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SHELTON--MASON COITY JOURNAL- Published in €¢Christmastown, U.g.A.," Shelton, Washington
neth W. Brown has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Kazinsky. The bride-elect is a senior at Irene S. Reed high
school. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown,
Sr., and after attending Quilcene high school bas served three
years in the United States Navy. No date has been set for the
The Salty Sashayers, Shelton!
square dance club, is making plans
for a big graduation dance, hon-
()ring the newest group of danc-
ers to oomph-re lessons.
The dance, with Clint Renney,
well known caller and instructor
from Olympia. doing the calling,
will be held Saturday night, Jan.
27, at Memoria.l Hall. Clint and
his wife Sylvia have been teach-
ing beginning' square dance les-
s(ms and beginning round dances
in Shell on for the past year and
As a class is graduated, each
member is eligible to join the
Salty Sashayers Square Dance
Club. The group dances at Mem-
orial Hall the second and fourth
Saturday of each Month.
New lessons for beginners will
start Monday, Jan. 29, at 8:00
p.m. in the Bordemx school audi-
torium. The (;lasses will then con-
tinue on each Monday night for
approximately 16 weeks.
Visiting dancers as well as spec-
tators are welcome at all the club
New Officers
Take Over At
I wanoh Grange
New officers for Twanoh grange
?No. 1118 took over their duties at
the first meeting of the year, Jan.
They are: Master Lowell Gun-
• elman: overseer. Harold Brown;
lectm:er Clair Lopriore; steward,
Lee Lopriore; assistant steward,
Leroy Deshon; chaplain, Pauline
Iradly; treasurer. J m Yoshi.-
tlara; secretary, Dorothy Hm)er;
gate keeper, Mike Harding; ceres,
Ruth Brown; Flora, Nita Deshon;
Pomona. Henelen Yoshill;tra; lady
ansistant, steward, M.ary Ann Gun-
Committeemen named were Ro-
bert K. Browm. Hank Harper and
Fred Lockwood. The home scott-
omits chairman is Viola Newkirt.
The new committees for t:he
year were appointed to meet be-
fore the grange meeting tomor-
row night. Friday. The regular
grange meetings 're the first and
third Fridays of each montlr and
visitors from other granges are
always welcome.
Brinnon Girl
Exchanges Vows
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Wiegand
of Brinnon announce the marriage
of their daughter, Sharron, to Mr,
Ghmn Matthews. son of Mr. and
Mrs, John Bnrnston of Quilcene.
The wedding was performed by
Pastor Ch)yse Drake at the Brin-
non Community church on Friday,
Jan. 12 at 7 p.m.
Only the parents of the bride
and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Wiegand
and two children, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Burnston attended the
An open shower will be held
at the school multi-purpose build-
ing for tile newlyweds on Jan. 26.
Mr. and MI€/, Matthews have
rented the Langbratten house
near' Seal Rock for their first
Marriage Licenses
Applications for marriages wore
filed in the county auditor's of-
lice by the following:
Allan R. Hoppe, 19, Bremerton
and Cheryl Ann Gran, 18, Brem-
Judy C. Peterson, 18, Port Or-
chard, and James B. EverislL 18,
ar windows wlth
Our complete stocks off
DUPLATE ® Sofo,y plo, OJou
DUOLITE ® Sofow Window Ol
SOLEX ® Hoo,.Ab,o,bl.s Olo.
"Englisil Speaking Latin Am-
ericans" was ttxe program snbject
when the Methodist Women's So-
ciety of Christian Service met
Wednesday. A clever skit was pre-
sented by program lcade Mrs.
Robert Rings and Mrs. Don
DuIt,;, business portion of
the ltl lans for a March
rummaggtIe, were made. The
exact (late will be annolHlce(t later.
Llnlc.h vdas s¢!rved .;l|: /lo()n by tbe
members of Robert's Circle.
The circles will hold dessert hm-
elleon meetings Wednesday. Jan.
2,I. Mrs. Elroy Nelson will lie hos-
tess to Robert's Circle; Mrs. Ken-
nei.h Good for Ha(die Circle; Mrs.
L. D. Hack for Gruver Circle and
Marion Johnson for Glassey Cir-
BPW Winter Board
and Professional Wome, n's Club
dinncr meeting Wednesday, Jan.
24, 7:00 p.m.. at thc Colonial
ttouse, will be Mrs. Mary Laurent,
Aberdeen. district director of dist-
rict No. 5.
Mrs. Laurent will give a report
on the Winter Board le]d in Eph-
rata Jan. 19, 20 and 21.
Plans for thc ammal l/eart
Drive, Sunday, Feb. 25, are under-
The next meeting of the Dirt
Dobbers Garden Club will be held
Jan. 23 at the PUD building. Af-
ter the potluck hmcheon, Mrs.
Russell Schroeder will show slides
taken on some of the club's trips.
Has Educational,
Business Meeting
Mrs. Bryce Campbell. able to
Lurn a iin t:ii7 into a tiling of
beauty, WaS g'ucsl speaker at Beta
Zeta Chapter's regular ESA bus-
iness and edue.tlional meeting on
.Ian. 10. }|1 the home of Ms. Dick
Holhlnd. Mrs. Campbell gave an
interesting accounting of her tin
craft, as well as showing many
pieces of her work and pictures
of the many items s'he has collect-
ed ilq Iler borne. At pr¢sent, Mrs:
Campbell is teaching classes in
this work.
The Happy DolpMn guild will
again be the recipients of a $40
donation by the chapi.er. This goes
toward the swim program for the
Rogers school at the Pool Nuo-
tarc. The chapter also voted to
send $25 each to the two state
Most of the evening was spent
planning for the Western Region-
al meeting to be ield here in
March. Mrs. Dick Holland, chair-
man, has appointed the following
conzmittee chairmen: Mrs. Glenn
Sowers. invitations; Mrs. Holland,
pre-registration; Mrs. Gene White,
place cards and favors; Mrs. Ed
Dunbar, program: Mrs. Bill Hunt.
er and Mrs. Larry Corev, registra-
tion and name cards; Miss Char-
leen Smith, flowers; Mrs. Ken
Evans, hospitality; and Mrs. Floyd
Ridout, merchant favors and door
prizes. Work parties have been
scheduled for January and Febru-
ary 14, at the home of Mrs. Hol-
The next meeting on Jan. 24,
will be a combined social and ed-
ucational, with members traveling
to the Tacoma Little Theater to
see "Taming of the Shrew." Mrs.
Glenn Sowers is in charge of res-
At the close of the evening, re-
freshments were smed by Mrs.
Gene WHite, co-hostess.
Century 21
Books Now On Sale
Century 21 Bonus book sales
were tile main subject of Rainier
Orthopedic Auxilia ry's January
meeting. For those who may have
forgotten each bonus book con-
tains two admission tickets, four
amusement: tickets, two perform-
ing arl: tickets, two art exhibit.
lickets, a guide book and a lapel
LETTER WERE folded and
sent t,) the civic organizations in-
forming them of tile availability
of Century 21 tickets m Mason
county, q'ickets may be secured
from any nmnlher or by calling
Mrs. Joe Borek, HA 6-8405. Mrs.
Eugene Lindberg, HA 6-4695, Mrs:
Clyde lnddcll, HA 6-2098. or Mrs:
John Demxison, TR 7-5343.
Other business was the planning
(if the annual game night in which
husbands will be invited.
The rneeiing was held in Mrs.
,Joe Borek's hone with Mrs. Ellg-
ene Lindberg assisting.
Orthopedic Guild
Holds Meeting
Vicki Lee Orthopedic Auxiliary
held its January 8 meeting at tlle
home of Mrs. Jean Schnabel with
Mrs. Joyce Mork as co-hostess.
Articles lot' the hamper award
and the making of rolls of Easter
candy for the children in the Se-
attle Hospital were discussed.
Mrs. Pat LcGarde and Mrs. To-
ny Matson will be hostess and
co-hostess for the February meet-
ing in the formcr's home. A bake
sale among the members is plan-
ned for this session.
VFW Auxiliary
Initiation Friday
New members will be initiated
during the meeting of the VFW
Auxiliary tomorrow night (Fri-
deW). The meeting will begin at
8 p.m. in the Memorial building.
Hostesses will be Beatrice Gray,
Cecilia Gunter, Hazel Grove and
Edna Griggs, Beulah stewart will
i bring the prize.
atu you prompt, efficient gla r
placement jobs in all make and
ira)dell.of on the road today.
3rd & Grove Ste,
C/ubwon00,00n o1' the Week
DAISY PINNEY is Commander of Navy Mothers Club, a service
club whose prime interest is helping Navy men and their families.
Her grandson. David Surratt, joined for the picture.
Navy Mothers Club is an active
organization that receives very lit-
tle publicity. Daisy Pinney is Com-
mander of the group. Its chief pur-
pose is to help Navy families.
Daisy and her fellow members
help raise money for their projects
by giving the Kiwanis luncheon
once a month. They take turns
accepting the responsibility of
planning the menu and helping on
Each year the clnb sends 12
baby layettes to Bremerton to be
given to Navy families. They also
send money to Bremerton and Se-
attle to be used for coffee and
doughnuts for sailors who are
leaving or arriving in port.
Navy men or their families can
call on the Navy Mothers in time
of emergency. Recently a local boy
was home on leave. His parents'
heine was burned and his uniforms
were lost in the fire. Navy Moth-
ers gave him money to help re-
place them. He was under no obli-
gation to pay back tile money.
The welfare of men in the Navy
is close to the heart of each mem-
ber because she knows her son
and his family (or her daughter)
may possibly call on the Navy
Mothers Club where he is station-
ed as it is a national organization
There; are 24 members locally,
New members are welcome at all
,ies. If a woman has a son or
'':a.ightr in the Navy now or has
"hi'Jn the'past she is eligible and
welcome to join, The group meets
on the lsl and 3rd Thursdays of
each month in the Memorial build-
ing. Games and refresehments are
enjoyed after' the meetings.
Daisy and her husband, Albert,
both work for the men in the serv-
ice as he is VFW service officer.
She is service officer for the Aux-
iliary, too. They have a son who
is a Navy career man in electron-
Navy Mothers help with other
civic projects, too. They donate to
the Tuberculosis Drive-and the
Christmas Fund and participate in
the Memorial Day services. Their
chaplain visits patients in the hos-
They also have fun projects.
Among these is an annual dinner.
for past presidents and a Christ-
mas party. Once a year they re-
veal their "secret pals" and take
new ones.
Daisy holds a state office as
well as her local one. She is chair-
man of the Auditing Committee.
She also belongs to the Hillcrest
Homemakers Club, Dirt Dobbers,
and Good Shepherd Auxiliary.
The Good Shepherd Auxiliary
works for the Good Shepherd Lu-
theran Home of the West for re-
tarded children. Daisy is one of 6
women in the state of Washington
who has a 500 hour service pin in
this organization.
Daisy especially enjoys garden-
in( and loves to do carpenter
work. If she decides she wants a
new cupboard built she knows how
to go about getting it done. She
also enjoys knitting, sewing and
baby-sitting with grandson, David.
Olympia Square
Dance Saturday
Salty Sashayers ini.ereste(l in
attending the Country Cousins
Birthday Dance at Stone Square
in Ol]tpia this coming Saturday,
Jan. 20 are asked to be at Ever-
green Square by 7:45. The dance
will begin at 8:30, with Clint Ren-
ney doing the calling. There will
be a potluck hmch.
There is a new class starting
on Jan. 29, at the Bordeaux school
fox' all who are interested in learn-
in( to square dance. For' more in-
formation call HA 6-2057.
Sheltonins Attend
Contest Award
Dinner In Olympia
A dinner honoring "Voice of De-
mocracy" contest winners was
held Saturday in the Olympia
VFW building. Attending from
Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. Lar-
ry Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Towle,
Mr'. and Mrs. Ernest :Malloy, :Mr.
Finance Report
Given At Guild
Mrs. Bill Merifield and Mrs.
Bob Puhn were co-hostesses for
the Jan. 11 meeting of the Christ-
mastown Orthopedic Guild in the
Merifield home.
During the business portion of
the meeting reports were given
on money earned from recent pro-
jects and sent to the Children's
Orthopedic hospital. Planning was
begun for the White Elephant sale
in April.
Fox" the program Mrs. Theresa
err gave a travelogue on her
Christmas holiday trip to Hawaii.
Her pictures of the trip were also
The next meeting will be held
in the home of Mrs. Austin Lar-
Donna M. Hulbert, daughter of
I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert, Shel-
ton, has won Academic Honors
and Mrs. Mervin Smith, Mr. and at Seattle Pacific College for rec-
Mrs. Wayne Robinson and Mrs. ognition of superior scholarship
Charles Cox. in the autumn quarter.
Isn't it nice that you can mem both in one ca ? ¥ide4 rack Pontiac
Rainbow Order
To Install Officers
The public is cordially invited
to attend the annual open instal-
lation of officer's of the Shelton
Assembly Order of Rainbow for
Girls at 8 p.m. tiffs Friday in
the Mt. Moriah Masonic Temple.
Being installed as Worthy Ad-
visor will be Lane Mclnelly,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
McIneily. Others being mstalled
will be Donna Wolfe, worthy as-
sociate advisor; Judy Rowe, char-
ity; Ginna Correa. hope; Liz So-
mers, faith; Molly Murdey, re-
corder; Linda Stevens, treasurer;.
Karlene Rutledge, chaplam.
Linda Hensel, drill leader; Vic-
kie McInelly, love; Sue Mallory,
religion; Drenna McCoy, nature;
Lesa Golds(held, immortality;
Leslie Weston, fidelity; Jayne
G risdale, patriotism ; Taralea
Parr, service; Kathy Sutherland,
confidentia.1 observer; Laura Ric-
Icy, outer observer; Sue Grunert,
choir director; and Sandy Bedell,
Choir members are Becky Stew-
art, Pare Boardman. Patsy Cau-
field, Viekie Hubbard, Kathy
Clark, Jutie Nutt, Marilyn Renec-
ker, Mary Ann Judah, Laurie
Stetson, ickie Hovie, Sandy An-
Teddy Travis, historian; Jma
Runnion, lecturer; Rita Carte,
orator; Holly Hansen, Bible bear-
er; Sue Hall, American flag bear-
er; Peggy Bloomfield, standard
flag bearer'; Linda Nutt, rainbow
flag bearer; Lonnie Redman, east
page; Linda Rawding, west page;
Carol Hardin, keeper, of jewels;
Candy Neau, keeper of parpherna-
lia; Kathy Gray, keeper of regis-
ter; Patsy Wolfe, reporter.
Mr. H. H. Blake, father advisor;
Dean. Dewell, Jim Hilderman,
Clint Halbert, Mike Smith, Daryll
Dewell, Demolay escorts.
There will be a reception and
dance following the installation.
Degree Of Honor
To Inslall Offioers
The Degree of Honor Protective
Association will install new offi-
cers during a public ceremony
Tuesday, Jan. 23 beginning at 8
&clock in the evening in the Me-
morial Hall.
New leaders for the year will be
Inez Shorter, president; Ida Lund-
quist, vice president; Eunice
Sharpe, second vice president;
Gladys Nelson, past president;
Ada Howard, financial secretary;
Grace Petty, recording secretary;
Dorothy Todd, treasurer; Florence
Hamilton, usher'; Phyllis Moore,
assistant usher; Grace Bartlett,
iner watch; Mamie Clark, outer
watch; Sue Weaver, right assist-
ant; Ahna White left assistant;
Esther Morgan, advisor; Martha
Clark, color bearer, and Violet
Cole, pianist.
Escort staff includes Marie
Carlson, June Petty, Muriel Best-
wick ad Ma'tha Dunbar.
Trustees are Martha Dunbar,
Sue Weaver and Alma White.
Sunshine Chairman will be Alma
Degree of Honor members will
please be dressed in formals for'
the installation.
Mt. View PTA will meet this
coming Monday evening. The pro.-
gram begins at 8 p.m. and will
feature a film, "Consumers Want
To Know."
Lal Choir
Concert Coming
The Shelton Music Club's an-
nual Choir Festival Concert will
be held Sunday, Jan. 28 at the.
Jmior high school auditorium.
The guest soloist will be Rev.
Eugene Kellenbenz, O.S.B. who is
the director of music at St. Mar-
tins College, Olympia, Wash.
Jerry Wagner, Shelton music
tudent who won a scholarship
last year to the Northwest Music
Camp at Fort Flagl0r, will also
be a guest soloist, accompanied
by Mr. Vernon Havens.
The general p}'actice of the
massed choir wilt be held Monday,
Jan. 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the junior
high school auditorium under the
direction of Lynn Sherwood. Mrs.
Harvey Hillman will accompany
the group. Anyone who likes to
sing and does not belong to an of
ganized group in Shelton, is wel-
come to participate with the
massed choir.
Open 'til Noon Saturdays
J. V. "Joe" Simpson
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