January 18, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Federal Land
Bank Meet Set
The annual meeting of the Fe-
deral Land Bank Association of
Elms will be held in the Elma
Grange Hall on Wednesday, Feb.
?th, 1962, D. A. Whittaker, asso,
ctation manager announced this
TIlE MEETING will be attended
bY association stockholder-mem-
bers from Grays Harbor, Mason
and Thurston counties and by a
number of .agricultural leaders in
this area. Registration is sched-
uled for 11:30 a.m., followed by
noon dinner. Business session
19 set for 1 p.m. Mr. Larry Win-
ters, Port Angeles, recently re-
turned from a trip to the Orient
and Southern Europe, will be the
principal speaker.
Association members will elect
one director this year. The term
of Warren Reynoldson, Roclester,
will expire as of this meeting.
Other directors now serving in-
clude; President O, G. Swenson,
Malone; vice president Curt Do-
ergo, Oakvllle; R. Kenneth Tay-
lor, Olympia; and Joseph Mll-
tenberger, Shelter
Famous Money.Makin'
.ow s149ss
complete with 14" bar are chela
after mall down payment
g Cut cordwood, fepce posts,
• Clear storm damage, PmOt
• Fast, 3,000 feet per minute
direct drive chain speed.
• Pump-d;aphragm carburetor
for all-posRion cutting.
• Flush-cut handle lets you cut
level with ground.
4) Weighs onl 19 pounds,
lessoar and cnaln.
• Fells trees up to 3 feet
in diameter.
Get a free demonstration of this
Money-ruskin' saw, today.
Saoger Motor Shop
SIELTON-=MA0N CQUNTY 30,T.TRNA.T .,- Publihefl in, "Chrlstvasfown, U.S.A:," Shelton, Washington
I I r '" I I I iLl I II " i' II
Large Crowd. Attends P.T.0,
Meeting At Mary B. Knight
MARY M. KNIGHT --- An unus-
ually large crowd was in attend-
ance at the PTO meeting last
Thursday evening to hear an ex-
cellent program and to see the
woodworking display.
Featured as guest speaker was
Mrs. Murlel Dombroski, Mason-
Thurston County speech therapist,
who explained methods of treat-
ing children with speech defects.
Mr. Roland Qmnn provided a
program a musical selections by
grade and high school students.
Following the formal program
the audience made a tour of the
woodworking shop to see an ex-
tensive display of projects that
were completed by; grade and
high school students under the
direction of Mr. Thomas Murphy.
The following boys exhibited
projects which were completed
during the first semester:
Seventh nd Eighth: Bob Hol-
latz, knickknack shelf, radio shelf,
match box; Don Gribble, wall
shelf, lamp; BOb Wetters, wall
shelf, bread board; David Stodden,
Book rack, grain box, doll house;
Mike Donalson, bird house, lamp;
Charles Chappell, book shelf; Da-
vid Creamer, coffee table, three
refinished gun stocks; Vernon Bu.
charieR, two bookcases.
High school: Jerry Shaw, end
table, coffee
wall shelf,
backboards in Dennis
met, end
plays, pants
Tom Dale, Knife holder, book-
rack, pencil holder, window box
cutting board, bookends, end table.
Robert Thomas, window box, set
for plays, lamp; Stet Palmer, gun
rack. tie holder; Jerry West, gun
cabinet; Gerald Creamer, bowl,
bookends, coffee table; Jerry De-
Foer, life preserver box; Joe
Koonrad/boot Jack, wall shelf;
John Moore, lamp, tie
Gone Brehmeyer,
bookcase, trinket box; Sam VaN
ley, lamp, bulletin board, play
shed door; and NeJl Graham
lamp, play shed door.
HA 6-4245
or HA 6-2456
DON'T gulp down your noon-time meal if you are rushed
for timel t'ust relax and make friends with a.tall glass Ot
milk enriched with ice cream and flavored with honey,
syrup, or any of your favorite fruit juices. It's a delicious,
nourishing drink and you'll go home with a healthy supper'
time appetite -- and NO ULCERSI
lx , ' ' kn= I € =nl i
tr 9 this: %
Here s a BAKED ALASKA that ues 19ft-over .cake. li
Just cut the cake it) gquares or oi)lol]g$, ,oer li
thickly with ICE CREAM, ,ten frost ,wth meringue l
and place the squares on several thicknesses of heavy II
paper, on a baking sheet or on a brad board. Bake Im
in a %00 deg. prelleated oven about 6 minutes or until m
meringue ts lightly browned. Garnish with fresh []
frult or berries if you llke. A desla fit for the []
angelsi ......... n
111 .... Ii I .... I/Jill I I"
Kilsap.Mason Dairymen's Ass'n
FOLLOWING a couple of hu-
miliating defeats, Nellie Chap-
peWS girls' basketball team fin-
ally got out Of their rocking
chairs and decided to try playing
in a game with Wishkah last
Wednesday evening, remflting in a
score of 20-16 in favor of MMK.
There wasn't a dull moment
during the game and tim girls
fought with such vigor and en-
thusiasm that there is some mzs-
picion they had been administered
transfusion of wildcat blood.
This is the first league win for
our girls in several years and
since they have tossed aside their
knitting needles and found that
tatting is not a desirable activity
on a basketball court we look for-
ward with confidence for addi-
tional honors.
In a preliminary game the 7th
and 8th grade boys were soundly
drubbed by the Wishkah 7th and
8th to the tune of 9-15. We trust
they gained soe good pointers
by watching the girls play the
next game,
at $ *
Since vacaio the 4th grade
has had its nose to the-grindstone.
The geography class is well on its
way around the world. We left the
Seattle-Tacoma Airport in a jet
and landed a few hours later in
ew York. From there we went
y ocean liner to the port of Be-
lem in South America. After a
trip up the Amazon we boarded
another plane and are now visit-
ing Africa.
The class puts a map of each
new continent visited on the bul-
letin boa, rd, Our route, is displayed
by black yarn. A plastic plane is
suspended over our globe map of
the world and hangs there untU
we reach a new destination, at
which time it lands and a tack
shows the spot of our new, vnr
ture. At this writing we are high
above Lake Chad enroute to Eg-
ypt. -
In science this week we have
been fortunate to observe two
interesting phenomena. Debbie
Drehemeyer brought a caterpillar
to school last fall and Tuesday
we watched the last stage of its
metamorphosis. She has mounted
her beautiful specimen, a cecropia
Our "mamma" lizard has spent
all week shedding her old skin.
These reptiles molt twice a year,
We watched her remove the old
skin from lmr head today. She
does this by swelling her head to
break the skin then takes her
paws and scrapes off the old skin
which she swallows.
Our Purple Penny Eater pig has
a great faculty for saving money.
He is now outside of $6.13, but
several times that amount would-
n't bother him in the least, r:. "
A teacher training movie, "Chil-
dren ]re Creative," was shown by
Mr. French at a faculty meeting
last Monday afternoon. The pic-
ture was filmed at Central Wash-
ington College of Education.
$ * $
Several of our talented music-
ians have organized a dance com-
bo on their own initiative and are
working diligently to perfect a
repertoire of modern compositions
to play at school parties. Mem-
bers of the organization are Stet
Palmer, clarinet and piano; Gerald
Creamer, alto saxophone; Jerry
DeFoer, tenor saxophone; Bill
Trenckmann, electric guitar; Pat
Walker, trumpet, and Gerald
Shaw, clarinet,
$ $ $
quite mystified at a wooden Qb-
jest Mr. Hoisington brought t6
school last week. They guessed
nearly everything it might be ued
for except the correct one---a
Mexican eggbeater. The students
could hardly wait until after class
to ty it out and then the gLrl
"borrowed" an egg at the cafeter-
ia and found the article very ef-
ficient. HOwever, it requires more
plysical effort to operate than
those with which we are more
familiar as the handlf must be
twirled between the palms of the
hands instead of turring a cr.ak.
In the social studies class we
are learning about cotton, its cul-
tivation, harvest and its Iany'us-
es. We are using d ntfiPal cot-
ton plant with the cotton balls
on it to illustrate how it appears
Srd and Grove HA 6-4473
No one, but no one, makes better .
Dairy Products than
Always ak for yours by name at your' Grocer
We Can Supply Your Needs for
Curlers and Loaders
Weather Stripping .,u,
ROOFING .,,'r.
• Floor Sanders
• Floor Polishers
Posloffice Christmas
Business Up In '61
Postoffiee stamp sales and can-
cellations, as a business baro-
meter, would indicate a high level
of activity in Shelton during the
past Christmas season.
FIGURES released this week
by Postmaster J. H. Gray show
stamp sales from Dec. 1 through
Christmas totalled $9,156.50 last
month, as compared to $9,028.22
a year before, the highest total
in the past five years.
Cancellations for the 1961
Christmas season were 203,102 as
Compared to 162,827 the year be-
fore but substantially lower than
the previous two years when they
reached 231,916 and 232,156 re-
when ready to harvest.
One of our pupils made us a
January calendar with a jolly lit-
tle fellow on a sled wishing us a
Happy New Year.
The second graders are learning
the months of the year and how
to spell them by making a birth-
day chart for each month and
putting in the birthdays of all the
whole room, including the third
We have a lot of fun using the
sentence builders which show us
how to make sentences and to
learn the use of new words.
Allen Hughes and Pat Sinclair
are ill. We hope they will return
The first grade has begun for-
mal arithmetic lessons. They are
learning to add and subtract.
Mrs. Hummel had the children
making creatlve snow men. They
made some unusual and interest-
thg designs.
The first graders must be a
healthy group as the class has had
nearly one hundred per cent at-
tendance the ga two weeks.
Jan. 15 -- Toasted cheese sand-
wiches, split pea soup, carrots and
celery sticks gTapefruit and milk.
Jan. 16-- Barbecued beef on bun,
buttered carrots, cabbage salad,
apple cobbler and milk. Jan. 17
Turkey, gravy, potatoes, cranber-
ry salad, cookies, milk. Jan. 18 --
Chill' cSn tame, vegetable salad,
hot €orr bread and honey, pud-
ding, milk. Jan. 19 Creamed
tuna' on biscuits, buttered beets,
pineapple - marshmallow salad,
cake, milk. ' •
Mrs. E O. French has returned
home after having spent several
days in the Shelton Hospital as a
result of flu comp}ications.
$ $ $
Betty Kelley has returned to
school after a two weeks' absence
because of illness.
MR. HOISINGTON is enrolled
for a series of Civil Defense class-
es which will be held in Olympia
,on Thursday evenings. This train-
'Ing is given under the auspices of
the State Department of Educa-
John Moore mfffered a painful
injury last week when he stum-
bled and fell while practicing bas-
ketball in the gymnasium. At first
he thought it was only a sprained
ankle, but when it became increas-
ingly swollen agd painful he was
taken to the hospital for x-rays
which showed a bone in his foot
was broken. The foot was placed
in a cast and John will be on
crutches for at least three weeks.
He who does not punish evil
commands it to be done.
--Leonardo de Vinci
Former Hatlock
Princess Takes
Hawaii Flight
By Dora Hearing
MATLOCK --- Mrs. Robert Ish-
Ler (the former Lydia Filyaw) and
baby flew to Honolulu Saturday
to join her husband there who is
in the Navy. Mrs. Isiller was a
graduate of M'ary M. Knight and
Forest Festival Princess in 1959.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman were Tuesday evening
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
F. Cook of Montesano
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Green and
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier at-
tended the funeral of George Grim
in Olympia Tuesday.
Gene Brown enjoyed a visit
from his folks of Auburn last
week Thursday.
Mrs. Augusta Portman accom-
panied by Mrs. L. D Portman of
Shelton were Tacoma visitors last
week Friday and then Mrs. Port-
man spent the weekend with her
son and daughter-in-law.
Miss Peggy Whitacre of Aber-
deen and Mike Hof'fman of Taco-
ma were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing and
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Bradberry and Mrs. Wee Good-
burn were drop in callers at the
Hearing home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmaier
and baby of Shelton were dinner
UeSts Wednesday evening of Mr.
d Mrs. Lud Rossmaier.
Matlock Ladies Club held their
regular meeting last week Thurs-
day with Mrs Jean Diggle host-
ess. The next meeting, Jan. 25,
they will celebrate the January
The Carl Goodburns of Shelton
called on their folks, the Lud Ross-
maters, Saturday.
MR. AND MRS. Edward Valley
spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles LaBrec:
LeRoy Valley was a guest of
Clovis Creamer over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley at-
tended the Pinochle Club at Ray-
sons at Dayton Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Booths and
family of Hoquiam were Saturday
night guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C.
Ford and the four Booths children
spent Sunday with their grand-
arents while their folks went to
The Mary M. Knight school chil-
dren have their mid-year semester
exams this week and report cards
will be out Tuesday the 23. Thurs-
day Supt. Eugene French will at-
tend a superintendents meeting in
Friday is Bookmobile day. Fri-
day night tim Mary M. Knight
Owl will go to Moclips to play.
londay, Jan. 22 the Lake and
Beeville bus "run will be reversed.
They will start to pick up at Bee-
rills first and will be 25 minutes
later at Lake Nahwatzel.
ir. and Mrs. Clayton McCrum
of Satsop are parents of a baby
girl born last week Wednesday.
Mr McCrum formerly lived at
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent
the weekend with the former's
folks. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Walker
of Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Crowell
and Mrs. M. E. Crowel] spent Sun-
day in Tumwater with the latter's
sister. Mrs. Sarah Lozier.
EVERYBODY is welcome to at-
tend the play Friday night, Jan.
19 at the Matlock Grange Hall.
The Grange will have an open
meeting and potluck lunch will be
Sharon $und and Lynn Barnett
Wed at Baptist Church in She/ton
By Joyce Scott
HOODSPORT --- A large num-
ber of Canalites attended tile Sat-
urday night wedding of Sharon
Sund and Lynn Barnett at the
Baptist church in Sllelton. The
bride was beautiful in lace and
satin, the attendants stunning in
red brocade.
Not to slight the men in the
wedding party, they looked sharp
in their white tuxedos!
Even a five-year-old must get
butterflies at a wedding, as
Cheryl, small sister of the bride,
didn't remember the next day of
seeing me there when I had start-
ed ier down the aisle at the pro-
per time for her role as flower
girl. I guess girls are girls even
at five! All in all, it was a lovely
occasion, the ceremony conducted
in all solemnity and the reception
warmed by good fellowship with
friends and loved ones from far
and near. Best wishes to you,
Sharon and Lynn.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Ohman and
their children front Olympia were
recent visitors in the John Pill
home. Mrs. Ohman and the Pills
were classmates at Hoquiam high
school a few years back.
the junior high school property
has been cleared recently 5y
Pierce and Fassio. The PUD is
moving some lines to a permanent
location. This is a real improve-
ment to the grounds and will al-
low for expansion of the present
building when the need arises,
Mrs! Oscar Rydeen is spending
some time at the home of her
nephew, Jack Fox in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Hanson ad
their two younger sons, Pahl
Mark, are back in Hoodsport
again after a trip south to see
their other boy, Fred, who is sta-
tioned in San Diego. Fred is in
S.CIool training to serve in the
medical corps of the Navy, After
a brief visit there they went on
to Tijuana They returned home
by way of Las Vegas and enjoyed
seeing the bright lights. Alice was
most impressed with the Los Am
geles freeway. It seems they hit
L.A. about 5 p.m. and it was for-
tunate indeed that they really
did want to go to San Diego be-
cause they couldn't have done
THE FACULTY vs. student
basketball game at the Hoolsport
gym helped swell the Library fund
for the junior high. Proceeds from
the concessions were used for this
purpose. As for the game, we'll
just say that the students were
in there playing to the very end.
Anyway who cares who wins?
The main thing is this---a lot of
people had a lot of fun and the
faculty probably festa refreshed
and relaxed this week!
A dozen friends of Mrs. Nell
Sifimons. Jr., gathered at the
home of Mrs. Verne Hunter on
Saturday afternoon for a baby
shower m her honor. Games were
played with prizes going to Mrs.
Emery Winters, Jr., Mrs. Bob
Weatherly, and Mrs. Mauriee
Kaare. After the gifts were open-
ed the girls enjoyed coffee and
cake. Mrs Tom Connally was co-
Mrs. Karl Linseott entertained
the Legion Auxiliary at her Finch
Creek home on Wednesday eve-
WORD HAS BEEN received
from Denny O'Neil that he has
been confined to the hospital for
a month with an infected toe.
Denny would apprec!ate hearing
from some of his friends. Mrs.
Gilbert will be glad to give his
address to anyone interested in
writing to him.
Mrs. George Yocom and Rev.
and Mrs. Wesley Gain visited
George in Madigan hospital on
Monday and found him recovering
nicely from surgery performed on
Friday. George will be hospital-
ized for about 10 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graves en-
tertained the 1961 officers of the
Young Peoples group at a spag-
hetti dinner on Thursday. The
evening was spent planning the
installation of the new officers for
this coming year. At the regular
meeting of this group on Sunday
night Jane Shumate was installed
as president, Beth Ann Crumb as
vice president, and ton Gain as
Pro-school mothers are urged
to attend their next meeting
which will be at the home of Mrs.
i Don Warman on Wednesday, Jan.
124, at 8 p.m
The benefit for Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Coos last Saturday night in
the Valley was well attended. Lots
to eat, a good time and Ron and
Sue appreciate all the useful gifts
they were given.
H0dsport friends who sponsor-
ed the party wish to take this
way of saying a great big "thank
you" to the Skokomish Valley
Community Club for the use of
their building.
The certainty of punishment,
even more than its severity, is
the preventive of crime.
--Tryon Edwards
Yes, you can study for e
versity credit in Shelton.'
University of Puget SouR'
planning to offer a com'.'
Russian History
taught by
Dr. Tomlinson is a Wi
traveler and professor of:
tory. This will be an u
level course for two hours
credit. Russian history ii
fascinating subject which
drawing increasing attent
with Russia's development
one of the great world peW:
If you are interested in!
course, please write for dOt
to Campus Box 21, and full
formation will be sent to
Course starts week of Fe
ary 5.
The New'62
,0utbbrdmg's first truly automahc
sign! Smoothest, safest, surest system
buttons to push. New Super
a built-in alternator generator, plus
key-switch starting. See now[
3 new Johnson C
Lighter, slimmer, mplez, same great
orse stamina and DEPENDability!
/it anywhere, go anywhere. Rugged
construction, too. 18, 10, 5 hp. models,
are here:.
h Ursday, January
: !
L ,n
S X U D Y i.00tAIlyn Ho
LLY ByN Lois Tern
The Bru,
S H E L T 0 N t ,c little Marie cam
Saeger Motor Shop
Delivers the extra room, luxury, and power you
want-at a price you'll Iike t , ,
There's a wonderful feeling about owning a tension out of traffic, makes long trips leas you wish. Just specify the Economy *'6",
Mercury Monterey. It's Mercury's. most lux- tiring. More trunk ....... space, too--3 (. 7 cu . .ft bi.g 292 V-8, 352 V-8, or 390 V-8.
drying so enjoyable in So many ways. more soundproofing--260 square feet of it. 30,000-mile intervals,
THERE'S EXTRA ROOM for long legs and big FINER ENGINE CHOICE, You can have See your Mercury dealer soon for a demonstra-
families--a spaciousness that helps take the exactly the power and economy combination tion, Sample that wonderful Monterey feeling,
zerton to spend t]
rim Yon Ostens or
e hospita again:
lays but is feelin
ome again.
][r. and Mrs. Alva
ard of Lakewood ]
Mr. and Mrs. G
!r of Shelton raft 1
r Arizona for the wi]
e two couples
:.r railers near P]
ng is well estat
e t this week at th(
e looking forward
e I months again an
g their home here r
! for future occv
( Mrs. Earl Wolfe
u! but Earl contac
!a rushed home nea:
ear his doctor.
b:r. and Mrs. Cly
r. and Mrs. Carl Iz
e.reopening of Mye
r Orchard Friday e
fe has done a consi
nt of remodeling t
its increasing bus
- delicious meals as ]
' L Bosch, south c
.bridge was dr
her children the
When she hit a
e highway whict
rut of control an
,,( le ditch. One yot
a broken leg w[
e: received two b
was badly da
=d the injured
are feelin
Ladies C
meeting last
at the home o
This club
whole even:
for the
Sear Browning
while club doi
siren arGue
area th
10 o'cloc]
a chimney
at f
for which
and some ol
the Brown h
Harold pra(
discover it wa
next door,
by tha
told its regu:
at the home o:
The attender
some m
and others a
lIrs. Carl Izet
to order at 1:
by M:
planting ws
mg way.
a most inte
the Tillimo
and what is t
enish the fores
r.|.blrsthat.terrible fire" .
--- ' es Souls vol
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['j2atients to enjo
Uary. The club
[amg each men1
the patten
made t
were d]
-m agreeing she
blt ribbons for
Y sa Reynolds
Aoz ant spraying
h,,°d Sson to most c
P "T was served
;xt meeting, ]
y L'ae home of :
qd .at which tiff
% )t tke driftwood
,angements to
r, AT the T
,nay were M
si ' Mrs. Elaine
and Judy Von Os
Ji LY aY think its
| "atc, s outside,
a ewspaper pl
:mg from the
ett , . Bil:
feel.waaiZm h .our da'
r "e'" ost spri
[ b now Jasmine
tnt ,Sde our back
Uary'Ses all its lea
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e pl' c beautiful
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pa he., br nays the
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401 Railroad Av
E Fi