 and 191
classes, the Climbers compe
without tl,le services of 175
Dean Dewell because of a
All of the Shelton wins c
via the pin route. Ralph Noll
lbs.) and Bruce Crawford
ited class) pinned their
in the first round while Dan
vey (133 lb.) waited until
third period to put his man
for the full count.
The Climbers put out the
come mat to St. Martins
day for a kings-x match.
school is attempting a
program for the first time'J
year. Match time is 4 p.m. in
Lincoln gymnasium, i
Prepp's Drug ...................... 7
Old Mill ................................. 6..:
Johnson's Shell ................ :..: 5 :
Olympic Plywood .............. 4
ii,!t e s s o n s
• enroll now for
.... class or private
:," instruction.
Johney's Muse Box
,IHA 6-4302
Ilarry Fletcher
Appointed To
School Board
By Frances Simmons
KAMILCHE - Kamilche School
District No. 401 has a new board
member. Upon the recommenda-
tion of the Board, William Good-
paster, the County Superintendent
Les Joslin
Why not put your life insurance
on the Check-O-Matic plan and
:have premium deposits made auto-
i matically from your checking ac-
count each month. No notices,
checks to write, no lapse
through oversight. Get the facts.
1627 SUMMIT DRIVE - PHGhiE HA 8-6373
S!-YELTON--MASDN. COUNTY •JOURNAL- Published in "ChrCstmastown, U.8.A v Stelton, Wasl!ngt0n
Harstine Saddened By Death Of
Early Day Pioneer Ed Wilsou
HARSTINE -- Islanders were
saddened by the passing of one
of their oldest and dearest neigh-
})ors, Mr. Ed Wilson, who was
known to all as "Mr. Ed". He
passed away Friday, Jan. 12 at
King County hospital. Although
he lind been ill for quite some
tin]e, death was unexpected.
Mr. Wilson was born July 15,
]884 in Munsula, Finland and
came to Harstine in 1907. He lived
with his life-long neighbors, the
Lee Carlson, while he cleared the
land and built the home where
he lived the rest of his life. He
married his wife, Hulda, in 1914.
They have three daughters, Mrs.
Hulda Husen, Seabeck, M,l's. Ed-
na Mitchell, Seattle and Mrs. Ha-
zel Wrichsrldm'er, Tacoma; nine
grandchildren, m,ld seven great
Services were held Sunday at
Batstone Funeral home in Shelton
with Rev. Carl Carlsen of the
Faith Lutheran church officiating.
Burial was at the Harstine Island
Central Cemetery with graveside
services held by the Harstine Is-
land grange of which Mr. Wilson
was a charter member. Mrs. H. A.
Glaser, chaplain, and H. Vincent
Glaser, Master officiated. Dr.
Raymond Waid sang "Abide With
Pallbearers were Eric Christen-
sen, Ted Ness, H. A. Glaser, Lee
Carlson, Emil Carlson and Mr.
The family wishes to thank all
those friends and neighbors for
their kindness and beautiful flo-
ral offerings and especially those
who turned out Saturday to pre-
pare the grave.
We shall all miss "Mr. d". His
passing is an irriparible loss to
out' community.
have returned from a seven week
trip to Detroit, Mich. They left
Harstine Nov. 15 and on their
way east ran into a snow storm
and in Nebraska a 60-mile stretch
of "black ice". But this was all
forgotten when they reached De-
troit and the wondmfful welcom-
ing by Monica's son and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Werwega and
Chris, Val, and Midge. On New
Year' day they all attended a
of Schools appointed Harry Flet-
cher to fill in the unexpired term
of Mrs. Violet Cole who moved
from the community into Shelton.
Mrs. Verna Ellison was elected
Clerk of the Board and tester
Adams is Chairman.
Recent overnight guests at the
Martin Otto home were Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Olson of Yakima.
Win Grigg is home again from
the hospital but doesn't feel up to
going out to visit friends. He
would be very happy to have
friends drop in to see him.
Cecil McHenry is also home
from a few days in the hospital
and will be confined at his home
for a time.
ON FRIDAY of last week the
Martin Otto family visited over-
night with the Joe Niclin family
Mrs. D. Morrison
Given Shower
In Bunneil Home
By Mabel Kidd
DAYTON--- Mrs. Edward Bun-
nell entertained in her home last
Wednesday at a shower honoring
Mrs. Don Morrison of Shelton.
Mrs. Morrison was presented with
a baby bunting for her infant son.
Ladies attending and enjoying
games and refreshnmnts were:
Mesdmnes. A. E. Lemke, John
Anderson. Robert Goldy, Robert
Leman, James Dougherty, Warren
Williams, Stan Dyson, James
Hickson. Miss Beatrice Nason and
Mrs. Carrie Barker.
THI RAINIER Orthopedic
group auxiliat'y is selling tickets
to Century 21. You may contact
Mrs. Clyde Ruddell at HA 6-2098
for tickets and infoz'mation.
Interested in learning to square
dance? A new beginners' class
will start on Monday, Jan. 29 at
8 p.m. at Bordeaux school.
The traveling Pinochle Club met
on Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. John Anderson substituting
as host. High prizes went to Ta-
via Killough and Ed Valley,' low
to Marian Booth and John Ander-
son. traveling pinochle to Jim
Booth and J. W. Rayson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke mo-
tored to Kent on Thursday and
spent the night with the Cecil Me-
Lain family. They continued their
trip on Friday to Seattle and vis-
ited in the homes of M,l'. and Mrs.
A. H. Wolden and Mr. and Mrs.
By Lois Simpson
With nine resolutions on tim
fh)or the al)proximately d0 peo-
ple attending tile Pomona meet-
in K were kept busy. They stopped
at noon for a wonderful roast
beef dinner crved by the Prog-
,l'ess ladies. When the meeting
convened a lnenlorial service was
held for Art Nelson, Eva Hovind,
and Ed Wilson, all active Pomona
members who passed away recent-
Pomona also went on record
to extend their thanks to every-
one who came to their dance De-
cember 30. It was really a Success-
:ful dance made so by the wonder-
I ful participation. Final plans are
underway for Agate's am,lual
birthday dinner to be held this
Saturday, Jan. 20 at 7:00 p.m,
Last Sunday, Jan. 14, the Har-
stine Island grange held a grave-
side service in Shelton for Ed Wil-
son. Ed was a charter member of
their grange and was real active
until sickness took him to the
King County hospital, where he
died Jan. 12.
, ......... Sg e
At: CloquMlum Friday evening,
Martin and Gyneth Auseth in-
stalled the new officers who were
unable to attend the county in-
stallation. Thley anounced the next
dance will be Feb. , Again tlley
Will have a big supper to serve.
Timre will be nore uews on that
Getting organized for the new
year was of main interest at Pro-
gress Friday. They met for a pot-
luck supper then proceeded into
their meeting. Their next dance
will be Jan. 20, For the lectUio
hour they had a very impressive
as approving the Harstinc Island
bridge resolution. The granges
have done all they can lor this
resolution, so we have to wait
for the outcome.
All granges reported a good at-
tendance for the first meeting of
the year. In [act they were lit-
erally thrilled that all the offi-
cers were in attendance. That's
Mac Ungm" reports the score- candlelighting
taries, lecturers, home ec. chair-
man's conference will be Jan. 26
aL the Shelton Valley Hall. There
will be a lunct-eon at noon served
by the ladies auxiliary of the host
grange with the meeting begin-
ning at 1 p.m. Everyone concern-
ed should plan to attend, you rea-
lly gain a lot at these meetings.
service installing
the new officer for the coming
SKOIOMIH made resolutions
for the new year which will be
read back to them at the end of
the year. That sounds like a good
idea. doesn't it? They also had a
candlelight, sevvice fro' the ndw
officers during the lecture hour,..
getting off to a real good start.
Let's keep it up.
WItEN AGATE met Friday ev-
ening the charter was draped for
Eva Hovind. In other business,
Don and Sally Stacy were ac-
cepted as new members and ano-
ther tJplication was received
from Joe Goodro. Agtte wants
enjoyed a visit on Sunday from
his sister and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Coy BuzAni of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Gn Rickards
and children of Chehalis and Mr.
and Mrs. tester Adams and fam-
ily of Tacoma spent Sunday in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dell
On Saturday afternoon, Mr. and
Mrs lobert Goldy and children
called on Mrs. Gladys Zoyer and
daughter, Shirley Shelton of Jor-
Good Luck, Les and Jim
Boon's Plumbing & Heating
Sheet Metal Contractors
for the new
Ralph's Serve-U .................. 3
Thurston County Savings
Kimbel Motors .................. 00*tDON'T Br DEAF!
Dairy Queen ........................ 2
High game--Floyd Fuller,i
High Series--Russ Morken,
Wingard's Sport Shop ...... 7
Ziegler's Camera .............. 7
Moose Lodge ...................... 5
Gott Oil .............................. 5
B &ROll .............................. 3
Wilson Company ................ 3
Ritner's Highballers .......... 2
Verle's Sporting Goods ...... 0
High game--Bab Stewart,
High series---Dan Wilson,
Team game--B & R Oil, 1
Team series--Moose L od
OPEN 6:45
Does that shock you? It is meant to do
just that; to shock you into doing some-
thing about your hearing loss.
Do you strain to hear what people say?
Do you have to ask people to repeat?
Do you find that others seem to mumble
and not speak up?
Do you stay home from good times because
.......... hearing is hard work?
If Your answer s "Yes" to any of the foregoing, you may
need;hearing help. We can tell in just a few minutes, and
it W6h,t cost you a penny. Come to see me at
Eells and Valley Appliance Center
:i:.. ..... this Friday, January 19
: ',::: between 10 A.M. and 1 P.M.
"'ifi:j;ou can't make it then, telephone HA 6-4663 and I
Call at your home. DON'T DELAY! This few minutes
may change your whole life.
Daniel E.Bruner,
£. 4th, Olympia FL 7-3521
, q, :
in Randle.
Callers at the Eugene Taylor
home one day last week were Mr.
and Mrs. Zaza Simmons of Mud
The Harry Simmons have rela-
tives from Sparta, Wisconsin who
are in the Wisconsin National
Guard stationed at Fort Lewis
who visited last Saturday. They
are Mr. and Mys. Jery Laxton
and son, Bill Goff and Don En-
gers. These folk, by the way, are
really pleased with Washington's
winter so far, and are recommend-
ing Washington to their friends in.
Mr. and irs. Ed Petty visited
the Don Newman family in Olym-
pia on Sunday.
Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Snyder called on the Harry Sim-
mons and on Saturday the Carson
Simmons family and Nellie Han-
sen of Olympia visited.
Mrs. Belle Richards of Yakima
is visiting this week with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Ethel Whitener.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mainwaring
visited his father in Setattle a few
days and returned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sigo traveled
in their new pick-up last weekend
to visit Archie Slade and family
at Taholah.
Sunday afternoon callers at the
Dan Wood home were Mr. and
Mrs. Clifton Barnes.
last of the week in the hospital.
Teacher's institute will be held
on Friday, January 19, so the
children will be shouting "No
school today"!
family reunion at Oak Park, and
after 30 years Monica donned ice
skates and had lots of fun, as well
as the return of childhood mem-
ories. They headed west on Jan.
3 and were one step ahead of bad
weather all the way. They arrived
home 5an. 7. Welcome home.
Wednesday evening the John
Hitchcocks were the dinner guests
of Claire and Arthur Wingert. On
Sunday the Hitchcocks were the
dinner gnests of Dr. and Mrs. Ben
Briggs in Shelton.
Sunday the Arthur Wingerts
hosted a belated birthday dinner
party for their daughter Mary
(Mrs. Earl Chapplle). Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Chapplle, Mr. Earl
Chapplle, Danny and Jimmy and
Miss Ruth Wingert attended.
Meeks took his first car and boat
ride Friday when his mother, Mrs.
Jack Meeks, and Auntie Carmen
Yates brought him from Shelton
General hospital to Harstine. He
sure is a cute little guy. Many
Islanders have called at the
Meeks home to say "welcome to
Harstine, Jeff".
The Harstine Island Social club
met at the Tom Tierney home
Friday night. A social evening fol-
lowed the business meeting. Thoi
next meeting will be at the Tier-
ney home Feb. 9 at 7:30. This will
be a special meeting to encourage
mw membership. All taxpayers of
Ha,l'stine are invited. This will be-
gin a new year for the club and
will be the election of officers.
Ralph Wingert spent Sunday
Robert Lemke.
Saturday visitors in the 3. W.
Rayson home were Mrs. Lawrence
Bailey and Mrs. Jim Ray, Ther-
esa and Christopher of Seattle and
Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma.
On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Sparks enjoyed a visit
from their daughter and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lenz and
son, Johnny of Roy, Wash.
Mrs. Mary Chappell visited on
Monday with Mrs. Edith Wittle of
Sunday callers in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman were
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Okonek and son
of Grapeview and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Wingrove and daughters
of Elma.
Betty tester of Shelton was
Thursday overnight guest of Shel-
ls Hickson.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Havens
visiting his parents, the Art Wing-
On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Snyder of Olympia brought Edith
Payne over to spend a wek vis-
iting with the Start Yates.
Harstine Island grange will
meet Friday at 6:30 for a potluck
dinner with the business meeL-
ing following. The new officers
will preside. Let's have a good
turnout and show the new officers
we're behind them.
ON MONDAY Mrs. Marry Mor-
gan and Mrs. Otto Goldschmit
were callers at the L. Jerrells
home at Point Wilson.
stad Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson
and children were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Anderson of Skokomish Valley.
MR. AND MRS. Willi Tibbits
and daughters were Sunday over-
night guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Tibbits. Tim girls,
Audrey, Donna and Robin had
also spent Saturday night. The
Willis Tibbits family left by plane
on Wednesday for their home in
Rodman Bay, Alaska after a three
week vacation visiting relatives.
Mr. and lYh's. Harold Kidd and
sons motored to Tenino on Sun-
day and visited with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A S. Dyson.
Fred Pharris of Seattle spent
tim weekend in the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Phar-
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle Jr.,
and children of Lake Nahw:tzel
were Sunday guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Howard
and sons motored to Issaquah on
Saturday and called on Mrs. Thel-
ma Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Olson and family.
Mrs. L B. Pharris and :Mrs.
Sam McKissick motored to Taco-
nla on Monday for a business mee-
Mrs. Gary Dillon and son of Ar-
cadia visited Mrs. A1via Chapman
last Thursday.
Juanchita, a friendly little don-
key has joined the James Einers-
son family as the special properly
of Sally, daughter of the family.
on the opening of
Graystone of Mason Co.
Concrete and Blocks for
All Home and Business Building
The Crimson Pirst
*__ keeps you
out of a corner
provides additional funds for
improvements. Come see usl
an S
- Phone HA 6-6592
Safeway. Les Congratulates,& Jim's --,---FN('N
elton En¢o Service (:enter
To Each EN¢O Customer
Your New ENCO Stabon
We are bringing you the most convenient station our town.ha
today. Centrally located across from supermarkets and new
bank. Come in and see us during our opening
and often in the future.
Les Young
Jim Durand