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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 18, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 18, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, January 18,j lursda,, January 18, 1962  SHELTON,S FINEST New 2 BR Rambler will be ready for CUpancy in two week.s. This home was built for genuine living. ae all electric built-in kitchen is a dream come true for the li°rnemakers 21:, baths family room with 2 sets of sliding glass 0ors to pbtio 'l"he living room was desig]ed for the discrimin- lie entertainer. Must be seen to appreciate. By Appointment. CAN'T BE BEAT for nice friendly large rooms, 2 BR's, one _  as large as two average size BR's. Large living room with .]replace. Fenced yard with Bar-B-Q built ready for summer Be. Cl0s e to school and stores. $8,500.00. .... Legal PublicationSJursT MADE FOR FAMILY WITH GRADE SCHOOL CHIL- -[o REN 3 BR's, six rooms in all, dining area, garage, corner lot, NO. 3331 ! v,600.00 LARGE'TWO STORY HOME ON HILLCREST This older home nab a .spacious living-dining room area. The compact kitchen is aYeBientlY planned. Two BR's down with a possible two up. The full basement has a workshop, storage, washing facilities nd an'economical wood furnace. ,Only one block from stores an "three to school. Owner is leaving town and is including SOme furnishings. $8,400.00. NEW H()ME on extra large lot near Mt View School 7 rooms all'which consist of 3 BR's large living room, unique angular lichen and dining room m'ld utility wired and plumbed for aSher and dr,,er, llm bath and one half double garage which T.p=astered as is the complete house. Many other extras that Slake this house a home. Will F.H.A. $16,500.00. LARGE/FAMILY HOME close to school and shopping area. as 3 BR's, possible 4. Bath and V,, large garage and work a0P,. Modestly priced with extra corner lot. $13,500.00. iRENTALs: 2 and 3 BR's. LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE Attorney for said Estate. HA. 6-4666 Angle Building Shelton. Wasl. , .. " ' 1/11-18-25  -, .... Evenings Call i 1,via GaPey, HA 6-3132 AI LaBissoniere, HA 6-864.9 NO. 3333 L ,'. ' .... Harry (Bob) Wiles, HA 6-8926 NOTICE TO CREDITO BIz=L .... IN THE SUPERIOR'COURT OF''*L_ STATE OF WASHINGTON ]mm..__-- NOTICE TO CREDITOI TO I RESENT AND FILE CJ-_ IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY (IN PROBJ In the Matter of the Estate of IS C. VAN ARSDALE, DeceaSe! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI the undersigned, Katherine S, Arsdale has been appointed am qualified as Executrix of the Will and Testament and of the of Louis C. Van Arsdale de and that all persons having i against the said estate or the deceased are hereby required to the same duly verified in dul with the necessary vouchers attJ upon the undersigned Executr her attorney of record" at the Is rice of B. Franklin Heuston, Building. Shelton, Washington, file sucl claims together with of service with the Clerk of the entitled Court within six (6) I after the date of the first publ of this notice, to-wit: 11 Januar: or all claims not so presente filed will be forever barred. KATHERINE S. VAN ARS Executrix. Estat of Louis d Arsdale, deceased. Address: 700 Turner, Shell0| Washington B. FRANKLIN HEU'STON, MASON COUNTY In the Matter of tb* Estate oil ERT EBERT. Deceased. Robert E. Hulliger is the aPP' and qualified Executor of said All persons having claims again: deceased are required to ser same in duplicate, duly verifi' said Executor or hisattorney, L. Snyder at the address bdlov/ and file the same witli the CI sad Court. together with pr0 such service, within +six montlS: the date of first publication o! notice, or the same .will be bar, DATE of first publication: J# 11, 1962. ROBERT E. HULLIG]B Executor 838 N.E. 55th, Seattle 5. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER " Attorney at Law 125zfi N, 5th . . Shelton. Washington I]11-18-25 NOTICE OF GIOUND rA RIGIIT AI'PLICATION NO. STATE OF WASHINGTON 0 OF SUPERVISOR OF WATII SOURCES. Olympia. Angle Agency EXCeptional Buys on Homes & Building Sites TW0BE, DROOM HOME ON ANGLESIDE -- o ,_ An: excellent buy on a two bedroom, plastered home TW .P.aClous lots with even a kennel for your-dog. The home has ea refinished on the inside and new shake roof and siding.. One  OUr better values at $9650. DOWN TOWN-- HOME WITH SMALL RENTAL he--lieere is a fine two bedroom home located down town, electric rO' fireplace and other convenient features. Also a one bed- a, furnished rental that would help make payments. Priced $15,'000. Make an offer. ',0R.NER LOT WITH I/3 ACRE AND iN TOWN iar Well located older 3 bedroom home on Southside with a trees3 g3g: tand ::%mclJot 1 wsh3Pat 8jrd0e.n area with fruit TAKE NOTICE: That Simpson Timber ComPa[h- Shelton. Washington on Jand: ' '4 BEDROOMS OR 57 ? ? 1962, filed application for per.[fa?.,,.lee is a 4 or 5 bedroom home that would be ideal for a withdraw public grounu , mU 'W .... through a well situated withl_:'e, ?th talent. The home m m need of some paint but other- Wz/.,NW of Section 9 Tow** . ,t IS in good condition. It has a dinin room, breakfast - ; 'o ¢ k . . g tN, R#e 4mWo.uTnM l50Mtt0,[m, iwPloa(Ce in the large hwng room, full basement, bath and mi'nute subject to existin right#l'eu d floors. Located ou cornet" lot with an extra lot in tinuously, each year for the. P $15,750 with 10N, down. of commercial use. d[J';= Any objections must bc acco .n. uT.T'u ........... • ' i '"' rl- I"Lt.P_. PUH YUU by a two dollar ($2.00) recordl_r li . . '" ' M. G. WALKER tef|TW0 Stat( Supervisor of Wa ; lq).  EDROOM HOME ON SOUTHSIDE ltesources / t felTS  " ' eat= t time listed for this very fine two bedroom home lo- - atd' t .short distance from grade school. This home has many kr + ., T[ qA I. ETATaaA etlve features such as fireplace, panelled living room, shop _." Y n garage and large lot 120 x 100. Priced to sell at $9450. )W BUT ATT.ACT,VE 2 BR HOME ON 00NG'ESIDE |bt i his.,one is really cute, and it's loaded. Corner lot, fenced S NO BAKERY , |ea? Oil wall furnace that costs less than $9.00 per month to .TY BAKER has retired .ad[all :(:Well insulated and very well built. It also has' a fireplace ALL equipment and his be P | many of the appliances and furnishings go with. $9850.00. 00-- INDRED DOLLARS AL ANGLE AGENCY ncludes coffee counter and.  [ T LEASE ' ESTATE INSIfRANCE ,. MANN HERe DICK kL ESTATE HA 6-827 321 So. 1st Sb ;Iton .......... 80ME EXCELLENT BUYS & ASSO,GIATES BEOROOM HOME FOR ONLY ,7650 ,. .  .. , aav£  ; small furnished cottages net $50/month, and • you still °ityute: stagY2 Vle ° i! !°!t!!c° an n t,oessarylt • . . t ve-'', this excellent 3 bedroom home in a top residential area. /fit m • I - • .%ra,..,uW,ll-built:' home with features such as separate dining ][. J]l[lllll'd[ tl0WLt:Vely fireplace with bui|t- bookcases separate sta.ll u|aL 13,50, re'bath, spacious bedrooms with cedar closets, etc. Only on FHA financing. Like to see it ? STATE HA 6-664 ..Ove A,OUT A DUPLEX DOWNTOWN NEAR 8CHOOL,? ••" " ld% anave a very comfortable unit that has 3 bedro0ms'on one HA 6-3530 Ot laU one bedroom on the other. Let the other fellow"help " 0W Y' for it. Only $10,750, and you can use your home as a . payment. VNERS m, mal,, ' ouCan have a horse, garden,, fruit, berries pets, etc. + .Its ahia s t expandable cottage for $4950, and includes some fur- ®  • very economical living here! sell or if you alread W,,,,+ITH THE OPTION OF PURCHASING .•• •  tit . nave t e a little fixing, market, consider tb  ae - we 3-bedroom. properties that ne d • ' .... aYe,,.very livable r,ght now. You can buy with your rent lslng our services, s- -s.. Easy way to get started! be intelligently pricel ,A DANOY 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE FOR $550 • • ; oc] swd vv'ao+'wl !'e t ,well-constructed, with so many excellent featue you re .... • ,. __ tra.l_ +, and located in area of mmflar nice homes. ,. no are able 1;o Duy i rge lot for garden, PMY area, etc. See it now! • '[2.pOOM & DEN HOME THAT GETS MY VOTE!.... ,_.e: __ ' ........ .1L,;iIfle.':'." Because of the many "extras" we all want in a race llIle(1 buyers, luu,  ra ueh thin tract,ve fire lace, ex , .  bath - " gs as lovely carpeting, at ' " P .." aer view, nomes 10"t'rd, et covered patio, workshop, toasty-warmheating, pretcy • tats home naB them all! Only $15,900. l Tj S FOR RENTALS -- HOMES OR APARTMENTS an appointment NOV PROPERTIES outh  PA - 5-0600 'ASHINGTON tftt Evenings Call MARV VOSS -- HA 6-8074 ROY DUNN -- HA 6-4601 A. ROY D UNN HA 6-6363 REALTOR • 126 Railroad Ave. II SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U 8 A.," Shelton Washington l i ,, l I I  I ' " i i ii Legal POSTOFFICE DISTRIBUTING Legal Publications REAL ESTATE Publications NEW FALLOUT PAMPHLET ...... , NUMltEII 8113 NIL 3328 OIIDINAN('E NO. 61 Approximately 2,000 copies of SUMMONS IY I'ITILICATION NOTICE TO CIIFD1T(llf,N AN ORDINANCI£ t°]OVIDING FOR the new Department of Defense IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE IN I'ROBATI,; THE VACATION OF TIlE ALLEY IN LOCK 15 OF DAVID SHELTON'S STATE Of WASHI1TGT()N IN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH] THIRD ADDITION TO T}ilg CITY OF Office of Civil Defense pamphlet AND FOR MASON COUNTY STATE OF WASHINGTON FOI SHELTON. BETWEEN 9th AND 10lh "Fallout Protection---What To MYRTLE KELLY. Plaintiff, THE COUNTY OF MASON STREETS FROM CEI)AR STRI+]ET vs. In the Matter of the Estate of WIL- TO FRANKLIN STREET. Know and Do About Nuclear At- JACK KELLY• Defendant. LIAM ALLEN also known as Willlmr WHEREAS• a petition duly signed tacit" are now available in the THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO B. Alien. I)ceeased. by person. interested thvrem was filed Shelton postoffice to Mason Coun- THE SAID JACK KELLY. Defendant: You are ]lerel)y smunloned to all- N.iice is hereby given tirol tile an- Ol1 el ltbetlt Oc+toht.v 25. 11|61. with tile ty residents wishing them, Post- pear within sixty (60) days exclusive dersigned has been appointed and has City Conunission of the City of Shun master J. H. Gray armounced this of tie day of service, to wit. within qualified as exec.utrix f the ablate of ton cequesting such vacalion o1' the week. sixty days of the 28th day of Deeem- William Allen. Decease]: that a/1 per- alley in Block 15 of David Sluiton's her. 1961. and defend the above en- sons having claims against said de- Tlfird Addition the City of Shelt,n. titled actioll ill the court aforesaid, ceased are herel)y required 1.o serve between 9th and 10th Streets [rein Ce- and answer the comphzint of the the same duly verified on said exe- dar Street to Franklin Street and - - - plaintiff and serve a copy of your cutrix or her aitorm;ys of record at WHEREAS after due notice giwn answer upon the undersigned attorney the address below st;tied, and file as required by law. a hearing was held the same with the Clerk of said Court upon sa,d petition on the 21st day of for l)laintiff at her office tlelow stated; together with proof of such service November. ' 1961. and it appearing and ]n case of your failure so to do. judglnent will be rendered against within six m(mths after the date of therelrom that there'is good and suffi- ci,nt ret.son LO gl'Lnt iile rt'quest in you according to the demands Of the ilrst publication of this notice, or tile said petith)n. comphdnt whiet will be filed with same -will be barred NOW. THEREFORE• THE C I T Y --- Real Date offirstpublicatlon, Deeember COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF which is herewith served upon you. 28. 1961. +HELTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOL- The cause of :tion hereto is to BERTHA ALLEN VISSER LOWS: ecure a divorce on the grounds of E[.eeutrix of said Estate. 1. That duo and lawful notice of this crueity and non support. 1)roceeding has beell given in all re- Estate TRENA BELSITO ]528 Washingu)n Bldg. specLs and Lhis Ordinance shall he in WORTHINGTON. Seattle. Washington full force and effect from and after Attomley for Plaintiff Frederick Paul ns passage and publication as required Office and Post Office Address: Attorney for Estate. by row. 205 Thurston Savings and Loan Bldg. 1528 Washington Bldg. 2. That the alley in Block 15 of Da- 4 BEDROOM HOME, 2 LOTS Olympia, Washington Seattle Washington. vial Shelton's Thn'd Addition to the MID-MOUNTAIN VIEW 12/28 1/4-11-1g-25 2/1 6t 12/28 1/4-11-18 4t City Of Shelton. between 9th and 10th Streets from Cedar Street to Franklin Street as shown on the recorded plat • Here's an immaculate home in NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS thereof on file in the Auditor's office A-1 condition. .Large comfortable of Mason County, be and the same is Living Room, spacious kitohen APPEARING TO BE OWNERS hereby vacated, subject to the right of the City of Shtllton to go on ad over with plenty of cabinets . . . nice OF ABANDONED PROPERTY the vacated portion of said alley for dining-activity area . . . these fea- repairs and maintenance of llubllc util- tures tend to make this a real The following person appears to be owner of certain intan- ities, if any there, be. and subject to family home. The double lot is gible personal property which has been reported to the State Tax the replacem(mt of the exisLing sani- partly enclosed to keep the young- Commission. tary sewer with a 12 inch pernmnent type pipe from the manhole on Ninth sters in. Priced at $8,750 . Jones, June J., Route 1, Box 67, Shelton. Street to tim manhole on Tenth Street. AND a 4V2v/¢ FHA mortgage can Information concerning the amount or description of the Introduced in regu/ar CommiSsion meeting this 28th day of November. be assumed! property and the name and address of the holder may be obtained 1961. by any person possessing a legal interest ill the property by ad- Passed in regular Commission meet- 2 BDRM HOME, SHELTON'S dressing an inquiry to the Tax Commission, Unclaimed Property ing this 9tt day of January, 1962. EARL H. MOORE, WEST END, GOLDSBOROUGH Division, P.O. Box 510, Olympia, Washington. Mayor If proof of claim is not presented by the owner to the holder ATTEST: CREEK FRONTAGE OF 120' and if the owner's right to receive the property is not established ALMA K. CATTO, to the holder's satisfaction within sixty-five days from the date Approved as to form: Clerk • Nicely located on a large vol- of the second published notice, the abandoned property will be JOHN C. RAGAN, ume stream . . . heavy rock rip- placed not later than eighty-five days after such publication city Attorney 1/18 it rap protects creek bank. Good date in the custody of the Tax Commission. 5-room home centered on ,2 lots. Expansive living room, new W/W TAX COMMISSION OF THE NOTICE OF SAI,I," OF FOREST PRODUCTS VALUED AT LESS carpet. A pleasing dining room STATE OF WASHINGTON TIIAN $2,000,00 and colorful kitchen. Utility area. By Clark Squire STAT] OF WASHINGTON You'll like the open-style interior. Commissioner DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL Central furnace in Vz basement. 1/18- 25- 2t RESOURCES BERT L. COLE. The p¢ice is only $7,500 and $1,000 Commissioner of Public Lands down. Notice is hereby given that on Men- the 29th day of January, 1962, ng aL at te.n o'clock in the $0' GOOD WATERFRONT at the Shelton Distrlct Head- HERB ROTTER and quarters oftheDepartmentofNatural Resour(;es, the following described for- AT;I'RACTIVE 5-'ROOM HOME eat products will be sold at public auc- tion to the highest bldder. ASSOCIATES Approximately 25 thousand board • Owners have Seattle commit- feet of Douglas fir timber. ment . . . and have priced their Located In Pt. NElA NEU See. 24. TWP. 23 N., Rge. 4 W. W.M., close-in suburban 3-bedroom home CoUnty, Washington. under the market for this kind of Herb Rotter, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker CASII SALE waterfront. 60' excellent bathing Office -- HA 6-6642 Evenings- HA 6-3530 Forest products wlll be sold on cash 'basis. beaoh with T/L. 70' deep cased 9 ACRES OF GOOD GARDEN SOIL, Drilled well, garage and Minimum acceptable bid will be well. Landscaping, lawns in. $437.50. Storm windows, refrigerator and other outbuildings -- 4 rooms, 2 Bedrooms, Bath. A On or before ]0 a,m.. January 29, drapes included. A discerning real buy at $10,500.00. 1962. each bidder must make a mini- mum deposli of $48.75 plus a $5.00 bill buyer will approve the $12,000 of sale fee. or a total of $53.75 in the price. Terms arranged. Sellers 15 ACRES WITH OLDER HOUSE -- Needs some work -- Full form of cash. money order or certified will consider a trade for home in price $1,250.00. check. Said deposit shall constitute an Ol)ening bid at tle appraised price, Renton, Eastgate, or Bellevue Upon completion of this sale, the re- areas of Seattle. IF YOU WANT A GOOD BUY IN WATERFRONT on Ham- speettve deposits shall be returned to mersley Inlet we have some at $45.00 per foot for 425 the unsu(.ssful bidders. The pur- STOCK AND HORSE RANCH feet. chaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price on tile day of sab+. This balance may 68 ACRE SHOW PLACE 6 ROOMS WITH 3 BEDROOMS "AND BATH, garage, 4 nice lots be paid by personal check. All cileeks, FINE 3 BDRM FARM HOME inside city. Price $6,000.00. $500.00 Down. money orders, etc. are to be made PREPARE YOUR FUTURE payable, to tile Comnlissioner of Public Lands. 175 FT. OF WATERFRONT ON HAMMERSLEY INLET with BOND: Upon award of sale. the pur- • 55 tillable acres. Panoramic 3 Bedroom house. The uplands are well wooded With chaser must also furnish a cash bond $100.00, In the fornl of (:ash money foothills view. Fenced. 2 large native trees. This can be purchased for $9,250.00. of " order', cert tied cheek or bank draft, to barns, stock sheds. ..4-unit shop- Terms. guarantee (onlpliunce wiih all terms Of garage. Completely equipped; the bill of sale. farm machinery includes 2-trac- 138 FEET ON LAKE ISABELLA---Excellent waterfront -2 Any sale which has been offered, tore (l-new) PLUS 1V2 ton Ford Bedroom house with fireplace, electric heat. Full price and for which no blds are received shall not be reoft'ered until it has been truck and much more. Immacu- $10,000.00. readvertised. If all sales cannot be of- fered within the specified time on the late furniture goes with the home, advertised (late. the sale shall continue including an upright piano and 2 BEDROOM HOME -- Large upstairs can be used for sleeping on the following day hctween the new Amana 17 cu. ft. freezer, rooms. New double garage, 40 x 60 Barn. All this on hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four Everything about this property is 40 acres of good land. Full price $13,500.00. Terms. o'clock p.m. The State of Washington does not in apple-pie order. 30 minutes to guarantee its published cruises of the towns. Shown by appointment. WE HAVE SOME HOOD CANAL PROPERTY just south of herein described forest products, and Look over the inventory and you Union for $30.00 per foot. purchasers thereof shall have no re- course against either the State ef will like the full price of $21,000, Washington or the Board of Natural $8,500 down to the right buyer. APARTMENT HOUSE 5 units gross $3,300.00, 90% occupied Resourees if the actual cut does not equal such published cruises. Immediate possession, sinee 1947. Near schools and shopping. Landscaped Forest products must be removed grounds. Full price $32,500.00. Terms. prior to June 30. 1962. SEE US FOR THESE FARMS Located approximately 25 miles north of Shelton. • 80 acres, 15 clear, well drained. 3 BEDROOMS, F'IREPLACE, GARAGE, excellent water system, Accessibility Via public road. All year large flow creek. Medi- 210 Ft. of waterfront with tidelands. $14,750.00. Terms. saleA cOpycontractOf thels foreStpostedPrOduCtSat the Sheltonbill of District Headquarters office. um barn, stock shed. 2 bdrm sound BERT L. COLE ranChpriced athOme'$8,500.21 miles West. Herb Rotter 8[ As$0¢iate$ Commissioner of Public 1/18Landslt • 80 acres, 65 clear level, 60" NO. 3332 deep loam . . . going dairy ranch REAL ESTATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS • . . fenced, cross-fenced. Farm 124 North 1st Street Union TW 8-2429 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR machinery.., concrete block milk MASON COUNTY house • • . 3 stall surge . . cow In the Matter of the Estate of AIR- and hay barns . . 70 ton silo. 17 THUR WILLIAM WELSH. Deceased. Ltcile G. Wtdsh is the. appoint:ed and head herd coming into full produc- qualified Administratrix of said estate. ties. Ever flowing creek. 1,800' Where Will The Money Come From? All persons having claims against said irrig, pipe. 1-2 bed cabin and 6 deceased are required to serve the weather beaten ranoh house. One thing, far more than any other, same in duplicate, duly verified, on 35 minutes to town. $18,000. keeps families from owning the sort of said Admlnistratrlx or her attorney, home they really want. That is the old Rober L. Snyder at the address below stated, and file the same with the • 33 acres bottom land, 9 olear, bug-a-boo . , . MONEY. It is true, of Clerk of sid Cmwt. togetimr with Small stock ranch. Dble garage, course, that money is needed to pur- proof of such service, within six 8 rooms, 5 bdrms, basement-w0od chase any property. What some folks cationm°nthsofafterthis thenotice.dateor ofthefirStsamePUbll.will furnace. 6 miles West. Terms at don't realize is: MUCH of that money be barred. $12,500. need not be theirs! DATE of first publication: January We have a number of sources for mort- IS, 1962. LUCILE G. WELSH • 13V acres, 7 clear, 6 miles gage funds. Some owners will take Administratrix N•E, Large creek and T/L water back a second mortgage as part pay- 916 So. 10th Street Shelton, Washington 3 bdrm. 6 rm. home. $11,000. ment. Others may accept your present ROBERT L. SNYDER home in trade. There ARE ways to buy Attorney at Law a home, even if your ready cash is lira- 125% N. 5th ited. She]ton, Washington CALL HA 6-6592 ANYTIME You should know about them. It may 1/18-25-2/1-8 4t MANN ESTATE be possible for you to have,.a nice home NO. S256 sooner than ou dreamed possible. May- NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL ......... be even now REPORT AD PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION We'll be glad to help you with financing IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 321 South First Street . . . or any other problem that stands in STATE O! WASHINGTON FOR VENING8 CALL the way Of your "home happiness." THE COUNTYIN PROBATEOF MASON. JOHN D'VEREUX WATERFRONT REALTY Z, the Matte," of tho esta,e of EIR- • NADINE S. VAN HOOK. Deceased. 317 RR AVE. HA 6-8535 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that "HOMK-FINDER" AT HA 6-$44 George Esx,eldt. executor of the es-  tate of Bernadine S. Van Hook, de- r -- _ = ceased has filed in tle office of the Clerk of said Court his Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, dis- PREFERRED PROPERTIES ,,i.ut+ the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discimrge said George Esveldt as executor of the above entitled estate: and that said - Wonderful Neighborhood . LOOK!! report and petition will be heard on • • the 2rid day of March. 1962. at 10:00 You'll like the people here and so Only $300 down and you can A.,, at the court room of the Pro- will the children. Better still, you move right into this comfortable, bae Department of said Court. at which time and place any person in- and the children will like all the room three bedroom home. $3750 is the terested in said estate may appear in this four bedroom home with a full price, so why not call today, and file objections thereto and con- test the same. dandy family room. FHA appraised Dated this 8th day of January, 1962. at $9000 and $400 is all you need for  SUMMER FUN AHEAD HARRY DEYETTE, down payment and closing. Beat the spring rush for water- Clerk of said Court 1/18-25 2/1 31 IDEAL LOCATION front property. See this ideal low- This neat and clean two bedroom bank lot with small cabin, breath- Bell Riders Have home is in a perfect downtown lees- taking view, and small stream to- day. Priced at $6000 with $2000 down, tion, just right for the retired cou- i+hl iii, ple. $7500 is the 'full price and con- call Vince Himlie for more informa- Pall00 At Davon tion. tract terms can be arranged. Snow and rain didn't dampen LOTS OF ROOM (. WHY RENT? ... the spirits of the Bell Riders and This large, four bedroom country When you can buy your own home their guests Friday evening with home will provide all the room you with a small down payment and low 34 turning out for the social held need for a growing family. Lo- monthly payment. We have three at the Dayton Comnmnity center. cated on six acres with large garage choice, two bedroom homes priced Eft Carney and Jim Taylor took and small barn, we think it's great from $5750 to $9000. We know you turns as the M.C. for the games and we're sure you will like it too. will like these homes, so why not call played. During the evening sand- The full price is only $9750. today for an appointment? wiche, cake, punch and coffee were served. WATERFRONT REALTY 00other ovooio00 i, p,=. ned for  Saturday, Jan. 27, when the Will have  skating party. VINC= HIMLIE 317 RA!LaOAD AVI. MARDEN STROUD HR 6-6501 HA 8-6S ANYTIME HA 6.+ooo Try A Journal Want Ad Page 15 Foresters Hold Dinner Meeting Many local area foresters at- tended the Southwest Washing- ton Chapter of the Society of Am- eriean Foresters dinner meeting held recently in Chehalis. Harry B Lewis. Thurston coun- ty legislator and program chair- man, introduced Dr. John Fedkiw of the U S. Forest and Range Ex- periment StaUon, Portland. Ore- go]] as guest speaker. The topic o his talk was "The Economic As- pects of Advance Roading and Thinning in Second Growth Doug- las Fir." CHAPTER CHAIRMAN, Ken Wiley, announced results of elec- Legal Publications NO. 3334 NOTICE TO CllEI)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHfNGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of t}w Estate of RAY- MOND DILLENBURG. Dee.ased. Thelma M. Dillenburg is the ap- pointed and qualified Administratrix of' sald estate, All person, u having elainm against said deceased are re- dquired to serve the same in duplicate, uly verified, on said Administratrix or her attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address below staled and file tile same with the Clerk of said Court. to- getller with proof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this noticv or the same will be barred. DATE of first publieaiion: January 18. 19112. THELMA M, DILLENBURG Adminlstratrix Star Route 2. Box 9i Shelton. Washington. ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law 125& N. 5th Shelton. Washington 1/18-25-2/1-$; 4t NO. 3329 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN" THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE - In the Matter of the Estate of OS- CAR. RYDEEN. Deceased. NOT:ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Executrix of the Estate of Oscar Rydeen, de- ceased; that all persons having claims against said de, ceased are hereby re. fuired to serve the same, duly reTI- ed, on the undersigned Executrix or her attorney of record at the ad- dry,us beJow stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, to* gether with proof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred Date of first publication: January 4. 192. PEARL RYDEEN. Executrix Glenn E. Correa Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton. Washi gton ties held last month for National officers• Paul M. Dunn formerly Dean of the School of Forestry, Oregon State University, now as. sociated wiLh St. Regis Paper Company, is the new President. Chairman Wiley also announced results of a National Referendum on Wilderness. "Gy u significant majority, members of the Society of Amer- ican Foresters in u lnail referen- dum expressed their approval of the present methods of establish- ing wilderness areas on federal lands, mid their disapproval of a proposed wildnerness preservation systmn by act of Congress", said Wiley. A total of 4,235 members a.p- proved the following proposition: • "Wilderness areas should con- tinue to be established by execu- tive action of the Secretarie of the Federal Departments tha£ are administratively responsible for Lhe establishment of present and potential areas suitable for wilder- ness pleservation." Less than 29 percent (1,693) of the voters approved the alternate proposition: "Wilderness areas as now estab- lished should be included in a wil- derness preservation system by act of Congress with specifications as to permitted uses and with provision for additions, deletions, and the designation of new areas." Warren J. Zeiller Ends Navy Training Warren James Zeitler, Navy Airman, has completed the first 19 weeks of basic electronics school for Fire Control Technicians in Memphis. Tenneee. Warren graduated from Irehe S. Reed High School in June of 1960 and entered the Navy in February of 1961. He was a varsity football and track letterman tn high chool. MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. iv ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m, Eugene Breid, Pastor 1/4-11-18-25 4t FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cots Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 21---; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship, "God's Promise To You" 7:00 p,m. Evening Service, "Heaven In Your Home" YOU ARE INVITED To A Series Of 12 Talks On BASIC TEACHINGS OF CHRISTIANITY Presented by Pastor Carl J. Carlsen First session will be held Monday, January 15 at 8 p,m, in the church auditorium FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH, 7th & Franklin Offered as a service by the congregation, no obligation, YOU ARE WELCOME AT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, pastor Sunday School --. Classes for All ...................... 9:45 A,M. Morning" *Worship ................................................ 11:00 A,M. Christ's Ambassadors ............................................ 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service ............................................ 7:00 P,M• "The Church Where You Are Never A Stranger" ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev, Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. -- H0]y +' Communion 9:30 A.M. -- Chilrch School md Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M. Divine Worship The Church is always open for reed|ration and prayer FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Bible School ........ 9:4 ram. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a,m. Family Service 6:80 p.m. ' Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- ?,80 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service FAITH LUTHERAN OHURGH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship. Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clase 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. OARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church. -- N't'l Lutheran Ccouneil THE METHODIST GHUROH North 4th and Pine 6treBle ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister Church 8ohool, 9:30 a,m, Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a,m, Methodist Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p,m, RRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST 802 Alder 81,, 8ielton, Wash• Sunday School 9:30 t.m. Church 11 a.m, ' Wednesdayevening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Redtng room located m church. Reading room hour=  to 4 p.m• ton. & FrL Wed. evening 6: to ?:4,