January 18, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrisfmasfown, U.S.A.,'" Shelton, Washington Thursday, Janus 18, I
FOR SALE ':- "lmiture
i q
Legal Fublications Le.l Publications
Legal Publications
WE BUY scrap iron, pat,*cries, radia-
tor, copper, salvage of all kinds, NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Shclton Junk Co.. First and Mill IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE
Streets. Phone HA 0-8626. S 4/7 tfl STATE 09" WASHINGTON FOt%
think it can't be fixed call Henry In the Matter of the Combined Es-
Landis• HA 6-3098, 2/12 tfn tates of ABLERT BARTZ and MA-
TILDA BARTZ, Deceased.
Rubber Welders, Mr. View. 1/10 tfn NOTICE IS HEREY GIVEN that the
undersigned, Helena F. Rae, has been
,, grlu "%" '""--' SERVICE appointed and has,qualified as Adniin-
istratrix of the Estate of Matilda
' " , Bartz, deceased, and as Executrix of
FURNACE CLFdtNINO. repairing, In- the Last Will and Testament and es-
stallations, oil conventions, Shelton tate of Albert Bartz, deceased; and
FurnaCe Co,, 321 So. Third• Dial H.a that all persons having claims against
6-6IIi. 5/1 tfr, the said estates or the said deceased
are hereby required to serve the same
R(, blow, rol wool lnsula- duly verified in duplicate with the
iou, Gulranteea. Phone HA, 6-6417 ueecssary vouchers attached, upon the
8/20ti underslgned Admtnlstratrlx and Ex-
{iIASSUR TRI!)AS al my res. ecutrix or her Attorney of record at
ideate near the Lower Skokomlsh the law office of Robert L. Snyder,
School• Call ,Trojan 7-5438 for ap- 1251/D North Fifth, Shelton, Washing-
p3.intme.nt Saturday, Sunday, and ton, and file sllch claims together with
weanesdaY. A.F. Oppelt. O4/16 tfn proof of service with the Clerk of the
TI:I--'AU'P:) tIZ, ASS installation, above entitled Court within six (6)
Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave, months after the date of +the first pub-
Phone HA 6.11231. 4/28 tfn lication of this notice, to-wit: January
4, 1962, or all claims not so presented
REFRIGJRATORS and freezers, re- and filed will be forever barred.
conditioned, reasonable• Shelton Re-
frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone HELENA F. RAE,
HA 6-80112 day or night, 1/18 tfn Adnlinistratrix and Executrix of
A'--RTiFicIXL--'BREEDING'service" Pro- the Combined Estates of Albert,
van, and highly classified sires, Bartz and Matilda Bartz,
Dairy, beef and charolais, $7,00. Pi- deceased.
per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, HA Rol)ert L, Snycler
6-2084, C 12/15 tfn Attorney for said Cembined Estates
125q> N. 5th,
• ... -Ivesocl; .... Sheldon, Washington.
rcqu/red by law, has irrevocably 10:00 a.m. each bidder must make #l
1/4-11-18-25 4t pledged itself to make annual levies of a minimul deoosit of $4 149.70 ulus .......... ";A ........
taxes it li " ' s - ' - trll av t,sr.u
am.'mg. •!reproves zmlaa lot Zloors -----:=.<-' _ -- ---. ----.-,--- electricity. Call Beckwlth Jewelry, wee/..ore_, lswea• €{ ..... u - . c: xi.lail.# Itul.a zl/J9 .......... :. , ,, . • . - . .. o ce,i]t lea cnec.K• aiu cieposlt aa( ("¢ITTIYTV
ann zurmture nat lasts and t #of .s'z' -- vurnmnea attractive dave or evenings HA 6-3283 -- starteu calves, l-lh t-s;, t illS - mmnt to .ay ul. prmci.pa, ann inter: snail constitute an opening bid at 7='T"M,7;'gf'ihh l,,giala o'
and lasts, 5/25 tin Hood Canal beach home--Fireplace. - ° B" 6 e *€- i'OR--SXLi .... Y-Two'ie-ol--d'--doll-d '7 ................... est o/ sam oonos as toe same snail the appraised price. Upon award of ', "',7;"-r{Z.L:==J- ......
y a, S n I--lii_ Co., r{ and .z="_*'.-;- tl" . • a/z u __... _ 6-80 , 111 Ea@t ....... --- --'' - ....... lots Inquiry 172 P Stewart street or at the o.f.fieeof thesaidCounty Treas- at the t'ime of sale, pay an additional ]'.vt. -t ,h ade4 t lrdle
lilt, .................................. phone iiA 6-8616. 0/8 thi T Wy mlJuuia apartment _or.rent lanroaa _ , 1/b tm Ml,lillql ,i A 1Nl]{ill,14__ . nhon" e ..AW .a ............... lille ., ¢ ,€. urer in inc. uounty t;ourtnouse, in nei-, amount> to orln the total amount . r-:,.---•-, ..... .,. -- l
e-tilvt. K o/s ttn E ................... -- ton Wastnn .ton until 1 o'clock m " ann ,lie tnc same wiui tne ,
i-YLON * WILL NO ClttA0--llp or ............................................. FOR R NT -- One nedroom dtlplez .......... , g , . P. ., of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to . r
peel. Permanent finish and sealer HOSE FOR RENT See Tony Mis- apartment partly fttrnlshed. Inoulre hlee-r.oom, $3200. Five- on the 29th day of January, 1962, at equal 25% of the full bid nrice based said Court, to,gather . with p
dde8 not discolor with age Set ktnis at 2214 Adams. Phone HA 6- 1619 Adams St S 9/1 tin DANCE CLASSES every Wednesday rofnf,$azuu, lOy? sown. #aper me. wbicn, time all bids received will be on the cruise estimate T/Pits balance sucn s(;rwc?, wltnm,... monui
Graystvne, ]i tfn i 2159, M 1/18 tfn "F-OtE"-,n-t- Memorial liall.. B auet. tap. moaern ear ayon, 2fu, l:f o/zo uu puuliciy openeo oy•the Treasurer and may be paid by personal check Pur- tne. uatc o},. nrs[ puDca[ion
R T On edr m r
'l'A4l?l,----l'lfT''-'-'ii'--i'-' 'R"-N'*T---,d---o'-: thd hoo*.-- .... .=,-:a.17ZJ'2" Jazz anU acrooatic, lviargm pecx TWO BEDR--O-OM--ILiOME"])-i:-aI-ol - saio ooara o[ airectors, chaser must also furnish wittlin .a nofice_,or toe. sanle. :, ,. ... .;
$16 cord, Phone HA 6-4867. 4 p.m., IIA 6-6769, E 1/18 tfn , P 4/20 tin .............................................. ' " -" • ..... +" ' ....... " a) ;he lowest rate el rates of ........ ' .. ': ........ P. ... ' R()BERT E, HULLIGI!II
ARtOt gt, on
O'--l"-GR(J-W'e~-i'"'o0a-dr'i,i-'- stove .with trash burner movable at Goldsborough Xpts S 4/4 if. toy°'?jobei°tvidwlrSband and father, INCOMJ; PR:Ey'l'--by-wlie--Xil sidered fiu' less ttan liar plt,s accrued: maC°iplet-e..c°- ntract and s.pectficat!ops [2.5A N. 5th " .
• ' l e ' ..... ......... ---' ......... , • [axe iv' to 3v' raller nouse as part intere,t to data of dtl oh, ! { y , .xammea at or[ urcnaro ills- nehon, washington ' '
leGth, Phone Oliver Petty, lfA 220 emetic h afar, .In.qu..tr_.J'ohn i SLEEPING ROOMS with kitchen prt- Mrs. Roy J, Howard and family payment. Located on Mt, View Ph All 'l)ht hall' be s {•,']y'- ...... . ! trlct Headquarters, County Auditor's 1/11-18-25
...: ........ t/lo t!n ttety, lv, lrramum, it -ipag .. vtleges for rent Also four room qA 6 "°8 : --'-" th tt f iic*Sl,tte -it ":€::-'-:2;-'"--"---#;' off!co and office of Commissioner of
WOOD OR SALE Alder, maple, ......... apa tmcnt. 720 N, Fourth. HA 6-8487. • ................................................. x .... ) ", , .. . PUDIIc Lands, Olympia.
$15 per cord, Phone HA 6-2832 OO I'OT'SE, close to z sis un LOST AND FOUND MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill- b ,i(,<ol+nt{?j:d _by a deposit of five To be -I .............. NOTICE OF GIIOUND WAII
, " w ' crest houle I' ' lit ' • "?•' ""'" ' / ) oI too amount el toe u t a-ur ui'unaru ls[- , , ,
H 11/23 tin o n town, partially iurnishod TWO BEDROO H U -- . ulnls d or uniuln- • ," • . ri . , RIGIIT AI I LICATION .NO
............. _=._ . M O SE Partially i le ....... bid ¢lilic l m ('ash or by certified or ct Head uattels, on Tuesday Jan- 0
, Wiled for automatic washer and furni e P tl s l.d Luge galage, colnel lot close " ' ' uar o " . , STATE OF WASHINGTON, ,
POP SOIL, goal, till atrt, . , sh d. o atch TR 7-5359 goods- D e 1 ..... cashiei s chock which shall be re- y .3, 62, at 10.00 o clock a,m.
Ogden, i-lMt. 3/li ti dzer, Ap,{y 2 706 Cots after 7 port or FL 2-3746 Olympia• RWrmAaRI ..... $25 for rztu;ii or in to:,sclooi, ai)d shlucs. ' Must move., turned f the bid s not accented An., sale w .................. OF SUPERVI.SOR.OF WATI
............................ - ......... ----..-. .o--, . ...# lll/'l in _• . i . ilil Uli ivilu b ti-I JLlt.U IS 9J. lll/-- i iV/it ¢.='li al. rt#al oargain, l:none l-in : ".,__ . ' . ," .... "v ..• .... - ... .tt cc. el/creel, uuitum ulynipla• "
i OR 1 " M 7/19 tin, vere stereo ma nettc t e re rd r ( 1 LIlt Silt cessIUi Dlcluei snail all ano lor wmcn no bid
F SALE -- McDona d farm ......................... : ............................... " g ap" ,co e 6-8549 afternoons or evenings • s :. ,." • " ' s are received AKE NO'rICE '
, THREE OR POSSIBLE four bedroom .... r row i all se .... or ne lect to complcte the purchase shall not be leoffe T
Kamllche Valley HA 6 3740 FOR REN I in gay b n pa nted met tc ca M 1 led until It has
" "Me sm i¢. ]muse for rent at 707 Ellinor "unfuro ..... T ":two l?eroom unfurn- .•..-_.,-^^ ......... e ........ 72,._ c ::., ...... 12/ 4 tfn of sltt bonds within'tlirtv" (30) da,s been readveltl oa v -... ..... That Simpson' Timber ComPS
........... isb in "( ' lsneu a artmenL liot water neat .,,u ...t;v.... L = ,e. t.u,. FOR SAI E ----i:I--- - • ....... • a.= u.- ti
............................................................ n, ed. quit :, 629 Cots, HA 6- . , , . . .... -- u on 3 acres near following the acce lance of h s bid not b Shelton, Washington on Jan
JAC'IBSEI SALEB an d•perviqe, ,Sh- 8663. C 1/11 ttn city utities¢ ran lte and •reflrigera- my horlne b.tweenoate Se)ilr Skokomish school Contact A, F. Up- amount of his del)oPsit lall h" forfite time % ffered.,--w/thlan :he seeified 1962, filed application for peri
%on 2.arlne upply lilllcresl; liA ll- ............................ : ..................... Lor lurnlsneu, i'IOl|y lilU A , l.0n ......... ' ................. '-" pelt on Wednesda or weeke s ' . . " .................... . =, ,, t, wi ra
' . +€_ FR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed- tact a"t No 2 -r za a.oan Otto Hanson. H 12/7 tfn . -- y ndt, TR to_said (:hool district, shall continue on the followin da .... thd w public .gl.ound .
-'--.-r.--w---- ........ -£?--" rol,m triplex unit, heat, garage wa- ....... :•5/1R tfn ..... =-:- ............................. tv/o tin Tie scnool disirict reserves the right between the hours of ten o'cloc a mrougn a wei ! sltuateffl -witn
w- u laOm PYLON liquid tar, garbage rum|shed Phone HA _--x-_.-7-=-_--.=;===-=Z---== ............. LARGE TWO bedroom-i{/ln-e_-'Dinin" to 'e,e(t any and fll bids submitted and four o'clock nm "'"' ww. oz ection v -zown
transparent plastic coating, never i 6-9575 ' • J 1/11 tfn utrrl'Aum Ful IINT b per ' room basement fenced back var The schol district will nay for ...... " " ' . . N., Range 4 W,W,M., in. Masoli
Iieeds waxing, polishing\\;or Icrub- "Tif6-'lhz-'...-==-r:==-.¢-----m"---=-----: month; aJso two bedroom apart- • Plast.r fJnlsh tilror.hout E--ccP^nt the printing .f .'Hd bonds - - aui umt).er, on saia lane will be ty in the amount of 250 gall
itng, Ideal for all surfases, Inside " ilar)rl,:W%oletr?°o°U_"..i.l,_, n!ents, $40, unfurnished, $45 fur- 4-- _ condition. Phone HA'6-4673 ..... Said bonds ,iif be s)'ld with the s°]tet°;sn0t lir es.s t:nan the appraised mi'nute, subject to existing right
or out, Sac Grayatone. 5/25 tfn ........... " . . - ap. p, rushed inelucies e4ectricity Call HA l i • • • l'i. S" 11/9 tfn opinion of Preston Th(r,-rimson ' , apt..azsea Uy. tn.e t;ommls- tinuously, each year for thc P
;.v-y-.-: ........ -. ........ -,--.----= ................ it# vesL o/n, rorg ngeles, wash, 6-8423 W 1/11-'5 It - - = - -- .-- ....................... " I-I(i, ow z 'n . i,'. , moner o[ 'UDIIC l.an(Is in ule manner of commercial use.
sull.'J.r. --- IlJc anq up. ew slll- Phone GL 7-3058: 11/80 tin " " " lll*:4r Ic'l I iLt"t ,rt AIAT] and immediate possession, t;l ,f i,.aSi'r"V,.ll,'t'oatt°rneys,at b,..V law, a notice of which Is now on Any objections must bc acc0r
men., ts Arcaula, phone IIAJ-=1378 [-(j-i-q ..... -Ti--i:6---lT-i- __.- ...... " <1 "'l-iln tnree-oe(lrool cottag( d)@n- tl. ]e.l iv,,7 th<' ...'. , uiq, .,.,-. rne in fhe office of the Auditor oi II
i - - o *, ......... " r • - , : ,, • . " ' ...e _e-.. ....... ........ . by a tw dollar ($2.00) record
v I/7 l:n town s d(walks sol d plasht t r t (1 Mason County and D1 trier d it i I
iTb--..-.---r;.:-,-;---,.-!-._, [, ,nisli¢ ll6use abolt one mile from WflJkI]l .'_'_" ,,2 . ', . s, , '•. .• • "DATED tit Shei{)n W ish'inf.ton his ...... ' .... A a i s- and file with the, State SuP
..,-,. .azu iAu osaaes. • rio-' f., toirtt $ <150,: ..ml: month. Phone 9A .12, ' ' llll Bllllllillml il ii wtil( lnsulat(o ta(w ("st .... heating -lth ............ dnv +f Io{ nt,,',ee.__e.. ..... 1 ' u'ator el saiu uistrlet, ' ' of WatS] Res__r_ecm c ......... . within thirt
est, Surgical Steel, h.oned l_u oil. Full 8480, V 12/28 tfn BABY-SITTING WANTED -- Leving i,A J|||lli Tw)/c!!r .a[age. L!lwn, pu't lenf;!,i, JOHN B COLE' "' Terms of sale are: cash or install- days froni January 18 1962. ,.
money, oacK guaI'anee., zll-ue. 10o. . /x -..... ........ t nouseKeeln carc, fir vollr--, cohilttr nc ........ tTl rtlr ............ hil=l% 8 v Wlllli;lillllllllllllllll ill!lit ileal llOnll! aL q%(i,,)UU,r lot $6OU Tronml,aP_ .................... ,f ,,.. .,,.t.. ment _elan basis. Witness my_ hand and _officla
85<, 200-$L5 600-${30, 00q-$5,TJ, "tigtine,n°pul.. PlznJ Phon(, H/i 6-t]391 A 1/li tfn , d{).wi}, aJ)l),(Jx:. $t6 t,,nl(:nis lnchldes Washington ' BERT L crr, this 9th day of 5anuary .i963
' rOHl. patQ, lacice(l live manes [o 6 */n' i -,wa * Z-r-:;.. .. --....t. _i .................... •_._. lixe, InSl,l';liifN?, t,,qll JO/i/1 Lfever- 1/4 * "ill o .t+ ...... M. G WALKER
Paekage, 20 packages to carton, +,v, it t/Al UD 2"AIICI'-T.IM S P_RT, ARY-re([cptlon- . (,au, Miinn Real Eslate, 9IA 6-2]82 /'''""'=" Commissioner of Public Lands State" Supervisor of Wat
O,O.D. ordert accepted, Postcard - , !st. lnol'lilanu, typing, Allernoon . or evenings HA 6-854,t. 1/18 12/28 I/4-11-18 4t R(sources " lfl j
'" hours, write ox , c/o Journal. . ('A] L Fell BIDS
brln-s eneral merchandise catalog. . . ..... , , . . , , . ,.:. , ,
EM:SN COMPANY 40 so Sac HAND SAWS i/ll 25 USED APPLIANCES s a d bids will be l e((lx(d by the
ars; also new tape recorder Phone conaltloned ranges, refrigerators, b'i laurel, IUll vasement, zlo0r zur-
HA 6-8079, L' 1/11-25 washerb, dryers, Eells & Valley Ap- naee. Phone HA 6-4850, T 10/26 tfn
Yi-MA----/PLEs--llo-r'--sa-ie'- boi plianee Cenfr, 6/#t -6iliiTTHT-KEdb-07a---ff-
All kinds Phone HA S 4779" Lm' USED G E. RAN--GE, Kenmore---Wash- ! furnished home, G,E. kitchen, Holt-
• ---- --" .......... " : he
ke's Service. L 10/12 tfn er, G,E, Washer, Bendix Dryer. i day Beach, $75 per month. P ne
I-cC0:CH----'T-.r------ ....... -,- .... i Shelton leetic Co,, 419 Railroad, Hoodsport 'I'R 7-5575. S 10/19
• 11-, I+il:t ano ssrvlc{ fD ......................................
Si,ellxln Marine glunnlv -i,i...o;i 11/28 t FOR RENT -- Three bedroom unfur-
HA 6-8163. 12/14tfn . ,. . nshed home on Hfllc est. Phof e
......................... .... =' S HA 6-6257. W 12/14 t n.
FOR SALE =--"-Iiay, $25 per toh -OrlIl-_ (OO{lS ....................................
a a ¢ ,€- FREE RENT for middle-age couple
........................................ or bac elor, Reliable. L h s a d
WOO.D OF ALL IND--Cail Hodg- /OAT. MOTOtib, 'I,.IL%S, .equip- fuel furnished until It is sod Phone
son' Wood Rare, pnone HA 6-6844. ment at Walt'i marine iuppi, 9 n HA 6.8397 eveninrs Mc 12/21 tfn
___ H 12/7 tfn beautiful Hood .uai. Pnom Hood- -6-----..O:e'-Y--=----.
i. olutur uop, o-illus. ; i i, tui-mi*ll 4ou; ruuuuui HA 6-810 N 12/14 tfn
S 15/7 tfn 12 and 14 ft., immediate delivery. -=-.=-=--:" _-_ .-- "-=- -- ==
-r--.-----. An,, slze on order M J Hooker FOR RENT -- New turnlshed bachelor
-- .'---rvlcg--a 101 E Dearborn 'HA'6-8511 Bar-' apartment. Five minutes walk to
tppttes, onn tme. i'none 6- _• --'- .... ' -- -^:-- .-- town Phone HA 6-6445 after 5 m
6108. Free demoetraUom;.,, ,, lJm, I-IA -tsU. /lt n . Mc 10/26'tfn
,-r-p---ih---i,-- -It__ " - 1-n ri'hvlll " FOR RENT --' One-bedroom fti'rlil
• .)r u with t h 9 tlmes"o For om.e 'll.lll' l.r'l" , house water and garbage furnished
pfl( can .ytvla t:arey, e nei- -- ........ Phone HA 6-8150 - N 6/2R tfn
l01a ttle Tlme Dealer, " ' *
RE00T at 00ol00bo=00h F R -- bed,corn unfur=
-w,;.--.---.-, -r ...... - aparT,menlo, south second, $6 mont, nished duplex. Nearly new. Carport.
.p. Lr ana service, Shel- $5/11 t/n Call after 5:00 HA 6-6201. S 8/3 tfn
, .at, he ppiy. Hillcr/ ovma o, -s-c-s--=-
'-" ..... - :_, < .------- you haven't rom for? end. thn grounds, utilities furnished, $20 per
=,___-,, m or. waer a4n4 o L4wton Apt.-MoteL par1. ena week and up, Mill Creek Motel. Ph.
eer wtm#'aLrams tqrsepumpa. now available by day, week Or HA6-4420. 7/19 tfn
1/16 tfn units ideal for singla men or worn-
' ''o "0-NE-'O--OM-'--r-sl en. A]so attra.ctiVel X furnished one
-- .-.,. ..,, w. .u earo m a arunen All u l es
and m-.vl d.m- o.i ..A o bath, elestric heat, no pets or chil- . .q . p . ..,. _ ti i.ti.
==y__--u--. --.---- --.-:- .- ,- dren 30 her month HA 6 6336 furnishes except ugn. Reuoname,
i[ravet zoo. qveaye, lorma a- " * " ' D "'/4 tfn Phone HA 8-2/21 or HA 6-8177.
aergn, p.on. 6-8553,. J0nn'i ......... .-v...,--.=-= 12/4 tfn
• ,TeK ma and travel, Baysore, .uug-uuu "-., rz. _ ,,r ,n, -_....;.,..,
?/25 tfn uonventent to mills and aowntown ... .,..., ,,..v ,,..,.,,=,.,
General Obligation Beads, $58,000 ON STATE LAND
Tahuya School District No. 20, Mason PARTMENT OF NATURAL RE-
County, Washington, proposes to issue °'vrRCES Bar" v ,,^ ^-.m
as of date of January 1, 1962, its gen- o',., , , u,u,, u,. ,-
eral obligation bonds in the principal sioner of Public Lands.
sun) of $58,000, payable both principal Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
::n interest in |a%viul money ot toe day the 23rd day of January 1962
United States of America, at the office com'niencin at ten o'clock in t[l fore:
of the Treasurer of Mason County in noon of said day, at the Port ()rchard
Shel,ion, Wasl!ington. Said bonds shall District Headquarters, located at Port
)e in enommations ot t,uuo eacn, Orchard County of Kitsau State of
will be numbered 1 to 58 inclusive will: Washington by the DistriCt Aamini-
tlear interest at a rate of not to exceed trator of said District the timber on
6% per ,annum, payable semiannually the following describeci state land will
on toe nrs oays o[ January ann JUly be sold at nublic auction t the hi.h-
of each year and will mature in order est bidder to-wit: .......
of their number as follows: ALillication No 26690
- .., , t cr. nnn Shoe Lae located approximately 26
Ja",,,,r., a6 nn mi es southwest of Bremerton. The
-,-.. " la} 'nl sale is composed of all timber except
",',',"?=f ' 7, 'V. those areas marked with Seed Area
Janua' ' 198 ' and Timber Sale Boundary signs on
T ......... ' ; 'nrm part of Section 36, Township 23 North,
Janl]arv 1 nqn , Range 3 West, W,M,, containing 470
- .... .', ;' ')7 'An acres more or less comprising ap-
anuar. ., - v ' '
v ...... "; ' ::, , '. proximately 1,654,000 bd. ft. of Doug-
.,... ¢`` ...... , .,,,w las fir; 139,000 bd. ft. of white pine;
• 75 000 bd ft of lodgepole pine, 62 000
The school district has reserved the hci "" f' " " - ....... "" *+' ^*
zt o nemlo anu ltu ou , u
right to redeem any or all of the out- "; ..... •
standing bonds of ihis issue at par, in I ceuar.
inverse numerical order, on any inter- Minimum acceptable bid: $41,497,00,
cst payment date on and after five . Timber will be Sold on a cash or
years from date of issue• installment plan basis, Timber must
Said school district by resolution be removed prior to December 81,
of its board of directors and by vote 1963.
of the electors therein in the manner On or before January 23, 1962, at
ii'OR SALE--="6'Ym'iCi,÷; & TABLE SAWS
usea very little, Call HA 6-8397 eve- UA.DT-T.L.vrA
.ils, Mc •1/18 tfn *-D£-k.--r-.i'
i61 'SX'Li'.7"i;g[o-ti'sc..-{o--t'fnish" wreck- 200 E. P I N E
ing, $50; also 16 ft, Berry all-steeA H 1/11 2/1
garage door, HA 6-3710, R 1/18 ' "
screen, $10, Call HA 6-6375.
................. M 1/18 2/1
beautiful if yOU Ie Blue Lustre fol: will iv I I.ul M. w,
eaning. Lumbermen'e Mercantile illilli JEOI$
company. 1/18 issls slvlti ww ,1
- . - ThermOstuflcally Controlled
,, s. wntels ann tires, -none ond - dcm - bofl amuatol
HA 6-3837. A 1/4-/.8 --r -,, .,. .__-, --
f7,--i-'--'.-;+-----. ...... your own par, eulor mlmney, p
........ n vul- zor sam, il L'-- ill U
Very good condition. Call after 5 ---_".,*,r
..... :,}!'_...H... 6-42d2. La 1/18
hift, excellent condition, J. Pauley.
HA 6-8231 evenings, HA 6-2156. = - _l/
1/18 It - --|l
tion. No engine. J. Pauley. HA 6- l
evenings HA 1t-3201, 1/18 It I
extras. Will take older car or boat lI
down Payment. J. Pauh:y. HA 6-8231, i -- I/
evenings HA 6826/. 1/16 it ll
4-door custom 300 V 8
. , • , - with stick
shift. HA 6-4141, B 1/18 tfn
New 1961 Merourys
'Mere Was Special y
8t00 .......... $1015 .................... $695 FROM " ........
fl00M .......... $659 .................... $459 O -,.uv - **-.w
400E ..:. ..... $769 .................... $549 . . - . ...L
........... ...... ::::::::::::: IZg -'
• II Tel # ll il
Hedriek's Sport Center -., ., - "'
123 Cots HA 6-4321 ms=
i'ry & 4ournal Want Ad *.d i .. W...., .o
- bum roll W,stem woade and
Repairs kk lug.
Ffbrglassbtg *AJI-ne bmnl.l nk; W.w
Q-.,,,,|@4. ..... mfasling periods cut 1113 and hea#
,.tllltil, l[l.ilbl'lii! regulating elimlnotd; has
z;lltl olympic Hwy, ,NO, lid ektng f€tl
HA 6-4652 . i *A WliW wod,ct and you am
" : not alked t expae w4J an
1 LJ r
ape ha glng and Painting ,took, ars availabll Ikdgot mms.
EARL HERRI n Sold sxduslvaly ir
A Whale of a Paperhanger r
, Kelly s Furndu e
WH 3-1732 Olympia 1st & Mill Sts,
: , 1/1,8 tfn , NA {}-2411
1953 Ohevrolei 2.door Sedan
Stick shift, radio, heater. Tires like new.
Solid body,. Very good condition. $265
cash. Phone HA 6-6806.
Canal gift shop. Requires related
experience.• Give detailed information
in applying for interview. Write
Box A, c/o Journal, 1/11-18
WR-I "i'b---=---t J s;d-- E--7/i-{i:i {i/n_
Phone HA 6-3896, Y 1/18
WANTED Hurtles for cocker Span-
lets-Gordon setter puppies. Two gold
--one black. HA 6-3016. B 1/18
head cents, Lincoln cents, U.S, gold,
also many other coins. Write and
let me know what you have to sell,
Collector Jhn Wolfe, 4304 Robin Rd,
Tacoma, Phone Tacoma SK 2-5562.
1/18 2/i
and new building. Free estimates.
HA 6-8883, D 12/28 1/18
--TOPPD, trUunll, rem6"E
LarvY'l "lee Surgeon erice, HA.
-4828. 2/18ttl
accm31te priision grinding. ow az
uaeger Motor Shop, llillcrlmt. Phone
HA 8-4802. 1,/16 tfn
4378, V 10/13 tfn
m state. Robert Shumate, Olympia.
FL 7-5358, • S I0/ tfn
n-6R or ,ore for/pa;:r-0-
toll time route work. Large repeat
orders. Man or wornan, Write Mc-
NtIS CO, BOX 4014, Oakland 23,
Calif, ' B 1111-18
"_ moiING in my home,
SL00 per hour. Phone HA 8-828.
-- P 4/14 tfn
WANTED --1"0" or more acrewe'
Shelton and Olympia. Prefer Ma-,
son County. Some timber for wood. i
Phone HA 6-8154 after 5 p.m. i
• , A 12/21 till '
L1 I Ill II I
Drain fields, Digging, Sewer
Marr Const. Co.
Phone HA 6,.3053 Rt, 3, Box 623
If no answer, Ph. HA. 6-6183
SLAB WOOD $i0 cord
ALDER $14 cord
Cut, 16" - 24" - 4 ft,
Immediate Delivery- Call Collect
McCleary 495 - 3669
i B 11/30 tfn
,i,,, -,
and Delivery
Phone HA 6-6364
Moving Anywhere
In Mason Cotmty t
at reasonable
prices see
01sen Furniture
328 Cota HA 6-4702
Guaranteed FOR SALE
!agmet::,ashers $$865 :o :1132 forOaOlhd:rddyW:llin.g s on EasPd
• g r washer .................... $45 *
4 TV sets ......................... $50 to $95 3-Bedroom home at Union being
.......... - remodeled (not waterfront
ou neaers .................... o uo ) $6,000
2 wood heaters (like new) • s .
$95 each
Olsen Furniture •
328 Cota HA 6-4702 125 N. 5th HA 3-Y061
Home Furmshmgs -- 2nd Floor
"7--" . -7 =." -- . .- ......................
Eells & Valley Appliance Oenter
Your Washer, Drye r Headquarlers
H , , '
Always ihe bed deal, by George!
• at
IIs & V
• Ee alley . -
2rid & Cota St. A 6-4663
3/2 tfn
Lumbermen's Mercantile Co.
3rd and Railroad HA 6-8211
• ,>.?,, , .
14 years in business
HA 6-4888
8/24 tfn
Used Yflrniture
Will Buy or Consign
HA 6-2411
CUpancy in two week
ae all electric buil t.-i
homemakers 21<> batl
doors to pitio 'The li
ate entertainer Must
as large as two ave
fireplace. Fenced yar
se, Close to school ai
Le.-al Publicatio o 3 BR s, six o
NO. 3331
MASON COUNTY (IN PROi a, Yelliently planned.
In the Matter of the Estate o ae full basement ha.,
IS C. VAN ARSDALE, Decea d aft'eConomical we
the undersigned, Katherine S and'three to school.
Arsdale has been appointed a sollle furnishings. $8,4
qualified as Executrix of th
Will and Testament and of th ' "
of Louis C. Van Arsdalm de I ',.,W.'HOME on extr
and that all persons having., ..all'Whldh
against the said estate or tl o' ,,itehen and consistdining Ofrc
deceased are hereby required t
the same duly verified in d ,W, li!iher and dryer, plm,
with the necessary vouchers ati'z. --- -ll!:itlaster ed
upon the undersignei Execul , as is the
her attorney of record at the a mttke 'this (house a hen
rice of B. Franklin Heuston, .. ' '"
Building, Shelton, Washingt°:hl RGf'I,AM]LY HOI
file such claims together wit i a 3 BR's, possible ,
of service with the Clerk of th
entitled Court within six (6)b 1 qP0, Modestly priced
after the date of the first pu
of this notice, to-wit: 11 Janua.a RIIM...^:' " ", t.,
or all claims not so presenb
filed will be forever barred, LaBISS{
Executrix, Estat of Louis
Arsdale, deceased.
Address: 700 Turner, Shell
Attorney for said Estate,
Angle Building, Shelton, Wash,
ttylvla Carey, HA 6-
, ,i, ,',, . |
, :!!epimnal Bul
t ! 0 BE, D.ROOM HOlY
¢"'o An. exeellent buy
!ldi°ilsots with evez
,rt refinished on the i
: our better values at
!'Iere is a fine two
!9 {/replace and oth
- zrnished rental
$15,000 Make an c
k tll. LOT WITH
W.eJl located old
garage and base:
' Close to grade
e is a 4 or 5 l
With talent. Th,
in good con
in the l
floors. I
$15,750 with 10
waterfront hc
dining roe/
walkway. A
time listed f
n - . 'short distance
Couniy Conunissionors of Mason Coun- REAl wa • p, a, T,rl; ,e'fn, ........ ,
ty unil 2,0{) p.m Jauuary 22, 1962, -----, -.,=.,a==: ,,,,,.. --t ...... ---_-.....
at their office at the Cotlnty Court- ji gara,,e anti lal
house for furnishiug one 1962 auto-
nl,)btle for lhe ue of the County Su- NOW .- . BUT ATTRAC
perintendent of Schools. ' t one "
b S),':tiafii;iati°nls tl',*,ndoffbi, d offlTiT s C may SHELTON HAS NO BAKERY i'w ,s really
, C , , oun- O . , all iurnace
ty SuperJntendeni of Schools ur one and only SPECIALTY BAKER has retlred and :#^ .....
". " ' • . . - .... , li lnsulacecl al
.A]I .prates shall be F.O.B, Shelton, will give away his business, ALL equipment and his be any of th= an-ll-z
waHnlnglon wi : i- --
;rile c • ..... shes to a younger couple for
• 'OUNty reserves toe rignt to ,4 ,,,
reje.ct any el" all bids or accept that I,DUU : ...
countybid deemed most advantageous, to the .K''' ,.¢, A|
Date .............. , x lr-.l .NDRED DOLLARS . ,
u a] llOl{on Wasnlng[on Tats . / .
, ,;,',, 2, . .......... ' .... Located on busy street, It includes coffee counter jnd .
Chai,'.,an of the BoArd "--ll M 'N r , . "EaS
1/11-18 2t JLi. lvl il '
NOTICE HA 6-6592 ANYTIME 321 So. 1st 6i ""
Notice is hcrcby given that the real Shelton ....... ; ..........
il¢l pecsona/ pi:!)pcrty lax re/Is of , , . -.,..' .
iv]ason uouuty, washington, for the • "-...,..
year 1962, have, becn delivered to me, • '" I" .
in accordance with lhe law for the ' " ' 'i' S
co!l,:ct!on or, the taxes as shown tberc-: -------- - 0ME E:
in ThL r( tl and personal property M ' ht .....
tax, s for the year 1962 w,,, be due ...RB ROTTER & ASS091ATES :p' .EoR o
andpayablc on and after the 15th day
of February, 1962, . '" , &, 0 M
IO<ur oCOt s _ Are you on retirement and having a strug- [i<. y FHA appl
' " • "on uounty • , • ? " *, m#e • ixcellent ,
,SA) gle to make zt on your pensmn., Coull: aures you'll like
oaten at Shelton, Washington Jan- vOU use another $150 $200 or more a wv NT 3oo :
uary 11, 1962. ' j -r " :,, ..... ":
1/11-18-25 3t month in about 6 or 7 days of very easy: th£'s -o, eas
€ 9 0 Pic !6r only $4250
WAN IED work each month Requires $1,500 ,., :' .
• " , " ': i ..... as Walk to Hil
_ cash investment. Business headouarters Vl,.
.. .. ..... already estabhshed m Shelton and'gomg = 0WN BER0
orAA AAINI , • . ave sraall furnisl
IX.. ..... very well. You can t miss. Prevlo.u, si! '!,comfrtahle
i ox-klJl-a2-k'l'lUIN S othi Ontraet for $5C
i business experience not necessary. It :! '.,' 'il
PR'CaSS.ZP, CEAmJS all set up and ready for you t:o take 6Per; ! o-'" • pay you
", ., -g,i., ouu-gal. • • E0N
750-ga. Immediate action necessary. ........ ^ 011 ,. IS GOING
Drain l'*lelds, Ditch Digging a *"
SHARER DIGGLNG SERVICE, ..... :, lU,.. .... .I " uilt homl
00,,one 600.6o lllivh lln##av E Aeenn,Mao,, f,rep,ace
' 8 1Rtfn IlilII lllVlilll Ikli n@@IVlClLO : i13,50a _m bath, spaciou
"- ' ' . , .' . un FHA fizianci:
124 North 1st St ,'Shelton HA-6-66 $I 'it VCe OUT A DUPL
W I e t l , Eyenlngs HA 6-3530 . i iT?;avi/:bVnoYCf;
, layme n ' y
D r i lll n g l0w t.
HA 6-4245'
A6 TO OWNBS , ,labial._ 1 but expandable
i - ' ' • 'i I!- 'gll. Very econom
.... BOOTH-- When you decide to sell or if you alread_e t W:'!VH T.e
CONSTRUCTION CO. have property on the market, consider tll )a vnave" two 3-bed
Call or write us for an appointment NOI sIb Iss OR REN".
2816 Empire Way South -- PA - 5-0600 f A.
: . 6-63!